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Pack ape -- examples/the_lol_policy.ace.txt

/** @title The LOL policy @author Kaarel Kaljurand @version 2008-01-30

This is based on the if-then sentences in Appendix A in "Further Notes. Draft of December 19, 2007" by Juri Luca De Coi.

The idea has been to convert Juri's if-then sentences into every-sentences to see if they come out more readable than the if-then sentences, and also to test the Core ACE paraphraser which would translate the every-sentences back into if-then sentences. This way we will have 3 sets of sentences: Juri's original sentences, Kaarel's "everyfication", DRACE Core's paraphrases. We should make sure that APE really converts them into equivalent DRSs. We should also make sure that Protune users accept those 3 sets as equivalent.

Note: the sentences below can be parsed with guessing on. On 2007-12-30, the roundtrip ACE1->DRS->ACE2->DRS worked, where ACE1 is this file, DRS is its DRS-translation, ACE2 is the Core ACE paraphrase of ACE1, and DRS (i.e. the same DRS as before) is its DRS-translation. */

/* r1 */ Every user can browse "index".

/* r2 */ Every resource that is public can be downloaded by every user.

/* r3 */ Every user who is authenticated and who has a subscription that is available-for a resource can download the resource.

/* r4 */ Every user who is authenticated and who buys a resource can download the resource.

/* r5 */ Every user can log all information.

/* r6 */ Every user who sends a credential that is an identifier and whose name is the user's name and whose public key is challenged by "System" is authenticated.

/* r7 */ Every user who provides a declaration whose username is the user's name and whose password is the user's password is authenticated.

/* r8 */ Every user who registers at "http://lol.com/register.php" is authenticated.

/* r9 */ Every credential whose type is an id and whose issuer is trusted-for the type is an identifier.

/* r10 */ "id" is an id.

/* r11 */ "ssn" is an id.

/* r12 */ "passport" is an id.

/* r13 */ "driving_license" is an id.

/* r14 */ Every user who pays the price of a resource with "fastPay" buys the resource.

/* r15 */ Every user who pays the price of a resource with "creditCard" buys the resource.

/* r16 */ Every user who provides a declaration and who sends a credential that is valid and whose type is "fastPay" and on which a price is charged with a pin of the declaration pays the price with "fastPay".

/* r17 */ Every user who sends a credential that is valid and whose type is "creditCard" and whose owner is authenticated and on which a price is charged pays the price with "creditCard".

/* r18 */ Every credential that is verified by "System" with a public key of an issuer of the credential is valid.