cison :- % create cison.csv and compo.csv retrieved( R ), times( out_berkeley.txt, [_|Bdb] ), times( out_prolog.txt, [_|Pl] ), times( out_prosqlite.txt, [_|Sqlite] ), times( out_rocks.txt, [_|Rocks] ), findall( Row, ( nth1(N,Bdb,Nbdb), nth1(N,Pl,Npl), nth1(N,Sqlite,Nsqlite), nth1(N,Rocks,Nrocks), nth1(N,R,Nr), Row =.. [row,Npl,Nbdb,Nsqlite,Nrocks,Nr] ), Rows ), Hdr =.. [hdr,prolog,berkeley,sqlite,rocks,retrieved], csv_write_file( cison.csv, [Hdr|Rows] ), directory_files( '../test_sets', Files ), test_files_samples( Files, Samples ), sort( Samples, Order ), length( Order, Length ), length( R, Length ), findall( CompoRow, (nth1(N1,Order,Pop),nth1(N1,R,R1),CompoRow=..[row,Pop,R1]), CompoRows ), csv_write_file( 'compo.csv', [row('sample','retrieved')|CompoRows] ). db_sizes :- % Hs = pack(bio_db_repo/data/graphs/string/, Hs = pack(bio_db_repo/data/graphs/string), Opts = [file_type(directory),access(exist)], absolute_file_name( Hs, Dir, Opts ), working_directory( Here, Dir ), Pfx = 'du -h -s -L -D ', atomic_list_concat( [Pfx,'* >',Here,'/sizes.txt'], '', Shell ), shell( Shell ), /* setup_call_cleanup( % process_create(path(du), ['-h',-s -L -D',file('.')], [stdout(pipe(Out))] ), process_create(path(du), ['-h','-s','-L','-D','\\*'], [stdout(pipe(Out))] ), read_lines(Out, Lines), close(Out) ), maplist( writeln, Lines ), */ working_directory( _, Here ), open( sizes.txt, read, In ), read_line_to_codes( In, Line ), db_sizes_stream( Line, In, Sizes ), csv_write_file( 'sizes.csv', [hdr('size','interface')|Sizes] ), true. db_sizes_stream( end_of_file, _In, [] ) :- !. db_sizes_stream( Line, In, Sizes ) :- break_list_on_list( Line, `edge_string_hs.`, Left, Right ), atom_codes( Ext, Right ), % fixme: check for known ext here if to exclude ? !, once( append(SizeCs,[0'\t|_],Left) ), reverse( SizeCs, RevSizeCs ), db_size_codes( RevSizeCs, Size ), read_line_to_codes( In, NewLine ), Sizes = [row(Size,Ext)|Tizes], db_sizes_stream( NewLine, In, Tizes ). db_sizes_stream( _Line, In, Sizes ) :- read_line_to_codes( In, NewLine ), db_sizes_stream( NewLine, In, Sizes ). db_size_codes( [0'M|Mcs], Size ) :- !, reverse( Mcs, SizeCs ), number_codes( Size, SizeCs ). db_size_codes( [0'G|Gcs], Size ) :- reverse( Gcs, SizeCs ), number_codes( Mize, SizeCs ), Size is Mize * 1000. db_size_codes( [0'K|Kcs], Size ) :- reverse( Kcs, SizeCs ), number_codes( Kize, SizeCs ), Size is Kize / 1000. read_lines(Out, Lines) :- read_line_to_codes(Out, Line1), read_lines(Line1, Out, Lines). read_lines(end_of_file, _, []) :- !. read_lines(Codes, Out, [Line|Lines]) :- atom_codes(Line, Codes), read_line_to_codes(Out, Line2), read_lines(Line2, Out, Lines). gen_times :- % create gen_times.csv and db_sizes.csv open( '../gen.txt', read, In ), read_line_to_codes( In, Line ), gen_times_stream( Line, In, GenTimes ), close( In ), csv_write_file( gen_times.csv, [hdr(iface,cpu_times,all_times)|GenTimes] ). gen_times_stream( end_of_file, _In, [] ) :- !. gen_times_stream( Line, In, GenTimes ) :- append( `% timing: `, IfaceCs, Line ), atom_codes( Iface, IfaceCs ), read_line_to_codes( In, NxtLine ), gen_times_stream_cpu_all( NxtLine, In, Cpu, All ), read_line_to_codes( In, NewLine ), GenTimes = [row(Iface,Cpu,All)|TenTimes], gen_times_stream( NewLine, In, TenTimes ). gen_times_stream_cpu_all( Line, _In, Cpu, All ) :- break_list_on_list( Line, `inferences, `, _Pfx, Right ), !, break_list_on_list( Right, ` CPU in `, CpuCs, Right2 ), break_list_on_list( Right2, ` seconds `, AllCs, _Right3 ), maplist( number_codes, [Cpu,All], [CpuCs,AllCs] ). gen_times_stream_cpu_all( _Line, In, Cpu, All ) :- read_line_to_codes( In, NewLine ), gen_times_stream_cpu_all( NewLine, In, Cpu, All ). times( File, Times ) :- open( File, read, In ), read_line_to_codes( In, Line ), times_stream( Line, In, Times ), write( -File ), nl, maplist( writeln, Times ), close( In ). times_stream( end_of_file, _In, Times ) :- !, Times = []. times_stream( Line, In, Times ) :- times_line( Line, Times, TTimes ), read_line_to_codes( In, NewLine ), times_stream( NewLine, In, TTimes ). times_line( Line, Times, Tail ) :- break_list_on_list( Line, `inferences, `, _Pfx, Right ), !, break_list_on_list( Right, ` CPU`, Left, _Psfx ), number_codes( Time, Left ), Times = [Time|Tail]. times_line( _Line, Tail, Tail ). test_files_samples( [], [] ). test_files_samples( [File|Fs], Samples ) :- write( file(File) ), nl, ( (atom_concat(test_,_,File),file_name_extension(_Stem,csv,File)) -> directory_file_path( '../test_sets', File, Path ), csv_read_file( Path, Rows ), length( Rows, FSamples ), Samples = [FSamples|Tamples] ; Tamples = Samples ), test_files_samples( Fs, Tamples ). break_list_on_list( [X|Xs], [X|Ys], [], Rs ) :- append( Ys, Rs, Xs ), !. break_list_on_list( [X|Xs], Ys, [X|Ls], Rs ) :- break_list_on_list( Xs, Ys, Ls, Rs ). retrieved( R ):- % checks that are all identical retrieved( out_prolog.txt, R ), retrieved( out_berkeley.txt, R ), retrieved( out_rocks.txt, R ), retrieved( out_prosqlite.txt, R ). retrieved( File, R ) :- open( File, read, In ), read_line_to_codes( In, Line ), retrieved_stream( Line, In, R ), close( In ). retrieved_stream( end_of_file, _In, [] ) :- !. retrieved_stream( Line, In, R ) :- retrieved_line( Line, R, Rtail ), read_line_to_codes( In, NewLine ), retrieved_stream( NewLine, In, Rtail ). retrieved_line( Line, R, Tail ) :- append( `% Length: `, Codes, Line ), !, number_codes( Numb, Codes ), R = [Numb|Tail]. retrieved_line( _Line, R, R ).