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Pack chess_db -- doc/Releases.txt

--- Releases ---

1.0 @ 21.06.17 21.06.18 IFACE: chess_db_position/3 21.06.17 FIXED: opening preds work with numeric plies 21.06.08 CHANGE: many internal changes to pin logic and position table 21.06.07 IFACE: chess_dict_piece/3 ADDED: chess_dict_piece_positions/3 ADDED: chess_dict_empty_cross_line_between/3 ADDED: chess_dict_pos_algebraic/2 ADDED: chess_dict_move_pin/3 20.03.28 FIXED: en_passant for black ... IFACE: check mate ! IFACE: pgn_write modality FIXED: i/o modes IFACE: chess_annotate_freq/3 20.03.28 IFACE: chess_dict_move/3 basic unit for move tracking on dict.boards IFACE: chess_pgn_limos/2 convert a full game to all its Inpos FIXED: pgn alias to data/pgn IFACE: new posi table NEW: pawn promotions FIXED: Knights horizon jumps 20.03.27 IFACE: new code for dictionaries: chess_dict_start_board/1 IFACE: convert between dictionary boards and long integer position chess_dict_inpo/2 18.10.14 EXAMPLE: bit more on wco2018 (on team names csv for one) 18.10.08 OPTS: new values for create() (and correction for value true) EXAMPLE: wco2018 now loads the db and creates Caro Kann DEBUG: chess_db gone, chess_db(info) is now the basic debug token 18.10.07 FIXED: remaining references to chess_db_game_id/1 removed CHANGE: pgn alias to chess_db_data (also posted SWI list for data pack 18.10.06 EXAMPLE: started work on wco2018
0.3 @ 18.09.14 18.09.14 IFACE: renaming openning -> opening 18.08.20 IFACE: chess_db_ids_pgn/2 CHANGE: chess_db_id_info/3 -> chess_db_game_info/3 CHANGE: chess_db_game_id/1 -> chess_db_game/1 18.08.17 DOC: updated all examples and predicate docs 18.08.16 CHANGE: Dbs are now relative to dir option entries OPTS: new db(Db) for returning connected abses (chess_db_connect/3) DOC: examples in chess_db_connect/2 18.08.15 IFACE: added arity chess_db/3 IFACE: if arg.DB or opt.DB 3 is var, abs loc is returned 18.08.15 CHANGE: do not fail if one db open fails DEBUG: set debug channel chess_db(true) to on by default FIXED: opening of multiple dbs concurrently (no predicated) IFACE: chess_db_id_info/3 IFACE: chess_db_game_id/1 NEW: chess_db and pgn aliases (and pgn extension for pgn/2) 18.08.05 FIXED: remove atom_codes/2 that had dangling debug atom 18.08.02 FIXED: games with opening comment, and moves are now parsed CHANGE: representation of moves in pgn/2 :( NEW: support $ starting NAGs (Numeric Annotation Glyphs) FIXED: %d to ~d in some debug errors FIXED: new line between N... and the move IMPROVE: the reading-in of originals more strict at separating games UPDATE: chess_db/2 to the new move/5 structure
0.2 @ 18.03.20 18.03.20 DEBUG: new term for White vs Black reading-in update FIXED: nested variations FIXED: recognise * as a valid result (properly read-in) DOC: pack(chess_db) -> chess_db in .pl and Readme
0.1 @ 18.03.18 18.03.17 FIX: single quotes in Info 18.03.13 IFACE: pgn/2 DATA: 4nclall1718.pgn 4ncl_short.pgn 18.02.18 PACK: chess_db