% earley.pl % An Earley-Style Active Chart Parser % Matt Voss % Based on programs by Michael Covington % in his book Natural Language Processing % for Prolog Programmers % 05/07/04 % % % Tested using SWI Prolog 5.2.13 % Availible at http://www.swi-prolog.org/ % % % Requires a grammar of rule/2 and word/2 clauses % Ways to use these are discussed in the documentation % :- ensure_loaded('subsumes.pl'). :- unknown(_,fail). :- dynamic chart/4. :- dynamic c/3. :- dynamic l/2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % A MODIFIED EARLEY-STYLE PARSER % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % parse(+Constituent,+Sentence) % % Constituent is the type of constituent % we are looking for. Sentence is a list of words. % traverse the list in Sentence and succeed if % we have a Constituent at the end of the traversal. % this is the main engine of the parser. parse(C,S1) :- clear_chart, % Clear out the previous chart convert(S1,0,End), % Convert the input list into predicates that give the positions of the words get_links, % Make links between the rules store(chart(0,0,start,[C])), process(0,End), chart(End,0,C,[]). % process(+Position,-End) % % Start at the current position in the input string. % Run through the predictor, scanner, and completer until % you reach the end of the input list. % Return the index of the end of the input list. process(End,End) :- !. process(Position,End) :- predictor(Position), scanner(Position,NewPosition), completer(NewPosition), process(NewPosition,End). % predictor(+Position) % % Position is the current position % of the parser in the input string. % use the chart to find a goal at the % current position in the input string. % find the word corresponding to that % position, and use it to make predictions % about which rules will be used to % parse the current goals. predictor(Position) :- chart(Position,_,_,[Goal|_]), c(Position,_,W), predict(W,Goal,Position), fail. predictor(_). % predict(+Word,+Category,+Position) % % Word is the word at the current % position in the input stream. % Category is the lexical category of % Word. Position is the position of % that word in the input stream. % Use the word beginning at the current % position in the input stream to make % predictions about what rules will be required % to parse the current goals. predict(W,Cat,_) :- word(Cat,W),!. predict(W,Goal1,Position) :- word(Cat,W), predict_all(Goal1,Cat,Position), predict(W,Goal1,Position), fail. predict(_,_,_). % predict_al(+Goal,+Cat,+Position) % % For the current goal and the current subgoal and % current position, assert chart entries for all subgoals % from the input word to the main goal. % Also back up one step and assert a chart entry % for a null constituent if the current word is not % the first subgoal of any rule predict_all(Goal,Goal,_). % Get all of the regular rules taken care of predict_all(Goal1,Cat,Position) :- rule(Goal,[Cat|T]), l(Goal,Goal1), % predicates like this are the links store(chart(Position,Position,Goal,[Cat|T])), predict_all(Goal1,Goal,Position). % And also do the null constituents predict_all(Goal1,Cat,Position) :- rule(Goal,[D,Cat|T]), rule(D,[]), l(Goal,Goal1), store(chart(Position,Position,Goal,[D,Cat|T])), predict_all(Goal1,Goal,Position), store(chart(D,Position,[],Position)), complete(D,Position,Position). % scanner(+Before,-After) % % Accept a word and update the % chart appropriately scanner(End,End2) :- chart(End,Start,C,[G|Goals]), c(End,End2,Word), word(G,Word), store(chart(End2,Start,C,Goals)), fail. scanner(End,End2) :- End2 is End+1. % completer(+Position) % % Find every chart entry that has no subgoals left % at the current position. % Use these chart entries to complete other higher % level subgoals. completer(Position) :- chart(Position,PC,C,[]), complete(C,PC,Position), fail. completer(_). complete(C,PC,Position) :- chart(PC,PC0,C0,[C|Goals]), store(chart(Position,PC0,C0,Goals)), Goals == [], complete(C0,PC0,Position), fail. complete(_,_,_). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Various Predicates Used in the Parser. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % get rid of all chart, links, and word positions. clear_chart :- abolish(chart/4), abolish(c/3),abolish(l/2). store(chart(A,B,C,D)) :- \+ ( chart(A,B,C1,D1),subsumes_chk(C1,C),subsumes_chk(D1,D) ), asserta(chart(A,B,C,D)). % get_links % create a table of links from grammar rules get_links :- link(_,_), fail. get_links :- assert(l(X,X)),assert(l(_,start)). % Create Links % for the null determiner link([],Y) :- rule(Y,[]), \+ l([],Y), assert(l([],Y)). % for any immediate subgoals link(X,Y) :- rule(Y,[X|_]), \+ l(X,Y), assert(l(X,Y)). % for any subsubgoals, etc. link(X,Z) :- l(Y,Z), rule(Y,[X|_]), \+ l(X,Z), assert(l(X,Z)). link(_,_). % convert(+List,+Begin,-End) % convert a list to clauses in the knowledge base. % clauses are of the form c(+Before,+After,+Word), % And reflect the positions before and after a word. convert([],End,End) :- !. convert([H|T],Begin,End2) :- End is Begin+1, %write('here'),nl, assertz(c(Begin,End,H)), % write(End2),nl, convert(T,End,End2). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Some Utilities % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % get_constituents_list(+Constituent,+Sentence,-CompletedConstituents) % % Constituent is the constituent to parse in Sentence. Make a list % of all the completed constituents and return it get_constituents_list(C,List,CList) :- parse(C,List),!, findall(T,((chart(_,_,X,[]),X =.. [_,T])),CList). % get_constituents(+Constituent,+List) % % Constituent is the constituent to parse in Sentence. % Print each completed chart entry to the console. get_constituents(C,List) :- parse(C,List),!, forall((chart(_,_,X,[]),X =.. [_,T]),(write(T),nl)).