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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/SIRIDUS/TALK_unimodal_grammar_lib/godis/godis-basic/README_GoDiS_basic.txt

*** IBiS1 README ***

Staffan Larsson May 21, 2002

IBiS1 is described in Chapter 2 of Larsson(2002): Issue-based Dialogue Management, available from http://www.ling.gu.se/~sl/Thesis/thesis.{ps,pdf}

For general instructions on how to get the system running, consult README_IBiS.txt

  1. Using IBiS1 with "extended database search" This is described in 2.12.4, p. 68. To use this, comment out the first version of the "exec_consultDB" rule on line 163 of update_rules.pl.
  2. Getting IBiS to ask "issue-question", e.g. "How can I help you?"
  3. Known bugs