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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/SIRIDUS/UGOT-D31/godis-apps/ToUpgrade/IMDiS/todo_imdis.txt
  • automatisk konvertering till dialogplaner
  • om anv. informerar att handling �r klar, skippa resten av planen f�r den handlingen
  • mode switching in single system X answer "how"
  • instead of saying "reinstall ...", refill the plan and start over
  • clear shared^com when restarting
  • reqRep, repeat etc.
  • $S> Has the carriage moved from the center position? $U> zdf $S> I didn't understand that. Please rephrase.

    $U> what? $S> I didn't understand that. Please rephrase. FR�GAN BORDE UPPREPAS!!!

  • weird men funkar; "the print head is now secured" - "ok" tolkas som confirming that action is performed...
    • borde skilja p� confirm och feedback...