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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/ace_in_gf/tests/README.md


Each subdirectory stands for a test, i.e. contains the test input (sentences) and test output. The main tests are listed below.


Full ACE

Since there is no generator, we use the APE regression test set. We take all the snippets that APE parsed correctly into a non-empty DRS. Some normalization is performed, e.g.

  • sentence-initial function words are lowercased
  • punctuation marks are separated from the words

Results (somewhat older) with the large Clex as the lexicon:

  • Parsed: 1212
  • NOT parsed: 1560
  • Runtime: ~10 minutes (large lexicon slows GF down)


AceWiki-supported fragment of ACE OWL

AceWiki test set obtained by exhaustive generation with the Codeco grammar. Content words: ask, Mary, woman, friend, mad-about.

  • Total: 19422
  • Runtime: ~55 sec

Test using test_acewiki_aceowl_with_diff.


Sentences for the evaluation of translation correctness.

  • Coverage test: test_ontograph_40
  • Multilinguality test: lin_ontograph_40_save

Test files

Each directory contains the following files.


Input sentences for the test.


Output of the test on the input sentences. Each sentence is classified as OK or FAIL, depending on whether it was successfully parsed or not. In case of OK, the ambiguity (number of corresponding abstract trees) is shown in parentheses. In case of FAIL, the successfully parsed beginning of the sentence is shown.


Frequency ranking of beginnings of sentences the parsing of which failed (after the beginning). This file helps to find the most common problem for the failure.