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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/ace_in_gf/tests/acewiki_aceowl/README.md


Testing the AceWiki-supported OWL-compatible subset of ACE.

Generating the testset

sentences.txt comes from https://github.com/AceWiki/AceWiki/tree/master/src/ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/acewiki/aceowl/test/sentences.txt. but it is filtered in order to:

  • remove sentences that contain the deprecated `such that`

To generate the testset, simply run:

sh make_sentences.sh

Note that two spaces in sentences.txt mark the token border, while a single space is a token-internal space.


The test results are based on the acewiki_aceowl-grammar, i.e.

bash make-pgf.bash grammars/acewiki_aceowl/ "words/acewiki_aceowl/TestAttempto{Ace,}.gf" bash run-test.bash tests/acewiki_aceowl/sentences.txt