:- expects_dialect(lps). % A few examples of display specifications % Now there's no need for dummy fluents anymore, just use display(timeless,...). maxTime(5). fluents background. initially background. %display(background,[type:rectangle, fillColor:black, from:[0,0], to:[500,200], sendToBack]). fluents line. initially line. display(line,[type:line, from: [0, 0], to: [300, 300], strokeColor: blue, strokeWidth:8]). fluents path. initially path. display(path,[type:path, segments: [[20, 20], [80, 80], [140, 20]], strokeColor: red, strokeWidth:10, strokeCap:round]). fluents circle. initially circle. display(circle,[type:circle, fillColor:green, center:[50,200], radius:10, strokeColor:black]). fluents foobar3. initially foobar3. display(foobar3,[ [type:circle, fillColor:orange, center:[20,20], radius:5, strokeColor:black], [type:circle, fillColor:pink, center:[200,20], radius:5, strokeColor:black] ]). fluents rect. initially rect. display(rect,[type:rectangle, fillColor:blue, from:[300,300], to:[320,320]]). fluents text. initially text. % a little hack to avoid the need of specific "timeless" support: display(text,[type:pointText, fillColor:orange, point:[50,50], content:'Hello world!', fontSize:25]). fluents star. initially star. display(star,[type:star, center:[100,100], points:7, radius1:25, radius2:40, fillColor:red]). fluents hex. initially hex. display(hex,[type:regularPolygon, center:[400,100], sides:6, radius:40, fillColor:gray, scale:3]). fluents arc. initially arc. display(arc,[type:arc, from: [30, 20], through: [60, 20],to: [80, 80],strokeColor: black]). fluents ellipse. initially ellipse. display(ellipse,[type:ellipse, point:[300,250], size:[120, 80],strokeColor: black]). fluents arrow. initially arrow. display(arrow,[type:arrow, from:[10,200], to:[100, 250],strokeColor: green, strokeWidth:1, biDirectional]). /** ?- go(Timeline). */