:- expects_dialect(lps). % By BK, modified by MC: % single ballot per program instance, added pre conditions and method names as in Solidity original maxTime(15). events ballot(_Chairman, _Proposals), giveRightToVote(_Chairman, _Voter), delegate(_FromVoter, _ToVoter), vote(_Voter, _Candidate). fluents chairman(_Chairman), voter(_Voter, _Weight), voted(_Voter, _Candidate), delegateOf(_Voter,_D), voteCount(_Candidate, _Votes). observe ballot(chair, [trump, clinton]) from 1 to 2. observe giveRightToVote(chair, miguel), giveRightToVote(chair, fariba), giveRightToVote(chair, bob), giveRightToVote(chair, jacinto) from 3 to 4. observe delegate(bob, miguel) from 4 to 5. observe vote(miguel, clinton) from 5 to 6. observe delegate(jacinto,bob) from 6 to 7. observe delegate(fariba, miguel) from 7 to 8. ballot(_Chairman, Proposals) initiates voteCount(Candidate, 0) if member(Candidate, Proposals). ballot(Chairman, _Proposals) initiates voter(Chairman,1). ballot(Chairman, _Proposals) initiates chairman(Chairman). % the ballot is new: false ballot(_,_), voteCount(_,_). giveRightToVote(Chairman, Voter) initiates voter(Voter, 1) if chairman(Chairman), not voter(Voter,_). delegate(Voter1, _Voter2) updates Old to 0 in voter(Voter1, Old). delegate(Voter1, Voter2) updates Old to New in voter(Voter3, Old) if delegateOf(Voter2,Voter3), voter(Voter1, N1), New is N1 + Old. % The next clause deals with the case a delegate has already voted when a delegation is made: delegate(Voter1, Voter2) updates OldVotes to NewVotes in voteCount(Candidate, OldVotes) if delegateOf(Voter2,Voter3), voted(Voter3, Candidate), voter(Voter1, N), NewVotes is OldVotes + N. delegate(Voter1,Voter2) initiates voted(Voter1,delegated(Voter2)). % deal with delegate chains delegateOf(Voter,D) if voted(Voter,delegated(DD)), delegateOf(DD,D). delegateOf(Voter,Voter) if not voted(Voter,delegated(_)). /* This allows only one delegation to Voter2 at a time. * We may need to extend LPS to have several delegations simultaneously. */ false delegate(Voter1, Voter), delegate(Voter2, Voter), Voter1 \= Voter2. /* This allows only one weighted vote for the same candidate at a time. * We may need to extend LPS to have several votes for the same candidate simultaneously.*/ false delegate(Voter,_), voted(Voter,_). false delegate(Voter1,Voter2), Voter1==Voter2. false delegate(Voter, Voter1), delegate(Voter, Voter2), Voter1 \= Voter2. % prevent delegation loops: false delegate(Voter1,Voter2), delegateOf(Voter2,Voter1). vote(Voter, Candidate) initiates voted(Voter, Candidate). /* This allows only one weighted vote for the same candidate at a time. * We need to extend LPS to have several votes for the same candidate simultaneously. */ vote(Voter, Candidate) updates OldVotes to NewVotes in voteCount(Candidate, OldVotes) if voter(Voter, N), NewVotes is OldVotes + N. false vote(Voter1, Candidate), vote(Voter2, Candidate), Voter1 \= Voter2. false vote(Voter,_), voted(Voter,_). false vote(Voter, Candidate1), vote(Voter, Candidate2), Candidate1 \= Candidate2. winningProposal(Candidate,NV) at T if voteCount(Candidate,NV) at T, not (voteCount(Other,ONV) at T, Other\==Candidate, ONV>NV). report(Candidate,N,true) at T if voteCount(Candidate,N), winningProposal(Candidate,_). report(Candidate,N,false) at T if voteCount(Candidate,N), not winningProposal(Candidate,_). events report(_,_,_). actions reported. if report(clinton,4,true) at 2, report(trump,0,false) at 2 then reported. if true then report(clinton,4,true) at 9, report(trump,0,false) at 9, reported.