:- use_module(library(mavis)). :- use_module(library(dcg/basics), [string//1]). %% stuff(+Greeting:integer, +X:atom) is semidet. % % Do stuff with Greeting and X. This is a longer comment to % make sure I understand how the comments look after PlDoc % has parsed them internally. stuff(Greeting, Name) :- format('~w, ~w~n', [Greeting,Name]). %% grammar(-Name:codes)// grammar(Name) --> "hello ", string(Name). %% from_name(Codes, Atom, Extra:atom) from_name(Codes, Atom, Extra) :- Extra = extra, atom_codes(Atom, Codes). %% lazy(Foo) lazy(_). /** * elt(+X,List) is nondet. * elt(-X,+List) is nondet. * * Two modelines with no typing information */ elt(X,L) :- member(X,L). /** * elt_det(+X:integer,+List:list(integer)) is det. * * Two modelines with no typing information */ elt_det(X,L) :- ( member(X,L) -> true ; false).