/* data Author: poo. Copyright (C) 2020 poo This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . 11 Jul 2020 */ :- module(data, [ chang_html/1, lst_citations/1, bibliography_html/1, cites_expected/1, example_bibtex/1 ]). /** data: Common test data @license GPLv3 @author Christian Gimenez */ :- license(gplv3). :- use_module(library(bibtex)). bibliography_html(Html) :- read_file_to_string('data/bibliography.html', Html, []). lst_citations([ "schneider73:_cours_modul_applied", "chang18:_scaling_knowled_access", "arun18:_making_search_easier", "pittman17:_cracking_code_conver", "noy19:_industr_scale_knowled", "deepika17:_happy_birthd_watson", "qi16:_buildin_linked_knowled", "saurabh17:_bring_rich_knowled", "ferras18:_food_discov_uber", "chang18:_scaling_knowled_access", "giese15:optique", "tudorache13:webprotege", "ozgur:_ref_ex" ]). chang_html("

Spencer Chang. Scaling Knowledge Access and Retrieval at Airbnb (2018).

"). %% bibtex_get_entries/3 returns the entries in inverted according %% to the bibtex order. Thus, this must be specified in that manner. cites_expected( [ cite("ozgur:_ref_ex", "(Özçep, 2020)"), cite("tudorache13:webprotege", "(Tudorache et al., 2013)"), cite("giese15:optique", "(Giese et al., 2015)"), cite("schneider73:_cours_modul_applied", "(Schneider, 1973)"), cite("saurabh17:_bring_rich_knowled", "(Shrivastava, 2017)"), cite("qi16:_buildin_linked_knowled", "(He et al., 2016)"), cite("pittman17:_cracking_code_conver", "(Pittman et al., 2017)"), cite("noy19:_industr_scale_knowled", "(Noy et al., 2019)"), cite("ferras18:_food_discov_uber", "(Ferras Hamad, 2018)"), cite("deepika17:_happy_birthd_watson", "(Devarajan, 2017)"), cite("chang18:_scaling_knowled_access", "(Chang, 2018)"), cite("arun18:_making_search_easier", "(Krishnan, 2018)") ]). example_bibtex(Lst_entries) :- lst_citations(Lst_cites), bibtex_get_entries('data/biblio.bib', Lst_cites, Lst_entries).