pfc_add_bc_rule(Head,Body) :- compile_bc(Head,Body,Head1,Body1), assert_unique_rule(Head1,Body1). compile_bc(Head0,Body0,Head1,Body1) :- compile_bc_goal(Head0,Head1,[(Head0 => Body0)|S]), compile_bc_body(Body0,Body1,[],S). % compile_bc_goal(+G0,-G1,-S) % compile_bc_goal({G0},G1,S) :- ... compile_bc_goal(G0,G1,S) :- % creates a copy of term G0 with one extra % argument (S). E.G.: G0=P(A1,A2,...,An), G1=P(A1,A2,...,An,S) functor(G0,P,N), N1 is N+1, functor(G1,P,N1), pfcCopyArgs(N,G0,G1), arg(N1,G1,S), pfc_add_bc_linc(G0,G1). compile_bc_body((A0,B0),(A1,B1),Sl,S) :- % compile a conjunction. !, compile_bc_goal(A0,A1,S1), compile_bc_body(B0,B1,[S1|Sl],S). compile_bc_body(B0,(B1,SupportCode),Sl,S) :- % the final goal in the body compiles into the extended goal % and the call to append to concatenate the supports. compile_bc_goal(B0,B1,S1), pfc_bc_support_code(S,[S1|Sl],SupportCode). pfc_bc_support_code(S,[Singleton],S=Singleton) :- !. pfc_bc_support_code(SVar,SList,appendList(SList,SVar)). % This predicate adds a Prolog rule to determine the fact from prolog % with support = "prolog". Example: % pfc_add_bc_linc(foo(A),foo(A,_123) adds foo(A,prolog) :- foo(A). % ... pfcFact(G,S)... pfc_add_bc_linc(Goal,ExtendedGoal) :- functor(ExtendedGoal,P,N), functor(ExtendedGoalCopy,P,N), N1 is N-1, pfcCopyArgs(N1,ExtendedGoal,ExtendedGoalCopy), arg(N,ExtendedGoalCopy,prolog), assert_unique_rule(ExtendedGoalCopy,Goal). appendList([],[]). appendList([X],X). appendList([H|T],L) :- appendList(T,Tl), append(H,Tl,L). assert_unique_rule(Head,Body) :- clause(Head,Body) -> true | assert((Head :- Body)). % pfcCopyArgs(+N, +Goal0, +Goal) % copies the first N arguments of Goal0 to Goal. pfcCopyArgs(N, Goal0, Goal) :- ( N =:= 0 -> true ; arg(N, Goal0, Arg), arg(N, Goal, Arg), M is N-1, pfcCopyArgs(M, Goal0, Goal) ). % :- dynamic foo/1, foo/2. % :- dynamic bar/1, bar/2. test :- abolish([foo/1,foo/2]), abolish([bar/1,bar/2]), abolish([qux/1,qux/2]), pfc_add_bc_rule(foo(X), (bar(X),qux(X))), pfc_add_bc_rule(bar(Y), bar(f(Y))), listing([foo,bar,qux]).