1/* Part of plumdrum
    2	Copyright 2012-2015 Samer Abdallah (Queen Mary University of London; UCL)
    4	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    5	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    6	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    7	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    9	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   10	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   12	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
   14	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   15	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   16	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
   19:- module(reps, [ representation/2 ]).
 representation(+Rep:xinterp, -Desc:atom) is semidet
representation(-Rep:xinterp, -Desc:atom) is nondet
Known exclusive interpretations
   26	representation( bhatk,  'Bhatkhande notation').
   27	representation( cents,  'pitch in cents').
   28	representation( cbr,    'critcal band rand in ERBs').
   29	representation( cocho,  'cochlear coordinates in mm').
   30	representation( correl, 'statistical correlation').
   31	representation( date,   'absolute universal time').
   32	representation( dB,     'relative amplitude').
   33	representation( deg,    'relative scale degree').
   34	representation( degree, 'absolute scale degree').
   35	representation( diss,   'sensory dissonance').
   36	representation( dur,    'physical time duration').
   37	representation( embel,  'embelishment tones').
   38	representation( freq,   'frequency in Hz').
   39	representation( fret,   'fretted instrument tabulature').
   40	representation( harm,   'Western functional harmony').
   41	representation( hint,   'harmonic interval').
   42	representation( 'Hildegard', 'Hildegard manuscripts notation').
   43	representation( iv,     'interval vector').
   44	representation( 'IPA',  'International Phonetic Alphabet').
   45	representation( kern,   'Core pitch and duration').
   46	representation( melac,  'melodic accent').
   47	representation( metpos, 'metrical position').
   48	representation( mint,   'melodic interval').
   49	representation( 'MIDI', 'MIDI events tabulature').
   50	representation( nf,     'normal form for pitch sets').
   51	representation( ordo,   'sequential order').
   52	representation( pc,     'pitch-class').
   53	representation( pcset,  'Fortean pitch-class set').
   54	representation( pf,     'prime form representation').
   55	representation( pitch,  'ANSI pitch notation').
   56	representation( recip,  'Reciprocal duration').
   57	representation( simil,  'Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance').
   58	representation( semits, 'pitch in semitones from middle C').
   59	representation( solfg,  'tonic solfa syllable').
   60	representation( solfg,  'French solfège system').
   61	representation( specC,  'spectral centroid in Hz').
   62	representation( spect,  'discrete spectrum').
   63	representation( synco,  'degree of syncopation').
   64	representation( takt,   'beat-position').
   65	representation( text,   'vocal text').
   66	representation( time,   'relative time in seconds').
   67	representation( 'Tonh',  'German Tonhöhe pitch system').
   68	representation( 'URrhythm',  'Johnson-Laird beat prototype').
   69	representation( 'vox#', 'number of active voices').
   70	representation( 'Zeit', 'absolute universal time period')