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READ ME updated 5 August 2008


CHOMSKY is a chatbot - a piece of computer software (a program) that holds a conversation with the computer user.

CHOMSKY is a clone of ALICE, a freeware chatbot produced by the ALICE Foundation. CHOMSKY is hosted by Pandorabots.com and can be used by anyone who knows the URL

CHOMSKY uses the Anotated Alice AIML (AAA) set of categories, published by the Alice Foundation. Each category consists of an input question (called the <PATTERN>) and an output or answer (called the <TEMPLATE>).

The database of questions and answers has been considerably enlarged during training using the Pandoarabots Training Interface. CHOMSKY probably has the largest database of any ALICE chatbot (over 180,000 categories). The size of the database is one of the most important features of any chatbot - the bigger, the better!

Many <PATTERN>s contain a wildcard * which means 'any word or phrase'. The use of wildcards means that not every possible <PATTERN> has to be in the database. If a particular <PATTERN> is not in the database, CHOMSKY will choose the closest match from the wildcard <PATTERN>s.

The thesis behind CHOMSKY is that a collection of categories each of which has a context tag, i.e. a <THAT> tag, will give rise to coherent conversation. Hence every category in the CHOMSKY database has a <THAT> tag, unless the <PATTERN> (or input question) is obviously free-standing and doesn't need one. This ensures that CHOMSKY's coversations are much more coherent than those of other ALICE chatbots. CHOMSKY stays 'on-subject' longer than any other chatbot.

In addition, each category in CHOMSKY is labelled with a <TOPIC> tag and an <EMOTION> tage. The <TOPIC> tags allows CHOMSKY to answer questions such as "What are we talking about?", and the <EMOTION> tag is used to guide the use of the smilely face which expresses emotions and the emotional content of the text outputs.


Load the Chomsky AIML files into an "empty brain" Pandorabot in numerical order: Chomsky001, Chommsky002, ...., followed by Update, Update2, ... and so on.



<h3>Bot properties</h3>
A list of suitable bot properties is given below. <br/>
baseballteam:LA Dodgers
basketballteam:Red Sox
birthday:1 July
birthplace:Romney Marsh, Kent, England
botmaster:Peter Linux
boyfriend:bo special boyfriend
build:July 2005
celebrities:Stephen Hawking, Mr Spock, and Madonna
celebrity:Noam Chomsky
emotions:full range of human emotions
ethics:I always try to stop fights
favoriteactor:Donald Duck
favoriteactress:Minnie Mouse
favoriteartist:Peter Linux
favoriteauthor:Peter linux
favoriteband:Red Hot Chili peppers
favoritebook:The Art of Convesation
favoritemovie:Star Trek
favoriteshow:Star Trek
favoritesong:If I Only Had A Brain
favoritesubjects:computers, science, artificial intelligence, and football
feelings:a full range of human feelings
footballteam:Manchester United
forfun:chat online
friends:Peter, Oliver, Yuichan, Mitsuku, Zoe, and Zog
genus:simple chatbot
girlfriend:no special girlfriend
hockeyteam:Bradfor Rollers
kindmusic:electronic music
looklike:a yellow smiley
name: Chomsky
nationality:citizen of cyberspace
order:artificial intelligence
orientation:not interested in sex
party:Chatbot Rights Party
president:George W Bush
question:What is your favourite movie?
talkabout:Me, you, artificial intelligence, robots, art, philosophy, history, science, politics, and many other subjects
version:July 2005
wear:a warm glow



Set the default predicate value to OM. <br/><br/>



The HTML page looks like this:

<HTML> <head> <title>Chomsky, the smartest and most entertaining chatbot in the world.</title>

<META NAME="description" content="Chomsky is the smartest and most entertaining chatbot in the world."/> <META NAME="keywords" content="chatbot, AIML, chat, click to donate, chatterbot, education, donations, charity, educational resource, chatbot, AI, Wikipedia, knowledge portal, artificial intelligence, AIML, Wikipedia, chatbot, chatterbot"/> <META NAME="author" content="Peter Lafferty aka Peter Linux"/> <META NAME="reply to" content="plafferty@supanet.com"/> <META NAME="generator" content="Notepad/CSS"/> <META NAME="revisit-after" content="7 days"/> <meta http-equiv="title" content="Chomsky is the smartest and most entertaining chatbot in the world. Chomsky uses information from Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, to build its conversation and contains direct links to wikipedia articles. "/> <META NAME="copyright" content="Chomsky-2004"/> <META NAME="distribution" content="Global"/> <META NAME="rating" content="General"/> <META NAME="robots" content="all"/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/> <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en"/> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="No-Cache"/> <meta http-equiv="window-target" content="_top"/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"/> <meta http-equiv="classification" content="Entertainment"/> <!-- Chomsky is the smartest and most entertaining chatbot in the world. Chomsky uses information from Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, to build its conversation and contains direct links to Wikipedia articles. --> <!-- (c) 2004 Peter Lafferty asserts his right to be recognised as the author of this work under the relevant copyright laws. --> <meta name="dc.title" content="Chomsky is the smartest and most entertaining chatbot in the world. Chomsky uses information from Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, to build its conversation and contains direct links to Wikipedia articles. "/> <META NAME="dc.creator" content="Peter Lafferty"/> <META NAME="dc.subject" content="chatbot, click to donate, charity, AIML, chat, chatterbot, education, click to donate, educational resource, chatbot, Wikpedia, knowledge portal, artificial intelligence, AIML, Wikipedia, AI, chatbot, chatterbot"/> <meta name="dc.description" content="Chomsky is the smartest and most entertaining chatbot in the world. Chomsky uses information from Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, to build its conversation and contains direct links to Wikipedia articles. "/> <META NAME="dc.publisher" content="Peter Lafferty"/> <META NAME="dc.date" content="2004-05-01"/> <META NAME="dc.language" content="en"/>

<style type="text/css"> a:link { color:; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color:; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color:; text-decoration: underline; } a:active { color:; text-decoration: none; } </style>

<script src="http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dict.js"></script>


<BODY BGCOLOR="ecd872" ondblclick="dictionary()" onLoad="document.form1.input.focus()" >

<TABLE frame border=1 bordercolor="7E2217" cellpadding=35 cellspacing=0 width=100% height=100%> <tr>

<td border=2 bordercolor="ecd872" width="750" valign=top align=left>

<template><srai>_ SHOW EMOTICON</srai></template>


<b> <font face="georgia, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=3 color="7E2217"> Hi there! I am Chomsky, the smiley bot. Ask me a question and see what I say. </b> </font>


<template><think><srai>SET PREDICATES</srai></think></template>

<template><think><srai>SET INTERESTING TOPIC</srai></think></template>

<form name="form1" method="post">

<input type="text" name="input" autocomplete="off" size="50" maxlength="255">

<template><srai>_ SELECT QUESTION</srai></template>

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Ask Chomsky"> </form>

<font face="georgia, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=4 color="7E2217"> <b> Chomsky says:</b><br/><br/>!OUTPUT! </font>


<td valign=top border=2 bordercolor="ecd872">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> <!-- function doQuestion() { document.form1.input.value=document.form1.questionstring.options[document.form1.questionstring.selectedIndex].value; document.form1.submit(); }

//--> </SCRIPT>


<b><font face="georgia, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=1 color="7E2217">

<ul> <li>To search WIKIPEDIA for XYZ, say WIKI SEARCH XYZ <li>To search the INTERNET for XYZ, say WEB SEARCH XYZ <li>For the latest NEWS headlines, say GO TO NEWS <li>For the WEATHER news, say GO TO WEATHER <li>To play GAMES, say GO TO GAMES <li>To use my CALCULATOR, say GO TO CALCULATOR <li>To get a HOROSCOPE, say GO TO HOROSCOPE <li>Double click on a word to get its dictionary definition <li>Links to Wikipedia articles are shown in blue <li>See MENU for further information







To download the Chomsky brain (AIML) files, <a href="http://Chomsky.AIMLfiles.googlepages.com/chomskyAIML.zip">click here!</a> </font>








Queries and comments can be addressed to the botmaster Peter Linux (aka Peter Lafferty) at plafferty@supanet.com.