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Pack smtlib -- README.md

SMT-LIB to Prolog

An SMT-LIB parser in Prolog

SMT-LIB is an international initiative aimed at facilitating research and development in SMT. Specifically, Version 2.0 defines:

  • a language for writing terms and formulas in a sorted (i.e., typed) version of first-order logic;
  • a language for specifying background theories and fixing a standard vocabulary of sort, function, and predicate symbols for them;
  • a language for specifying logics, suitably restricted classes of formulas to be checked for satisfiability with respect to a specific background theory;
  • a command language for interacting with SMT solvers via a textual interface that allows asserting and retracting formulas, querying about their satisfiability, examining their models or their unsatisfiability proofs, and so on.

Installation (SWI-Prolog)

?- pack_install(smtlib).


:- use_module(library(smtlib)).


Reading SMT-LIB scripts

?- smtlib_read_script('../sample/script/figure-3.4.smt', X).
X = list([

Reading SMT-LIB theory declarations

?- smtlib_read_theory('../sample/theory/core.smt', X).
X = list([

Reading SMT-LIB logic declarations

?- smtlib_read_logic('../sample/logic/LIA.smt', X).
X = list([


Source code is released under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.


  1. Barrett, C., Fontaine, P. & Tinelli, C. The SMT-LIB Standard: Version 2.6. Department of Computer Science, The University of Iowa (2017). View online