1:- module(timedcg,
    2	[  now//1
    3	,	sync//0
    4	,	wait//0
    5	,	wait//1
    6	,	adv//1
    7	,	cue//1
    8	,	cue//2
    9	,	run_cued//2
   10	,	run_cued//3
   11	,	run_cued/2
   12	,	run_cued/3
   13	,	sleep_till/1
   14	]).

Time DCG

Some of the predicates below are designed to operate in a DCG where the state represents a time as a number of seconds since a particular epoch (see get_time/1). The enables the write of code in a sort of temporal modal logic form, where predicates can implicitly get at the current time (using get//1) or move to other times by chaging the DCG state.


   27:- meta_predicate run_cued(+,//,+,-), run_cued(+,+,//,+,-).   28:- meta_predicate run_cued(+,//), run_cued(+,+,//).   29
   30:- use_module(library(dcg_core)).   31:- use_module(library(dcg_pair)).   32:- use_module(library(dcg_macros)).   33
   35% -------------------------------- Time DCG -------------------------------
 now(-T:time)// is det
Unifies T with the current real time as returned by get_time/1.
   40now(T,S,S) :- get_time(T).
 wait// is semidet
 wait(+Pre:nonneg)// is semidet
Waits (blocks) until the real world time catches up with the current DCG time. If Pre is given, then wait//1 sleeps until Pre seconds before the current DCG time.
   47wait(T,T) :- sleep_till(T).
   48wait(Pre,T,T) :- T1 is T-Pre, sleep_till(T1).
 sleep_till(+T:time) is semidet
Compares T with the current real time (get_time/1); if T is in the past, then fail, otherwise, blocks until approximately T. Accuracy of timing cannot be guaranteed.
   54sleep_till(T) :- 
   55	get_time(T0), T@>T0, DT is T-T0, sleep(DT).
 sync// is det
Runs in time DCG and sets the current time to the current real time as returned by now//1 and get_time/1.
   60sync --> now(T), set(T).
 adv(+T:nonneg)// is det
Advances current time by T seconds. Runs in time DCG.
   64adv(DT)  --> trans(T1,T2), {T2 is T1+DT}.
 quant(+Q:nonneg)// is det
Advances current time to the next multiple of Q.
   68quant(Q) --> trans(T1,T2), {T2 is Q*ceil(T1/Q)}.
 cue(+D:nonneg)// is det
Sets the current DCG time to D seconds after current real time.
   72cue(D)   --> now(T), set(T), adv(D).
 cue(+D:nonneg, +Q:nonneg)// is det
Sets the current DCG time to next multiple of Q at least D seconds after current real time.
   77cue(D,Q) --> now(T), set(T), adv(D), quant(Q).
   79cue(D,Q,O) --> now(T), set(T), adv(D), quant(Q), adv(O).
   80lag(L)    --> now(T0), get(T), {L is T-T0}.
   83%% run_cued( +DT:nonneg, +Q:nonneg, +Cmd:phrase((time,S)), ?S1:S, ?S2:S) is nondet.
   84%% run_cued( +DT:nonneg, +Cmd:phrase((time,S)), ?S1:S, ?S2:S) is nondet.
   85%% run_cued( +DT:nonneg, +Q:nonneg, +Cmd:phrase(time)) is nondet.
   86%% run_cued( +DT:nonneg, +Cmd:phrase(time)) is nondet.
   88%  Run command Cmd in DT seconds. Cmd must operate in (time,S) DCG and is called
   89%  with the current real time plus DT seconds. If Q is supplied, the time
   90%  passed to Cmd is quantised upwards in units of Q seconds.
   91run_cued(DT,Cmd) --> run_left((\< cue(DT), call_dcg(Cmd)),_,_).
   92run_cued(DT,Q,Cmd) --> run_left((\< cue(DT,Q), call_dcg(Cmd)),_,_).
   93run_cued(DT,Cmd) :- call_dcg((cue(DT), call_dcg(Cmd)),_,_).
   94run_cued(DT,Q,Cmd) :- call_dcg((cue(DT,Q), call_dcg(Cmd)),_,_)