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Pack xlibrary -- prolog/abstract_interpreter.pl
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This module provides support to implement some abstract interpreter-based code scanner. It tests statically an oversimplification of the possible unification of terms and call hooks over head and literals in the body of a clause to collect certain information.

- Edison Mera
Calls Goal during abstract interpretation and execution
Calls Goal during abstract interpretation but ignore during execution
Calls Goal during execution bug ignore during abstract interpretation
Abstract interpret Goal but ignore during execution
 abstract_interpreter(:Goal, :Abstraction, +Options, -State) is multi
Abstract interpret :Goal, call(Abstraction, Literal, Body, State1, State2) is called over each found Literal to get an abstraction of the body of such literal. For instance, if abstraction is: abstraction(Literal, Body, State, State) :- clause(Literal, Body), the abstract interpreter becomes a typical prolog interpreter, although some optimizations makes that not accurate.

Valid options are:

A location of the given Goal, used to report the location in case of error
Eval is a term or a list of term of the form:
M:G as Repl
if the literal being interpreted match with G, and M with the implementation module of literal, then Repl is called.
equivalent to M:G as R, where functor(R, F, A) succeeds.
M:G :- Body
if the literal being interpreted match with G, and M with the implementation module of literal, then continue with the interpretation of Body.
Calls call(OnErr, at_location(Loc, Error)) if Error is raised
 abstract_interpreter(:Goal, :Abstraction, +Options) is multi
Same as abstract_interpreter(Goal, Abstraction, Options, _)
 bottom(State1, State) is det
Sets the state of the analysis to bottom, which means that the analysis is unable to determine a solution to the Goal (universe set). Note that this could be due to a lack of precision of the analysis or simply being mathematically impossible to get a solution statically.
 abstract_interpreter_body(+Goal, +M, :Abstraction, ?State1, ?State) is multi
Like abstract_interpret(M:Goal, Abstraction, Options, State), where State1 is determined using Options, but intended to be called recursivelly during the interpretation.
 get_state(State, State, State)
Used in DCG's to get the current State
 put_state(State, _, State)
Used in DCG's to set the current State
 match_head(:Goal, :Body, ?State1, ?State) is multi
Implements the next abstraction: Only test matches of literals with heads of clauses, without digging into the body.
 match_head_body(:Goal, -Body, -From) is multi
Auxiliar predicate used to implement some abstractions. Given a Goal, unifies Body with the body of the matching clauses and From with the location of the clause.
 extra_clauses(Goal, Module, :Body, -From) is multi[multifile]
Called inside match_head_body/3 to increase the precision of the interpreter, it will define 'semantic' extra clauses, allowing for instance, analysis of dynamic predicates, interfaces, etc.
 match_noloops(:Goal, :Body, ?State1, ?State) is multi
Implements the next abstraction: Only test matches of literals with heads of clauses, and digs into the body provided that there are not recursive calls, in such a case the analysis reach bottom and we stop the recursion.