'xs:duration with all properties': {|xml|| P2Y6M5DT12H35M30S |}. 'xs:duration with day and hour properties': {|xml|| P1DT2H |}. 'xs:duration with redundant zero properties': {|xml|| P0Y20M0D |}. 'xs:duration with month property': {|xml|| P20M |}. 'xs:duration with minute property': {|xml|| PT20M |}. 'xs:duration with effectively no duration': {|xml|| P0Y |}. 'xs:duration with negative duration': {|xml|| -P60D |}. 'xs:duration with milliseconds': {|xml|| PT1M30.5S |}. 'xs:duration with invalid minus sign position'(fail): {|xml|| P-20M |}. 'xs:duration with T, but without any time property'(fail): {|xml|| P20MT |}. 'xs:duration with M, but without month property'(fail): {|xml|| P1YM5D |}. 'xs:duration with fractional year property'(fail): {|xml|| P15.5Y |}. 'xs:duration without T between day and time properties'(fail): {|xml|| P1D2H |}. 'xs:duration without P'(fail): {|xml|| 1Y2M |}. 'xs:duration with invalid property order'(fail): {|xml|| P2M1Y |}. 'xs:duration without any property'(fail): {|xml|| P |}. 'xs:duration without digit after the decimal point of seconds property'(fail): {|xml|| PT15.S |}. 'xs:duration with empty value'(fail): {|xml|| |}.