'xs:string in English language': {|xml|| This is a string! |}. 'xs:string in French language': {|xml|| Édition française. |}. 'xs:string in Chinese language': {|xml|| Wǒ de péngyǒu jiào Li. |}. 'xs:string with spaces': {|xml|| Separated by 3 spaces. |}. 'xs:string with line break': {|xml|| This is on two lines. |}. 'xs:string with tabs': {|xml|| This is on two lines. |}. 'xs:string with numeric value': {|xml|| 12.5 |}. 'xs:string with empty value (two tags)': {|xml|| |}. 'xs:string with empty value (single tag)': {|xml|| |}. 'xs:string with escaped special character \'<\'': {|xml|| 3 < 4 |}. 'xs:string with escaped special character \'>\'': {|xml|| 4 > 3 |}. 'xs:string with escaped special character \'\"\'': {|xml|| "What?" |}. 'xs:string with escaped special character \'\'\'': {|xml|| 'What?' |}. /* % These test cases should be executed, but we cannot differentiate between a decoded escaped character ("<" -->) "<" % and a not decoded unescaped character "<" when the type validation takes place. % % Prolog's built-in function 'load_structure', with which the xml file is loaded, does not seem to care for unescaped characters and simply passes them through. 'xs:string with not escaped special character \'<\''(fail): {|xml|| 3 < 4 |}. 'xs:string with not escaped special character \'>\''(fail): {|xml|| 4 > 3 |}. 'xs:string with not escaped special character \'\"\''(fail): {|xml|| "What?" |}. 'xs:string with not escaped special character \'\'\''(fail): {|xml|| 'What?' |}. */