/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2020-2024, SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(http_redis_plugin, []). :- use_module(library(http/http_session)). :- autoload(library(error), [must_be/2]). :- autoload(library(lists), [member/2]). :- autoload(library(redis), [redis/3, redis/2, redis_get_list/4, redis_zscan/4]). :- autoload(library(broadcast), [broadcast/1]). :- use_module(library(debug), [debug/3]). :- autoload(library(socket), [ip_name/2]). /** Hook session management to use Redis This module acts as a plugin for library(http/http_session), storing session information on a Redis server. This has several consequences: - The Prolog server may be restarted without loosing session data. This is notably useful when long session timeouts are used. - Multiple Prolog servers can act as a cluster while session management is used. - Associating Prolog data with sessions is relatively slow. The assert/retract is replaced by managing a Redis list. Data in this list is matched sequentially, where each term needs to be parsed before it can be matched. - Associated data is currently limited to __ground terms__. The library is activated by loading it in addition to library(http/http_session) and using http_set_session_options/1 to configure the Redis database as below. The redis_server/2 predicate from library(redis) can be used to specify the parameters for the redis server such as host, port or authentication. ``` :- http_set_session_options( [ redis_db(default), redis_prefix('swipl:http:session') ]). ``` ## Redis key usage All Redis keys reside under a prefix specified by the option redis_prefix(Prefix), which defaults to `'swipl:http:session'`. Here we find: - An ordered set at :expire that contains the session ids, ordered by the time the session expires. Session enumeration and garbage collection is based on this set. - A hash at :session: which contains the _peer_ address, the _last used_ time and optionally session specific settings. - If there is session _data_, a list at :data: of Prolog terms, represented as strings that contain the session data. */ :- multifile http_session:hooked/0, http_session:hook/1, http_session:session_setting/1, http_session:session_option/2. http_session:session_option(redis_db, atom). http_session:session_option(redis_ro, atom). http_session:session_option(redis_prefix, atom). http_session:hooked :- http_session:session_setting(redis_db(_)). %http_session:hook(assert_session(SessionID, Peer)). %http_session:hook(set_session_option(SessionId, Setting)). %http_session:hook(get_session_option(SessionId, Setting)). %http_session:hook(active_session(SessionID, Peer, LastUsed)). %http_session:hook(set_last_used(SessionID, Now, TimeOut)). %http_session:hook(asserta(session_data(SessionId, Data))). %http_session:hook(assertz(session_data(SessionId, Data))). %http_session:hook(retract(session_data(SessionId, Data))). %http_session:hook(retractall(session_data(SessionId, Data))). %http_session:hook(session_data(SessionId, Data)). %http_session:hook(current_session(SessionID, Data)). %http_session:hook(close_session(?SessionID)). %http_session:hook(gc_sessions). :- dynamic peer/2, % SessionID, Peer last_used/2. % SessionID, Time http_session:hook(assert_session(SessionID, Peer)) :- session_db(rw, SessionID, DB, Key), http_session:session_setting(timeout(Timeout)), asserta(peer(SessionID, Peer)), ip_name(Peer, PeerS), get_time(Now), redis(DB, hset(Key, peer, PeerS, last_used, Now)), expire(SessionID, Timeout). http_session:hook(set_session_option(SessionID, Setting)) :- session_db(rw, SessionID, DB, Key), Setting =.. [Name,Value], redis(DB, hset(Key, Name, Value as prolog)), ( Setting = timeout(Timeout) -> expire(SessionID, Timeout) ; true ). http_session:hook(get_session_option(SessionID, Setting)) :- session_db(ro, SessionID, DB, Key), Setting =.. [Name,Value], redis(DB, hget(Key, Name), Value). http_session:hook(active_session(SessionID, Peer, LastUsed)) :- ( last_used(SessionID, LastUsed0), peer(SessionID, Peer0) -> LastUsed = LastUsed0, Peer = Peer0 ; session_db(ro, SessionID, DB, Key), redis(DB, hget(Key, peer), PeerS), ip_name(Peer, PeerS), redis(DB, hget(Key, last_used), LastUsed as number), update_session(SessionID, LastUsed, _, Peer) ). http_session:hook(set_last_used(SessionID, Now, Timeout)) :- http_session:session_setting(granularity(TimeGranularity)), LastUsed is floor(Now/TimeGranularity)*TimeGranularity, update_session(SessionID, LastUsed, Updated, _Peer), ( Updated == true -> session_db(rw, SessionID, DB, Key), redis(DB, hset(Key, last_used, Now)), expire(SessionID, Timeout) ; true ). http_session:hook(asserta(session_data(SessionID, Data))) :- must_be(ground, Data), session_data_db(rw, SessionID, DB, Key), redis(DB, lpush(Key, Data as prolog)). http_session:hook(assertz(session_data(SessionID, Data))) :- must_be(ground, Data), session_data_db(rw, SessionID, DB, Key), redis(DB, rpush(Key, Data as prolog)). http_session:hook(retract(session_data(SessionID, Data))) :- session_data_db(rw, SessionID, DB, Key), redis_get_list(DB, Key, 10, List), member(Data, List), redis(DB, lrem(Key, 1, Data as prolog)). http_session:hook(retractall(session_data(SessionID, Data))) :- forall(http_session:hook(retract(session_data(SessionID, Data))), true). http_session:hook(session_data(SessionID, Data)) :- session_data_db(rw, SessionID, DB, Key), redis_get_list(DB, Key, 10, List), member(Data, List). http_session:hook(current_session(SessionID, Data)) :- session_db(ro, SessionID, DB, Key), redis(DB, hget(Key, last_used), Time as number), number(Time), get_time(Now), Idle is Now - Time, ( nonvar(Data) -> ( Data = peer(Peer) -> redis(DB, hget(Key, peer), PeerS), ip_name(Peer, PeerS) ; Data = idle(Idle0) -> Idle0 = Idle ; http_session:hook(session_data(SessionID, Data)) ) ; ( Data = peer(Peer), redis(DB, hget(Key, peer), PeerS), ip_name(Peer, PeerS) ; Data = idle(Idle) ; non_reserved_property(Data), http_session:hook(session_data(SessionID, Data)) ) ). http_session:hook(close_session(SessionID)) :- gc_session(SessionID). http_session:hook(gc_sessions) :- gc_sessions. non_reserved_property(P) :- var(P), !. non_reserved_property(peer(_)) :- !, fail. non_reserved_property(idle(_)) :- !, fail. non_reserved_property(_). %! update_session(+SessionID, ?LastUsed, -Updated, ?Peer) is det. % % Update cached last_used and peer notions. update_session(SessionID, LastUsed, Updated, Peer) :- transaction(update_session_(SessionID, LastUsed, Updated, Peer)). update_session_(SessionID, LastUsed, Updated, Peer) :- update_last_used(SessionID, Updated, LastUsed), update_peer(SessionID, Peer). update_last_used(SessionID, Updated, LastUsed), nonvar(LastUsed) => ( last_used(SessionID, LastUsed) -> true ; retractall(last_used(SessionID, _)), asserta(last_used(SessionID, LastUsed)), Updated = true ). update_last_used(_, _, _) => true. update_peer(SessionID, Peer), nonvar(Peer) => ( peer(SessionID, Peer) -> true ; retractall(peer(SessionID, _)), asserta(peer(SessionID, Peer)) ). update_peer(_, _) => true. /******************************* * SCHEDULE TIMEOUT * *******************************/ expire(SessionID, Timeout) :- get_time(Now), Time is integer(Now+Timeout), session_expire_db(rw, DB, Key), redis(DB, zadd(Key, Time, SessionID)). gc_sessions :- session_expire_db(ro, DB, Key), session_expire_db(rw, DB, TMOKey), get_time(Now), End is integer(Now), redis(DB, zrangebyscore(Key, "-inf", End), TimedOut as atom), ( member(SessionID, TimedOut), redis(DB, zrem(TMOKey, SessionID), 1), % 0 if someone else deleted this gc_session(SessionID), fail ; true ). %! gc_session(+SessionID) is semidet. gc_session(_) :- prolog_current_frame(Frame), prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, parent, PFrame), prolog_frame_attribute(PFrame, parent_goal, gc_session(_)), !. gc_session(SessionID) :- debug(http_session(gc), 'GC session ~p', [SessionID]), session_db(ro, SessionID, DB, SessionKey), redis(DB, hget(SessionKey, peer), PeerS), ip_name(Peer, PeerS), broadcast(http_session(end(SessionID, Peer))), session_db(rw, SessionID, DBw, SessionKey), redis(DBw, del(SessionKey)), session_data_db(rw, SessionID, DBw, DataKey), redis(DBw, del(DataKey)), retractall(peer(SessionID, _)), retractall(last_used(SessionID, _)). /******************************* * UTIL * *******************************/ %! session_db(+RW, ?SessionID, -DB, -Key) is det. session_db(RW, SessionID, DB, Key) :- nonvar(SessionID), !, redis_db(RW, DB), key_prefix(Prefix), atomics_to_string([Prefix,session,SessionID], :, Key). session_db(RW, SessionID, DB, Key) :- session_expire_db(RW, DB, TMOKey), redis_zscan(DB, TMOKey, Pairs, []), member(SessionIDS-_Timeout, Pairs), atom_string(SessionID, SessionIDS), key_prefix(Prefix), atomics_to_string([Prefix,session,SessionID], :, Key). session_expire_db(RW, DB, Key) :- redis_db(RW, DB), key_prefix(Prefix), atomics_to_string([Prefix,expire], :, Key). session_data_db(RW, SessionID, DB, Key) :- redis_db(RW, DB), key_prefix(Prefix), atomics_to_string([Prefix,data,SessionID], :, Key). key_prefix(Prefix) :- http_session:session_setting(redis_prefix(Prefix)), !. key_prefix('swipl:http:sessions'). redis_db(ro, DB) :- http_session:session_setting(redis_ro(DB0)), !, DB = DB0. redis_db(_, DB) :- http_session:session_setting(redis_db(DB)).