/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2004-2015, University of Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(xsdp_type, [ xsdp_type/1, % ?Type xsdp_uri_type/2, % ?URI, ?Type xsdp_numeric_uri/2, % ?URI, ?Primary xsdp_subtype_of/2, % ?Type, ?Super xsdp_convert/3 % +Type, +Content, -Value ]). /** XML-Schema primitive types This modules provides support for the primitive XML-Schema (XSD) datatypes. It defines the type hierarchy which allows for reasoning over types as well as xsdp_convert/3 to convert XML content to a natural Prolog representation of the XSD type. Based on the W3C definitions at * http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-datatypes The current implementation is incomplete and only there to test the API and its integration with rdf:dataType=Type handling in the RDF parser. The extra 'p' in the module prefix (xsdp_*) is used to allow for a module xsd_*, providing full user-defined XSD types on top of this module. */ ns('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#'). /******************************* * PRIMITIVE TYPE HIERARCHY * *******************************/ %! xsdp_type(?Type) % % Test/generate the names for the XML schema primitive types xsdp_type(Type) :- subtype_of(Type, _). %! xsdp_uri_type(?URI, ?Type) % % True if URI is the URI for the the XML-Schema primitive Type. xsdp_uri_type(URI, Type) :- xsd_local_id(URI, Type), subtype_of(Type, _). %! xsdp_subtype_of(?Type, ?Super) % % True if Type is a (transitive) subtype of Super. xsdp_subtype_of(Type, Type) :- subtype_of(Type, _). xsdp_subtype_of(Type, Super) :- ( nonvar(Type) -> subtype_of(Type, Super0), Super0 \== (-), xsdp_subtype_of(Super0, Super) ; nonvar(Super) -> subtype_of(Sub0, Super), xsdp_subtype_of(Type, Sub0) ; subtype_of(Type, _), xsdp_subtype_of(Type, Super) ). subtype_of(anyType, -). subtype_of(anySimpleType, anyType). % string hierarchy subtype_of(string, anySimpleType). subtype_of(normalizedString, string). subtype_of(token, normalizedString). subtype_of(language, token). subtype_of('Name', token). subtype_of('NCName', 'Name'). subtype_of('NMTOKEN', token). subtype_of('NMTOKENS', 'NMTOKEN'). subtype_of('ID', 'NCName'). subtype_of('IDREF', 'NCName'). subtype_of('IDREFS', 'IDREF'). subtype_of('ENTITY', 'NCName'). subtype_of('ENTITIES', 'ENTITY'). % numeric hierarchy subtype_of(decimal, anySimpleType). subtype_of(integer, decimal). subtype_of(nonPositiveInteger, integer). subtype_of(negativeInteger, nonPositiveInteger). subtype_of(long, integer). subtype_of(int, long). subtype_of(short, int). subtype_of(byte, short). subtype_of(nonNegativeInteger, integer). subtype_of(unsignedLong, nonNegativeInteger). subtype_of(positiveInteger, nonNegativeInteger). subtype_of(unsignedInt, unsignedLong). subtype_of(unsignedShort, unsignedInt). subtype_of(unsignedByte, unsignedShort). % other simple types subtype_of(duration, anySimpleType). subtype_of(dateTime, anySimpleType). subtype_of(time, anySimpleType). subtype_of(date, anySimpleType). subtype_of(gYearMonth, anySimpleType). subtype_of(gYear, anySimpleType). subtype_of(gMonthDay, anySimpleType). subtype_of(gDay, anySimpleType). subtype_of(gMonth, anySimpleType). subtype_of(boolean, anySimpleType). subtype_of(base64Binary, anySimpleType). subtype_of(hexBinary, anySimpleType). subtype_of(float, anySimpleType). subtype_of(double, anySimpleType). subtype_of(anyURI, anySimpleType). subtype_of('QName', anySimpleType). subtype_of('NOTATION', anySimpleType). %! xsdp_numeric_uri(?URI, -PromoteURI) is nondet. % % Table mapping all XML-Schema numeric URIs into the type they % promote to. Types are promoted to =integer=, =float=, =double= % and =decimal=. term_expansion(integer_types, Clauses) :- findall(integer_type(Type), xsdp_subtype_of(Type, integer), Clauses). term_expansion(xsd_local_ids, Clauses) :- ns(NS), findall(xsd_local_id(URI, Type), ( xsdp_type(Type), atom_concat(NS, Type, URI) ), Clauses). term_expansion(numeric_uirs, Clauses) :- findall(xsdp_numeric_uri(URI, PrimaryURI), ( ( integer_type(Type), Primary = integer ; Type = float, Primary = float ; Type = double, Primary = double ; Type = decimal, Primary = decimal ), xsd_local_id(URI, Type), xsd_local_id(PrimaryURI, Primary) ), Clauses). integer_types. xsd_local_ids. numeric_uirs. %! xsdp_convert(+Type, +Content, -Value) % % Convert the content model Content to an object of the given XSD % type and return the Prolog value in Value. xsdp_convert(URI, Content, Value) :- ( xsd_local_id(URI, Type) -> convert(Type, Content, Value) ; convert(URI, Content, Value) ). convert(anyType, Term, Term) :- !. convert(anySimpleType, [Simple], Simple) :- !. % strings convert(string, [String], String) :- !. % numbers convert(IntType, [Text], Integer) :- integer_type(IntType), !, atom_number(Text, Integer), ( integer(Integer), validate_int_domain(IntType, Integer) -> true ; throw(error(domain_error(Text, IntType), _)) ). convert(float, [Text], Float) :- !, atom_number(Text, Number), Float is float(Number). convert(double, [Text], Float) :- !, atom_number(Text, Number), Float is float(Number). convert(_Any, [X], X) :- !. % TBD: provide for more types convert(_Any, X, X). validate_int_domain(integer, _). validate_int_domain(int, _). validate_int_domain(long, _). validate_int_domain(nonPositiveInteger, I) :- \+ I > 0. validate_int_domain(negativeInteger, I) :- I < 0. validate_int_domain(short, I) :- between(-32768, 32767, I). validate_int_domain(byte, I) :- between(-128, 127, I). validate_int_domain(nonNegativeInteger, I) :- \+ I < 0. validate_int_domain(unsignedLong, I) :- I >= 0. validate_int_domain(positiveInteger, I) :- I > 0. validate_int_domain(unsignedInt, I) :- I >= 0. validate_int_domain(unsignedShort, I) :- between(0, 65535, I). validate_int_domain(unsignedByte, I) :- between(0, 255, I).