/* Part of XPCE --- The SWI-Prolog GUI toolkit Author: Jan Wielemaker and Anjo Anjewierden E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org/packages/xpce/ Copyright (c) 1997-2018, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(pce_config, [ register_config/1, % +PredicateName register_config_type/2, % +Type, +Attributes % fetch/set get_config/2, % +Key, -Value set_config/2, % +Key, +Value add_config/2, % +Key, +Value del_config/2, % +Key, +Value % edit/save/load edit_config/1, % +Graphical save_config/1, % +File load_config/1, % +File ensure_loaded_config/1, % +File % Type conversion config_term_to_object/2, % ?Term, ?Object config_term_to_object/3, % +Type, ?Term, ?Object % +Editor interface config_attributes/2, % ?Key, -Attributes current_config_type/3 % +Type, -DefModule, -Attributes ]). :- meta_predicate register_config(2), register_config_type(:, +), current_config_type(:, -, -), get_config_type(:, -), get_config_term(:, -, -), get_config(:, -), set_config(:, +), add_config(:, +), del_config(:, +), save_config(:), load_config(:), ensure_loaded_config(:), edit_config(:), config_attributes(:, -). :- use_module(library(pce)). :- use_module(library(broadcast)). :- require([ is_absolute_file_name/1 , is_list/1 , chain_list/2 , file_directory_name/2 , forall/2 , list_to_set/2 , member/2 , memberchk/2 , absolute_file_name/3 , call/3 , delete/3 , maplist/3 , strip_module/3 ]). :- pce_autoload(pce_config_editor, library(pce_configeditor)). :- multifile user:file_search_path/2. :- dynamic user:file_search_path/2. user:file_search_path(config, Dir) :- get(@pce, application_data, AppDir), get(AppDir, path, Dir). config_version(1). % version of the config package /** XPCE congifuration database This module deals with saving and loading application settings such as preferences and the layout of windows. @see library(settings) provides the Prolog equivalent */ :- dynamic config_type/3, % Type, Module, Attributes config_db/2, % DB, Predicate config_store/4. % DB, Path, Value, Type /******************************* * REGISTER * *******************************/ %! register_config(:Pred) is det. % % Register Pred to provide metadata about the configuration % handled in the calling module. Pred is called as call(Pred, % Path, Attributes). register_config(Spec) :- strip_module(Spec, Module, Pred), ( config_db(Module, Pred) -> true ; asserta(config_db(Module, Pred)) ). /******************************* * QUERY * *******************************/ get_config_type(Key, Type) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), config_db(DB, Pred), call(DB:Pred, Path, Attributes), memberchk(type(Type), Attributes). %! get_config(:Key, -Value) is det. % % Get configuration for Key as Value. get_config(Key, Value) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), config_store(DB, Path, Value0, Type), !, config_term_to_object(Type, Value0, Value). get_config(Key, Value) :- config_attribute(Key, default(Default)), !, ( config_attribute(Key, type(Type)) -> strip_module(Key, DB, Path), asserta(config_store(DB, Path, Default, Type)), config_term_to_object(Type, Default, Value) ; Value = Default ). get_config_term(Key, Term, Type) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), config_store(DB, Path, Term, Type). /******************************* * MODIFY * *******************************/ %! set_config(:Key, +Value) is det. % % Set the configuration parameter Key to Value. If the value is % modified, a broadcast message set_config(Key, Value) is issued. set_config(Key, Value) :- get_config(Key, Current), Value == Current, !. set_config(Key, Value) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), set_config_(DB, Path, Value), set_modified(DB), broadcast(set_config(Key, Value)). set_config_(DB, Path, Value) :- % local version ( retract(config_store(DB, Path, _, Type)) -> true ; get_config_type(DB:Path, Type) ), config_term_to_object(Type, TermValue, Value), asserta(config_store(DB, Path, TermValue, Type)). set_config_term(DB, Path, Term, Type) :- % loaded keys retractall(config_store(DB, Path, _, _)), asserta(config_store(DB, Path, Term, Type)), config_term_to_object(Type, Term, Value), % should we broadcast? broadcast(set_config(DB:Path, Value)). set_config_(DB, Path, Value, Type) :- % local version retractall(config_store(DB, Path, _, _)), asserta(config_store(DB, Path, Value, Type)). add_config(Key, Value) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), ( retract(config_store(DB, Path, Set0, Type)), is_list(Set0) -> ( delete(Set0, Value, Set1) -> Set = [Value|Set1] ; Set = [Value|Set0] ) ; retractall(config_store(DB, Path, _, _)), % make sure get_config_type(Key, Type), Set = [Value] ), asserta(config_store(DB, Path, Set, Type)), set_modified(DB). del_config(Key, Value) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), config_store(DB, Path, Set0, Type), delete(Set0, Value, Set), retract(config_store(DB, Path, Set0, Type)), !, asserta(config_store(DB, Path, Set, Type)), set_modified(DB). set_modified(DB) :- config_store(DB, '$modified', true, _), !. set_modified(DB) :- asserta(config_store(DB, '$modified', true, bool)). clear_modified(DB) :- retractall(config_store(DB, '$modified', _, _)). /******************************* * META * *******************************/ %! config_attributes(+Key, -Attributes) % % Fetch the (meta) attributes of the given config key. The special % path `config' returns information on the config database itself. % The path of the key may be partly instantiated. config_attributes(Key, Attributes) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), config_db(DB, Pred), call(DB:Pred, Path, Attributes). config_attribute(Key, Attribute) :- var(Attribute), !, config_attributes(Key, Attributes), member(Attribute, Attributes). config_attribute(Key, Attribute) :- config_attributes(Key, Attributes), memberchk(Attribute, Attributes), !. current_config_path(Key) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), findall(P, config_path(DB, P), Ps0), list_to_set(Ps0, Ps), member(Path, Ps). config_path(DB, Path) :- config_db(DB, Pred), call(DB:Pred, Path, Attributes), memberchk(type(_), Attributes). /******************************* * SAVE * *******************************/ save_file(Key, File) :- is_absolute_file_name(Key), !, File = Key. save_file(Key, File) :- absolute_file_name(config(Key), File, [ access(write), extensions([cnf]), file_errors(fail) ]), !. save_file(Key, File) :- absolute_file_name(config(Key), File, [ extensions([cnf]) ]), !, file_directory_name(File, Dir), ( send(directory(Dir), exists) -> send(@pce, report, error, 'Cannot write config directory %s', Dir), fail ; send(directory(Dir), make) ). save_config(Spec) :- strip_module(Spec, M, Key), ( var(Key) -> get_config(M:config/file, Key) ; true ), save_file(Key, File), save_config(File, M). save_config(File, M) :- catch(do_save_config(File, M), E, print_message(warning, E)). do_save_config(File, M) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(File, write, Fd, [encoding(utf8)]), ( save_config_header(Fd, M), save_config_body(Fd, M) ), close(Fd)). save_config_header(Fd, M) :- get(@pce?date, value, Date), get(@pce, user, User), config_version(Version), format(Fd, '/* XPCE configuration file for "~w"~n', [M]), format(Fd, ' Saved ~w by ~w~n', [Date, User]), format(Fd, '*/~n~n', []), format(Fd, 'configversion(~q).~n', [Version]), format(Fd, '[~q].~n~n', [M]), format(Fd, '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~n', []), format(Fd, '% Option lines starting with a `%'' indicate %~n',[]), format(Fd, '% the value is equal to the application default. %~n', []), format(Fd, '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~n', []). save_config_body(Fd, M) :- forall(current_config_path(M:Path), save_config_key(Fd, M:Path)). save_config_key(Fd, Key) :- config_attribute(Key, comment(Comment)), nl(Fd), ( is_list(Comment) -> format_comment(Comment, Fd) ; format_comment([Comment], Fd) ), fail. save_config_key(Fd, Key) :- strip_module(Key, _, Path), Options = [quoted(true), module(pce)], ( get_config_term(Key, Value, _Type), ( ( config_attribute(Key, default(Value0)) -> Value == Value0 ) -> format(Fd, '%~q = ~t~32|~W.~n', [Path, Value, Options]) ; format(Fd, '~q = ~t~32|~W.~n', [Path, Value, Options]) ), fail ; true ). format_comment([], _). format_comment([H|T], Fd) :- format(Fd, '/* ~w */~n', [H]), format_comment(T, Fd). save_modified_configs :- config_db(DB, _Pred), get_config(DB:'$modified', true), clear_modified(DB), get_config(DB:config/file, Key), send(@pce, report, status, 'Saving config database %s', Key), save_config(DB:_DefaultFile), fail. save_modified_configs. :- initialization send(@pce, exit_message, message(@prolog, save_modified_configs)). /******************************* * LOAD * *******************************/ ensure_loaded_config(Spec) :- strip_module(Spec, M, _Key), config_store(M, _Path, _Value, _Type), !. ensure_loaded_config(Spec) :- load_config(Spec). load_file(Key, File) :- is_absolute_file_name(Key), !, File = Key. load_file(Key, File) :- absolute_file_name(config(Key), File, [ access(read), extensions([cnf]), file_errors(fail) ]). load_key(_DB, Key) :- nonvar(Key), !. load_key(DB, Key) :- get_config(DB:config/file, Key), !. load_config(Spec) :- strip_module(Spec, M, Key), catch(pce_config:load_config(M, Key), E, print_message(warning, E)). load_config(M, Key) :- load_key(M, Key), load_file(Key, File), !, setup_call_cleanup( ( '$push_input_context'(pce_config), open(File, read, Fd, [encoding(utf8)]) ), read_config_file(Fd, _SaveVersion, _SaveModule, Bindings), ( close(Fd), '$pop_input_context' )), load_config_keys(M, Bindings), set_config_(M, config/file, File, file), clear_modified(M). load_config(M, Key) :- % no config file, use defaults load_key(M, Key), set_config_(M, config/file, Key, file), clear_modified(M). % or not, so we save first time? read_config_file(Fd, SaveVersion, SaveModule, Bindings) :- read(Fd, configversion(SaveVersion)), read(Fd, [SaveModule]), read_term(Fd, Term, [module(pce)]), read_config_file(Term, Fd, Bindings). read_config_file(end_of_file, _, []) :- !. read_config_file(Binding, Fd, [Binding|T]) :- read_term(Fd, Term, [module(pce)]), read_config_file(Term, Fd, T). load_config_keys(DB, Bindings) :- forall(current_config_path(DB:Path), load_config_key(DB:Path, Bindings)). load_config_key(Key, Bindings) :- strip_module(Key, DB, Path), config_attribute(Key, type(Type)), ( member(Path=Value, Bindings) *-> set_config_term(DB, Path, Value, Type), fail ; config_attribute(Key, default(Value)) -> set_config_term(DB, Path, Value, Type) ), !. load_config_key(_, _). /******************************* * EDIT * *******************************/ edit_config(Spec) :- strip_module(Spec, M, Graphical), make_config_editor(M, Editor), ( object(Graphical), send(Graphical, instance_of, visual), get(Graphical, frame, Frame) -> send(Editor, transient_for, Frame), send(Editor, modal, transient), send(Editor, open_centered, Frame?area?center) ; send(Editor, open_centered) ). make_config_editor(M, Editor) :- new(Editor, pce_config_editor(M)). /******************************* * TYPES * *******************************/ resource(font, image, image('16x16/font.xpm')). resource(cpalette2, image, image('16x16/cpalette2.xpm')). builtin_config_type(bool, [ editor(config_bool_item), term(map([@off=false, @on=true])) ]). builtin_config_type(font, [ editor(font_item), term([family, style, points]), icon(font) ]). builtin_config_type(colour, [ editor(colour_item), term(if(@arg1?kind == named, name)), term([@default, red, green, blue]) ]). builtin_config_type(setof(colour), [ editor(colour_palette_item), icon(cpalette2) ]). builtin_config_type(image, [ editor(image_item), term(if(@arg1?name \== @nil, name)), term(@arg1?file?absolute_path) ]). builtin_config_type(file, [ editor(file_item) ]). builtin_config_type(directory, [ editor(directory_item) ]). builtin_config_type({}(_), [ editor(config_one_of_item) ]). builtin_config_type(_, [ editor(config_generic_item) ]). register_config_type(TypeSpec, Attributes) :- strip_module(TypeSpec, Module, Type), ( config_type(Type, Module, Attributes) -> true ; asserta(config_type(Type, Module, Attributes)) ). current_config_type(TypeSpec, DefModule, Attributes) :- strip_module(TypeSpec, Module, Type), ( config_type(Type, Module, Attributes) -> DefModule = Module ; config_type(Type, DefModule, Attributes) ). current_config_type(TypeSpec, pce_config, Attributes) :- strip_module(TypeSpec, _Module, Type), builtin_config_type(Type, Attributes). %! pce_object_type(+Type) % % Succeed if Type denotes an XPCE type pce_object_type(Var) :- var(Var), !, fail. pce_object_type(setof(Type)) :- !, pce_object_type(Type). pce_object_type(Type) :- current_config_type(Type, _, Attributes), memberchk(term(_), Attributes). /******************************* * TERM <-> OBJECT * *******************************/ config_term_to_object(Type, Term, Object) :- pce_object_type(Type), !, config_term_to_object(Term, Object). config_term_to_object(_, Value, Value). config_term_to_object(Term, Object) :- nonvar(Object), !, config_object_to_term(Object, Term). config_term_to_object(Term, _Object) :- var(Term), fail. % raise error! config_term_to_object(List, Chain) :- is_list(List), !, maplist(config_term_to_object, List, Objects), chain_list(Chain, Objects). config_term_to_object(Atomic, Atomic) :- atomic(Atomic), !. config_term_to_object(Term+Attribute, Object) :- !, Attribute =.. [AttName, AttTerm], config_term_to_object(AttTerm, AttObject), config_term_to_object(Term, Object), send(Object, AttName, AttObject). config_term_to_object(Term, Object) :- new(Object, Term). % Object --> Term config_object_to_term(@off, false) :- !. config_object_to_term(@on, true) :- !. config_object_to_term(@Ref, @Ref) :- atom(Ref), !. % global objects! config_object_to_term(Chain, List) :- send(Chain, instance_of, chain), !, chain_list(Chain, List0), maplist(config_object_to_term, List0, List). config_object_to_term(Obj, Term) :- object(Obj), get(Obj, class_name, ClassName), term_description(ClassName, Attributes, Condition), send(Condition, forward, Obj), config_attributes_to_term(Attributes, Obj, Term). config_object_to_term(Obj, Term) :- object(Obj), get(Obj, class_name, ClassName), term_description(ClassName, Attributes), config_attributes_to_term(Attributes, Obj, Term). config_object_to_term(V, V). config_attributes_to_term(map(Mapping), Obj, Term) :- !, memberchk(Obj=Term, Mapping). config_attributes_to_term(NewAtts+Att, Obj, Term+AttTerm) :- !, config_attributes_to_term(NewAtts, Obj, Term), prolog_value_argument(Obj, Att, AttTermVal), AttTerm =.. [Att, AttTermVal]. config_attributes_to_term(Attributes, Obj, Term) :- is_list(Attributes), !, get(Obj, class_name, ClassName), maplist(prolog_value_argument(Obj), Attributes, InitArgs), Term =.. [ClassName|InitArgs]. config_attributes_to_term(Attribute, Obj, Term) :- prolog_value_argument(Obj, Attribute, Term). % unconditional term descriptions term_description(Type, TermDescription) :- current_config_type(Type, _, Attributes), member(term(TermDescription), Attributes), \+ TermDescription = if(_,_). term_description(Type, TermDescription, Condition) :- current_config_type(Type, _, Attributes), member(term(if(Condition, TermDescription)), Attributes). prolog_value_argument(Obj, Arg, ArgTerm) :- atom(Arg), !, get(Obj, Arg, V0), config_object_to_term(V0, ArgTerm). prolog_value_argument(Obj, Arg, Value) :- functor(Arg, ?, _), get(Arg, '_forward', Obj, Value). prolog_value_argument(_, Arg, Arg). /******************************* * XREF SUPPORT * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:called_by/2. prolog:called_by(register_config(G), [G+2]).