% :- ensure_loaded( 'lib/els' ). :- dynamic(ad:slp_clause/2). :- lib(clean_module/1). % all_dynamic( +File ) :- % Use term_expansion/2 (defined in ad_expand), % to consult the predicates of File in module ad. % All these predicate will also be declared dynamic. % Finally, retract all current term_expansions (/2). % all_dynamic( Files ) :- %% write( a_retractall( ad:slp_clause(_,_) ) ), nl, retractall( ad:slp_clause(_,_) ), %% write( here ), nl, % consult( library(ad_expand) ), absolute_file_name( pack(bims), BimsRoot, [file_type(directory),access(read)] ), directory_file_path( BimsRoot, 'src/lib', BimsLib ), directory_file_path( BimsLib, 'ad_expand.pl', AddExpF ), % module_requires( bims, ad_expand/0 ), load_files( bims:AddExpF, [if(true)] ), retractall( ad:s_label(_,_) ), retractall( ad:d_label(_,_,_) ), retractall( ad_pt:pred_type(_,_) ), retractall( pvars:pvars(_,_,_) ), retractall( stailr:pvars(_,_,_) ), bims_bb_put( ad:all_preds, [] ), pl( yap(_), source ), pl( swi(_), consult(Files), compile(Files) ), % consult( Files ), % when debugging, use this. pl( yap(_), no_source ), retractall( user:term_expansion(_A,_B) ), % bb_put( loaded_slp, Files ), % abolish( tmp:_ ), clean_module( tmp ), !.