go_string_graph_defaults( Defs ) :- Defs = [ org(hs), plot(false), % save(false), % see wgraph_plot/2. stem_type(go_name) ]. /** go_string_graph( +GoTerm, -Graph, +Opts ). Plot the STRING graph of all the Symbols in a GO term. The Graph can be saved via options to wgraph_plot/2. Opts are passed to symbols_string_graph/3 and wgraph_plot/2. Opts * org(Org=hs) organism for the operation * plot(Plot=false) whether to plot the graph * save(Save=false) whether to save the graph (passed to wgraph_plot/2 * stem_type(Sty=go_name) constructs stem for the output filenames: =|go_id|=, =|go_pair|=, =|go_pair_ord(I,Len)|=. == ?- go_string_graph( 'GO:0016601', G, true ). ?- go_string_graph( 'GO:0016601', G, plot(true) ). ?- go_string_graph( 'GO:0016601', G, [plot(true),save(true)] ). G = ['ABI2', 'AIF1', 'CDH13', 'HACD3', 'NISCH', 'ALS2'-'RAC1':892, 'BRK1'-'CYFIP1':999, ... - ... : 904, ... : ...|...]. ?- ls. % Rac_protein_signal_transduction.csv Rac_protein_signal_transduction_graph.csv Rac_protein_signal_transduction_layout.csv true. ?- go_string_graph( 'GO:0016601', G, [plot(true),save(true),stem_type(go_pair)] ). == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2016/4/12 @version 0.2 2020/9/3, expanded go_string_graph_stem/3 @tbd make sure underlying options are compatible. */ go_string_graph( Got, Graph, Args ) :- options_append( go_string_graph, Args, Opts ), % go_term_symbols( GoTerm, Symbs, Opts ), options( org(Org), Opts ), go_org_symbols( Got, Org, Symbs ), symbols_string_graph( Symbs, Graph, Opts ), options( plot(Plot), Opts ), go_string_graph_plot( Plot, Graph, Got, Opts ). go_string_graph_plot( true, Graph, GoTerm, Opts ) :- options( stem_type(Stype), Opts ), go_string_graph_stem( Stype, GoTerm, Stem ), wgraph_plot( Graph, [stem(Stem)|Opts] ). go_string_graph_plot( false, _Graph, _GoTerm, _Opts ). % go_string_graph_stem( null, _GoTerm, ). % fixme: breaks backward compatibility go_string_graph_stem( go_pair_ord(I,Len), GoTerm, Stem ) :- go_string_graph_stem( go_id, GoTerm, IdStem ), go_string_graph_stem( go_name, GoTerm, NmStem ), number_codes( I, ICs ), length( ICs, ICsLen ), From is ICsLen + 1, findall( 0, between(From,Len,_), Zeros ), append( Zeros, [I], Numbs ), atomic_list_concat( Numbs, '', Pfx ), atomic_list_concat( [Pfx,IdStem,NmStem], '-', Stem ). go_string_graph_stem( go_pair, GoTerm, Stem ) :- go_string_graph_stem( go_id, GoTerm, IdStem ), go_string_graph_stem( go_name, GoTerm, NmStem ), atomic_list_concat( [IdStem,NmStem], '-', Stem ). go_string_graph_stem( go_id, GoTermIn, Stem ) :- ( atom_concat('GO:',GoBasename,GoTermIn) -> true ; GoBasename = GoTermIn ), atomic_list_concat( [go,GoBasename], '', Stem ). go_string_graph_stem( go_name, GoTermIn, Stem ) :- ( atom_concat('GO:',GoBasename,GoTermIn) -> % GoTerm = GoTermIn true ; GoBasename=GoTermIn % atom_concat('GO:',GoTermIn,GoTerm) ), ( atom(GoBasename) -> atom_number(GoBasename,GoNum); GoNum = GoBasename ), ( gont_homs_gont_gonm( GoNum, GoName ) -> true ; atom_concat(go,GoBasename,GoName) ), % atom_codes( GoName, GoNameCs ), % codes_replace( GoNameCs, 0' , 0'_, GoUnderCs ), % atom_codes( GoUnder, GoUnderCs ), % atomic_list_concat( [go,GoUnder], '_', Stem ). atomic_list_concat( PartsA, '/', GoName ), atomic_list_concat( PartsA, '_OR_', OredGoName ), atomic_list_concat( PartsB, ' ', OredGoName ), atomic_list_concat( PartsB, '_', Stem ). % removing go_ prefix codes_replace( [], _C, _W, [] ). codes_replace( [C|T], C, W, [W|R] ) :- !, codes_replace( T, C, W, R ). codes_replace( [H|T], C, W, [H|R] ) :- codes_replace( T, C, W, R ).