:- module(bio_db_repo, [bio_db_repo/0, bio_db_repo_version/2]). :- use_module(library(bio_db)). :- ensure_loaded(bio_db_repo_version). /** Data package for bio_db. This contains all the prolog database predicates served by pack(bio_db) (see bio_db_paths/0). */ /** bio_db_repo. This is the data pack for bio_db. Please see bio_db/0 for more information. */ bio_db_repo. /** bio_db_repo_version( -Version, -Date ). Version is a Mj:MM:DD term with integer components and date is a date(YYYY,MM,DD) term. Version is the date the data were downloaded from primary sources and Date is the date the pack was published. Previously: bio_db_repo_version( 16:9:10, date(16,9,11) ).
bio_db_repo_version( 17:3:3, date(17,3,4) ).