1:- module(swi_pengines, [pengine_collect/2, pengine_collect/4, pengine_wait/1]).    2
    3:- use_module(library(pengines)).
 pengine_collect(-Results, +Options) is det
 pengine_collect(?Template, +Goal, -Results, +Options) is det
Collects Prolog engine results. Repackages the collect predicate used by the Prolog engine tests. There is only one minor difference. The number of replies maps to replies/1 in Options. Succeeds if not provided but unites with the integer number of replies from all engines whenever passed to Options. Options partitions into three sub-sets: next options, state options and ask options.

The implementation utilises a mutable state dictionary to pass event-loop arguments and accumulate results. So quite useful. Note also that the second Goal argument is not module sensitive. There consequently is no meta-predicate declaration for it.

The arity-2 form of pengine_collect expects that the pengine_create options have asked a query. Otherwise the collect waits indefinitely for the engines to stop.

It is possible that the engine could exit before the collector asks for results. Prolog engines operate asynchronously. The collect handler pre-empts failure and avoids an ask-triggered exception by only asking existing engines for results. This does not eliminate the possibility entirely. It only narrows the window of opportunity to the interval in-between checking for existence and asking.

Results- are the result terms, a list of successful Goal results accumulated by appending results from all the running engines.
   34pengine_collect(Results, Options) :- pengine_collect(-, -, Results, Options).
   36pengine_collect(Template, Goal, Results, Options) :-
   37    partition(next_option, Options, NextOptions, Options1),
   38    partition(state_option, Options1, StateOptions, AskOptions),
   39    dict_create(State, state,
   40                [ results([]),
   41                  replies(0),
   42                  options(_{ask:AskOptions, next:NextOptions})
   43                | StateOptions
   44                ]),
   45    pengine_event_loop(collect_handler(Template, Goal, State), []),
   46    Results = State.results,
   47    option(replies(State.replies), Options, _).
   53collect_handler(Template, Goal, State, create(Id, _)) :-
   54    Goal \== (-),
   55    !,
   56    pengine_property(Id, self(Id)),
   57    pengine_ask(Id, Goal, [template(Template)|State.options.ask]).
   58collect_handler(_, _, State, success(Id, Results, More)) :-
   59    append(State.results, Results, Results1),
   60    b_set_dict(results, State, Results1),
   61    Replies1 is State.replies + 1,
   62    b_set_dict(replies, State, Replies1),
   63    (   StopAfter = State.get(stop_after),
   64        length(Results1, Collected),
   65        Collected >= StopAfter
   66    ->  pengine_destroy(Id)
   67    ;   More == true
   68    ->  pengine_next(Id, State.options.next)
   69    ;   true
   70    ).
 pengine_wait(Options) is semidet
Waits for Prolog engines to die. It takes time to die. If alive, wait for the engines by sampling the current engine and child engines periodically. Options allows you to override the default number of retries (10) and the default number of retry delays (10 milliseconds). Fails if times out while waiting for engines to die; failure means that engines remain alive (else something when wrong).

The implementation makes internal assumptions about the pengines module. It accesses the dynamic and volatile predicates current_pengine/6 and child/2. The latter is thread local.

   85pengine_wait(Options) :-
   86    option(retry(Retry), Options, 10),
   87    option(delay(Delay), Options, 0.01),
   88    (   true
   89    ;   between(1, Retry, _),
   90        sleep(Delay)
   91    ),
   92    \+ pengines:current_pengine(_, _, _, _, _, _),
   93    \+ pengines:child(_, _),
   94    !