chess_db_defaults( [create(false),position(true)] ). /** chess_db( +PgnOrF ). chess_db( +PgnOrF, +ChessDb ). chess_db( +PgnOrF, +Opts ). chess_db( +PgnOrF, +ChessDb, +Opts ). Add games from a PGN file or a PGN term, PgnOrF, to the chess database pointed to by Db and/or Opts. If Db is given both as argument and option, the argument overrides. If argument Db or option Db is a variable, then the full location of the Db used is returned. To distinguish between the two arity 2 versions, Opts in that case need be a list. Opts * create(Create=false) how to behave if ChessDb exists (see chess_db_connect/2) * db(Db) database location (see chess_db_connect/2) * dir(Dir) directory where database is located, (many allowed, see chess_db_connect/2) * position(Pos=true) if true, use position table Options can also be picked up from ~/.pl/ (see options_append/3). == ?- pgn( pgn('18.03-candidates'), Pgn ), chess_db( Pgn, chess_db('18.03-candidates'), [db(Which),create(true)] ). Pgn = ... Which = '.../swipl-7.7.18/pack/chess_db_data/dbs/18.03-candidates'. ?- chess_db( pgn('4ncl_short.pgn'), fourNCL, [dir('/tmp'),create(true),db(Db)] ). Db = '/tmp/fourNCL'. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2018/3/14 @version 0.2 2018/8/17 @see options_append/3 */ chess_db( PgnIn ) :- chess_db( PgnIn, _, [] ). chess_db( PgnIn, DbOrOpts ) :- ( is_list(DbOrOpts) -> Db = _AbsDb, Opts = DbOrOpts ; Db = DbOrOpts, Opts = [] ), chess_db( PgnIn, Db, Opts ). chess_db( PgnIn, ArgDb, Args ) :- options_append( chess_db, Args, Opts ), ( memberchk(db(OptDb),Opts) -> true; true ), % options( create(Create), Opts ), % options( position(Pos), Opts ), pgn( PgnIn, Pgn ), ( ground(ArgDb) -> Db = ArgDb; Db = OptDb ), ( var(Db) -> throw(variable_location(ArgDb,Args)); true ), chess_db_connect( Db, [db(AbsDb),handles(CdbHs)|Opts] ), % chess_db_handles( Create, Pos, Dir, CdbHs, AbsDb ), chess_db_handle( info, CdbHs, InfoHandle ), chess_db_max_id( InfoHandle, LaGid ), chess_db_games_add( Pgn, LaGid, CdbHs), ( atomic(AbsDb) -> chess_db_disconnect(AbsDb); true ), % chess_db_handles_close( CdbHs ), ( var(ArgDb) -> ArgDb = AbsDb; true ), ( var(OptDb) -> OptDb = AbsDb; true ). chess_db_games_add( [], _Gid, _CdbHs ). chess_db_games_add( [G|Gs], Gid, CdbHs ) :- % fixme: ignore position for now G = pgn(Info,Moves,_Res,Orig), chess_db_debug_info( Info, 'adding to db' ), chess_db_handle( info, CdbHs, InfoHandle ), chess_db_handle( move, CdbHs, MoveHandle ), chess_db_handle( orig, CdbHs, OrigHandle ), chess_db_handle( posi, CdbHs, PosiHandle ), chess_db_game_add( InfoHandle, Info, Moves, Orig, Gid, MoveHandle, OrigHandle, PosiHandle, Nid ), chess_db_games_add( Gs, Nid, CdbHs ). chess_db_debug_info( Info, Pfx ) :- memberchk( 'White'-White, Info ), memberchk( 'Black'-Black, Info ), atomic_list_concat( [White,vs,Black], ' ', Mess ), !, debug( chess_db, '~w: ~w', [Pfx,Mess] ). chess_db_debug_info( Info, Pfx ) :- debug( chess_db, '~w: ~w', [Pfx,Info] ). chess_db_game_add( InfoHandle, Info, _Moves, _Orig, Gid, _MoHa, _OrHa, _PoHa, Gid ) :- chess_db_game_info_exists( Info, InfoHandle, ExGid ), !, % fixme: add option for erroring debug( chess_db(info), 'Info match existing game: ~d', ExGid ). chess_db_game_add( InfoHandle, Info, Moves, Orig, Gid, MoHa, OrHa, PoHa, Nid ) :- Nid is Gid + 1, findall( game_info(Nid,K,V), member(K-V,Info), Goals ), db_assert( InfoHandle, Goals, _ ), chess_dict_start_board( Start ), chess_pgn_moves_limos( Moves, 1, Start, Limos ), findall( game_move(Nid,Ply,Hmv,NxtMv), member(limo(Ply,Hmv,NxtMv,_Inpo),Limos), Moals ), db_assert( MoHa, Moals, _ ), chess_db_limos_game_posi( Limos, Nid, PoHa ), maplist( atom_codes, OrigAtms, Orig ), atomic_list_concat( OrigAtms, '\n', OrigAtm ), debug( chess_db(original), '~a', OrigAtm ), db_assert( OrHa, game_orig(Nid,OrigAtm), _ ). /** chess_db_limos_game_posi( +Limos, +Gid, +Db ). Add a number of positions from Limos structures from game Gid, on to position table with db handle PoHa. */ chess_db_limos_game_posi( [], _Gid, _PosDb ). chess_db_limos_game_posi( [limo(Ply,_Hmv,Mv,Inpo)|T], Gid, PosDb ) :- % write( mv(Mv) ), nl, % ( Mv == 'c4' -> trace; true ), ( Mv == [] -> true ; atomic_list_concat( [Gid,Ply,Mv], '-', This ), ( (db_holds(PosDb,game_posi(Inpo,Curr)),db_retractall(PosDb,game_posi(Inpo,_),_) ) -> atomic_list_concat( [Curr,This], ';', Next ) ; Next = This ), % ( integer(Inpo) -> InpoInt = Inpo; atom_number(Inpo,InpoInt) ), db_assert( PosDb, game_posi(Inpo,Next), _ ) ), chess_db_limos_game_posi( T, Gid, PosDb ). chess_db_game_info_exists( [], _InfHa, _ExGid ). chess_db_game_info_exists( [K-V|T], InfHa, ExGid ) :- db_holds( InfHa, game_info(ExGid,K,V) ), chess_db_game_info_exists( T, InfHa, ExGid ). chess_db_table_fields( game_info, [gid+integer,key+text,value-text] ). % chess_db_table_fields( game_move, [gid+integer,move_no+integer,turn+boolean,move-text] ). chess_db_table_fields( game_move, [gid+integer,ply+integer,hmv-integer,move-text] ). chess_db_table_fields( game_orig, [gid+integer,original-text] ). % chess_db_table_fields( game_posi, [gid+integer,ply+integer,position-text] ). chess_db_table_fields( game_posi, [position+text,pairs-text] ). chess_db_dir( Dir, _Create, AbsDir ) :- AbsOpts = [file_type(directory),file_errors(fail)], % fixme: assumes dir-based db absolute_file_name( Dir, AbsDir, AbsOpts ), % exists_directory( Dir ), !, % fixme: can the following into a debug_call(,dir,chess_db/Dir). debug( chess_db(info), 'Using existing chess_db directory: ~w', AbsDir ). chess_db_dir( Dir, Create, AbsDir ) :- Create == true, % AbsOpts = [solutions(first),file_errors(fail),mode(none),expand(true)], chess_db_dir_create( Dir, AbsDir ), !, debug( chess_db(info), 'Creating new chess_db directory: ~w', AbsDir ), make_directory_path( AbsDir ). chess_db_dir( Dir, Create, Dir ) :- throw( chess_db_dir_does_not_exist_and_asked_not_to_create_it_by(Dir,Create) ). chess_db_dir_create( Dir, AbsDir ) :- absolute_file_name( Dir, AbsDir, [solutions(all)] ), % when creating prefer aliases that exist... ( (compound(Dir),functor(Dir,Name,1)) -> user:file_search_path( Name, _Path ), Mock =.. [Name,what], absolute_file_name( Mock, AbsMock, [solutions(all)] ), directory_file_path( NamePath, what, AbsMock ), atom_concat(NamePath,_,AbsDir), exists_directory(NamePath), debug( chess_db(info), 'New chess_db directory (existing search): ~w', [AbsDir] ) ; true ), !. chess_db_dir_create( Dir, AbsDir ) :- absolute_file_name( Dir, AbsDir, [solutions(all)] ), absolute_file_name( pack(chess_db), AbsChDb ), directory_file_path( Prefix, chess_db, AbsChDb ), atom_concat( Prefix, _, AbsDir ), !, debug( chess_db(info), 'New chess_db directory (pack prefix): ~w', [AbsDir] ). chess_db_dir_create( Dir, AbsDir ) :- debug( chess_db(info), 'New chess_db directory (fall back): ~w', [AbsDir] ), absolute_file_name( Dir, AbsDir ).