% :- lib(real).
% :- lib(stoics_lib:skim/3).
% :- lib(stoics_lib:at_con/3).
gbn_family_gates_defaults( [simplify(aox),xor(true),not(false)] ).
/** gbn_family_gates( +Child, +Parents, +Mtx, -Gatrix, +Opts ).
For a Child and list of Parents variables that are columns in Mtx,
Gatrix is the matrix formed of the columns described below.
Note that values in the Child and Parents columns should be binary for the predicate to work.
* not(Not=false)
whether to include not gates
* simplify(Sify)
defines the type of simplication on the gates term (_aox_ default, else no simplification)
* xor(Xor=true)
whether to include xor gates
* test_statistic
the result of Fisher test on the logic formula
* complexity
integer- number of logic gates in formula
* direction
mut_excl, or co_occur
* odds
value on which the direction of relation between the formula and Child was derived
* pval
* formula
logical gates formula
The first row holds the Child and the Parents consecutively.
Gatrix is passed through mtx/2 before being returned. Mtx is similarly treated as mtx/2 input.
@author nicos angelopoulos
@version 0.2 added options and ability to exclude not (currently false is the default)
gbn_family_gates( Child, Parents, MtxIn, Gatrix, Args ) :-
options_append( gbn_family_gates, Args, Opts ),
options( [simplify(Sify),xor(Xor),not(Not)], Opts ),
gbn_family_gates( Child, Parents, MtxIn, Xor, Not, Sify, Gatrix ).
gbn_family_gates( Child, Parents, MtxIn, Wxor, Not, Simplify, Gatrix ) :-
gates( Parents, Wxor, Not, Simplify, Gates ),
mtx_columns_values( MtxIn, Mtx, header_pair(true) ),
memberchk( Child-ChildValues, Mtx),
findall( Pa-PaValues, (member(Pa,Parents),memberchk(Pa-PaValues,Mtx)), VVs ),
childvs <- ChildValues,
gate_expr_pvals( Gates, VVs, childvs, Pates ),
sort( Pates, Patrix ),
gbn_expr_pvals_epsilon_correct( Patrix, Catrix ),
sort( Catrix, Gatrix ).
gbn_expr_pvals_epsilon_correct( [row(P,C,D,E,A,M)|T], Corrected ) :-
gbn_expr_pvals_epsilon_correct_1( [row(P,C,D,P,E,A,M)|T], Corrected ).
gbn_expr_pvals_epsilon_correct_1( [Row], [Row] ) :- !.
gbn_expr_pvals_epsilon_correct_1( [row(P1,C1,D1,N1,E1,A1,M1),row(P2,C2,D2,E2,A2,M2)|T], [CRow|Catrix] ) :-
CRow = row(P1,C1,D1,N1,E1,A1,M1),
( catch(log10(P1) + 0.00001 < log10(P2),_,fail) -> N2 = P2; N2 = P1 ),
% ( P1 + epsilon < P2 -> N2 = P2; N2 = P1 ),
gbn_expr_pvals_epsilon_correct_1( [row(N2,C2,D2,P2,E2,A2,M2)|T], Catrix ).
gate_expr_pvals( [], _VVs, _ChildValues, [] ).
gate_expr_pvals( [G|Gs], VVs, ChildValues, [Row|Prs] ) :-
% debug( gbn(fisher_test), 'gate: ~w', [G] ),
% debug( gbn(fisher_test), 'vvs: ~w', [VVs] ),
G =.. [Gn|Gargs],
% gate_eval( G, VVs, Cx, Vect ),
gate_eval( Gn, Gargs, VVs, ChildValues, Cx, Vect, SubMts ),
gate_vector_pairwise_metrics( Vect, ChildValues, Pval, Odds, Dir ),
% G = _-Formula,
term_to_atom( G, FormAtm ),
% Row = row(Pval,Cx,Dir,Odds,FormAtm,SubMts),
% here() too:
Row = row(Pval,Cx,Dir,Odds,FormAtm,SubMts),
gate_expr_pvals( Gs, VVs, ChildValues, Prs ).
gate_vector_pairwise_metrics( Vect, ChildValues, Pv, Pe, Dir ) :-
( (\+ sort(Vect,[_]),catch(ft <- fisher.test( Vect, ChildValues),_,fail)) ->
% debug( gbn(fisher_test), 'Run fisher.test on vect: ~w', [Vect] ),
% ChildValuesL <- ChildValues,
% debug( gbn(fisher_test), 'Run fisher.test against: ~w', [ChildValuesL] ),
PvPrv <- ft$p.value,
PePrv <- ft$estimate,
( number(PePrv) ->
Pv is PvPrv, Pe is PePrv,
( Pe > 1 -> Dir = co_occur; Dir = mut_excl )
Pv = 1, Pe = 1,
Dir = null
Pv = 1,
Pe = 1,
Dir = null
/** gates( +Vars, +WxorB, +NotB, +Simplify, +GateExprs ).
Create complete set of gate expression that involve all of elements in Vars.
WxorB is the boolean controlling inclusion of Xor gate.
Simplify is the token controlling simplification regime,
_aox_ simplification collapses all binaries and any other token performs no simplification.
without xor: 2:16, 3:96, 4:1024, 5:8192, 6:65536, 7:524288, out of global
with xor: 2:24, 3:288, 4:3456, 5:41472, 6:497664, 7:out of global...
?- gbn:gates( [b,c], true, false, Gxs ), maplist( writeln, Gxs ), length( Gxs, Len ).
Gxs = [a(b, c), n(a(b, c)), o(b, c), n(o(b, c)), x(b, c), n(x(b, c)), a(b, n(c)), n(a(..., ...)), o(..., ...)|...],
Len = 24.
?- gbn:gates( [b,c], false, false, Gxs ), maplist( writeln, Gxs ), length( Gxs, Len ).
Gxs = [a(b, c), n(a(b, c)), o(b, c), n(o(b, c)), a(b, n(c)), n(a(b, n(c))), o(b, n(c)), n(o(..., ...)), a(..., ...)|...],
Len = 16.
?- gbn:gates( [b,c,d], true, false, Gxs ), maplist( writeln, Gxs ), length( Gxs, Len ).
Len = 288.
?- gbn:gates( [b,c,d], true, aox, Gxs ), maplist( writeln, Gxs ), length( Gxs, Len ).
Len = 288.
gates( [], _Wxor, _Not, _Simfy, [] ).
gates( [A,B|T], Wxor, Not, Simfy, Gates ) :-
gates( [A], Wxor, Not, Simfy, Ags ),
gates( [B], Wxor, Not, Simfy, Bgs ),
findall( ABinGs, (member(AnAg,Ags),member(ABg,Bgs),gates_binary(AnAg,ABg,Wxor,Simfy,ABinGs)), BinGsNest ),
flatten( BinGsNest, BinGs ),
findall( ATGs, (member(BinG,BinGs),gates([BinG|T],Wxor,Not,Simfy,ATGs)), TGs ),
flatten( TGs, Gates ).
gates( [A], _Wxor, Not, _Simfy, Gates ) :-
gates_not( Not, A, Gates ).
gates_not( true, A, [A,n(A)] ).
gates_not( false, A, [A] ).
% gates_binary( A, B, [a(A,B),o(A,B)] ).
% gates_binary( A, B, [a(A,B),o(A,B),x(A,B)] ).
gates_binary( A, B, Wxor, Simfy, Gates ) :-
gates_binary_with_xor( Wxor, A, B, Binaries ), % fixme: protect
maplist( gate_binary_simplify(Simfy), Binaries, Gates ).
gates_binary_with_xor( true, A, B, [a(A,B),o(A,B),x(A,B)] ).
gates_binary_with_xor( false, A, B, [a(A,B),o(A,B)] ).
gate_binary_simplify( aox, Gate, Simfied ) :- !,
functor( Gate, Gn, 2 ),
gate_binary_arg_gate( Gate, 1, Arg1, A1n, A1Args ),
gate_binary_arg_gate( Gate, 2, Arg2, A2n, A2Args ),
gate_binary_simply_aox( Gn, A1n, A2n, Arg1, Arg2, A1Args, A2Args, Simfied ).
gate_binary_simplify( _, Gate, Gate ). % makes it the default to any other value
gate_binary_arg_gate( Gate, Pos, Arg, An, AArgs ) :-
arg( Pos, Gate, Arg ),
Arg =.. [An|AArgs].
gate_binary_simply_aox( Gn, Gn, Gn, _Arg1, _Arg2, A1Args, A2Args, Simfied ) :-
append( A1Args, A2Args, Args ),
Simfied =.. [Gn|Args].
gate_binary_simply_aox( Gn, Gn, _A2n, _Arg1, Arg2, A1Args, _A2Args, Simfied ) :-
append( A1Args, [Arg2], Args ),
Simfied =.. [Gn|Args].
gate_binary_simply_aox( Gn, _A1n, Gn, Arg1, _Arg2, _A1Args, A2Args, Simfied ) :-
Simfied =.. [Gn,Arg1|A2Args].
gate_binary_simply_aox( Gn, _A1n, _A2n, Arg1, Arg2, _A1Args, _A2Args, Simfied ) :-
Simfied =.. [Gn,Arg1,Arg2].
/* 18.02.13: i think the following is incorrect:
gates( Parts, Gates ) :-
findall( [P]-P, member(P,Parts), PairParts ),
gates( PairParts, [], [], Gates ).
gates( [], Seen, Acc, Gates ) :-
gates_cont( Acc, Seen, Gates ).
gates( [P|Parts], Seen, Acc, Gates ) :-
( ord_memberchk(P,Seen) ->
Qarts = Parts,
Neen = Seen,
Nxt = Acc,
Gates = Tates
gate_expand( Parts, P, Parted, Tarted ),
gate_expand( Seen, P, Tarted, [] ),
gates_acc( Parted, P, Acc, Nxt, Gates, Tates ),
P = Set-Expr,
( Expr = n(_) -> Parts = Qarts; Qarts = [Set-n(Expr)|Parts] ),
ord_add_element( Seen, P, Neen )
gates( Qarts, Neen, Nxt, Tates ).
gates_cont( [], _Seen, [] ) :- !.
gates_cont( Parts, Seen, Gates ) :-
gates( Parts, Seen, [], Gates ).
gates_acc( [], P, Acc, Nxt, Gates, Tates ) :-
Gates = [P|Tates],
Nxt = Acc.
gates_acc( ToAdd, _P, Acc, Nxt, Gates, Gates ) :-
append( ToAdd, Acc, Nxt ).
gate_expand( [], _P, Tail, Tail ).
gate_expand( [By|T], P, Expanded, Tail ) :-
gate_expand_pair( By, P, Expanded, ExpandedBy ),
gate_expand( T, P, ExpandedBy, Tail ).
gate_expand_pair( Set1-Expr1, Set2-Expr2, Expanded, ExpandedBy ) :-
% fixme: ord_disjoint/3
ord_disjoint( Set1, Set2 ),
ord_union( Set1, Set2, Set3 ),
gate_expressions_norm( Expr1, Expr2, a, And ),
gate_expressions_norm( Expr1, Expr2, o, Or ),
Expanded = [ Set3 - And, % a(Expr2,Expr1),
Set3 - Or % o(Expr2,Expr1)
| ExpandedBy ].
gate_expand_pair( _, _, Expanded, Expanded ).
gate_expressions_norm( Expr1, Expr2, Func, Expr ) :-
gate_expression_type_args( Expr1, Func, Args1 ),
gate_expression_type_args( Expr2, Func, Args2 ),
append( Args1, Args2, Args ),
sort( Args, Ord ),
gene_expression_on_args( Ord, Func, Expr ).
gene_expression_on_args( [A,B|C], Func, Expr ) :-
gene_expression_on_args( [B|C], Func, Right ),
Expr =.. [Func,A,Right].
gene_expression_on_args( [A], _Func, A ).
gate_expression_type_args( Expr, Func, Args ) :-
( Expr =.. [Func|Args] ->
Args = [Expr]
/** gate_eval( +Gn, +Gargs, +VarVecPrs, +ChildVec, -Complx, -Vector, -SubMts ).
Evaluate a boolean gate, with name Gn and args Gargs.
The gate involves variables with data in VarVecPrs.
Complx is the number of gates involved in Expr and the result is returned in Vector.
SubMts is Pv:Ov:SubFrom;... atom giving the pairwise metrics (gate_vector_pairwise_metrics/5)
for all subformulae in Gargs. ChildVec, is the target list of values.
Vects used to be a pair list of Variable-DataList pairs.
Was: gate_eval( +Expr, +VarVecPrs, -Complx, -Vec ).
% gate_eval( _Set-Expr, VVs, Cx, Vec ) :- !,
% gate_eval( Expr, VVs, Cx, Vec ).
gate_eval( Atm, [], VVs, _Against, 0, Vec, '' ) :-
memberchk( Atm-Vec, VVs ).
gate_eval( a, Args, VVs, Against, Cx, Vec, Mts ) :- !,
% Args = A,B
gate_eval_args( Args, VVs, Against, Cxs, Vecs, ArgsMts ),
% gate_eval( A, VVs, CxA, VecA ),
% gate_eval( B, VVs, CxB, VecB ),
% Cx is CxA + CxB + 0.99,
% Cx is CxA + CxB + 1, % fixme: should this be length(Gars) - 1 ?
sum_list( [1|Cxs], Cx ),
% gate_eval_and( VecA, VecB, Vec ).
gate_eval_vecs( Vecs, and, Vec ),
gate_vector_pairwise_metrics( Vec, Against, Pval, Odds, Dir ),
Gate =.. [a|Args],
term_to_atom( Gate-m(Pval,Odds,Dir), Mt ),
at_con( [Mt|ArgsMts], ';', Mts ).
% gate_eval_and( Vecs, Vec ).
gate_eval( o, Args, VVs, Against, Cx, Vec, Mts ) :- !,
gate_eval_args( Args, VVs, Against, Cxs, Vecs, ArgsMts ),
sum_list( [1|Cxs], Cx ),
gate_eval_vecs( Vecs, or, Vec ),
gate_vector_pairwise_metrics( Vec, Against, Pval, Odds, Dir ),
Gate =.. [o|Args],
term_to_atom( Gate-m(Pval,Odds,Dir), Mt ),
at_con( [Mt|ArgsMts], ';', Mts ).
% gate_eval_or( Vecs, Vec ).
gate_eval( x, Args, VVs, Against, Cx, Vec, Mts ) :- !,
gate_eval_args( Args, VVs, Against, Cxs, Vecs, ArgsMts ),
sum_list( [1|Cxs], Cx ),
gate_eval_vecs( Vecs, xor, Vec ),
gate_vector_pairwise_metrics( Vec, Against, Pval, Odds, Dir ),
Gate =.. [x|Args],
term_to_atom( Gate-m(Pval,Odds,Dir), Mt ),
at_con( [Mt|ArgsMts], ';', Mts ).
% gate_eval_xor( Vecs, Vec ).
gate_eval( n, [A], VVs, Against, Cx, Vec, Mts ) :- !,
A =.. [An|AArgs],
gate_eval( An, AArgs, VVs, Against, CxA, VecA, ArgMt ),
Cx is CxA + 1,
gate_eval_not( VecA, Vec ),
gate_vector_pairwise_metrics( Vec, Against, Pval, Odds, Dir ),
Gate =.. [n,A],
term_to_atom( Gate-m(Pval,Odds,Dir), Mt ),
at_con( [Mt,ArgMt], ';', Mts ).
gate_eval_vecs( Vecs, Gate, [V|Vs] ) :-
skim( Vecs, Vals, Rest ),
gate_eval_values_gate( Gate, Vals, V ),
gate_eval_vecs( Rest, Gate, Vs ).
gate_eval_vecs( _Vecs, _Gate, [] ).
gate_eval_values_gate( and, Vals, V ) :-
gates_eval_values_and_gate( Vals, V ).
gate_eval_values_gate( or, Vals, V ) :-
gates_eval_values_or_gate( Vals, V ).
gate_eval_values_gate( xor, Vals, V ) :-
gates_eval_values_xor_gate( Vals, V ).
gates_eval_values_and_gate( [], 1 ).
gates_eval_values_and_gate( [0|_], 0 ) :-
gates_eval_values_and_gate( [1|T], V ) :-
gates_eval_values_and_gate( T, V ).
gates_eval_values_or_gate( [], 0 ).
gates_eval_values_or_gate( [1|_], 1 ) :-
gates_eval_values_or_gate( [0|T], V ) :-
gates_eval_values_or_gate( T, V ).
gates_eval_values_xor_gate( [], 0 ).
gates_eval_values_xor_gate( [1|T], Sustained ) :-
gates_eval_values_or_gate( T, Ored ),
gates_eval_value_not( Ored, Sustained ).
gates_eval_values_xor_gate( [0|T], V ) :-
gates_eval_values_and_gate( T, V ).
% only used by xor...
gates_eval_value_not( 0, 1 ).
gates_eval_value_not( 1, 0 ).
gate_eval( o(A,B), VVs, Cx, Vec ) :- !,
gate_eval( A, VVs, CxA, VecA ),
gate_eval( B, VVs, CxB, VecB ),
Cx is CxA + CxB + 1,% fixme: should this be length(Gars) - 1 ?
gate_eval_or( VecA, VecB, Vec ).
% experimental: 18.02.13
gate_eval( x(A,B), VVs, Cx, Vec ) :- !,
gate_eval( A, VVs, CxA, VecA ),
gate_eval( B, VVs, CxB, VecB ),
Cx is CxA + CxB + 0.99,% fixme: should this be length(Gars) - 1 ?
gate_eval_xor( VecA, VecB, Vec ).
gate_eval( n(A), VVs, Cx, Vec ) :- !,
gate_eval( A, VVs, CxA, VecA ),
Cx is CxA + 1,
gate_eval_not( VecA, Vec ).
gate_eval( Atm, VVs, 0, Vec ) :-
memberchk( Atm-Vec, VVs ).
gate_eval_args( [], _VVs, _Against, [], [], [] ).
gate_eval_args( [A|As], VVs, Against, [Cx|Cxs], [V|Vs], [Mt|Mts] ) :-
A =.. [An|AArgs],
gate_eval( An, AArgs, VVs, Against, Cx, V, Mt ),
gate_eval_args( As, VVs, Against, Cxs, Vs, Mts ).
gate_eval_and( [], [], [] ).
gate_eval_and( [H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H|T] ) :-
gate_eval_value_and( H1, H2, H ),
gate_eval_and( T1, T2, T ).
gate_eval_or( [], [], [] ).
gate_eval_or( [H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H|T] ) :-
gate_eval_value_or( H1, H2, H ),
gate_eval_or( T1, T2, T ).
% experimental: 18.02.13
gate_eval_xor( [], [], [] ).
gate_eval_xor( [H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H|T] ) :-
gate_eval_value_xor( H1, H2, H ),
gate_eval_xor( T1, T2, T ).
gate_eval_not( [], [] ).
gate_eval_not( [H1|T1], [H|T] ) :-
( H1 =:= 1 -> H = 0; H = 1 ),
gate_eval_not( T1, T ).
gate_eval_value_and( 1, 1, 1 ) :- !.
gate_eval_value_and( _, _, 0 ).
gate_eval_value_or( 1, _, 1 ) :- !.
gate_eval_value_or( _, 1, 1 ) :- !.
gate_eval_value_or( _, _, 0 ).
gate_eval_value_xor( 1, 1, 0 ) :- !.
gate_eval_value_xor( 0, 0, 0 ) :- !.
gate_eval_value_xor( _, _, 1 ).
/* 18.02.13: i think the following is incorrect:
gates( Parts, Gates ) :-
findall( [P]-P, member(P,Parts), PairParts ),
gates( PairParts, [], [], Gates ).
gates( [], Seen, Acc, Gates ) :-
gates_cont( Acc, Seen, Gates ).
gates( [P|Parts], Seen, Acc, Gates ) :-
( ord_memberchk(P,Seen) ->
Qarts = Parts,
Neen = Seen,
Nxt = Acc,
Gates = Tates
gate_expand( Parts, P, Parted, Tarted ),
gate_expand( Seen, P, Tarted, [] ),
gates_acc( Parted, P, Acc, Nxt, Gates, Tates ),
P = Set-Expr,
( Expr = n(_) -> Parts = Qarts; Qarts = [Set-n(Expr)|Parts] ),
ord_add_element( Seen, P, Neen )
gates( Qarts, Neen, Nxt, Tates ).
gates_cont( [], _Seen, [] ) :- !.
gates_cont( Parts, Seen, Gates ) :-
gates( Parts, Seen, [], Gates ).
gates_acc( [], P, Acc, Nxt, Gates, Tates ) :-
Gates = [P|Tates],
Nxt = Acc.
gates_acc( ToAdd, _P, Acc, Nxt, Gates, Gates ) :-
append( ToAdd, Acc, Nxt ).
gate_expand( [], _P, Tail, Tail ).
gate_expand( [By|T], P, Expanded, Tail ) :-
gate_expand_pair( By, P, Expanded, ExpandedBy ),
gate_expand( T, P, ExpandedBy, Tail ).
gate_expand_pair( Set1-Expr1, Set2-Expr2, Expanded, ExpandedBy ) :-
% fixme: ord_disjoint/3
ord_disjoint( Set1, Set2 ),
ord_union( Set1, Set2, Set3 ),
gate_expressions_norm( Expr1, Expr2, a, And ),
gate_expressions_norm( Expr1, Expr2, o, Or ),
Expanded = [ Set3 - And, % a(Expr2,Expr1),
Set3 - Or % o(Expr2,Expr1)
| ExpandedBy ].
gate_expand_pair( _, _, Expanded, Expanded ).
gate_expressions_norm( Expr1, Expr2, Func, Expr ) :-
gate_expression_type_args( Expr1, Func, Args1 ),
gate_expression_type_args( Expr2, Func, Args2 ),
append( Args1, Args2, Args ),
sort( Args, Ord ),
gene_expression_on_args( Ord, Func, Expr ).
gene_expression_on_args( [A,B|C], Func, Expr ) :-
gene_expression_on_args( [B|C], Func, Right ),
Expr =.. [Func,A,Right].
gene_expression_on_args( [A], _Func, A ).
gate_expression_type_args( Expr, Func, Args ) :-
( Expr =.. [Func|Args] ->
Args = [Expr]