1:- module(login_forgot, [
2 forgot_password_link//0]).
11:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 12:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 13:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 14:- ensure_loaded(library(identity/login_register)). 15:- use_module(library(identity/login_email), [send_forgot_email/1]). 16:- use_module(library(identity/customize)). 17:- use_module(library(identity/login_crypto), [password_hash/2]). 18:- use_module(library(identity/login_database), [user_property/2, set_user_property/2]). 19:- use_module(library(http/http_client)). 20
21:- setting(identity:reset_email_life, integer, 86400,
22 "Time a password reset email is valid"). 23
25:- http_handler(login(forgot), forgot_form_handler, [priority(-100), id(forgot)]). 27:- http_handler(login(doforgot), doforgot_form_handler, [priority(-100), id(doforgot)]). 29:- http_handler(login(resetpw), resetpw_form_handler, [prefix, priority(-100), id(resetpw)]). 31:- http_handler(login(doactualpwreset), do_actual_reset_handler, [priority(-100),
32 id(doactualpwreset)]). 33
34forgot_password_link -->
35 html([
36 a(href(location_by_id(forgot)), \local('Forgot my password'))
37 ]).
40forgot_form_handler(_Request) :-
41 setting(identity:style, Style),
42 reply_html_page(
43 Style,
44 title(\local('Gather Email')),
45 \forgot_form_page).
48forgot_form_page -->
49 html([
50 form([method('POST'), action(location_by_id(doforgot))],
51 [
52 h1(class('forgotheader'), \local('Password reset')),
53 p(
54\local('Enter your email address. An email with a password reset link will be sent')),
55 p([input([name(email), type(email), required]),
56 input([name(submit), type(submit), value('Send')])])
57 ])
58 ]).
62doforgot_form_handler(Request) :-
63 setting(identity:style, Style),
64 member(method(post), Request), !,
65 http_read_data(Request, Data, []),
66 member(email=Email, Data),
67 send_forgot_email(Email),
68 reply_html_page(
69 Style,
70 title(\local('Email Sent')),
71 \doforgot_page).
73doforgot_page -->
74 html([h1(\local('Email Sent')),
75 p(\local('An email has been sent to this address if that email has an account.'))
76 77 ]).
80resetpw_form_handler(Request) :-
81 setting(identity:style, Style),
82 member(path(P), Request),
83 atom_string(P, PS),
84 split_string(PS, "/", "/", PL),
85 reverse(PL, [URIKey, URIUName | _]),
86 reply_html_page(
87 Style,
88 title(\local('Reset Password')),
89 \resetpw_form_page(URIUName, URIKey)).
91resetpw_form_page(URIUName, URIKey) -->
92 { local('New Password', NewPasswordPlaceholder),
93 local('Repeat New Password', NewPasswordPlaceholder2),
94 local('Change', CH),
95 www_form_encode(UName, URIUName)
96 },
97 html([h1(\local('Reset Password')),
98 div(p(\local('Reset password for ~w'-[UName]))),
99 form([method('POST'), action(location_by_id(doactualpwreset))],
100 [
101 input([type(hidden), name(uname), value(URIUName)]),
102 input([type(hidden), name(resetkey), value(URIKey)]),
103 input([type(password), name(passwd), placeholder(NewPasswordPlaceholder)]),
104 input([type(password), name(passwd2), placeholder(NewPasswordPlaceholder2)]),
105 input([type(submit), name(submit), value(CH)])
106 ])]).
108do_actual_reset_handler(Request) :-
109 setting(identity:style, Style),
110 http_parameters(Request,
111 [
112 uname(UName, []),
113 resetkey(Key, []),
114 passwd(PassWD, []),
115 passwd2(PassWD2, [])
116 ]),
117 ( PassWD = PassWD2,
118 change_password(UName, Key, PassWD)
119 ->
120 http_location_by_id(login_form, SuccessURL),
121 http_redirect(see_other, SuccessURL, Request)
122 ;
123 reply_html_page(
124 Style,
125 title(\local('Cannot Reset Password')),
126 \bad_reset_page)
127 ).
129bad_reset_page -->
130 html([
131 h1(\local('Cannot Reset Password')),
132 p('We cannot reset your password. Either you entered two unmatched passwords, or your password reset link has expired')
133 ]).
136change_password(UName, Key, PassWD) :-
137 user_property(UName, forgot_pw(Key=Time)), 138 get_time(Now),
139 setting(identity:reset_email_life, Delta),
140 Delta > Now - Time,
141 password_hash(PassWD, Hash),
142 set_user_property(UName, password_hash(Hash))