/* le_input: a prolog module with predicates to translate from an extended version of Logical English into the Prolog or Taxlogtemplate_decl http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Main predicate: text_to_logic(String to be translated, Translation) Main DCG nonterminal: document(Translation) See at the end the predicate le_taxlog_translate to be used from SWISH It assumes an entry with the following structure. One of these expressions: the meta predicates are: the predicates are: the templates are: the timeless predicates are: the event predicates are: the fluents are: the time-varying predicates are: followed by the declarations of all the corresponding predicates mentioned in the knowledge base. Each declarations define a template with the variables and other words required to describe a relevant relation. It is a comma separated list of templates which ends with a period. After that period, one of the following statement introduces the knowledge base: the knowledge base includes: the knowledge base includes: And it is followed by the rules and facts written in Logical English syntax. Each rule must end with a period. Indentation is used to organize the and/or list of conditions by strict observance of one condition per line with a level of indentation that corresponds to each operator and corresponding conditions. Similarly, there may be sections for scenarios and queries, like: -- scenario test2 is: borrower pays an amount to lender on 2015-06-01T00:00:00. -- and -- query one is: for which event: the small business restructure rollover applies to the event. query two is: which tax payer is a party of which event. query three is: A first time is after a second time and the second time is immediately before the first time. -- which can then be used on the new command interface of LE on SWISH as defined in module le_answer.pl (e.g. answer/1 and others querying predicates): ? answer("query one with scenario test"). */ :- module(le_input, [document/3, text_to_logic/2, predicate_decl/4, showErrors/2, op(1000,xfy,user:and), % to support querying op(800,fx,user:resolve), % to support querying op(800,fx,user:answer), % to support querying op(800,fx,user:répondre), % to support querying in french op(850,xfx,user:with), % to support querying op(850,xfx,user:avec), % to support querying in french op(800,fx,user:risposta), % to support querying in italian op(850,xfx,user:con), % to support querying in italian op(800,fx,user:responde), % to support querying in spanish %op(1150,fx,user:show), % to support querying op(850,xfx,user:of), % to support querying %op(850,fx,user:'#pred'), % to support scasp %op(800,xfx,user:'::'), % to support scasp op(950, xfx, ::), % pred not x :: "...". op(1200, fx, #), op(1150, fx, pred), op(1150, fx, show), op(1150, fx, abducible), dictionary/3, meta_dictionary/3, dict/3, meta_dict/3, parsed/0, source_lang/1, including/0, %just_saved_scasp/2, this_capsule/1, unpack_tokens/2, clean_comments/2, query_/2, extract_constant/4, spaces/3, name_as_atom/2, process_types_or_names/4, matches_name/4, matches_type/4, delete_underscore/2, add_determiner/2, proper_det/2, portray_clause_ind/1, order_templates/2, process_types_dict/2, assertall/1,asserted/1, update_file/3, myDeclaredModule/1, conditions/6, op_stop/1 ]). :- multifile sandbox:safe_primitive/1. :- use_module('./tokenize/prolog/tokenize.pl'). :- if(current_module(swish)). :- use_module('le_swish.pl'). % module to handle the gitty filesystem :- else. :- use_module('le_local.pl'). % module to handle the local filesystem :- endif. :- if(exists_source(library(r/r_call))). :- use_module(library(r/r_call)). :- endif. :- use_module('reasoner.pl'). :- use_module(library(prolog_stack)). :- table addExp//2, mulExp//2. :- thread_local text_size/1, error_notice/4, dict/3, meta_dict/3, example/2, local_dict/3, local_meta_dict/3, last_nl_parsed/1, kbname/1, happens/2, initiates/3, terminates/3, is_type/1, is_/2, is_a/2, predicates/1, events/1, fluents/1, metapredicates/1, parsed/0, source_lang/1, including/0. % just_saved_scasp/2. :- discontiguous statement/3, declaration/4, _:example/2, _:query/2, _:is_/2. % Main clause: text_to_logic(+String,-Clauses) is det % Errors are added to error_notice % text_to_logic/2 text_to_logic(String_, Translation) :- % hack to ensure a newline at the end, for the sake of error reporting: ((sub_atom(String_,_,1,0,NL), memberchk(NL,['\n','\r']) ) -> String=String_ ; atom_concat(String_,'\n',String)), tokenize(String, Tokens, [cased(true), spaces(true), numbers(true)]), retractall(last_nl_parsed(_)), asserta(last_nl_parsed(1)), % preparing line counting unpack_tokens(Tokens, UTokens), clean_comments(UTokens, CTokens), !, % print_message(informational, "CTokens: ~w"-[CTokens]), phrase(document(Translation), CTokens). %print_message(informational, "Translation: ~w"-[Translation]). %with_output_to(string(Report), listing(dict/3)), %print_message(informational, "Dictionaries in memory after loading and parsing ~w\n"-[Report]). %( phrase(document(Translation), CTokens) -> % ( print_message(informational, "Translation: ~w"-[Translation]) ) %; ( print_message(informational, "Translation failed: ~w"-[CTokens]), Translation=[], fail)). % document/3 (or document/1 in dcg) document(Translation, In, Rest) :- (parsed -> retractall(parsed); true), (including -> retract(including); true), (source_lang(_L) -> retractall(source_lang(_)) ; true), phrase(header(Settings), In, AfterHeader), !, %print_message(informational, "Declarations completed: ~w"-[Settings]), phrase(content(Content), AfterHeader, Rest), %print_message(informational, "Content: ~w"-[AfterHeader]), append(Settings, Content, Translation), !, %append(Original, [if(is_(A,B), (nonvar(B), is(A,B)))], Translation), % adding def of is_2 no more assertz(parsed). % header parses all the declarations and assert them into memory to be invoked by the rules. % header/3 header(Settings, In, Next) :- length(In, TextSize), % after comments were removed phrase(settings(DictEntries, Settings_), In, Next), fix_settings(Settings_, Settings2), RulesforErrors = [(text_size(TextSize))|Settings2], % is text_size being used? % asserting the Settings too! predicates, events and fluents included_files(Settings2, RestoredDictEntries, CollectedRules), append(Settings2, CollectedRules, Settings), append(DictEntries, RestoredDictEntries, AllDictEntries), order_templates(AllDictEntries, OrderedEntries), process_types_dict(OrderedEntries, Types), %print_message(informational, "header: types ~w rules ~w"-[Types, CollectedRules]), append(OrderedEntries, RulesforErrors, SomeRules), append(SomeRules, Types, MRules), %print_message(informational, "rules ~w"-[MRules]), assertall(MRules), !. % asserting contextual information header(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error in the header ', Rest), fail. fix_settings(Settings_, Settings3) :- %print_message(informational, "Settings: ~w"-[Settings_]), ( member(target(_), Settings_) -> Settings1 = Settings_ ; Settings1 = [target(taxlog)|Settings_] ), !, % taxlog as default % adding dynamic statements for all the predef_dict templates % adding special header for is_a/2 findall(Pred, filtered_dictionary(Pred), PH), filter_repeats(PH, PredefHeaders), %print_message(informational, "Predefined Predicates ~w"-[PredefHeaders]), ( member(predicates(Templates), Settings1) -> ( append(Previous, [predicates(Templates)|Rest], Settings1), % replacing predicates/1 append(Templates, PredefHeaders, AllTemplates), append(Previous, Rest, IncompleteSettings), Settings2 = [predicates(AllTemplates)|IncompleteSettings] ) ; Settings2 = [predicates(PredefHeaders)|Settings1] ), Settings3 = [query(null, true), example(null, []), abducible(true,true)|Settings2]. % a hack to stop the loop when query is empty filter_repeats([], []) :- !. filter_repeats([H|R], RR) :- member(H,R), !, filter_repeats(R, RR). filter_repeats([H|R], [H|RR]) :- filter_repeats(R, RR). fix_dictionary(Dict, Dict). included_files(Settings2, RestoredDictEntries, CollectedRules) :- member(in_files(ModuleNames), Settings2), % include all those files and get additional DictEntries before ordering %print_message(informational, "Module Names ~w\n"-[ModuleNames]), assertz(including), !, % cut to prevent escaping failure of load_all_files load_all_files(ModuleNames, RestoredDictEntries, CollectedRules). %print_message(informational, "Restored Entries ~w\n"-[RestoredDictEntries]). included_files(_, [], []). %load_all_files/2 %load the prolog files that correspond to the modules names listed in the section of inclusion %and produces the list of entries that must be added to the dictionaries load_all_files([], [], []). load_all_files([Name|R], AllDictEntries, AllRules) :- %print_message(informational, "Loading ~w"-[Name]), split_module_name(Name, File, URL), %print_message(informational, "File ~w URL ~w"-[File, URL]), concat(File, "-prolog", Part1), concat(Part1, ".pl", Filename), (URL\=''->atomic_list_concat([File,'-prolog', '+', URL], NewName); atomic_list_concat([File,'-prolog'], NewName)), %print_message(informational, "File ~w FullName ~w"-[Filename, NewName]), load_file_module(Filename, NewName, true), !, %print_message(informational, "the dictionaries of ~w being restored into module ~w"-[Filename, NewName]), (NewName:local_dict(_,_,_) -> findall(dict(A,B,C), NewName:local_dict(A,B,C), ListDict) ; ListDict = []), (NewName:local_meta_dict(_,_,_) -> findall(meta_dict(A,B,C), NewName:local_meta_dict(A,B,C), ListMetaDict); ListMetaDict = []), append(ListDict, ListMetaDict, DictEntries), %print_message(informational, "the dictionaries being restored are ~w"-[DictEntries]), %listing(NewName:_), findall(if(H,B), (member(dict(E, _,_), DictEntries), E\=[], H=..E, clause(NewName:H, B)), Rules), findall(Pred, (member(dict(E,_,_), ListDict), E\=[], Pred=..E), ListOfPred), findall(MPred, (member(dict(ME,_,_), ListMetaDict), ME\=[], MPred=..ME), ListOfMPred), append([predicates(ListOfPred), metapredicates(ListOfMPred)], Rules, TheseRules), % for term expansion %print_message(informational, "rules to copy ~w"-[Rules]), %collect_all_preds(SwishModule, DictEntries, Preds), %print_message(informational, "the dictionaries being set dynamics are ~w"-[Preds]), %declare_preds_as_dynamic(SwishModule, Preds) print_message(informational, "Loaded ~w"-[Filename]), load_all_files(R, RDict, NextRules), append(RDict, DictEntries, AllDictEntries), append(TheseRules, NextRules, AllRules). load_all_files([Filename|_], [], []) :- print_message(informational, "Failed to load file ~w"-[Filename]), fail. % Experimental rules for processing types: process_types_dict(Dictionary, Type_entries) :- findall(Word, ( (member(dict([_|GoalElements], Types, _), Dictionary); member(meta_dict([_|GoalElements], Types, _), Dictionary)), member((_Name-Type), Types), process_types_or_names([Type], GoalElements, Types, TypeWords), concat_atom(TypeWords, '_', Word), Word\=''), Templates), (Templates\=[] -> setof(is_type(Ty), member(Ty, Templates), Type_entries) ; Type_entries = []). % process_types_or_names/4 process_types_or_names([], _, _, []) :- !. :- if(exists_source(library(r/r_call))). process_types_or_names([Word|RestWords], Elements, Types, [the, chart|RestPrintWords] ) :- nonvar(Word), Word = plot_command(RExecuteCommand), copy_term(RExecuteCommand,RExecuteCommandForDisplay), RExecuteCommandForDisplay, % plot the image onto the screen <- png("image.png"), RExecuteCommand, % plot the image into the file <- graphics.off(), r_swish:r_download("image.png"), % close the device and show the download button process_types_or_names(RestWords, Elements, Types, RestPrintWords). :- endif. process_types_or_names([Word|RestWords], Elements, Types, PrintExpression ) :- atom(Word), concat_atom(WordList, '_', Word), !, process_types_or_names(RestWords, Elements, Types, RestPrintWords), append(WordList, RestPrintWords, PrintExpression). process_types_or_names([Word|RestWords], Elements, Types, PrintExpression ) :- var(Word), matches_name(Word, Elements, Types, Name), !, process_types_or_names(RestWords, Elements, Types, RestPrintWords), tokenize_atom(Name, NameWords), delete_underscore(NameWords, CNameWords), add_determiner(CNameWords, PrintName), append(['*'|PrintName], ['*'|RestPrintWords], PrintExpression). process_types_or_names([Word|RestWords], Elements, Types, [PrintWord|RestPrintWords] ) :- matches_type(Word, Elements, Types, date), ((nonvar(Word), number(Word)) -> unparse_time(Word, PrintWord); PrintWord = Word), !, process_types_or_names(RestWords, Elements, Types, RestPrintWords). process_types_or_names([Word|RestWords], Elements, Types, [PrintWord|RestPrintWords] ) :- matches_type(Word, Elements, Types, day), ((nonvar(Word), number(Word)) -> unparse_time(Word, PrintWord); PrintWord = Word), !, process_types_or_names(RestWords, Elements, Types, RestPrintWords). process_types_or_names([Word|RestWords], Elements, Types, Output) :- compound(Word), translate_goal_into_LE(Word, PrintWord), !, % cut the alternatives process_types_or_names(RestWords, Elements, Types, RestPrintWords), append(PrintWord, RestPrintWords, Output). process_types_or_names([Word|RestWords], Elements, Types, [Word|RestPrintWords] ) :- process_types_or_names(RestWords, Elements, Types, RestPrintWords). % Experimental rules for reordering of templates % order_templates/2 order_templates(NonOrdered, Ordered) :- predsort(compare_templates, NonOrdered, Ordered). compare_templates(<, meta_dict(_,_,_), dict(_,_,_)). compare_templates(=, dict(_,_,T1), dict(_,_,T2)) :- T1 =@= T2. compare_templates(<, dict(_,_,T1), dict(_,_,T2)) :- length(T1, N1), length(T2, N2), N1>N2. compare_templates(<, dict(_,_,T1), dict(_,_,T2)) :- length(T1, N), length(T2, N), template_before(T1, T2). compare_templates(>, Dict1, Dict2) :- not(compare_templates(=, Dict1, Dict2)), not(compare_templates(<, Dict1, Dict2)). compare_templates(=, meta_dict(_,_,T1), meta_dict(_,_,T2)) :- T1 =@= T2. compare_templates(<, meta_dict(_,_,T1), meta_dict(_,_,T2)) :- length(T1, N1), length(T2, N2), N1>N2. compare_templates(<, meta_dict(_,_,T1), meta_dict(_,_,T2)) :- length(T1, N), length(T2, N), template_before(T1, T2). template_before([H1], [H2]) :- H1 =@= H2. template_before([H1|_R1], [H2|_R2]) :- nonvar(H1), var(H2). template_before([H1|_R1], [H2|_R2]) :- H1 @> H2. template_before([H1|R1], [H2|R2]) :- H1=@=H2, template_before(R1, R2). /* --------------------------------------------------------- LE DCGs */ % settings/2 or /4 settings(AllR, AllS) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), declaration(Rules,Setting), settings(RRules, RS), {append(Setting, RS, AllS), append(Rules, RRules, AllR)}, !. settings([], [], Stay, Stay) :- !, ( phrase(rules_previous(_), Stay, _) ; phrase(ontology_, Stay, _) ; phrase(scenario_, Stay, _) ; phrase(query_, Stay, _) ; phrase(the_plots_are_, Stay, _) ). % settings ending with the start of the knowledge base or ontology or scenarios or queries. settings(_, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error in the declarations on or before ', Rest), fail. settings([], [], Stay, Stay). % content structure: cuts added to avoid search loop % content/1 or /3 content(T) --> %{print_message(informational, "going for KB:"-[])}, spaces_or_newlines(_), rules_previous(Kbname), %{print_message(informational, "KBName: ~w"-[Kbname])}, kbase_content(S), %{print_message(informational, "KB: ~w"-[S])}, content(R), {append([kbname(Kbname)|S], R, T)}, !. content(T) --> %{print_message(informational, "going for the ontology:"-[])}, spaces_or_newlines(_), ontology_content(S), %{print_message(informational, "ontology: ~w"-[S])}, content(R), {append(S, R, T)}, !. % the annexes to the contract are: content(T) --> %{print_message(informational, "going for the annexes:"-[])}, spaces_or_newlines(_), annexes_content(S), %{print_message(informational, "annexes: ~w"-[S])}, content(R), {append(S, R, T)}, !. content(T) --> %{print_message(informational, "going for scenario:"-[])}, spaces_or_newlines(_), scenario_content(S), %{print_message(informational, "scenario: ~w"-[S])}, content(R), {append(S, R, T)}, !. content(T) --> %{print_message(informational, "going for query:"-[])}, spaces_or_newlines(_), query_content(S), content(R), {append(S, R, T)}, !. content([]) --> spaces_or_newlines(_). content(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error in the content ', Rest), fail. % kbase_content/1 or /3 kbase_content(T) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), statement(S), kbase_content(R), {append(S, R, T)}, !. kbase_content([]) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), []. kbase_content(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error in a knowledge base ', Rest), fail. % declaration/2 or /4 % target declaration([], [target(Language)]) --> % one word description for the language: prolog, taxlog spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [target], spaces(_), [language], spaces(_), [is], spaces(_), colon_or_not_, spaces(_), [Language], spaces(_), period, !, {assertz(source_lang(en))}. % french: la langue cible est : prolog declaration([], [target(Language)]) --> % one word description for the language: prolog, taxlog spaces(_), [la], spaces(_), [langue], spaces(_), [cible], spaces(_), [est], spaces(_), colon_or_not_, spaces(_), [Language], spaces(_), period, !, {assertz(source_lang(fr))}. % italian: il linguaggio destinazione è : prolog declaration([], [target(Language)]) --> % one word description for the language: prolog, taxlog spaces(_), [il], spaces(_), [linguaggio], spaces(_), [destinazione], spaces(_), [è], spaces(_), colon_or_not_, spaces(_), [Language], spaces(_), period, !, {assertz(source_lang(it))}. % spanish: el lenguaje objetivo es: prolog declaration([], [target(Language)]) --> % one word description for the language: prolog, taxlog spaces(_), [el], spaces(_), [lenguaje], spaces(_), [objetivo], spaces(_), [es], spaces(_), colon_or_not_, spaces(_), [Language], spaces(_), period, !, {assertz(source_lang(es))}. % meta predicates declaration(Rules, [metapredicates(MetaTemplates)]) --> meta_predicate_previous, list_of_meta_predicates_decl(Rules, MetaTemplates), !. %timeless or just templates declaration(Rules, [predicates(Templates)]) --> predicate_previous, list_of_predicates_decl(Rules, Templates), !. %events declaration(Rules, [events(EventTypes)]) --> event_predicate_previous, list_of_predicates_decl(Rules, EventTypes), !. %time varying declaration(Rules, [fluents(Fluents)]) --> fluent_predicate_previous, list_of_predicates_decl(Rules, Fluents), !. %files to be included declaration([kbname(KBName)], [in_files(Files)]) --> files_to_include_previous(KBName), list_of_files(Files), !. % declaration(_, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error in a declaration on or before ', Rest), fail. colon_or_not_ --> [':'], spaces(_). colon_or_not_ --> []. meta_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [metapredicates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). meta_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [meta], spaces(_), [predicates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). meta_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [meta], spaces(_), ['-'], spaces(_), [predicates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). % french : les modèles sont : meta_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [les], spaces(_), ['méta'], spaces(_), ['modèles'], spaces(_), [sont], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). % italian: i predicati sono: meta_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [i], spaces(_), [meta], spaces(_), [modelli], spaces(_), [sono], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). % spanish: los predicados son: meta_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [los], spaces(_), [meta], spaces(_), [predicados], spaces(_), [son], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [predicates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [templates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [timeless], spaces(_), [predicates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). % french : les modèles sont : predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [les], spaces(_), ['modèles'], spaces(_), [sont], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). % italian: i predicati sono: predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [i], spaces(_), [modelli], spaces(_), [sono], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). % spanish: los predicados son: predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [los], spaces(_), [predicados], spaces(_), [son], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). event_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [event], spaces(_), [predicates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). fluent_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [fluents], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). fluent_predicate_previous --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [time], ['-'], [varying], spaces(_), [predicates], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). the_plots_are_ --> spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [plots], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). files_to_include_previous(KBName) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [the], spaces(_), ['knowledge'], spaces(_), [base], extract_constant([includes], NameWords), [includes], spaces(_), [these], spaces(_), [files], spaces(_), [':'], !, spaces_or_newlines(_), {name_as_atom(NameWords, KBName)}. % at least one predicate declaration required list_of_predicates_decl([], []) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), next_section, !. list_of_predicates_decl([Ru|Rin], [F|Rout]) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), predicate_decl(Ru,F), comma_or_period, list_of_predicates_decl(Rin, Rout), !. list_of_predicates_decl(_, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in a template declaration ', Rest), fail. % at least one predicate declaration required list_of_meta_predicates_decl([], []) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), next_section, !. list_of_meta_predicates_decl([Ru|Rin], [F|Rout]) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), meta_predicate_decl(Ru,F), comma_or_period, list_of_meta_predicates_decl(Rin, Rout). list_of_meta_predicates_decl(_, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in the declaration of a meta template ', Rest), fail. % at least one filename of a file to include list_of_files([]) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), next_section, !. list_of_files([Filename|Rout]) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), extract_string([Filename]), {print_message(informational, "list_of_files: filename ~w "-[Filename])}, list_of_files(Rout), !. %{name_as_atom(NameWords, Filename)}. list_of_files(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in a file to include ', Rest), fail. % next_section/2 % a hack to avoid superflous searches format(string(Mess), "~w", [StopHere]), print_message(informational, Message), next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(meta_predicate_previous, StopHere, _), !. % format(string(Message), "Next meta predicates", []), print_message(informational, Message). next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(predicate_previous, StopHere, _), !. % format(string(Message), "Next predicates", []), print_message(informational, Message). next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(event_predicate_previous, StopHere, _), !. % format(string(Message), "Next ecent predicates", []), print_message(informational, Message). next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(fluent_predicate_previous, StopHere, _), !. % format(string(Message), "Next fluents", []), print_message(informational, Message). next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(files_to_include_previous(_), StopHere, _), !. next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(ontology_, StopHere, _), !. next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(rules_previous(_), StopHere, _), !. % format(string(Message), "Next knowledge base", []), print_message(informational, Message). next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(scenario_, StopHere, _), !. % format(string(Message), "Next scenario", []), print_message(informational, Message). next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(query_, StopHere, _). % format(string(Message), "Next query", []), print_message(informational, Message). next_section(StopHere, StopHere) :- phrase(the_plots_are_, StopHere, _), !. % predicate_decl/2 predicate_decl(dict([Predicate|Arguments],TypesAndNames, Template), Relation) --> spaces(_), template_decl(RawTemplate), {build_template(RawTemplate, Predicate, Arguments, TypesAndNames, Template), Relation =.. [Predicate|Arguments]}, !. % we are using this resource of the last clause to record the error and its details % not very useful with loops, of course. % error clause predicate_decl(_, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in a declaration ', Rest), fail. % meta_predicate_decl/2 meta_predicate_decl(meta_dict([Predicate|Arguments],TypesAndNames, Template), Relation) --> spaces(_), template_decl(RawTemplate), {build_template(RawTemplate, Predicate, Arguments, TypesAndNames, Template), Relation =.. [Predicate|Arguments]}. meta_predicate_decl(_, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in a meta template declaration ', Rest), fail. rules_previous(default) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [the], spaces(_), [rules], spaces(_), [are], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_), !. rules_previous(KBName) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [the], spaces(_), ['knowledge'], spaces(_), [base], extract_constant([includes], NameWords), [includes], spaces(_), [':'], !, spaces_or_newlines(_), {name_as_atom(NameWords, KBName)}. rules_previous(default) --> % backward compatibility spaces_or_newlines(_), [the], spaces(_), ['knowledge'], spaces(_), [base], spaces(_), [includes], spaces(_), [':'], spaces_or_newlines(_). % italian: la base di conoscenza include rules_previous(KBName) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [la], spaces(_), [base], spaces(_), [di], spaces(_), [conoscenza], spaces(_), extract_constant([include], NameWords), [include], spaces(_), [':'], !, spaces_or_newlines(_), {name_as_atom(NameWords, KBName)}. % french: la base de connaissances dont le nom est comprend : rules_previous(KBName) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [la], spaces(_), [base], spaces(_), [de], spaces(_), [connaissances], spaces(_), [dont], spaces(_), [le], spaces(_), [nom], spaces(_), [est], extract_constant([comprend], NameWords), [comprend], spaces(_), [':'], !, spaces_or_newlines(_), {name_as_atom(NameWords, KBName)}. % spanish: la base de conocimiento incluye: rules_previous(KBName) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [la], spaces(_), [base], spaces(_), [de], spaces(_), [conocimiento], extract_constant([incluye], NameWords), [incluye], spaces(_), [':'], !, spaces_or_newlines(_), {name_as_atom(NameWords, KBName)}. % scenario_content/1 or /3 % a scenario description: assuming one example -> one scenario -> one list of facts. scenario_content(Scenario) --> %{print_message(informational, "starting scenario: "-[])}, scenario_, extract_constant([is, es, est, è], NameWords), is_colon_, newline, %{print_message(informational, " scenario: ~w"-[NameWords])}, %list_of_facts(Facts), period, !, spaces(_), assumptions_(Assumptions), !, % period is gone %{print_message(informational, "scenario: ~w has ~w"-[NameWords, Assumptions])}, {name_as_atom(NameWords, Name), Scenario = [example( Name, [scenario(Assumptions, true)])]}. scenario_content(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found around this scenario expression: ', Rest), fail. % ontology_content/1 or /3 % an ontology description. All assumptions are added to the kb after verification. ontology_content(Ontology) --> %spypoint, %{print_message(informational, "starting scenario: "-[])}, ontology_previous(_Name), kbase_content(Ontology), !. % for the moment, the ontology is added directly to the kb. . ontology_content(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found around this ontology expression: ', Rest), fail. % ontology_previous//1 ontology_previous(default) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), ss_([the, ontology, is, :]), spaces_or_newlines(_). ontology_previous(KBName) --> ontology_, [named], spaces(_), [','], extract_constant([',', is, es, est, 'è'], NameWords), [','], spaces(_), is_colon_, spaces_or_newlines(_), %{print_message(informational, " scenario: ~w"-[NameWords])}, {name_as_atom(NameWords, KBName)}. % annexes_content/1 or /3 % an annexes description. All assumptions are added to the kb after verification. annexes_content(Annexes) --> %spypoint, %{print_message(informational, "starting scenario: "-[])}, annexes_previous(_Name), kbase_content(Annexes), !. % for the moment, the ontology is added directly to the kb. . annexes_content(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found around this annexes expression: ', Rest), fail. % annexes_previous//1 annexes_previous(default) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), ss_([the, annexes, to, the, contract, are, :]), spaces_or_newlines(_). % query_content/1 or /3 % statement: the different types of statements in a LE text % a query query_content(Query) --> query_, extract_constant([is, es, est, è], NameWords), is_colon_, spaces_or_newlines(_), query_header(Ind0, Map1), conditions(Ind0, Map1, _, Conds), !, period, % period stays! {name_as_atom(NameWords, Name), Query = [query(Name, Conds)]}. query_content(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found around this expression: ', Rest), fail. plot_content(PlotList) --> the_plots_are_, plot_statement_list(PlotList). plot_statement_list([Statement | StatementRest]) --> plot_statement(Statement), plot_statement_list(StatementRest). plot_statement_list([]) --> []. plot_statement(Statement) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), currentLine(L), literal_([], Map1, Head), plot_body(Body, Map1, _), period, {Statement = [if(L, Head, Body)]}. concat_body_with_comma([A | B], (A, BB)) :- concat_body_with_comma(B, BB). concat_body_with_comma([A], A). plot_body_prefix --> newline, spaces(_), if_, !. plot_body_prefix --> if_, newline_or_nothing, spaces(_). plot_body(Body, Map1, MapN) --> plot_body_prefix, !, plot_body_clause_list(ChartVar, 0, UsedVarList, PlotCommandList, CondList, Map1, MapN), { % print_message(informational, "In plot body UsedVarList: ~w \n\n PlotCommandList: ~w \n\nCondList ~w"-[UsedVarList, PlotCommandList, CondList]), atomics_to_string(PlotCommandList, '\n', PlotCommandListStr), pad_name_var(_Names, UsedVarList, ParamList, MapN), % print_message(informational, "ParamList: ~w PlotCommandListStr ~w"-[ParamList,PlotCommandListStr]), % term_string(PlotTerm, S), ChartAssignCommand = (ChartVar = plot_command(r_execute(ParamList,PlotCommandListStr,_))), append(CondList, [ChartAssignCommand], TermList), concat_body_with_comma(TermList, Body) % print_message(informational, "In plot body Body: ~w"-[Body]) }. plot_body_clause_list(ChartVar, DataFrameCount, UsedVarList, PlotCommandList, CondList, Map1, MapN) --> plot_body_clause(ChartVar, UsedVarHead, PlotCommandHead, CondHead, DataFrameCount, Map1, Map2), {NextCount is DataFrameCount + 1}, newline, spaces(_), operator(_Op), spaces(_), plot_body_clause_list(ChartVar, NextCount, UsedVarTail, PlotCommandTail, CondTail, Map2, MapN), { append(UsedVarHead, UsedVarTail, UsedVarList), append(PlotCommandHead, PlotCommandTail, PlotCommandList), append(CondHead, CondTail, CondList) }. plot_body_clause_list(ChartVar, DataFrameCount, UsedVarList, PlotCommandList, CondList, Map1, MapN) --> plot_body_clause(ChartVar, UsedVarList, PlotCommandList, CondList, DataFrameCount, Map1, MapN). % plot_body_clause/5 % used to match normal LE conditions or special plot conditions plot_body_clause(_, [], [], [Cond], _Count, Map1, MapN) --> condition(Cond, _Ind, Map1, MapN). plot_body_clause(ChartVar, UsedVarList, [PlotCommand], [], _Count, Map1, MapN) --> chart(ChartVar, UsedVarList, PlotCommand, Map1, MapN). plot_body_clause(_, [], [PlotCommand], [], _Count, Map1, MapN) --> straightLine(PlotCommand, Map1, MapN). plot_body_clause(_, [], [PlotCommand], [], _Count, Map1, MapN) --> legend(PlotCommand, Map1, MapN). plot_body_clause(_, [], [PlotCommand], [DataFrameCommand], Count, Map1, MapN) --> line(DataFrameCommand, PlotCommand, Count, Map1, MapN). plot_body_clause(_, [], [PlotCommand], [DataFrameCommand], Count, Map1, MapN) --> points(DataFrameCommand, PlotCommand, Count, Map1, MapN). plot_body_clause(_, [], [PlotCommand], [DataFrameCommand], Count, Map1, MapN) --> verticalLines(DataFrameCommand, PlotCommand, Count, Map1, MapN). chart(ChartVar, UsedVarList, Command, Map1, MapN) --> variable_invocation([has], _Name, ChartVar, Map1, MapN), spaces(_), [has], spaces(_), chart_with_list(UsedVarList, Arguments, Map1, MapN), !, { % print_message(informational, "in chart Map1 ~w Arguments ~w"-[Map1, Arguments]), atomic_list_concat(Arguments, ',', Atom), format(string(Command), 'plot(NULL, ~w)', [Atom]) }. legend(Command, Map1, MapN) --> variable_invocation([displays], _Name, _Var, Map1, MapN), spaces(_), displays_, legend_, [at], spaces(_), [Position], spaces(_), legend_with_list(Arguments), !, { atom_string(Position, PositionAtom), atomic_list_concat(Arguments, ',', Atom), format(string(Command), 'legend("~w",~w)', [PositionAtom, Atom]) }. straightLine(Command, Map1, MapN) --> variable_invocation([displays], _Name, _Var, Map1, MapN), spaces(_), displays_, a_straight_line_, line_with_list(Arguments), !, {atomic_list_concat(Arguments, ',', Atom), format(string(Command), 'abline(~w)', [Atom]) }. verticalLines(DataFrameCommand, PlotCommand, Count, Map1, Map2) --> variable_invocation([displays], _Name, _Var, Map1, Map2), spaces(_), displays_, extract_names(NameX, NameY), from_, literal_(Map2, MapN, Cond), as_vertical_lines_, line_with_list(Arguments), !, { atomic_concat('verticalLines', Count, DataFrameName), make_data_frame_command(Cond, MapN, DataFrameName, [NameX, NameY], DataFrameCommand), atomic_list_concat(Arguments, ',', Atom), format(string(PlotCommand), 'points(~w$~w,~w$~w,type="h",~w)', [DataFrameName, NameX, DataFrameName, NameY, Atom]) }. points(DataFrameCommand, PlotCommand, Count, Map1, Map2) --> variable_invocation([displays], _Name, _Var, Map1, Map2), spaces(_), displays_, extract_names(NameX, NameY), from_, literal_(Map2, MapN, Cond), as_points_, line_with_list(Arguments), !, { atomic_concat('points', Count, DataFrameName), make_data_frame_command(Cond, MapN, DataFrameName, [NameX, NameY], DataFrameCommand), atomic_list_concat(Arguments, ',', Atom), format(string(PlotCommand), 'points(~w$~w,~w$~w,~w)', [DataFrameName, NameX, DataFrameName, NameY, Atom]) }. line(DataFrameCommand, PlotCommand, Count, Map1, Map2) --> variable_invocation([displays], _Name, _Var, Map1, Map2), spaces(_), displays_, extract_names(NameX, NameY), from_, literal_(Map2, MapN, Cond), % the variables defined are local to the condition as_a_line_, line_with_list(Arguments), { atomic_concat('line', Count, DataFrameName), make_data_frame_command(Cond, MapN, DataFrameName, [NameX, NameY], DataFrameCommand), % the data frame here has to be sorted using order() before plotting as a line % as the data collected using r_data_frame are not ordered atomic_list_concat(Arguments, ',', Atom), format(string(PlotCommand), '~w <- ~w[order(~w$~w),]\n lines(~w$~w,~w$~w,~w)', [DataFrameName, DataFrameName, DataFrameName, NameX, DataFrameName, NameX, DataFrameName, NameY, Atom]) }. extract_names(NameX, NameY) --> variable_invocation_name_extraction([and], NameX), [and], variable_invocation_name_extraction([], NameY). % {print_message(informational, "NameX ~w NameY ~w"-[NameX, NameY])}. make_data_frame_command(Cond, MapN, DataFrameName, Names, DataFrameCommand) :- pad_name_var(Names, _VarList, ParamList, MapN), DataFrameCommand = r_data_frame(DataFrameName, ParamList, Cond). pad_name_var([], [], [], _MapN). pad_name_var([Name | XT], [Var | YT], [Name=Var | ZT], MapN) :- consult_map(Var, Name, MapN, MapN), pad_name_var(XT, YT, ZT, MapN). % chart_with_list used to match different arguments, such as title, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, etc. chart_with_list(VarList, [Argument|ArgumentRest], Map1, MapN) --> chart_with(VarHead, Argument, Map1, MapN), spaces_or_newlines(_), [and], spaces(_), chart_with_list(VarTail, ArgumentRest, Map1, MapN), {append(VarHead, VarTail, VarList)}. chart_with_list(VarList, [Argument], Map1, MapN) --> chart_with(VarList, Argument, Map1, MapN). % with is optional for line line_with_list(Arguments) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [with], spaces(_), line_with_tail(Arguments). line_with_list([]) --> []. line_with_tail([H|T]) --> line_with(H), spaces_or_newlines(_), [and], spaces(_), line_with_tail(T). line_with_tail([H]) --> line_with(H). % legend must have one with clause legend_with_list(Arguments) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [with], spaces(_), legend_with_tail(Arguments). legend_with_tail([H|T]) --> legend_with(H), spaces_or_newlines(_), [and], spaces(_), legend_with_tail(T). legend_with_tail([H]) --> legend_with(H). listOfStringToSingleString(SList, Result) :- maplist(wrap_with_quotes, SList, SWrappedList), atomic_list_concat(SWrappedList, ',', Result). wrap_with_quotes(In, Out) :- number(In), format(string(Out), '~w', [In]). wrap_with_quotes(In, Out) :- not(number(In)), format(string(Out), '"~w"', [In]). legend_with(Argument) --> a_colour_of_, ['['], extract_list([']'], List, [], []), [']'], spaces(_), {listOfStringToSingleString(List, ListStr), format(string(Argument), 'col=c(~w)', [ListStr]) }. legend_with(Argument) --> a_plotting_character_of_, ['['], extract_list([']'], List, [], []), [']'], spaces(_), {listOfStringToSingleString(List, ListStr), format(string(Argument), 'pch=c(~w)', [ListStr]) }. legend_with(Argument) --> a_character_expansion_factor_of_, [X], spaces(_), {number(X), term_to_atom(cex=X, Argument) }. legend_with(Argument) --> a_text_of_, ['['], extract_list([']'], List, [], []), [']'], spaces(_), {listOfStringToSingleString(List, ListStr), %print_message(informational, 'text list=~w'-[List]), format(string(Argument), 'legend=c(~w)', [ListStr]) }. legend_with(Argument) --> a_line_type_of_, ['['], extract_list([']'], List, [], []), [']'], spaces(_), {listOfStringToSingleString(List, ListStr), %print_message(informational, 'line type list=~w'-[List]), format(string(Argument), 'lty=c(~w)', [ListStr]) }. legend_with(Argument) --> a_box_type_of_, [X], spaces(_), {atom_string(X, XString), term_to_atom(bty=XString, Argument) }. line_with(Argument) --> a_colour_of_, [X], spaces(_), {atom_string(X, XAtom), term_to_atom(col=XAtom, Argument) }. line_with(Argument) --> a_height_of_, [X], spaces(_), {number(X), term_to_atom(h=X, Argument) }. line_with(Argument) --> a_width_of_, [X], spaces(_), {number(X), term_to_atom(lwd=X, Argument) }. line_with(Argument) --> a_plotting_character_of_, [X], spaces(_), {number(X), term_to_atom(pch=X, Argument)}. line_with(Argument) --> a_character_expansion_factor_of_, [X], spaces(_), {number(X), term_to_atom(cex=X, Argument)}. chart_with([UsedVar], Argument, Map1, MapN) --> variable_invocation([as], Name, UsedVar, Map1, MapN), as_title_, {format(string(Argument), 'main=~w', [Name])}. chart_with([], Argument, _, _) --> extract_constant([], NameWords), as_title_, !, {name_as_atom(NameWords, Title), term_to_atom(main=Title, Argument)}. chart_with([], Argument, _, _) --> extract_constant([], NameWords), as_x_axis_label_, !, {name_as_atom(NameWords, Label), term_to_atom(xlab=Label, Argument) }. chart_with([], Argument, _, _) --> extract_constant([], NameWords), as_y_axis_label_, !, {name_as_atom(NameWords, Label), term_to_atom(ylab=Label, Argument) }. chart_with([], Argument, _, _) --> x_axis_limits_(X, Y), !, {term_to_atom(xlim=c(X,Y), Argument)}. chart_with([], Argument, _, _) --> y_axis_limits_(X, Y), !, {term_to_atom(ylim=c(X,Y), Argument)}. displays_ --> [displays], spaces(_). from_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [from], spaces(_). as_a_line_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [as], spaces(_), [a], spaces(_), [line], spaces(_). as_points_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [as], spaces(_), [points], spaces(_). a_straight_line_ --> [a], spaces(_), [straight], spaces(_), [line], spaces(_). as_vertical_lines_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [as], spaces(_), [vertical], spaces(_), [lines], spaces(_). legend_ --> [legend], spaces(_). a_colour_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [color], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_colour_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [colour], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_height_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [height], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_width_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [width], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_plotting_character_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [plotting], spaces(_), [character], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_character_expansion_factor_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [character], spaces(_), [expansion], spaces(_), [factor], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_text_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [text], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_line_type_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [line], spaces(_), [type], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). a_box_type_of_ --> [a], spaces(_), [box], spaces(_), [type], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). % (holds_at(_149428,_149434) if % (happens_at(_150138,_150144), % initiates_at(_150138,_149428,_150144)), % _150144 before _149434, % not ((terminates_at(_152720,_149428,_152732),_150144 before _152732),_152732 before _149434)) % it must not be true that % statement/1 or /3 statement(Statement) --> it_must_not_be_true_that_, % spaces_or_newlines(_), newline, spaces(Ind), !, conditions(Ind, [], _MapN, Conditions), spaces_or_newlines(_), period, {(Conditions = [] -> Statement = [if(empty, true)]; (Statement = [if(empty, Conditions)]))}, !. % it becomes the case that % fluent % when % event % if % statement/1 or /3 statement(Statement) --> it_becomes_the_case_that_, spaces_or_newlines(_), literal_([], Map1, holds(Fluent, _)), spaces_or_newlines(_), when_, spaces_or_newlines(_), literal_(Map1, Map2, happens(Event, T)), spaces_or_newlines(_), body_(Body, [map(T, '_change_time')|Map2],_), period, {(Body = [] -> Statement = [if(initiates(Event, Fluent, T), true)]; (Statement = [if(initiates(Event, Fluent, T), Body)]))}, !. % it becomes not the case that % fluent % when % event % if statement(Statement) --> it_becomes_not_the_case_that_, spaces_or_newlines(_), literal_([], Map1, holds(Fluent, _)), spaces_or_newlines(_), when_, spaces_or_newlines(_), literal_(Map1, Map2, happens(Event, T)), spaces_or_newlines(_), body_(Body, [map(T, '_change_time')|Map2],_), period, {(Body = [] -> Statement = [if(terminates(Event, Fluent, T), true)]; (Statement = [if(terminates(Event, Fluent, T), Body)] %, print_message(informational, "~w"-Statement) ))}, !. % it is illegal that % event % if ... statement(Statement) --> it_is_illegal_that_, spaces_or_newlines(_), literal_([], Map1, happens(Event, T)), body_(Body, Map1, _), period, {(Body = [] -> Statement = [if(it_is_illegal(Event, T), true)]; Statement = [if(it_is_illegal(Event, T), Body)])},!. % it is unknown whether statement(Statement) --> it_is_unknown_whether_, spaces_or_newlines(_), literal_([], Map1, Abducible), body_(Body, Map1, _), period, {(Body = [] -> Statement = [abducible(Abducible, true)]; Statement = [abducible(Abducible, Body)])},!. % a fact or a rule statement(Statement) --> currentLine(L), literal_([], Map1, Head), body_(Body, Map1, _), period, {(Body = [] -> Statement = [if(L, Head, true)]; Statement = [if(L, Head, Body)])}. % error statement(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found around this statement: ', Rest), fail. list_of_facts([F|R1]) --> literal_([], _,F), rest_list_of_facts(R1). rest_list_of_facts(L1) --> comma, spaces_or_newlines(_), list_of_facts(L1). rest_list_of_facts([]) --> []. % assumptions_/3 or /5 assumptions_([A|R]) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), rule_([], _, A), % {print_message(informational, "rule in scenario: ~w"-[A])}, assumptions_(R).% {print_message(informational, "rest of rules in scenario: ~w"-[R])}. assumptions_([]) --> %{print_message(informational, "no more rules in scenario"-[])}, spaces_or_newlines(_). rule_(InMap, InMap, Rule) --> it_is_unknown_whether_, spaces_or_newlines(_), literal_([], Map1, Abducible), body_(Body, Map1, _), period, {(Body = [] -> Rule = (abducible(Abducible, true):-true); Rule = (abducible(Abducible, Body):-true))},!. rule_(InMap, OutMap, Rule) --> literal_(InMap, Map1, Head), body_(Body, Map1, OutMap), period, %spaces(Ind), condition(Head, Ind, InMap, Map1), body_(Body, Map1, OutMap), period, {(Body = [] -> Rule = (Head :-true); Rule = (Head :- Body))}. rule_(M, M, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in an assumption, near to ', Rest), fail. % no prolog inside LE! %statement([Fact]) --> % spaces(_), prolog_literal_(Fact, [], _), spaces_or_newlines(_), period. % body/3 or /5 body_([], Map, Map) --> spaces_or_newlines(_). body_(Conditions, Map1, MapN) --> newline, spaces(Ind), if_, !, conditions(Ind, Map1, MapN, Conditions), spaces_or_newlines(_). body_(Conditions, Map1, MapN) --> if_, newline_or_nothing, spaces(Ind), conditions(Ind, Map1, MapN, Conditions), spaces_or_newlines(_). newline_or_nothing --> newline. newline_or_nothing --> []. % literal_/3 or /5 % literal_ reads a list of words until it finds one of these: ['\n', if, '.'] % it then tries to match those words against a template in memory (see dict/3 predicate). % The output is then contigent to the type of literal according to the declarations. literal_(Map1, MapN, FinalLiteral) --> % { print_message(informational, 'at time, literal') }, at_time(T, Map1, Map2), comma, possible_instance(PossibleTemplate), { PossibleTemplate \=[], % cant be empty match_template(PossibleTemplate, Map2, MapN, Literal), (fluents(Fluents) -> true; Fluents = []), (events(Events) -> true; Events = []), (lists:member(Literal, Events) -> FinalLiteral = happens(Literal, T) ; (lists:member(Literal, Fluents) -> FinalLiteral = holds(Literal, T) ; FinalLiteral = Literal))}, !. % by default (including builtins) they are timeless! literal_(Map1, MapN, FinalLiteral) --> % { print_message(informational, 'literal, at time') }, possible_instance(PossibleTemplate), comma, at_time(T, Map1, Map2), { PossibleTemplate \=[], % cant be empty match_template(PossibleTemplate, Map2, MapN, Literal), (fluents(Fluents) -> true; Fluents = []), (events(Events) -> true; Events = []), (lists:member(Literal, Events) -> FinalLiteral = happens(Literal, T) ; (lists:member(Literal, Fluents) -> FinalLiteral = holds(Literal, T) ; FinalLiteral = Literal))}, !. % by default (including builtins) they are timeless! literal_(Map1, MapN, FinalLiteral) --> possible_instance(PossibleTemplate), %{ print_message(informational, "literal_: ~w"-[PossibleTemplate]) }, { PossibleTemplate \=[], % cant be empty match_template(PossibleTemplate, Map1, MapN, Literal), (fluents(Fluents) -> true; Fluents = []), (events(Events) -> true; Events = []), (consult_map(Time, '_change_time', Map1, _MapF) -> T=Time; true), (lists:member(Literal, Events) -> FinalLiteral = happens(Literal, T) ; (lists:member(Literal, Fluents) -> FinalLiteral = holds(Literal, T) ; (FinalLiteral = Literal))) %print_message(informational, "~w with ~w"-[FinalLiteral, MapF]) }, !. % by default (including builtins) they are timeless! % rewritten to use in swish. Fixed! It was a name clash. Apparently "literal" is used somewhere else %literal_(Map1, MapN, Literal, In, Out) :- print_message(informational, ' inside a literal'), % possible_instance(PossibleTemplate, In, Out), print_message(informational, PossibleTemplate), % match_template(PossibleTemplate, Map1, MapN, Literal). % error clause literal_(M, M, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in a literal ', Rest), fail. % conditions/4 or /6 conditions(Ind0, Map1, MapN, Conds) --> list_of_conds_with_ind(Ind0, Map1, MapN, Errors, ListConds), {Errors=[] -> ri(Conds, ListConds); (assert_error_os(Errors), fail)}. % preempty validation of errors conditions(_, Map, Map, _, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE indentation error ', Rest), fail. % list_of_conds_with_ind/5 % list_of_conds_with_ind(+InitialInd, +InMap, -OutMap, -Errors, -ListOfConds) list_of_conds_with_ind(Ind0, Map1, MapN, [], [Cond|Conditions]) --> condition(Cond, Ind0, Map1, Map2), more_conds(Ind0, Ind0,_, Map2, MapN, Conditions). list_of_conds_with_ind(_, M, M, [error('Error in condition at', LineNumber, Tokens)], [], Rest, _) :- once( nth1(N,Rest,newline(NextLine)) ), LineNumber is NextLine-2, RelevantN is N-1, length(Relevant,RelevantN), append(Relevant,_,Rest), findall(Token, (member(T,Relevant), (T=newline(_) -> Token='\n' ; Token=T)), Tokens). more_conds(Ind0, _, Ind3, Map1, MapN, [ind(Ind2), Op, Cond2|RestMapped]) --> newline, spaces(Ind2), {Ind0 =< Ind2}, % if the new indentation is deeper, it goes on as before. operator(Op), condition(Cond2, Ind2, Map1, Map2), %{print_message(informational, "~w"-[Conditions])}, !, more_conds(Ind0, Ind2, Ind3, Map2, MapN, RestMapped). more_conds(_, Ind, Ind, Map, Map, [], L, L). % this naive definition of term is problematic % term_/4 or /6 term_(StopWords, Term, Map1, MapN) --> (variable(StopWords, Term, Map1, MapN), !); (constant(StopWords, Term, Map1, MapN), !); (list_(Term, Map1, MapN), !); (expression(Term, Map1), !). %; (compound_(Term, Map1, MapN), !). % list_/3 or /5 list_(List, Map1, MapN) --> spaces(_), bracket_open_, !, extract_list([']'], List, Map1, MapN), bracket_close. % compound_ disable compound_(V1/V2, Map1, MapN) --> term_(['/'], V1, Map1, Map2), ['/'], term_([], V2, Map2, MapN). % event observations %condition(happens(Event), _, Map1, MapN) --> % observe_, literal_(Map1, MapN, Event), !. % condition/4 or /6 % this produces a Taxlog condition with the form: % setof(Owner/Share, is_ultimately_owned_by(Asset,Owner,Share) on Before, SetOfPreviousOwners) % from a set of word such as: % and a record of previous owners is a set of [an owner, a share] % where the asset is ultimately owned by the share with the owner at the previous time condition(FinalExpression, _, Map1, MapN) --> variable([is], Set, Map1, Map2), is_a_set_of_, term_([], Term, Map2, Map3), !, % moved where to the following line newline, spaces(Ind2), where_, conditions(Ind2, Map3, Map4, Goals), modifiers(setof(Term,Goals,Set), Map4, MapN, FinalExpression). % for every a party is a party in the event, it is the case that: condition(FinalExpression, _, Map1, MapN) --> for_all_cases_in_which_, newline, !, spaces(Ind2), conditions(Ind2, Map1, Map2, Conds), spaces_or_newlines(_), it_is_the_case_that_, newline, spaces(Ind3), conditions(Ind3, Map2, Map3, Goals), modifiers(forall(Conds,Goals), Map3, MapN, FinalExpression). % the Value is the sum of each Asset Net such that condition(FinalExpression, _, Map1, MapN) --> variable([is], Value, Map1, Map2), is_the_sum_of_each_, extract_variable([such], [], NameWords, [], _), such_that_, !, { name_predicate(NameWords, Name), update_map(Each, Name, Map2, Map3) }, newline, spaces(Ind), conditions(Ind, Map3, Map4, Conds), modifiers(aggregate_all(sum(Each),Conds,Value), Map4, MapN, FinalExpression). % it is not the case that %condition((this_capsule(M), not(M:Conds)), _, Map1, MapN) --> %condition((true, not(Conds)), _, Map1, MapN) --> condition(not(Conds), _, Map1, MapN) --> %condition(not(Conds), _, Map1, MapN) --> spaces(_), not_, newline, % forget other choices. We know it is a not case spaces(Ind), conditions(Ind, Map1, MapN, Conds), !. condition(Cond, _, Map1, MapN) --> literal_(Map1, MapN, Cond), !. % error clause condition(_, _Ind, Map, Map, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found at a condition ', Rest), fail. % modifiers add reifying predicates to an expression. % modifiers(+MainExpression, +MapIn, -MapOut, -FinalExpression) modifiers(MainExpression, Map1, MapN, on(MainExpression, Var) ) --> newline, spaces(_), at_, variable([], Var, Map1, MapN). % newline before a reifying expression modifiers(MainExpression, Map, Map, MainExpression) --> []. % variable/4 or /6 variable(StopWords, Var, Map1, MapN) --> variable_declaration(StopWords, Var, Map1, MapN). variable(StopWords, Var, Map1, MapN) --> variable_invocation(StopWords, _Name, Var, Map1, MapN). variable_declaration(StopWords, Var, Map1, MapN) --> spaces(_), indef_determiner, extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _), % <-- CUT! { NameWords\=[], name_predicate(NameWords, Name), update_map(Var, Name, Map1, MapN) }. variable_invocation(StopWords, Name, Var, Map1, MapN) --> variable_invocation_name_extraction(StopWords, Name), { consult_map(Var, Name, Map1, MapN) }. % allowing for symbolic variables(must not be a number) % variable_invocation_name_extraction(StopWords, Name) --> % (variable_def_name_extraction(StopWords, Name), !; variable_plain_name_extraction(StopWords, Name)). variable_invocation_name_extraction(StopWords, Name) --> spaces(_), def_determiner, extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _), { NameWords\=[], name_predicate(NameWords, Name) }. variable_invocation_name_extraction(StopWords, Name) --> spaces(_), extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _), { NameWords\=[], name_predicate(NameWords, Name) }. % constant/4 or /6 constant(StopWords, Number, Map, Map) --> % extract_constant(StopWords, NameWords), { NameWords\=[], name_predicate(NameWords, Constant) }. extract_constant(StopWords, [Number]). % deprecated prolog_literal_(Prolog, Map1, MapN) --> predicate_name_(Predicate), parentesis_open_, extract_list([], Arguments, Map1, MapN), parentesis_close_, {Prolog =.. [Predicate|Arguments]}. predicate_name_(Module:Predicate) --> [Module], colon_, extract_constant([], NameWords), { name_predicate(NameWords, Predicate) }, !. predicate_name_(Predicate) --> extract_constant([], NameWords), { name_predicate(NameWords, Predicate) }. at_time(T, Map1, MapN) --> spaces_or_newlines(_), at_, term_([], T, Map1, MapN), spaces_or_newlines(_). spaces(N) --> [' '], !, spaces(M), {N is M + 1}. % todo: reach out for codemirror s configuration https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html for tabSize spaces(N) --> ['\t'], !, spaces(M), {N is M + 4}. % counting tab as four spaces (default in codemirror) spaces(0) --> []. spaces_or_newlines(N) --> [' '], !, spaces_or_newlines(M), {N is M + 1}. spaces_or_newlines(N) --> ['\t'], !, spaces_or_newlines(M), {N is M + 4}. % counting tab as four spaces. See above spaces_or_newlines(N) --> newline, !, spaces_or_newlines(M), {N is M + 1}. % counting \r as one space spaces_or_newlines(0) --> []. newline --> [newline(_Next)]. one_or_many_newlines --> newline, spaces(_), one_or_many_newlines, !. one_or_many_newlines --> []. if_ --> [if], spaces_or_newlines(_). % so that if can be written many lines away from the rest if_ --> [se], spaces_or_newlines(_). % italian if_ --> [si], spaces_or_newlines(_). % french and spanish period --> ['.']. comma --> [',']. colon_ --> [':'], spaces(_). comma_or_period --> period, !. comma_or_period --> comma. and_ --> [and]. and_ --> [e]. % italian and_ --> [et]. % french and_ --> [y]. % spanish or_ --> [or]. or_ --> [o]. % italian and spanish or_ --> [ou]. % french not_ --> [it], spaces(_), [is], spaces(_), [not], spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [case], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). not_ --> [non], spaces(_), [risulta], spaces(_), [che], spaces(_). % italian not_ --> [ce], spaces(_), [n],[A],[est], spaces(_), [pas], spaces(_), [le], spaces(_), [cas], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_), {atom_string(A, "'")}. % french not_ --> [no], spaces(_), [es], spaces(_), [el], spaces(_), [caso], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_). % spanish is_the_sum_of_each_ --> [is], spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [sum], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_), [each], spaces(_) . is_the_sum_of_each_ --> [è], spaces(_), [la], spaces(_), [somma], spaces(_), [di], spaces(_), [ogni], spaces(_). % italian is_the_sum_of_each_ --> [es], spaces(_), [la], spaces(_), [suma], spaces(_), [de], spaces(_), [cada], spaces(_). % spanish is_the_sum_of_each_ --> [est], spaces(_), [la], spaces(_), [somme], spaces(_), [de], spaces(_), [chaque], spaces(_). % french such_that_ --> [such], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). such_that_ --> [tale], spaces(_), [che], spaces(_). % italian such_that_ --> [tel], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_). % french such_that_ --> [tal], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_). % spanish at_ --> [at], spaces(_). at_ --> [a], spaces(_). % italian minus_ --> ['-'], spaces(_). plus_ --> ['+'], spaces(_). divide_ --> ['/'], spaces(_). times_ --> ['*'], spaces(_). bracket_open_ --> [A], spaces(_), {atom_string(A, "[")}. bracket_close --> [A], spaces(_), {atom_string(A, "]")}. parenthesis_open_ --> ['('], spaces(_). parenthesis_close_ --> [A], spaces(_), {atom_string(A, ")")}. this_information_ --> [this], spaces(_), [information], spaces(_). has_been_recorded_ --> [has], spaces(_), [been], spaces(_), [recorded], spaces(_). for_all_cases_in_which_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [for], spaces(_), [all], spaces(_), [cases], spaces(_), [in], spaces(_), [which], spaces(_). for_all_cases_in_which_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [pour], spaces(_), [tous], spaces(_), [les], spaces(_), [cas], spaces(_), [o],[ù], spaces(_). % french for_all_cases_in_which_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [per], spaces(_), [tutti], spaces(_), [i], spaces(_), [casi], spaces(_), [in], spaces(_), [cui], spaces(_). % italian for_all_cases_in_which_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [en], spaces(_), [todos], spaces(_), [los], spaces(_), [casos], spaces(_), [en], spaces(_), [los], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_). % spanish for_all_cases_in_which_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [en], spaces(_), [cualquier], spaces(_), [caso], spaces(_), [en], spaces(_), [el], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_). % spanish it_is_the_case_that_ --> [it], spaces(_), [is], spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [case], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). it_is_the_case_that_ --> [es], spaces(_), [el], spaces(_), [caso], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_). % spanish it_is_the_case_that_ --> [es], spaces(_), [también], spaces(_), [el], spaces(_), [caso], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_). % spanish it_is_the_case_that_ --> [c], [A], [est], spaces(_), [le], spaces(_), [cas], spaces(_), [que], spaces(_), {atom_string(A, "'")}. % french it_is_the_case_that_ --> [è], spaces(_), [provato], spaces(_), [che], spaces(_). % italian is_a_set_of_ --> [is], spaces(_), [a], spaces(_), [set], spaces(_), [of], spaces(_). is_a_set_of_ --> [es], spaces(_), [un], spaces(_), [conjunto], spaces(_), [de], spaces(_). % spanish is_a_set_of_ --> [est], spaces(_), [un], spaces(_), [ensemble], spaces(_), [de], spaces(_). % french is_a_set_of_ --> [est], spaces(_), [un], spaces(_), [ensemble], spaces(_), [de], spaces(_). % italian where_ --> [where], spaces(_). where_ --> [en], spaces(_), [donde], spaces(_). % spanish where_ --> ['où'], spaces(_). % french where_ --> [dove], spaces(_). % italian where_ --> [quando], spaces(_). % italian where_ --> [donde], spaces(_). % spanish scenario_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), ['Scenario'], !, spaces(_). scenario_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [scenario], spaces(_). % english and italian scenario_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [le], spaces(_), [scénario], spaces(_). % french scenario_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [escenario], spaces(_). % spanish is_colon_ --> [is], spaces(_), [':'], spaces(_). is_colon_ --> [es], spaces(_), [':'], spaces(_). % spanish is_colon_ --> [est], spaces(_), [':'], spaces(_). % french is_colon_ --> [è], spaces(_), [':'], spaces(_). % italian query_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), ['Query'], !, spaces(_). query_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [query], spaces(_). query_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [la], spaces(_), [question], spaces(_). % french query_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [la], spaces(_), [pregunta], spaces(_). % spanish query_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [domanda], spaces(_). % italian for_which_ --> [for], spaces(_), [which], spaces(_). for_which_ --> [para], spaces(_), [el], spaces(_), [cual], spaces(_). % spanish singular for_which_ --> [pour], spaces(_), [qui], spaces(_). % french for_which_ --> [per], spaces(_), [cui], spaces(_). % italian as_title_ --> [as], spaces(_), [title], spaces(_). as_x_axis_label_ --> [as], spaces(_), [x], spaces(_), [axis], spaces(_), [label], spaces(_). as_y_axis_label_ --> [as], spaces(_), [y], spaces(_), [axis], spaces(_), [label], spaces(_). x_axis_limits_(X, Y) --> [x], spaces(_), [axis], spaces(_), [limits], spaces(_), [from], spaces(_), item(X, []), spaces(_), [to], spaces(_), item(Y, []), spaces(_), {number(X), number(Y)}. y_axis_limits_(X, Y) --> [y], spaces(_), [axis], spaces(_), [limits], spaces(_), [from], spaces(_), item(X, []), spaces(_), [to], spaces(_), item(Y, []), spaces(_), {number(X), number(Y)}. query_header(Ind, Map) --> spaces(Ind), for_which_, list_of_vars([], Map), colon_, spaces_or_newlines(_). query_header(0, []) --> []. list_of_vars(Map1, MapN) --> extract_variable([',', and, el, et, y, ':'], [], NameWords, [], _), { name_predicate(NameWords, Name), update_map(_Var, Name, Map1, Map2) }, rest_of_list_of_vars(Map2, MapN). rest_of_list_of_vars(Map1, MapN) --> and_or_comma_, list_of_vars(Map1, MapN). rest_of_list_of_vars(Map, Map) --> []. and_or_comma_ --> [','], spaces(_). and_or_comma_ --> and_, spaces(_). it_becomes_the_case_that_ --> it_, [becomes], spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [case], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). it_becomes_not_the_case_that_ --> it_, [becomes], spaces(_), [not], spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [case], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). it_becomes_not_the_case_that_ --> it_, [becomes], spaces(_), [no], spaces(_), [longer], spaces(_), [the], spaces(_), [case], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). when_ --> [when], spaces(_). it_ --> [it], spaces(_), !. it_ --> ['It'], spaces(_). observe_ --> [observe], spaces(_). it_is_illegal_that_ --> it_, [is], spaces(_), [illegal], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). it_is_unknown_whether_ --> it_, [is], spaces(_), [unknown], spaces(_), [whether], spaces(_). it_is_unknown_whether_ --> it_, [is], spaces(_), [unknown], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). it_is_unknown_whether_ --> [non], spaces(_), [è], spaces(_), [noto], spaces(_), [se], spaces(_). % italian it_must_not_be_true_that_ --> it_, [must], spaces(_), [not], spaces(_), [be], spaces(_), [true], spaces(_), [that], spaces(_). ontology_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), ['Ontology'], !, spaces(_). ontology_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [ontology], spaces(_). % english ontology_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [the], spaces(_), [ontology], spaces(_). % english ontology_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), ['l\''], spaces(_), [ontologie], spaces(_). % french ontology_ --> spaces_or_newlines(_), [la], spaces(_), ['ontología'], spaces(_). % spanish /* --------------------------------------------------- Supporting code */ % indentation code % ri/2 ri(-Conditions, +IndentedForm). ri(P, L) :- rinden(Q, L), c2p(Q, P). % rinden/2 produces the conditions from the list with the indented form. rinden(Q, List) :- rind(_, _, Q, List). rind(L, I, Q, List) :- rind_and(L, I, Q, List); rind_or(L, I, Q, List). rind_and(100, [], true, []). rind_and(100, [], Cond, [Cond]) :- simple(Cond). rind_and(T, [T|RestT], and(First,Rest), Final) :- combine(NewF, [ind(T), and|RestC], Final), rind(T1, Tr1, First, NewF), T1>T, rind(Tn, Tr, Rest, RestC), append(Tr1, Tr, RestT), right_order_and(Rest, Tn, T). rind_or(100, [], false, []). rind_or(100, [], Cond, [Cond]) :- simple(Cond). rind_or(T, [T|RestT], or(First,Rest), Final) :- combine(NewF, [ind(T), or|RestC], Final), rind(T1, Tr1, First, NewF), T1>T, rind(Tn, Tr, Rest, RestC), append(Tr1, Tr, RestT), right_order_or(Rest, Tn, T). right_order_and(Rest, Tn, T) :- Rest=or(_,_), Tn>T. right_order_and(Rest, Tn, T) :- Rest=and(_,_), Tn=T. right_order_and(Rest, _, _) :- simple(Rest). right_order_or(Rest, Tn, T) :- Rest=and(_,_), Tn>T. right_order_or(Rest, Tn, T) :- Rest=or(_,_), Tn=T. right_order_or(Rest, _, _) :- simple(Rest). combine(F, S, O) :- ( F\=[], S=[ind(_), Op, V], ((Op==and_); (Op==or_)), simple(V), O=F) ; (F=[], O=S). combine([H|T], S, [H|NT]) :- combine(T, S, NT). simple(Cond) :- Cond\=and(_,_), Cond\=or(_,_), Cond\=true, Cond\=false. c2p(true, true). c2p(false, false). c2p(C, C) :- simple(C). c2p(and(A, RestA), (AA, RestAA)) :- c2p(A, AA), c2p(RestA, RestAA). c2p(or(A, RestA), (AA; RestAA)) :- c2p(A, AA), c2p(RestA, RestAA). /* --------------------------------------------------- More Supporting code */ % scape spaces ss_/3 ss_(All, [' '|RestIn], Output) :- ss_(All, RestIn, Output). ss_([Word|Rest], [Word|RestIn], Output) :- ss_(Rest, RestIn, Output). ss_([], Rin, Rout) :- spaces(_, Rin, Rout). clean_comments([], []) :- !. clean_comments(['%'|Rest], New) :- % like in prolog comments start with % jump_comment(Rest, Next), clean_comments(Next, New). clean_comments([Code|Rest], [Code|New]) :- clean_comments(Rest, New). jump_comment([], []). jump_comment([newline(N)|Rest], [newline(N)|Rest]). % leaving the end of line in place jump_comment([_|R1], R2) :- jump_comment(R1, R2). % template_decl/4 % cuts added to improve efficiency template_decl([], [newline(_)|RestIn], [newline(_)|RestIn]) :- asserterror('LE error: misplaced new line found in a template declaration ', RestIn), !, fail. % cntrl \n should be rejected as part of a template template_decl(RestW, [' '|RestIn], Out) :- !, % skip spaces in template template_decl(RestW, RestIn, Out). template_decl(RestW, ['\t'|RestIn], Out) :- !, % skip cntrl \t in template template_decl(RestW, RestIn, Out). % excluding ends of lines from templates %template_decl(RestW, [newline(_)|RestIn], Out) :- !, % skip cntrl \n in template % template_decl(RestW, RestIn, Out). template_decl([Word|RestW], [Word|RestIn], Out) :- not(lists:member(Word,['.', ','])), % only . and , as boundaries. Beware! template_decl(RestW, RestIn, Out), !. template_decl([], [Word|Rest], [Word|Rest]) :- lists:member(Word,['.', ',']), !. template_decl(_, Rest, _) :- asserterror('LE error found in a template declaration ', Rest), fail. % build_template/5 build_template(RawTemplate, Predicate, Arguments, TypesAndNames, Template) :- build_template_elements(RawTemplate, [], Arguments, TypesAndNames, OtherWords, Template), name_predicate(OtherWords, Predicate). % build_template_elements(+Input, +Previous, -Args, -TypesNames, -OtherWords, -Template) build_template_elements([], _, [], [], [], []) :- !. % a variable signalled by a * build_template_elements(['*', Word|RestOfWords], _Previous, [Var|RestVars], [Name-Type|RestTypes], Others, [Var|RestTemplate]) :- has_pairing_asteriks([Word|RestOfWords]), %(ind_det(Word); ind_det_C(Word)), % Previous \= [is|_], % removing this requirement when * is used phrase(determiner, [Word|RestOfWords], RRestOfWords), % allows the for variables in templates declarations only extract_variable_template(['*'], [], NameWords, [], TypeWords, RRestOfWords, ['*'|NextWords]), !, % <-- it must end with * too name_predicate(NameWords, Name), name_predicate(TypeWords, Type), build_template_elements(NextWords, [], RestVars, RestTypes, Others, RestTemplate). build_template_elements(['*', Word|RestOfWords], _Previous,_, _, _, _) :- not(has_pairing_asteriks([Word|RestOfWords])), !, fail. % produce an error report if asterisks are not paired % a variable not signalled by a * % for backward compatibility \\ DEPRECATED %build_template_elements([Word|RestOfWords], Previous, [Var|RestVars], [Name-Type|RestTypes], Others, [Var|RestTemplate]) :- % (ind_det(Word); ind_det_C(Word)), Previous \= [is|_], % extract_variable(['*'], Var, [], NameWords, TypeWords, RestOfWords, NextWords), !, % <-- CUT! % name_predicate(NameWords, Name), % name_predicate(TypeWords, Type), % build_template_elements(NextWords, [], RestVars, RestTypes, Others, RestTemplate). build_template_elements([Word|RestOfWords], Previous, RestVars, RestTypes, [Word|Others], [Word|RestTemplate]) :- build_template_elements(RestOfWords, [Word|Previous], RestVars, RestTypes, Others, RestTemplate). has_pairing_asteriks(RestOfTemplate) :- findall('*',member('*', RestOfTemplate), Asteriks), length(Asteriks, N), 1 is mod(N, 2). name_predicate(Words, Predicate) :- concat_atom(Words, '_', Predicate). name_predicate_with_spaces(Words, Predicate) :- concat_atom(Words, ' ', Predicate). % name_as_atom/2 name_as_atom([Number], Number) :- number(Number), !. name_as_atom([Atom], Number) :- atom_number(Atom, Number), !. name_as_atom(Words, Name) :- numbervars(Words, 1, _, [functor_name('unknown')]), replace_vars(Words, Atoms), list_words_to_codes(Atoms, Codes), replace_ast_a(Codes, CCodes), atom_codes(Name, CCodes). words_to_atom(Words, Name) :- %trace, numbervars(Words, 0, _, [singletons(true)]), list_words_to_codes(Words, Codes), atom_codes(Name, Codes). replace_ast_a([], []) :- !. replace_ast_a([42,32,97|Rest], [42,97|Out]) :- !, replace_final_ast(Rest, Out). replace_ast_a([C|Rest], [C|Out]) :- replace_ast_a(Rest, Out). replace_final_ast([], []) :- !. replace_final_ast([32,42|Rest], [42|Out]) :- !, replace_ast_a(Rest, Out). replace_final_ast([C|Rest], [C|Out]) :- replace_final_ast(Rest, Out). % maps a list of words to a list of corresponding codes % adding an space between words-codes (32). % list_word_to_codes/2 list_words_to_codes([], []). list_words_to_codes([Word|RestW], Out) :- atom_codes(Word, Codes), remove_quotes(Codes, CleanCodes), list_words_to_codes(RestW, Next), (Next=[]-> Out=CleanCodes; % if it comes the symbol _ + - / \ or the previous is only + o - then no space is added between words (Next=[95|_]; Next=[43|_]; Next=[45|_]; Next=[47|_]; Next=[92|_]; CleanCodes=[43]; CleanCodes=[45])-> append(CleanCodes, Next, Out); append(CleanCodes, [32|Next], Out) ), !. remove_quotes([], []) :-!. remove_quotes([39|RestI], RestC) :- remove_quotes(RestI, RestC), !. % quick fix to remove parentheses and numbers too. remove_quotes([40, _, 41|RestI], RestC) :- remove_quotes(RestI, RestC), !. %remove_quotes([41|RestI], RestC) :- remove_quotes(RestI, RestC), !. remove_quotes([C|RestI], [C|RestC]) :- remove_quotes(RestI, RestC). replace_vars([],[]) :- !. replace_vars([A|RI], [A|RO]) :- atom(A), replace_vars(RI,RO), !. replace_vars([W|RI], [A|RO]) :- term_to_atom(W, A), replace_vars(RI,RO). add_cond(and, Ind1, Ind2, Previous, C4, (C; (C3, C4))) :- last_cond(or, Previous, C, C3), % (C; C3) Ind1 < Ind2, !. add_cond(and, Ind1, Ind2, Previous, C4, ((C; C3), C4)) :- last_cond(or, Previous, C, C3), % (C; C3) Ind1 > Ind2, !. add_cond(and,I, I, (C, C3), C4, (C, (C3, C4))) :- !. add_cond(and,_, _, Cond, RestC, (Cond, RestC)) :- !. add_cond(or, Ind1, Ind2, Previous, C4, (C, (C3; C4))) :- last_cond(and, Previous, C, C3), % (C, C3) Ind1 < Ind2, !. add_cond(or, Ind1, Ind2, Previous, C4, ((C, C3); C4)) :- last_cond(and, Previous, C, C3), % (C, C3) Ind1 > Ind2, !. add_cond(or, I, I, (C; C3), C4, (C; (C3; C4))) :- !. add_cond(or, _, _, Cond, RestC, (Cond; RestC)). last_cond(or, (A;B), A, B) :- B\=(_;_), !. last_cond(or, (C;D), (C;R), Last) :- last_cond(or, D, R, Last). last_cond(and, (A,B), A, B) :- B\=(_,_), !. last_cond(and, (C,D), (C,R), Last) :- last_cond(and, D, R, Last). % adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, PreviousCond, Op1, Cond2, Op2, Rest, RestMapped, Conditions) % from and to and adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, and, C2, and, C3, ((C1, C2), C3) ) :- Ind1 =< Ind2, !. adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, and, C2, and, C3, ((C1, C2), C3) ) :- Ind1 > Ind2, !. % from or to ord adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, or, C2, or, C3, ((C1; C2); C3) ) :- Ind1 =< Ind2, !. adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, or, C2, or, C3, ((C1; C2); C3) ) :- Ind1 > Ind2, !. % from and to deeper or adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, and, C2, or, C3, (C1, (C2; C3)) ) :- Ind1 < Ind2, !. % from deeper or to and adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, or, C2, and, C3, ((C1; C2), C3) ) :- Ind1 > Ind2, !. % from or to deeper and adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, or, C2, and, C3, (C1; (C2, C3)) ) :- Ind1 < Ind2, !. % from deeper and to or adjust_op(Ind1, Ind2, C1, and, C2, or, C3, ((C1, C2); C3) ) :- Ind1 > Ind2. operator(and, In, Out) :- and_(In, Out). operator(or, In, Out) :- or_(In, Out). % possible_instance/3 % cuts added to improve efficiency % skipping a list possible_instance([], [], []) :- !. possible_instance(Final, ['['|RestIn], Out) :- !, possible_instance_for_lists(List, RestIn, [']'|Next]), possible_instance(RestW, Next, Out), append(['['|List], [']'|RestW], Final). possible_instance(RestW, [' '|RestIn], Out) :- !, % skip spaces in template possible_instance(RestW, RestIn, Out). possible_instance(RestW, ['\t'|RestIn], Out) :- !, % skip tabs in template possible_instance(RestW, RestIn, Out). possible_instance([that|Instance], In, Out) :- % to allow "that" instances to spread over more than one line phrase(spaces_or_newlines(_), In, [that|Rest]), phrase(spaces_or_newlines(_), Rest, Next), !, possible_instance(Instance, Next, Out). possible_instance([Word|RestW], [Word|RestIn], Out) :- %not(lists:member(Word,['\n', if, and, or, '.', ','])), !, not(lists:member(Word,[newline(_), if, '.', ','])), % leaving the comma in as well (for lists and sets we will have to modify this) possible_instance(RestW, RestIn, Out). possible_instance([], [Word|Rest], [Word|Rest]) :- lists:member(Word,[newline(_), if, '.', ',']). % leaving or/and out of this % using [ and ] for list and set only to avoid clashes for commas %possible_instance_for_lists([], [], []) :- !. possible_instance_for_lists([], [']'|Out], [']'|Out]) :- !. possible_instance_for_lists(RestW, [' '|RestIn], Out) :- !, % skip spaces in template possible_instance_for_lists(RestW, RestIn, Out). possible_instance_for_lists(RestW, ['\t'|RestIn], Out) :- !, % skip tabs in template possible_instance_for_lists(RestW, RestIn, Out). possible_instance_for_lists([Word|RestW], [Word|RestIn], Out) :- %not(lists:member(Word,['\n', if, and, or, '.', ','])), !, possible_instance_for_lists(RestW, RestIn, Out). %possible_instance_for_lists([], [Word|Rest], [Word|Rest]) :- % lists:member(Word,[',', newline(_), if, '.']). % leaving or/and out of this % match_template/4 match_template(PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, Literal) :- %print_message(informational,'Possible Meta Literal ~w'-[PossibleLiteral]), meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, MetaCandidate), meta_match(MetaCandidate, PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, MetaTemplate), !, meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, MetaTemplate), Literal =.. Predicate. match_template(PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, Literal) :- %print_message(informational,'Possible Literal ~w'-[PossibleLiteral]), dictionary(Predicate, _, Candidate), match(Candidate, PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, Template), !, dictionary(Predicate, _, Template), Literal =.. Predicate. %print_message(informational,'Match!! with ~w'-[Literal]).% !. % meta_match/5 % meta_match(+CandidateTemplate, +PossibleLiteral, +MapIn, -MapOut, -SelectedTemplate) meta_match([], [], Map, Map, []) :- !. meta_match([Word|_LastElement], [Word|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Word,Literal]) :- % asuming Element is last in template! Word = that, % that is a reserved word "inside" templates! -> that (meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, Candidate); dictionary(Predicate, _, Candidate)), % searching for a new inner literal match(Candidate, PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, InnerTemplate), (meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, InnerTemplate); dictionary(Predicate, _, InnerTemplate)), Literal =.. Predicate, !. meta_match([MetaElement|RestMetaElements], [MetaWord|RestPossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [MetaElement|RestSelected]) :- nonvar(MetaElement), MetaWord = MetaElement, !, meta_match(RestMetaElements, RestPossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, RestSelected). %meta_match([MetaElement|RestMetaElements], PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, [Literal|RestSelected]) :- % var(MetaElement), stop_words(RestMetaElements, StopWords), % extract_literal(StopWords, LiteralWords, PossibleLiteral, NextWords), % meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, Candidate), % match(Candidate, LiteralWords, Map1, Map2, Template), %only two meta levels! % does not work. % meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, Template), % Literal =.. Predicate, !, % meta_match(RestMetaElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). meta_match([MetaElement|RestMetaElements], PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, [Literal|RestSelected]) :- var(MetaElement), stop_words(RestMetaElements, StopWords), extract_literal(StopWords, LiteralWords, PossibleLiteral, NextWords), dictionary(Predicate, _, Candidate), % this assumes that the "contained" literal is an object level literal. match(Candidate, LiteralWords, Map1, Map2, Template), dictionary(Predicate, _, Template), Literal =.. Predicate, !, meta_match(RestMetaElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). % it could also be an object level matching of other kind meta_match([Element|RestElements], [Det|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Var|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), phrase(indef_determiner, [Det|PossibleLiteral], RPossibleLiteral), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _, RPossibleLiteral, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), update_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), !, % <-- CUT! meta_match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). meta_match([Element|RestElements], [Det|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Var|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), phrase(def_determiner, [Det|PossibleLiteral], RPossibleLiteral), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _, RPossibleLiteral, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), consult_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), !, % <-- CUT! meta_match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). % handling symbolic variables (as long as they have been previously defined and included in the map!) meta_match([Element|RestElements], PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, [Var|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _, PossibleLiteral, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), consult_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), !, % <-- CUT! % if the variables has been previously registered meta_match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). meta_match([Element|RestElements], ['['|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [List|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_list([']'|StopWords], List, Map1, Map2, PossibleLiteral, [']'|NextWords]), !, % matching brackets verified meta_match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). % enabling expressions and constants meta_match([Element|RestElements], [Word|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Expression|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_expression([','|StopWords], NameWords, [Word|PossibleLiteral], NextWords), NameWords \= [], % this expression cannot add variables ( phrase(expression(Expression, Map1), NameWords) -> true ; ( name_predicate_with_spaces(NameWords, Expression) ) ), %print_message(informational, 'found a constant or an expression '), print_message(informational, Expression), meta_match(RestElements, NextWords, Map1, MapN, RestSelected). % match/5 % match(+CandidateTemplate, +PossibleLiteral, +MapIn, -MapOut, -SelectedTemplate) match([], [], Map, Map, []) :- !. % success! It succeds iff PossibleLiteral is totally consumed % meta level access: that New Literal match([Word|_LastElement], [Word|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Word,Literal]) :- % asuming Element is last in template! Word = that, % that is a reserved word "inside" templates! -> that (meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, Candidate); dictionary(Predicate, _, Candidate)), % searching for a new inner literal match(Candidate, PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, InnerTemplate), (meta_dictionary(Predicate, _, InnerTemplate); dictionary(Predicate, _, InnerTemplate)), Literal =.. Predicate, !. %match([Element, Apost|RestElements], [_Word|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Element, Apost|RestSelected]) :- % nonvar(Element), atom_string(Apost, "'"), !, %Word aprox= Element, TO BE DONE: full test % match(RestElements, PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, RestSelected). %match([Element|RestElements], [_Word, Apost|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Element|RestSelected]) :- % nonvar(Element), atom_string(Apost, "'"), !, %Word aprox= Element, TO BE DONE: full test % match(RestElements, PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, RestSelected). match([Element|RestElements], [Word|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Element|RestSelected]) :- nonvar(Element), Word = Element, match(RestElements, PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, RestSelected). match([Element|RestElements], [Det|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Var|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), phrase(indef_determiner,[Det|PossibleLiteral], RPossibleLiteral), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _, RPossibleLiteral, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), update_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), !, % <-- CUT! match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). match([Element|RestElements], [Det|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Var|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), phrase(def_determiner, [Det|PossibleLiteral], RPossibleLiteral), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _, RPossibleLiteral, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), consult_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), !, % <-- CUT! match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). % handling symbolic variables (as long as they have been previously defined and included in the map!) match([Element|RestElements], PossibleLiteral, Map1, MapN, [Var|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_variable(StopWords, [], NameWords, [], _, PossibleLiteral, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), consult_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), !, % <-- CUT! % if the variables has been previously registered match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). match([Element|RestElements], ['['|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [List|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), extract_list([']'|StopWords], List, Map1, Map2, PossibleLiteral, [']'|NextWords]), % matching brackets verified %print_message(informational, "List ~w"-[List]), %correct_list(List, Term), match(RestElements, NextWords, Map2, MapN, RestSelected). % enabling expressions and constants match([Element|RestElements], [Word|PossibleLiteral], Map1, MapN, [Expression|RestSelected]) :- var(Element), stop_words(RestElements, StopWords), % print_message(informational, "match RestElements ~w StopWords: ~w"-[RestElements, StopWords]), extract_expression([','|StopWords], NameWords, [Word|PossibleLiteral], NextWords), NameWords \= [], % print_message(informational, "PossibleLiteral ~w"-[PossibleLiteral]), % this expression cannot add variables ( phrase(expression(Expression, Map1), NameWords) -> true ; ( name_predicate_with_spaces(NameWords, Expression) % print_message(informational, "Expression phrase failed FullNameWords ~w"-[FullNameWords]) ) ), %print_message(informational, 'found a constant or an expression '), print_message(informational, Expression), match(RestElements, NextWords, Map1, MapN, RestSelected). %print_message(informational, "Expression? ~w NameWords: ~w NextWords: ~w PossibleLiteral: ~w"-[Expression, NameWords, NextWords, PossibleLiteral]). correct_list([], []) :- !. correct_list([A,B], [A,B]) :- atom(B), !. % not(is_list(B)), !. correct_list([A,B], [A|B] ) :- !. correct_list([A|B], [A|NB]) :- correct_list(B, NB). % expressions include dates and arithmetic expressions. expression(X, InMap) --> dates(X, InMap). % A temporary solution to parse 2022-02-06 as dates, not an expression with two minuses. % A long term solution might be parsing according to the type of the variable, if it is a date, then parse it as a date. expression(X, InMap, In, Out) :- not(dates(X, InMap, In, Out)), expr(X, InMap, In, Out), !. expr(X, InMap) --> addExp(X, InMap). % Transform 2021-02-06T08:25:34 into a timestamp. dates(DateInSeconds, _Map) --> [Year,'-', Month, '-', Day, THours,':', Minutes, ':', Seconds], spaces(_), { number(Year),number(Month),number(Day),number(Minutes),number(Seconds), pad_number(Year, 4, YearStr), pad_number(Month, 2, MonthStr), pad_number(Day, 2, DayStr), pad_number(Minutes, 2, MinutesStr), pad_number(Seconds, 2, SecondsStr), concat_atom([YearStr,'-', MonthStr, '-', DayStr, THours,':', MinutesStr, ':', SecondsStr], '', Date), parse_time(Date,DateInSeconds) %, print_message(informational, "~w"-[DateInSeconds]) }, !. % Transform 2021-02-06 into a timestamp. dates(DateInSeconds, _Map) --> [Year,'-', Month, '-', Day], spaces(_), { number(Year),number(Month),number(Day), pad_number(Year, 4, YearStr), pad_number(Month, 2, MonthStr), pad_number(Day, 2, DayStr), concat_atom([YearStr, '-', MonthStr, '-', DayStr], '', Date), parse_time(Date, DateInSeconds) }, !. % relies on tabled execution to avoid left recursion addExp(X+Y, InMap) --> addExp(X, InMap), ['+'], mulExp(Y, InMap). addExp(X-Y, InMap) --> addExp(X, InMap), ['-'], mulExp(Y, InMap). addExp(Out, InMap) --> mulExp(Out, InMap). mulExp(X*Y, InMap) --> mulExp(X, InMap), ['*'], item(Y, InMap). mulExp(X/Y, InMap) --> mulExp(X, InMap), ['/'], item(Y, InMap). mulExp(Out, InMap) --> item(Out, InMap). item(Y, InMap) --> ['+'], item(X, InMap), {Y is +X}. item(Y, InMap) --> ['-'], item(X, InMap), {Y is -X}. item(Out, InMap) --> element(Out, InMap). element(X, _InMap) --> [X], {number(X)}, !. element(X, _InMap) --> [le_string(X)], !. element(X, InMap) --> ['('], addExp(X, InMap), [')']. element(Var, InMap) --> variable_invocation(['+', '-', '*', '/', ')', '('], _Name, Var, InMap, InMap). % element(1.5NaN, _InMap) --> ['NA'], !. % a trick to match NA to NaN % element(X, _InMap) --> ['\''], element_string_list(List), ['\''], {concat_atom(List, '', XAtom), atom_string(XAtom, X)}, !. % element(X, _InMap) --> [X], {atom(X), \+ X = 'NA'}. element_string_list([H|T]) --> [H], element_string_list(T). element_string_list([]) --> []. % pad a number to the specified width with zeros pad_number(Number, Width, Out) :- format(atom(Out), '~|~`0t~d~*+', [Number, Width]). % operators with any amout of words/symbols % binary_op/3 binary_op(Op, In, Out) :- op2tokens(Op, OpTokens, _), append(OpTokens, Out, In), print_message(informational, "binary_op ~w ~w ~w"-[Op, In, Out]). % very inefficient. Better to compute and store. See below op_tokens(Op, OpTokens) :- current_op(_Prec, Fix, Op), Op \= '.', % Regenerate response (Fix = 'xfx'; Fix='yfx'; Fix='xfy'; Fix='yfy'), term_string(Op, OpString), tokenize(OpString, Tokens, [cased(true), spaces(true), numbers(false)]), unpack_tokens(Tokens, OpTokens). % findall(op2tokens(Op, OpTokens, OpTokens), op_tokens(Op, OpTokens), L), forall(member(T,L), (write(T),write('.'), nl)). % op2tokens(+Operator, PrologTokens, sCASPTokens) % op2tokens/3 % disengaging any expression seemingly in natural language %op2tokens(is_not_before,[is_not_before],[is_not_before]). %op2tokens(of,[of],[of]). %op2tokens(if,[if],[if]). %op2tokens(then,[then],[then]). %op2tokens(must,[must],[must]). %op2tokens(on,[on],[on]). %op2tokens(because,[because],[because]). %op2tokens(and,[and],[and]). %op2tokens(in,[in],[in]). %op2tokens(or,[or],[or]). %op2tokens(at,[at],[at]). %op2tokens(before,[before],[before]). %op2tokens(after,[after],[after]). %op2tokens(else,[else],[else]). %op2tokens(with,[with],[with]). op2tokens(::,[:,:],[:,:]). op2tokens(->,[-,>],[-,>]). op2tokens(:,[:],[:]). %op2tokens(,,[',,,'],[',,,']). op2tokens(:=,[:,=],[:,=]). op2tokens(==,[=,=],[=,=]). op2tokens(:-,[:,-],[:,-]). op2tokens(/\,[/,\],[/,\]). op2tokens(=,[=],[=]). %op2tokens(rem,[rem],[rem]). %op2tokens(is,[is],[is]). op2tokens(=:=,[=,:,=],[=,:,=]). op2tokens(=\=,[=,\,=],[=,\,=]). op2tokens(xor,[xor],[xor]). %op2tokens(as,[as],[as]). op2tokens(rdiv,[rdiv],[rdiv]). op2tokens(>=,[>,=],[>,=]). op2tokens(@<,[@,<],[@,<]). op2tokens(@=<,[@,=,<],[@,=,<]). op2tokens(=@=,[=,@,=],[=,@,=]). op2tokens(\=@=,[\,=,@,=],[\,=,@,=]). op2tokens(@>,[@,>],[@,>]). op2tokens(@>=,[@,>,=],[@,>,=]). op2tokens(\==,[\,=,=],[\,=,=]). op2tokens(\=,[\,=],[\,=]). op2tokens(>,[>],[>]). %op2tokens(|,[',|,'],[',|,']). op2tokens('|',['|'],['|']). op2tokens(\/,[\,/],[\,/]). op2tokens(+,[+],[+]). op2tokens(>>,[>,>],[>,>]). op2tokens(;,[;],[;]). op2tokens(<<,[<,<],[<,<]). op2tokens(:<,[:,<],[:,<]). op2tokens(>:<,[>,:,<],[>,:,<]). op2tokens(/,[/],[/]). op2tokens(=>,[=,>],[=,>]). op2tokens(=..,[=,.,.],[=,.,.]). op2tokens(div,[div],[div]). op2tokens(//,[/,/],[/,/]). op2tokens(**,[*,*],[*,*]). op2tokens(*,[*],[*]). op2tokens(^,[^],[^]). op2tokens(mod,[mod],[mod]). op2tokens(-,[-],[-]). op2tokens(*->,[*,-,>],[*,-,>]). op2tokens(<,[<],[<]). op2tokens(=<,[=,<],[=,<]). op2tokens(-->,[-,-,>],[-,-,>]). % very inefficient. Better to compute and store. See below op_stop_words(Words) :- op_stop(Words) -> true; ( findall(Word, (current_op(_Prec, _, Op), Op \= '.', % dont include the period! term_string(Op, OpString), tokenize(OpString, Tokens, [cased(true), spaces(true), numbers(false)]), unpack_tokens(Tokens, [Word|_])), Words), % taking only the first word as stop word assertz(op_stop(Words)) ), !. % disengaging any word or phrase in natural language op_stop([ %(on), %(because), %(is_not_before), %(not), %(before), %(and), %(or), %(at), (html_meta), %(after), %(in), %(else), (+), %(then), %(must), %(if), ($), (\), (=), (thread_initialization), (:), (\), '\'', (xor), (:), (rem), (\), %(table), %(initialization), (rdiv), (/), (>), (>), (=), (=), (;), %(as), %(is), (=), @, (\), (thread_local), (>), (=), (<), (*), '\'', (=), (\), (+), (:), (>), (div), %(discontiguous), (<), (/), %(meta_predicate), (=), (-), %(volatile), %(public), (:), (*), ?, (/), (*), (-), %(multifile), %(dynamic), (mod), (^) %(module_transparent) ]). stop_words([], []). stop_words([Word|_], [Word]) :- nonvar(Word). % only the next word for now stop_words([Word|_], []) :- var(Word). % list_symbol/1: a symbol specific for list that can be used as stop word for others list_symbol('['). list_symbol(']'). parenthesis('('). parenthesis(')'). extract_literal(_, [], [], []) :- !. extract_literal(StopWords, [], [Word|RestOfWords], [Word|RestOfWords]) :- (member(Word, StopWords); that_(Word); phrase(newline, [Word])), !. extract_literal(SW, RestName, [' '|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_literal(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_literal(SW, RestName, ['\t'|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, extract_literal(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_literal(SW, [Word|RestName], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- extract_literal(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). % extract_variable_template/7 % extract_variable_template(+StopWords, +InitialNameWords, -FinalNameWords, +InitialTypeWords, -FinalTypeWords, +ListOfWords, -NextWordsInText) % refactored as a dcg predicate extract_variable_template(_, Names, Names, Types, Types, [], []) :- !. % stop at when words run out extract_variable_template(StopWords, Names, Names, Types, Types, [Word|RestOfWords], [Word|RestOfWords]) :- % stop at reserved words, verbs or prepositions. %(member(Word, StopWords); reserved_word(Word); verb(Word); preposition(Word); punctuation(Word); phrase(newline, [Word])), !. % or punctuation (member(Word, StopWords); that_(Word); list_symbol(Word); punctuation(Word); phrase(newline, [Word])), !. extract_variable_template(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, [' '|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_variable_template(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_variable_template(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, ['\t'|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_variable_template(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_variable_template(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % ordinals are not part of the type ordinal(Word), !, extract_variable_template(SW, [Word|InName], OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). %extract_variable_template(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % types are not part of the name % is_a_type(Word), % extract_variable(SW, InName, NextName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords), % (NextName = [] -> OutName = [Word]; OutName = NextName), !. extract_variable_template(SW, InName, [Word|OutName], InType, [Word|OutType], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % everything else is part of the name (for instances) and the type (for templates) extract_variable_template(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). % extract_variable/7 % extract_variable(+StopWords, +InitialNameWords, -FinalNameWords, +InitialTypeWords, -FinalTypeWords, +ListOfWords, -NextWordsInText) % refactored as a dcg predicate extract_variable(_, Names, Names, Types, Types, [], []) :- !. % stop at when words run out extract_variable(_, _, _, _, _, [le_string(Word)|RestOfWords], [le_string(Word)|RestOfWords]) :- !. % stops when encounter a le_string, leave it to expression extract_variable(StopWords, Names, Names, Types, Types, [Word|RestOfWords], [Word|RestOfWords]) :- % stop at reserved words, verbs or prepositions. %(member(Word, StopWords); reserved_word(Word); verb(Word); preposition(Word); punctuation(Word); phrase(newline, [Word])), !. % or punctuation (member(Word, StopWords); that_(Word); list_symbol(Word); punctuation(Word); phrase(newline, [Word])), !. extract_variable(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, [' '|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_variable(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_variable(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, ['\t'|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_variable(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_variable(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % ordinals are not part of the type ordinal(Word), !, extract_variable(SW, [Word|InName], OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_variable(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % types are not part of the name is_a_type(Word), extract_variable(SW, InName, NextName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords), (NextName = [] -> OutName = [Word]; OutName = NextName), !. extract_variable(SW, InName, [Word|OutName], InType, [Word|OutType], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % everything else is part of the name (except numbers) (for instances) and the type (for templates) not(number(Word)), extract_variable(SW, InName, OutName, InType, OutType, RestOfWords, NextWords). % extract_expression/4 % extract_expression(+StopWords, ListOfNameWords, +ListOfWords, NextWordsInText) % it does not stop at reserved words! extract_expression(_, [], [], []) :- !. % stop at when words run out extract_expression(StopWords, [], [Word|RestOfWords], [Word|RestOfWords]) :- % stop at verbs? or prepositions?. (member(Word, StopWords); that_(Word); list_symbol(Word); parenthesis(Word), phrase(newline, [Word])), !. % print_message(informational, "extract_expression for stop words StopWords: ~w Word: ~w RestOfWords: ~w"-[StopWords, Word, RestOfWords]). %extract_expression([Word|RestName], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % ordinals are not part of the name % ordinal(Word), !, % extract_constant(RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_expression(SW, RestName, [' '|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_expression(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_expression(SW, RestName, ['\t'|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, extract_expression(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_expression(SW, [Word|RestName], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- %is_a_type(Word), %not(determiner(Word)), % no determiners inside constants! extract_expression(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). % print_message(informational, "extract_expression normal StopWords: ~w Word: ~w NextWords ~w"-[SW, Word, NextWords]). % extract_constant/4 % extract_constant(+StopWords, ListOfNameWords, +ListOfWords, NextWordsInText) extract_constant(_, [], [], []) :- !. % stop at when words run out extract_constant(_, [], RestOfWords, RestOfWords). % extract_constant does not have to stop at stopWords, DCG could be relied on to try different possibilities extract_constant(StopWords, [], [Word|RestOfWords], [Word|RestOfWords]) :- % stop at reserved words, verbs? or prepositions?. %(member(Word, StopWords); reserved_word(Word); verb(Word); preposition(Word); punctuation(Word); phrase(newline, [Word])), !. % or punctuation (member(Word, StopWords); that_(Word); list_symbol(Word); parenthesis(Word); punctuation(Word); phrase(newline, [Word])), !. %extract_constant([Word|RestName], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- % ordinals are not part of the name % ordinal(Word), !, % extract_constant(RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_constant(SW, RestName, [' '|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_constant(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_constant(SW, RestName, ['\t'|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, extract_constant(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_constant(SW, [Word|RestName], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- %is_a_type(Word), %not(determiner(Word)), % no determiners inside constants! extract_constant(SW, RestName, RestOfWords, NextWords). %extract_string/3 extract_string([], [], []) :- !. extract_string([], [newline(A)|RestOfWords], [newline(A)|RestOfWords]):- !. extract_string([String], InWords, NextWords) :- extract_all_string([newline(_), ',', '.'], Words, InWords, NextWords), concat_atom(Words, '', String). %print_message(informational, "Filename String: ~w"-[String]). extract_all_string(StopWords, [], [Word|RestOfWords], RestOfWords) :- member(Word, StopWords), !. extract_all_string(StopWords, [Word|RestString], [Word|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- extract_all_string(StopWords, RestString, RestOfWords, NextWords ). % extract_list/6 % extract_list(+StopWords, -List, +Map1, -Map2, +[Word|PossibleLiteral], -NextWords), extract_list(SW, [], Map, Map, [Word|Rest], [Word|Rest]) :- lists:member(Word, SW), !. % stop but leave the symbol for further verification %extract_list(_, [], Map, Map, [')'|Rest], [')'|Rest]) :- !. extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, [' '|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, [' '|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skipping spaces extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, ['\t'|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, [','|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skip over commas extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, ['|'|RestOfWords], NextWords) :- !, % skip over | extract_list(SW, RestList, Map1, MapN, RestOfWords, NextWords). extract_list(StopWords, List, Map1, MapN, [Det|InWords], LeftWords) :- phrase(indef_determiner, [Det|InWords], RInWords), extract_variable(['|'|StopWords], [], NameWords, [], _, RInWords, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), update_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), (NextWords = [']'|_] -> (RestList = [], LeftWords=NextWords, MapN=Map2 ) ; extract_list(StopWords, RestList, Map2, MapN, NextWords, LeftWords) ), (RestList\=[] -> List=[Var|RestList]; List=[Var]), !. extract_list(StopWords, List, Map1, MapN, [Det|InWords], LeftWords) :- phrase(def_determiner, [Det|InWords], RInWords), extract_variable(['|'|StopWords], [], NameWords, [], _, RInWords, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), consult_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), (NextWords = [']'|_] -> (RestList = [], LeftWords=NextWords, MapN=Map2 ) ; extract_list(StopWords, RestList, Map2, MapN, NextWords, LeftWords) ), (RestList\=[] -> List=[Var|RestList]; List=[Var]), !. extract_list(StopWords, List, Map1, MapN, InWords, LeftWords) :- % symbolic variables without determiner extract_variable(['|'|StopWords], [], NameWords, [], _, InWords, NextWords), NameWords \= [], % <- leave that _ unbound! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), consult_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), (NextWords = [']'|_] -> (RestList = [], LeftWords=NextWords, MapN=Map2 ) ; extract_list(StopWords, RestList, Map2, MapN, NextWords, LeftWords) ), (RestList\=[] -> List=[Var|RestList]; List=[Var]), !. extract_list(StopWords, List, Map1, Map1, InWords, LeftWords) :- extract_expression(['|',','|StopWords], NameWords, InWords, NextWords), NameWords \= [], ( phrase(expression(Expression, Map1), NameWords) -> true ; ( name_predicate_with_spaces(NameWords, Expression) ) ), ( NextWords = [']'|_] -> ( RestList = [], LeftWords=NextWords ) ; extract_list(StopWords, RestList, Map1, Map1, NextWords, LeftWords) ), extend_list(RestList, Expression, List), !. % print_message(informational, " ~q "-[List]), !. %(RestList=[_,_|_] -> List=[Expression|RestList] ; % RestList = [One] -> List=[Expression, One] ; % RestList = [] -> List = [[]] ), !. extend_list([A,B|R], X, List) :- append([X], [A,B|R], List). extend_list([A], X, [X|[A]]). extend_list([], X, [X]). determiner --> ind_det, !. determiner --> ind_det_C, !. determiner --> def_det, !. determinar --> def_det_C. indef_determiner --> ind_det, !. indef_determiner --> ind_det_C. def_determiner --> def_det, !. def_determiner --> def_det_C. rebuild_template(RawTemplate, Map1, MapN, Template) :- template_elements(RawTemplate, Map1, MapN, [], Template). % template_elements(+Input,+InMap, -OutMap, +Previous, -Template) template_elements([], Map1, Map1, _, []). template_elements([Word|RestOfWords], Map1, MapN, Previous, [Var|RestTemplate]) :- (phrase(ind_det, [Word|RestOfWords], RRestOfWords); phrase(ind_det_C,[Word|RestOfWords], RRestOfWords)), Previous \= [is|_], extract_variable([], [], NameWords, [], _, RRestOfWords, NextWords), !, % <-- CUT! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), update_map(Var, Name, Map1, Map2), template_elements(NextWords, Map2, MapN, [], RestTemplate). template_elements([Word|RestOfWords], Map1, MapN, Previous, [Var|RestTemplate]) :- (phrase(def_det, [Word|RestOfWords], RRestOfWords); phrase(def_det_C,[Word|RestOfWords], RRestOfWords)), Previous \= [is|_], extract_variable([], [], NameWords, [], _, RRestOfWords, NextWords), !, % <-- CUT! name_predicate(NameWords, Name), member(map(Var,Name), Map1), % confirming it is an existing variable and unifying template_elements(NextWords, Map1, MapN, [], RestTemplate). template_elements([Word|RestOfWords], Map1, MapN, Previous, [Word|RestTemplate]) :- template_elements(RestOfWords, Map1, MapN, [Word|Previous], RestTemplate). % update_map/4 % update_map(?V, +Name, +InMap, -OutMap) update_map(V, Name, InMap, InMap) :- var(V), nonvar(Name), nonvar(InMap), member(map(O,Name), InMap), O\==V, fail, !. update_map(V, Name, InMap, OutMap) :- % updates the map by adding a new variable into it. var(V), nonvar(Name), nonvar(InMap), not(member(map(_,Name), InMap)), OutMap = [map(V,Name)|InMap]. %update_map(V, _, Map, Map) :- % nonvar(V). % consult_map/4 % consult_map(+V, -Name, +Inmap, -OutMap) consult_map(V, Name, InMap, InMap) :- member(map(Var, SomeName), InMap), (Name == SomeName -> Var = V; ( Var == V -> Name = SomeName ; fail ) ), !. %consult_map(V, V, Map, Map). % leave the name unassigned % deprecated to be used inside match builtin_(BuiltIn, [BuiltIn1, BuiltIn2|RestWords], RestWords) :- atom_concat(BuiltIn1, BuiltIn2, BuiltIn), Predicate =.. [BuiltIn, _, _], % only binaries fttb predicate_property(system:Predicate, built_in), !. builtin_(BuiltIn, [BuiltIn|RestWords], RestWords) :- Predicate =.. [BuiltIn, _, _], % only binaries fttb predicate_property(system:Predicate, built_in). /* --------------------------------------------------------- Utils in Prolog */ time_of(P, T) :- P=..[_|Arguments], lists:append(_, [T], Arguments). % it assumes time as the last argument % Unwraps tokens, excelt for newlines which become newline(NextLineNumber) unpack_tokens([], []). unpack_tokens([cntrl(Char)|Rest], [newline(Next)|NewRest]) :- (Char=='\n' ; Char=='\r'), !, %not sure what will happens on env that use \n\r update_nl_count(Next), unpack_tokens(Rest, NewRest). unpack_tokens([First|Rest], [New|NewRest]) :- (First = word(New); First=cntrl(New); First=punct(New); First=space(New); First=number(New); (First=string(Content), New=le_string(Content)) % change string from tokenizer to le_string to avoid confusion ), % print_message(informational, "First ~w New ~w"-[First, New]), !, unpack_tokens(Rest, NewRest). % increments the next line number update_nl_count(NN) :- retract(last_nl_parsed(N)), !, NN is N + 1, assert(last_nl_parsed(NN)). ordinal(Ord) :- ordinal(_, Ord). ordinal(1, 'first'). ordinal(2, 'second'). ordinal(3, 'third'). ordinal(4, 'fourth'). ordinal(5, 'fifth'). ordinal(6, 'sixth'). ordinal(7, 'seventh'). ordinal(8, 'eighth'). ordinal(9, 'ninth'). ordinal(10, 'tenth'). % french ordinal(1, 'premier'). ordinal(2, 'seconde'). ordinal(3, 'troisième'). ordinal(4, 'quatrième'). ordinal(5, 'cinquième'). ordinal(6, 'sixième'). ordinal(7, 'septième'). ordinal(8, 'huitième'). ordinal(9, 'neuvième'). ordinal(10, 'dixième'). % spanish male ordinal(1, 'primero'). ordinal(2, 'segundo'). ordinal(3, 'tercero'). ordinal(4, 'cuarto'). ordinal(5, 'quinto'). ordinal(6, 'sexto'). ordinal(7, 'séptimo'). ordinal(8, 'octavo'). ordinal(9, 'noveno'). ordinal(10, 'decimo'). % spanish female ordinal(1, 'primera'). ordinal(2, 'segunda'). ordinal(3, 'tercera'). ordinal(4, 'cuarta'). ordinal(5, 'quinta'). ordinal(6, 'sexta'). ordinal(7, 'séptima'). ordinal(8, 'octava'). ordinal(9, 'novena'). ordinal(10, 'decima'). %is_a_type/1 is_a_type(T) :- % pending integration with wei2nlen:is_a_type/1 %ground(T), (is_type(T); pre_is_type(T)), !. %(T=time; T=date; T=number; T=person; T=day). % primitive types to start with %not(number(T)), not(punctuation(T)), %not(reserved_word(T)), %not(verb(T)), %not(preposition(T)). /* ------------------------------------------------ determiners */ ind_det_C --> ['A']. ind_det_C --> ['An']. ind_det_C --> ['Un']. % spanish, italian, and french ind_det_C --> ['Una']. % spanish, italian ind_det_C --> ['Une']. % french ind_det_C --> ['Qui']. % french which? ind_det_C --> ['Quoi']. % french which? ind_det_C --> ['Uno']. % italian ind_det_C --> ['Che']. % italian which ind_det_C --> ['Quale']. % italian which % ind_det_C('Some'). ind_det_C --> ['Each']. % added experimental ind_det_C --> ['Which']. % added experimentally ind_det_C --> ['Cuál']. % added experimentally spanish def_det_C --> ['The']. def_det_C --> ['El']. % spanish def_det_C --> ['La']. % spanish, italian, and french def_det_C --> ['Le']. % french def_det_C --> ['L'], [A], {atom_string(A, "'")}. % french def_det_C --> ['Il']. % italian def_det_C --> ['Lo']. % italian ind_det --> [a]. ind_det --> [an]. ind_det --> [another]. % added experimentally ind_det --> [which]. % added experimentally ind_det --> [each]. % added experimentally ind_det --> [un]. % spanish, italian, and french ind_det --> [una]. % spanish, italian ind_det --> [une]. % french ind_det --> [qui]. % french which? ind_det --> [quel]. % french which? masculine ind_det --> [quelle]. % french which? femenine ind_det --> [che]. % italian which ind_det --> [quale]. % italian which ind_det --> [uno]. % italian ind_det --> ['cuál']. % spanish % ind_det(some). def_det --> [the]. def_det --> [el]. % spanish def_det --> [la]. % spanish, italian and french def_det --> [le]. % french def_det --> [l], [A], {atom_string(A, "'")}. % french, italian def_det --> [il]. % italian def_det --> [lo]. % italian /* ------------------------------------------------ reserved words */ reserved_word(W) :- % more reserved words pending?? W = 'is'; W ='not'; W='if'; W='If'; W='then'; W = 'where'; W = '&'; % <- hack! W = 'at'; W= 'from'; W='to'; W='half'; % W='or'; W='and'; % leaving and/or out of this for now W = 'else'; W = 'otherwise'; W = such ; W = '<'; W = '='; W = '>'; W = '+'; W = '-'; W = '/'; W = '*'; % these are handled by extract_expression W = '{' ; W = '}' ; W = '(' ; W = ')' ; W = '[' ; W = ']', W = ':', W = ','; W = ';'. % these must be handled by parsing reserved_word(P) :- punctuation(P). that_(that). that_('That'). /* ------------------------------------------------ punctuation */ %punctuation(punct(_P)). punctuation('.'). punctuation(','). punctuation(';'). %punctuation(':'). punctuation('\''). /* ------------------------------------------------ verbs */ verb(Verb) :- present_tense_verb(Verb); continuous_tense_verb(Verb); past_tense_verb(Verb). present_tense_verb(is). present_tense_verb(complies). present_tense_verb(does). present_tense_verb(occurs). present_tense_verb(meets). present_tense_verb(relates). present_tense_verb(can). present_tense_verb(qualifies). present_tense_verb(has). present_tense_verb(satisfies). present_tense_verb(owns). present_tense_verb(belongs). present_tense_verb(applies). present_tense_verb(must). present_tense_verb(acts). present_tense_verb(falls). present_tense_verb(corresponds). present_tense_verb(likes). continuous_tense_verb(according). continuous_tense_verb(beginning). continuous_tense_verb(ending). past_tense_verb(spent). past_tense_verb(looked). past_tense_verb(could). past_tense_verb(had). past_tense_verb(tried). past_tense_verb(explained). past_tense_verb(ocurred). /* ------------------------------------------------- prepositions */ preposition(of). %preposition(on). preposition(from). preposition(to). preposition(at). preposition(in). preposition(with). preposition(plus). preposition(as). preposition(by). /* ------------------------------------------------- memory handling */ assertall([]). assertall([F|R]) :- not(asserted(F)), %print_message(informational, "Asserting ~w"-[F]), assertz(F), !, assertall(R). assertall([_F|R]) :- assertall(R). asserted(F :- B) :- clause(F, B). % as a rule with a body asserted(F) :- clause(F,true). % as a fact /* -------------------------------------------------- error handling */ currentLine(LineNumber, Rest, Rest) :- once( nth1(_,Rest,newline(NextLine)) ), LineNumber is NextLine-2. % assert_error_os/1 % to save final error to be displayed assert_error_os([]) :- !. assert_error_os([error(Message, LineNumber, Tokens)|Re]) :- asserta(error_notice(error, Message, LineNumber, Tokens)), assert_error_os(Re). asserterror(Me, Rest) :- %print_message(error, ' Error found'), %select_first_section(Rest, 40, Context), %retractall(error_notice(_,_,_,_)), % we will report only the last once( nth1(N,Rest,newline(NextLine)) ), LineNumber is NextLine-2, RelevantN is N-1, length(Relevant,RelevantN), append(Relevant,_,Rest), findall(Token, (member(T,Relevant), (T=newline(_) -> Token='\n' ; Token=T)), Tokens), asserta(error_notice(error, Me, LineNumber, Tokens)). % asserting the last first! % to select just a chunck of Rest to show. select_first_section([], _, []) :- !. select_first_section(_, 0, []) :- !. select_first_section([E|R], N, [E|NR]) :- N > 0, NN is N - 1, select_first_section(R, NN, NR). showErrors(File,Baseline) :- % showing the deepest message! findall(error_notice(error, Me,Pos, ContextTokens), error_notice(error, Me,Pos, ContextTokens), ErrorsList), deepest(ErrorsList, error_notice(error, 'None',0, ['There was no syntax error']), error_notice(error, MeMax,PosMax, ContextTokensMax)), atomic_list_concat([MeMax,': '|ContextTokensMax],ContextTokens_), Line is PosMax+Baseline, print_message(error,error(syntax_error(ContextTokens_),file(File,Line,_One,_Char))). % to show them all %forall(error_notice(error, Me,Pos, ContextTokens), ( % atomic_list_concat([Me,': '|ContextTokens],ContextTokens_), % Line is Pos+Baseline, % print_message(error,error(syntax_error(ContextTokens_),file(File,Line,_One,_Char))) % )). deepest([], Deepest, Deepest) :- !. deepest([error_notice(error, Me,Pos, ContextTokens)|Rest], error_notice(error,_Me0, Pos0,_ContextTokens0), Out) :- Pos0 < Pos, !, deepest(Rest, error_notice(error, Me,Pos, ContextTokens), Out). deepest([_|Rest], In, Out) :- deepest(Rest, In, Out). showProgress :- findall(error_notice(error, Me,Pos, ContextTokens), error_notice(error, Me,Pos, ContextTokens), ErrorsList), deepest(ErrorsList, error_notice(error, 'None',0, ['There was no syntax error']), error_notice(error, MeMax,PosMax, ContextTokensMax)), atomic_list_concat([MeMax,': '|ContextTokensMax],ContextTokens_), Line is PosMax+1, print_message(informational,error(syntax_error(ContextTokens_),file(someFile,Line,_One,_Char))). spypoint(A,A). % for debugging % meta_dictionary(?LiteralElements, ?NamesAndTypes, ?Template) % for meta templates. See below % meta_dictionary/1 meta_dictionary(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template) :- meta_dict(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template) ; predef_meta_dict(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template). :- discontiguous predef_meta_dict/3. predef_meta_dict([\=, T1, T2], [first_thing-time, second_thing-time], [T1, is, different, from, T2]). predef_meta_dict([=, T1, T2], [first_thing-time, second_thing-time], [T1, is, equal, to, T2]). predef_meta_dict([nonvar, T1], [thing_1-thing], [T1, is, known]). % is it instantiated? % dictionary(?LiteralElements, ?NamesAndTypes, ?Template) % this is a multimodal predicate used to associate a Template with its particular other of the words for LE % with the Prolog expression of that relation in LiteralElements (not yet a predicate, =.. is done elsewhere). % NamesAndTypes contains the external name and type (name-type) of each variable just in the other in % which the variables appear in LiteralElement. % dictionary/1 dictionary(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template) :- % dict(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template). dict(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template) ; predef_dict(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template). % predef_dict(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template); dict(Predicate, VariablesNames, Template). :- discontiguous predef_dict/3. % predef_dict/3 is a database with predefined templates for LE % it must be ordered by the side of the third argument, to allow the system to check first the longer template % with the corresponding starting words. % for Taxlog examples % predef_dict(['\'s_R&D_expense_credit_is', Project, ExtraDeduction, TaxCredit], % [project-projectid, extra-amount, credit-amount], % [Project, '\'s', 'R&D', expense, credit, is, TaxCredit, plus, ExtraDeduction]). % predef_dict(['can_request_R&D_relief_such_as', Project, ExtraDeduction, TaxCredit], % [project-projectid, extra-amount, credit-amount], % [Project, can, request,'R&D', relief, for, a, credit, of, TaxCredit, with, a, deduction, of, ExtraDeduction]). % predef_dict(['\'s_sme_R&D_relief_is', Project, ExtraDeduction, TaxCredit], % [project-projectid, extra-amount, credit-amount], % [the, 'SME', 'R&D', relief, for, Project, is, estimated, at, TaxCredit, with, an, extra, of, ExtraDeduction]). % predef_dict([project_subject_experts_list_is,Project,Experts], [project-object, experts_list-list], % [Project, has, an, Experts, list]). % predef_dict([rollover_applies,EventID,Asset,Time,Transferor,TransfereesList], [id-event,asset-asset,when-time,from-person,to-list], % [EventID, rollover, of, the, transfer, of, Asset, from, Transferor, to, TransfereesList, at, Time, applies]). % predef_dict([transfer_event,ID,Asset,Time,Transferor,TransfereesList],[id-id,asset-asset,time-time,from-person,to-list], % [event, ID, of, transfering, Asset, from, Transferor, to, TransfereesList, at, Time, occurs]). % predef_dict([s_type_and_liability_are(Asset,Type,Liability), [asset-asset, assettype-type, liabilty-amount], % [the, type, of, asset, Asset, is, Type, its, liability, is, Liability]]). % predef_dict([exempt_transfer,From,To,SecurityIdentifier,Time],[from-taxpayer,to-taxpayer,secID-number, time-time], % [a, transfer, from, From, to, To, with, SecurityIdentifier, at, Time, is, exempt]). % predef_dict([shares_transfer,Sender,Recipient,SecurityID,Time], [from-person, to-person, id-number, time-time], % [Sender, transfers, shares, to, Recipient, at, Time, with, id, SecurityID]). % predef_dict([trading_in_market,SecurityID,MarketID,Time], [id-number,market-number,time-time], % [whoever, is, identified,by, SecurityID, is, trading, in, market, MarketID, at, Time]). % predef_dict([uk_tax_year_for_date,Date,Year,Start,End], [date-date,year-year,start-date,end-date], % [date, Date, falls, in, the, 'UK', tax, year, Year, that, starts, at, Start, ends, at, End]). % predef_dict([days_spent_in_uk,Individual,Start,End,TotalDays], [who-person,start-date,end-date,total-number], % [Individual, spent, TotalDays, days, in, the, 'UK', starting, at, Start, ending, at, End]). % predef_dict([days_spent_in_uk,Individual,Start,End,TotalDays], [who-person,start-date,end-date,total-number], % [Individual, spent, TotalDays, in, the, 'UK', starting, at, Start, &, ending, at, End]). % predef_dict([uk_tax_year_for_date,Date,Year,Start,End], [first_date-date, year-year, second_date-date, third_date-date], % [in, the, 'UK', Date, falls, in, Year, beginning, at, Start, &, ending, at, End]). % predef_dict([is_individual_or_company_on, A, B], % [affiliate-affiliate, date-date], % [A, is, an, individual, or, is, a, company, at, B]). predef_dict([is_of_type, Object, Type], [object-object, type-type], [Object, is, of, type, Type]). % predefining is a predef_dict([is_a, Object, Type], [object-object, type-type], [Object, is, an, Type]). % predefining is a predef_dict([is_a, Object, Type], [object-object, type-type], [Object, is, a, Type]). % predefining is a predef_dict([is_a, Object, Type], [object-object, type-type], [Object, is, of, Type]). % % Prolog predef_dict(A,B,C) :- prolog_predef_dict(A,B,C). prolog_predef_dict([length, List, Length], [member-object, list-list], [the, length, of, List, is, Length]). prolog_predef_dict([bagof, Thing, Condition, Bag], [bag-thing, thing-thing, condition-condition], [Bag, is, a, bag, of, Thing, such, that, Condition]). prolog_predef_dict([has_as_head_before, A, B, C], [list-list, symbol-term, rest_of_list-list], [A, has, B, as, head, before, C]). prolog_predef_dict([append, A, B, C],[first_list-list, second_list-list, third_list-list], [appending, A, then, B, gives, C]). prolog_predef_dict([reverse, A, B], [list-list, other_list-list], [A, is, the, reverse, of, B]). prolog_predef_dict([same_date, T1, T2], [time_1-time, time_2-time], [T1, is, the, same, date, as, T2]). % see reasoner.pl before/2 prolog_predef_dict([between,Minimum,Maximum,Middle], [min-date, max-date, middle-date], [Middle, is, between, Minimum, &, Maximum]). prolog_predef_dict([is_1_day_after, A, B], [date-date, second_date-date], [A, is, '1', day, after, B]). prolog_predef_dict([is_days_after, A, B, C], [date-date, number-number, second_date-date], [A, is, B, days, after, C]). prolog_predef_dict([immediately_before, T1, T2], [time_1-time, time_2-time], [T1, is, immediately, before, T2]). % see reasoner.pl before/2 prolog_predef_dict([\=, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, is, different, from, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([==, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, is, equivalent, to, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([is_not_before, T1, T2], [time1-time, time2-time], [T1, is, not, before, T2]). % see reasoner.pl before/2 prolog_predef_dict([=, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, is, equal, to, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([isbefore, T1, T2], [time1-time, time2-time], [T1, is, before, T2]). % see reasoner.pl before/2 prolog_predef_dict([isafter, T1, T2], [time1-time, time2-time], [T1, is, after, T2]). % see reasoner.pl before/2 prolog_predef_dict([member, Member, List], [member-object, list-list], [Member, is, in, List]). %prolog_predef_dict([is_, A, B], [term-term, expression-expression], [A, is, B]). % builtin Prolog assignment prolog_predef_dict([nonvar, T1], [thing_1-thing], [T1, is, known]). % is it instantiated? prolog_predef_dict([=, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, is, T2]). % builtin Prolog assignment % predefined entries: %prolog_predef_dict([assert,Information], [info-clause], [this, information, Information, ' has', been, recorded]). prolog_predef_dict([\=@=, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, \,=,@,=, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([\==, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, \,=,=, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([=\=, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, =,\,=, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([=@=, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, =,@,=, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([==, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, =,=, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([=<, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, =,<, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([=<, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, =,<, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([>=, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, >,=, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([is, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, =, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([<, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, <, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([>, T1, T2], [thing_1-thing, thing_2-thing], [T1, >, T2]). prolog_predef_dict([unparse_time, Secs, Date], [secs-time, date-date], [Secs, corresponds, to, date, Date]). % prolog_predef_dict([must_be, Type, Term], [type-type, term-term], [Term, must, be, Type]). % prolog_predef_dict([must_not_be, A, B], [term-term, variable-variable], [A, must, not, be, B]). % pre_is_type/1 pre_is_type(thing). pre_is_type(time). pre_is_type(type). pre_is_type(object). pre_is_type(date). pre_is_type(day). pre_is_type(person). pre_is_type(list). pre_is_type(number). % support predicates must_be(A, var) :- var(A). must_be(A, nonvar) :- nonvar(A). must_be_nonvar(A) :- nonvar(A). must_not_be(A,B) :- not(must_be(A,B)). has_as_head_before([B|C], B, C). % see reasoner.pl %before(A,B) :- nonvar(A), nonvar(B), number(A), number(B), A < B. matches_name(Word, [Element|_], [Name-_|_], Name) :- Word == Element, !. matches_name(Word, [_|RestElem], [_|RestTypes], Name) :- matches_name(Word, RestElem, RestTypes, Name). matches_type(Word, [Element|_], [_-Type|_], Type) :- Word == Element, !. matches_type(Word, [_|RestElem], [_|RestTypes], Type) :- matches_type(Word, RestElem, RestTypes, Type). delete_underscore([], []) :- !. delete_underscore(['_'|Rest], Final) :- delete_underscore(Rest, Final), !. delete_underscore([W|Rest], [W|Final]) :- delete_underscore(Rest, Final). add_determiner([Word|RestWords], [Det, Word|RestWords]) :- name(Word,[First|_]), proper_det(First, Det). proper_det(97, an) :- !. proper_det(101, an) :- !. proper_det(105, an) :- !. proper_det(111, an) :- !. proper_det(117, an) :- !. proper_det(_, a). filtered_dictionary(Pred) :- dictionary(PredicateElements, _, _), PredicateElements\=[], not(le_input:prolog_predef_dict(PredicateElements, _, _)), % not among the built ins. Pred=..PredicateElements. % ---------------------------------------------------------------- sandbox sandbox:safe_primitive(le_input:source_lang(_)). sandbox:safe_primitive(le_input:is_type(_)). sandbox:safe_primitive(le_input:dict(_,_,_)). sandbox:safe_primitive(le_input:meta_dict(_,_,_)). sandbox:safe_primitive(le_input:assertall(_)). sandbox:safe_primitive(le_input:asserted(_)).