%% for now have the plan manager or whatever allow you to select whichxp %% capsule, get the logic all worked out there %% have it enable replanning. have the replanning button prominent. %% whenever a new verbal command is issued, look at the assertion and %% see if it impacts any of the domains of the exported plans. For %% now just replan every verbal command. normalForm([capsule(Capsule)]) :- %% clean up the existing solution file. timestamp(TimeStamp), exportPDDLDomainAndSave([ templateDir('templates/'), worldDir('worlds/'), capsule(Capsule) ]), currentPlanner(Planner), Extension = 'pddl', atomic_list_concat(['worlds/',Capsule,'.d.',Extension],'',DomainFile), atomic_list_concat(['worlds/',Capsule,'.p.',Extension],'',ProblemFile), atomic_list_concat(['worlds/',Capsule,'.p.',Extension,'.',Planner,'.sol'],'',SolutionFile), ( Planner = 'LPG' -> ( atomic_list_concat(['lpg-td-1.0 -o ',DomainFile,' -f ', ProblemFile, ' -out ', SolutionFile,' -speed ; mv ',SolutionFile,'.SOL ',SolutionFile],'',Command) ) ; ( Planner = 'OPTIC_CLP' -> ( atomic_list_concat(['optic-clp -N ', DomainFile, ' ', ProblemFile, ' > ', SolutionFile],'',Command)) ; true)), view([command,Command]), shell(Command).