% *************************************************************** % The following defines the graph with cycles of Figure 4.2 in % Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach % Copyright, Poole, Mackworth, Goebel, and Oxford University Press, 1997. % A search is carried out by using something like: % ask search(depth,[o103],P). % ask psearch(depth,[[o103]],P). % ask hsearch(astar,[node(o103,[],0,0)],P). % neighbours(N,NN) is true if NN is the list of neighbours of node N neighbours(o103,[ts,l2d3,o109]). neighbours(ts,[mail]). neighbours(mail,[]). neighbours(o109,[o111,o119]). neighbours(o111,[]). neighbours(o119,[storage,o123]). neighbours(storage,[]). neighbours(o123,[r123,o125]). neighbours(o125,[]). neighbours(l2d1,[l3d2,l2d2]). neighbours(l2d2,[l2d4]). neighbours(l2d3,[l2d1,l2d4]). neighbours(l2d4,[o109]). neighbours(l3d2,[l3d3,l3d1]). neighbours(l3d1,[l3d3]). neighbours(l3d3,[]). neighbours(r123,[]). % is_goal(N) is true if N is a goal node. is_goal(r123). % cost(N,M,C) is true if C is the arc cost for the arc from node N to node M cost(N,M,C) <- neighbours(N,NN) & member(M,NN) & position(N,NX,NY) & position(M,MX,MY) & C is abs(NX-MX)+abs(NY-MY). % `Manhattan distance' % C is sqrt((NX-MX)*(NX-MX)+(NY-MY)*(NY-MY)). % Euclidean Distance % N.B. the cost database in the book is obtained by the instances of the query % ? cost(A,B,C). % h(N,C) is true if C is the heuristic cost of node N % This assumes that there is only one goal node. h(N,C) <- position(N,NX,NY) & is_goal(G) & position(G,GX,GY) & C is abs(NX-GX)+abs(NY-GY). % position(N,X,Y) is true if node X is at position (X,Y) position(mail,17,43). position(ts,23,43). position(o103,31,43). position(o109,43,43). position(o111,47,43). position(o119,42,58). position(o123,33,58). position(o125,29,58). position(r123,33,62). position(l2d1,33,49). position(l2d2,39,49). position(l2d3,32,46). position(l2d4,39,46). position(l3d1,34,55). position(l3d2,33,52). position(l3d3,39,52). position(storage,45,62). member(A,[A|_]). member(A,[_|T]) <- member(A,T).