So yes I''m here is a speakers so I was so wanted to find where I get to actually respond to give me chat is on track is just a little chat chat area and this is how so that is for what segment right so it''s okay this is my particular unit is me viewing my particular theirs meeting particular one again okay but I don''t talk about Chuck is looking for so what I''m doing today is ensuring that my argumentative watching system I designed few couple a few years ago here is sufficient how compares the other systems of borrow some of their system just because I hate working alone and feeling like I could miss something so look these guys actually they''ve they break that they break things down into implies X essential versus intentional so so yeah I''m pretty interested in their river because what they''re doing is there actually they''ve converted their student and spent countless so you see where their software one trick''s sake I think the same guy a CNG panacea for those so he have the bill sing as a licensee''s sissy work on goal surplus I started going through the same thing exact same thing here this particular version singles so this is like a and some of things going so maybe you just want to this is the edits in the clips using yes Saints link screen your listing is through my monitors will to my monitors burned out within a week of each of us are going to two screens right now there are operational desk screens to large so as right now should probably have to see what to hear snow looking summoned by some other when I see a basic natural deduction persistently dog crap asked to be something Haskell is the think God now as a deduction is as become like in the last 10 years it''s really creepy thing having to deal with detection systems that are not actually using their using a mathematical server logic and not in argumentation logic that what natural deduction used to mean is argumentation logic is natural deduction except this can these guys are sticking close to the thing I was out to pitch about except a least a understand now actually okay good it does state that no I icewater read things sometimes I talk that''s good these guys have a drink the Kool-Aid probably because years 2014 sizzled too early so that they bake Marilyn messed their heads haven''t been messed up by these schoolers were egg programmers so that''s good out there heads messed up by the by someone else but not but perfectly reasonable in my Xmas. But this event shows architecture this is okay made me realize this was the looking for earlier Simi site like the fact that they''re putting it into the steps and these are like specifically six different types of programs I have been tied together in order to make this work first builder your argument build your proof extractor with visualizer gap check their site so first and see if I have something to learn about this is what I''m looking at this I recognize can see already the code for for this would be yeah go''s weasel tests tests he is working here they are in actuality using you know I''ve written something very similar to this I like trust other people''s code sometimes even more so to see what they''re up to what they discovered in here and so something about mine I only specialized falsity in like two ways a guided specialized in looking at least three ways right here and they got the steps things where there actually doing it in the event calculus format where I''m doing it in a purely first-order Onset situation calculus in their doing it in any event calculus so that''s what I''m Excited about this guy''s code and is really easy to read to Alex that he''s even inserting the line numbers when his reading the role so I can go so you go back in to triage on failures so sweet he actually gets accurate this is worries actually try to create a plan plan of attack for before it does prove and sorry a plan of attack against the argumentation so why with this but this is important for is this is important about this is member second while and say to these are the only files involves okay it''s client and the server are definitely servers heartily communicate through Jason which is fine school his clients prologue all just a server in the core is going to do so series C season standard of proof three method someone particular so between two people arguing there''s this is one universal space that what they''re doing is they''re inserting and retracting rules into the prevention and I were checking to see if the roles of the giving are actually useful proof and so is like a battle going on when two people are arguing someone swing to assert that is through someone''s going to say will pastry that means bistro and you just said that he was Paul so therefore how do you how you wreck reconcile that and so this is what the system does with self and so version of AI that I''ve been working on designing is a little self talking creature that argues his way through thinking with himself with with a least three, with at least three versions of himself are arguing over about what it should be thinking so for myself for example I right now I think that I''m supposed to be working so I''m imagining myself working and I''m trying to replicate what I''m imagining and so I''m having an argument between the thing that I''m imagining myself doing in the thing that I''m doing this sort of figuring out what is going make me actually really working in their answer so what''s neat about this and I spout this wise, the new thing in the missing proposed but I know it''s a solution is that usually have the sink only a cracking problem that we circuiting into the little details of of some sort of transaction or some sort of computation is very very detailed to where it becomes combinatorial so when I had to see a cracking problem is how you crack an egg without thinking about cracking the egg or fierce centipede need 1000 links how do you lock without actually thinking about all 1000 legs moving wants and actually having to consciously control each leg so I mean we know sentries over the duchess inscriptions problem so I''ve come up with is that there''s a command language of parsimonious parsimony just means very compact language about describing things and and how the sling which works as it modifies something is already mildly complex by making it with only one assertion so so the problem normally is is if you add this thing it''s like adding a polynomial piece of things tend to grow polynomial to me that''s combinatorial to everyone hopefully some people thinks P space is a good idea but I think that that''s we''ve already like loss before and P space we lost the battle so I want to be an analog space so what wine came up with this is parsimonious way of compact way of augmenting or elaborating on something this only as complex as a single elaboration that''s gone on to something so if you if you tell me that okay we have these four different possibilities and the and I have a new variable that could say could have 23 possibilities now if we have a system with 12 possibilities I want he said what do you see it for I have three I want our system to come up no large deathless more than 12 sword between seven and 12 possible states hopefully seven if I can work or so anyway so I do this is using the system where I treat a simplification or a server like a macro or a mnemonic that will describe the changes it would have to be made to turn the four to bring the three choices in onto the four will when I first originally due that is very simple it does it doesn''t become 12 is still trying to reinforce seven so why do you have to become 12 "there''s a problem because extremity is about three more now be up 36 and so on its own avoidance I need to come up with a way probably no logarithmic front algorithms or functions are so so I didn''t say I figured out that I can actually use argument tainted logic to bring those three upon the four and not end up with in public polynomial space in which is what I was looking to do and explain this very well because it''s enticing it''s really hard to understand how I how it does it so easily it basically okay I could maybe I can explain invents a new concept and then I just create a Jensen something and attaches his attributes that''s conquering the concept of and that concept leads back to has a path back to before existed and now the path of post-existence and I only have to mitigate the differences that will happen because it exists, okay I got sidetracked so what is a great this thing is new thing that supposedly a hybrid of the server before and three single seven and supposedly is hibernating these things to whatever needs to do it will be seven cents or $.12 I''m just a make a promise it will be the correct number of states and cannot get to back to AI so what idea did was created in a way that you can have an internal dialogue that''s going to keep things simple to matter how complex your world is you can always come up with a small something you can tell yourself that makes the world simple again that''s one of sake about one secretes these these contacts created what you know thing a second about four and seven is the same sort of deal is that in humans and I think all animals we we do this thing where we create explanations so we''ll have to think about anything is any more deeply than the explanation that we created sore forever trying to simplify things to an explainable level we don''t ever try to simplify them any further and we all like we can''t wait if we leave them to complex we can think so we built a language mentally and mnemonic language so we can think about these complex things we can recall so what event calculus does is take something old but simple like I went to the store and bought some milk and that turns that event tackle Stern set into the entire ground production going to the store and buying milk I have to do store I want to sort milk a stuff that someplace I recall leader and that generates his entire visual of the visual but this simulation of that happening at least is a the highest quality that the machine can actually do that simulation doesn''t ever have to just has to tell itself it''s going to tell itself as so basically this is a something that''s like faking the low-level grounding and by just telling itself has a car like AI I saw this really great movie the other day and everyone lived happily ever after and you need to know anything about the movie I sold to this little smoke that and you can construct whatever move you want I probably have you okay with whichever one you decide to construct and so this is actually the program works as it constructs the simplest most proof of explanation and then goes into details later, it doesn''t go in and so Halligan says he tells how how it avoids getting into doing too much detail is actually can see you normally can take one you take this one step and that''s can be good not as if I''d done it like I''m just called banking fight over my credit card so I''m just in a pretender done it to do tomorrow and that''s a good not to step so I can move on proceed on day so anyway I know that''s if you know prologue and you understand this type of logic and be like to talk your this is not back that sort of thing but it''s a kind of is because it''s fighting between what is say the given in the hypothesis and go to page meaning that whatever were doing mentally so solicited so the stuff here is not AI this is not to give you a computer that thinks you stuff and me so I can give you human thinking human but I feared a way of getting human thinking to do these types of things and doesn''t through procedural event calculus so what''s happening is this thing is using the special EC and if we talk to it we actually think it''s being logical just like when I talked to another human being I think they''re being logical and the same in the human right down this thing called logic and logical language Owego while we just wrote down the sling in a logical way work can be excited about that know it anyway how graphically that planner that they probably did not exist neither one of our brains we put it down ourselves and we got it for me and some visa come by afterwards and go yeah you know these guys are doing the same thing is as are doing in slot you know this sort of thing he said that a implies B and he said that he refuted a and so forth so hard but in me but were we actually using logic nowhere using some other thing that resembles logic it really resembles logic so much that we invented logic as help rock approximation to this other thing is to AI scientists might want to be wondering is what is this other thing that logic supposedly that they''ve already pitched and complained that lot it''s not logic is going on here something else is neural but how can I get this something else to actually produce the tendency in the variation that actually is logic and still active logical same time limits pretty easy you create a self talking self dialoguing system that''s this I have enough resources mentally to be a logical thing and you give it these procedures that allow it to manifest as if it''s doing logic and that''s less white building so you know how I Mexico system is within itself so it''s actually easier to it to get a full closure us by using this as a as a way of guiding myself to write a program that actually generates program that does since I''ve written this in and what''s interesting about this is this actually creates consciousness and I know sounds nuts but here''s why is a seamy entire times having self talk and we can''t contact we can''t distinguish voice I can me self talking for me being conscious only thing that makes me think I''m consciousness because I can remember what I said mentally 30 ms after I remember I remember the impact it has on my neurology note makes me think of other things and so rather than emulating the neurology I''m actually emulating what I''m feeling semi-programs emulate the human neurons it emulates with the neurons to and doesn''t emulate them on this in this Chinese room sort of way or the slate I''m Dennis used tokens that look like things in your thinking about therefore you''re going to be tricked into thinking my program thinks now discipline don''t do that when I actually do this I have a procedural process that emulates when it would feel like if the machine was actually alive and thinking I was writing down what it was doing while I was doing it and it was only live in thinking because of what it was writing down that''s what I''m emulating is that particular process essay writing down any transacting in a recording on paper or in a log of of what it''s doing so seeing how it works is it it once produce the same log they just produce the moment before this one doing every moment some actually made this is how my brain works I''m not sure and this is how it spring constantly trying to create a narrative that whenever I look at it 30 ms into the past I have an expectation of what''s going to happen and I can always go back to the log and reground myself oh and by going 60 ms and assesses how Mrs. Morgan act has three buffers that are what is thinking about the thing that it did is reacting to have it written down Google Docs anyway I need to work too but I''m glad I spent a small time to serve to explain how it works little bit that is a self conversational system that because the way self converses actually thinks just like a person because I invent this idea this was invented in the 60s by by the advisor Roger Shanker create his professor''s name came up with this theory and in shank have went on in the 60s and expensed a little bit more time and somehow human history seem to miss these boards in psychology that you can actually we did was he wrote down what the consciousness would be doing if if if a machine that was conscious was it but we don''t but we did what when it actually do help what would it right now as I was thinking and he wrote this down and I looked at it and I saw yeah I agree you know if I can write a program that produces output I would have thinking program right and what would Sizer thinking about what our programs I could write that would actually do that out and then the question though becomes will is it just emulating it''s just taking that output was really doing is not really thinking it doesn''t have the solar whatever you''re getting philosophical zombie questions you eat you fully forgot why were here you for the week we wanted a machine that could do these things in such a useful way that we can leverage it to discover new things in science and about ourselves and mankind so who cares if essay is on BU or a philosophical zombie lease is thinking exactly the way humans do and another just sounds with Chris to say that I have the answer on how how we think or he did but it works is this the bizarre thing is he only thing I''ve been studying this for 35 years have lifted theories throughout the years and there''s only one theory that stands out is actually practical efficient and works blows my mind that Nolan ones looking at it and I meet took me a few years of misunderstand me about a decade of misunderstanding the skies work from the 60s before I realized what he was really doing I think the people that came after him also had the same as understandings I because he he tells us one thing and we believe in but then I thought what if I didn''t believe what if I actually just want to see the sins as a prototype something what could is what we believe them and we go this direction we find out if we figure it''s going to fail where everyone else felt this because he misunderstood what he was trying to do like maybe even he misunderstood what he was trying to do but had he taken a few different turn side that I''m taking them down it would''ve done finding with crated AGI just as hard to believe it''s true history. As second I guess pressing it is a really easy things to say but it took me 20 years to realize how I thought the history and how everyone else was looking understanding this and so looking at it every day exaggeration but for 10 years I still in fact I still had it wrong I''m not surprised that that met other people have it wrong to business people to look at it for a long NSF has been single-mindedly trying to accomplish this one feet throughout my life does it make me an expert but it I can promise you if there is another theory out there that was better as I like and I can go through and spent hours on all the different theories of consciousness and attention theory how neural network since how neural network basic theoretical model is going to create consciousness and intelligence go through all of those and there and in the end I can explain why they don''t work but I can also do this guys and explain what will work so I try since I haven''t given them a free pass he just actually created something amazing and it''s the only thing the funding works out of all of it that doesn''t have all you know is salty a cracking problem it solves the handles conscription conscription handles things like love to sing a dozen motions but it under it actually creates a language in which if something was understand love they how it would actually understand you because the way it makes things up this is going to skate is an amazing amazing piece of technology that has been history is forgotten about talking to you what is on this video because I need to work on this. Deduction for this is asserted give me an overview of the skies code stealing halfway through it nice to us in his files have the violent reading here is here is some tax years so every and every sip the way he''s checking for the GAP general certainty property and the something psychotic to discover until 2001 that that we have to check her precedent we have a system that is seemingly unable to build absurd proofs absurd proofs will be built just weekend as we can help we''ve written it we''ve designed logic to do this by going to details three something called per consistency throughout every step of the process I appreciate that these the sky figure that out to this is conjunction introduction natural deduction are present you conjunction of interest in this would be an intuitive introduction. Who is doing seven and seven) seven is one implies six regular P1 in place so get that if I don''t get it I saw to scroll Nelson Dragon overview this because this is a complete sidetrack of where I need this guys doing something little more correctly probably the IMEs probably action an expert and I wasn''t and he understood enough to create that evidence from a life thinking about this we were much my life and all think this okay I''m in law school about to make like 50 better ways the price of this to be there to its back to dining sent another letter so I disagree if he gets too close to cashing out I want to get an alert so I can raise the price so if the price of this goes all the way up to hear a good raise the price of my cell but I keep my so order close enough towards the price spikes for second I''ll catch catch and make the sale again the singles like it''s going to fall down was false that''s fine I got a message from David, not one streaming video also tried to keep intending get this over different screens so we can see it okay that was a messenger is a different location and seemed triggered again triggered on down so it''s okay I expect to cash out for days on this order any do only price alerts and to take the markets going crazy to 6 AM go back to okay good okay I I actually need to learn this and create it I created from how I thought someone who knew it would created not someone actually I didn''t actually know that I imagined I was someone that actually understood and created worked but argument and we have attacks going back so he has his visualizer which is conical so be of actually see it you know go see happening but interesting is that that particular visualization station system actually work as a log of what I was talking about earlier work that where I can actually given it can give and keep an overview flow process that self that the describes what it''s doing is stewing it so if something sounds wrong in the visualization or visualizer is as I can produce is is an ongoing this visual something sounds wrong looks wrong I have a system in which the system sees that it does try suggest that resting I''m glad he didn''t use times this can write the singing purely in prolonging not screw around see you here''s some executable confirmation and unit green one dollar talks about alternatives to proof build to give me to this other thing is if he''ll say you have an argument called P and we need to have a counterargument to that and you not P isn''t good enough you actually have to say counterargument be wheeling after the content. Now we just have to know that we can build the structure and so is about generating arguments automatically while I''m talking about Kring attacks automatically but generating arguments automatically can seem way he''s is talking about what I was talking about earlier they sold it to Paul combinatorial to polynomial for zone taste and that''s okay performance okay 75% percent of the way through this paper is profile is sitting in too much all time is spent in the system predicate therefore leases codes not going to slow me me this week what you want if you run program you want everything to be in system calls not in your not in your code on the Chinese and you know just a mini it''s good to see the Lisi profile to show that everyone likes to say that there is a trade-off between express activity and deductibility if you have somethings to express and it''s good to be more carbon toward us and I kind I think that''s the right but they''re really right about their don''t specific domain and so there''s like and there''s a bunch of trade-offs but there is going on is a trade-off if you have something as complex language that we something is able to separate things is always talking about here in this amusing is can remind me of something basically somethings really well specified that should make the search space smaller not larger but your signs people feel like if we use if we have two main ways of expressing a complex relationship that somethings we get slower but the truth is his is certain there''s no mathematical reason that should be the case there there''s obviously the more expressive you I''m saying is I''m making an intuitive deduction but it I promise you in the practical implementation the more specific and the more detailed your data is the faster your program should work that''s just common sense but my computer scientist failed to build algorithms at work that way in the entire spectrum was and I found a couple computer scientists who actually did the right thing it didn''t fall into this trap''s and the more specific you get the faster something runs a psych is a good example of a I was just defining what these things are and probably should read that but now saying okay this is what actually happens in real world is the execution time in and the going theory where these complexities of these things actually going to affect execution times in question everyone would just assume yes but what if that wasn''t the case when the more complex he sings got the faster the time was able to yes not exactly what you''re talking about here is actually talking about 26 terms a through Z that''s just something else that''s usual language complexity is to be part about number of letters that are possible discover Skype discover something Mark Stickel did that if you can print away your negative space and you have something really good it and find that at really fast making false premises actually have one thing making those in the other thing avoiding making the same mistakes and that''s when things were the more complex data is the faster it goes because there''s more things you know how to filing school is a relatively new concept be busy oldest kind of logic ever people just haven''t studied it say basically saying that it''s okay anyway this is absolutely probably the first and only specifically good argumentation prover I''ve ever seen in prologue and just because I don''t believe my Google for you I''m going to actually check to see if this could have actually spent case of the cell already site should probably take the next song working on specifically as argumentation production see Alice''s paperwork or not is to go his actual code here and there is a source their source code is going to reopen it scans project directories to hear and see what this guy if he baseball nice okay is nice is that my even these are the allowed modules same version version 2 is to get you work since why prologue and six failure reduction is built in this one more is explained station is there see what I like and why would we need to have argumentation schism simulates human reasoning when dealing with conflicting information that''s it also provides web handling uncertainty and that''s kind of way why amusing is conical that someone''s confirming junk down to mentation this is their. There is and I''m sure fast downloading should so function Caesar modules here anything is without testing for so why building is going to take these argument T to structures and form event calculation event calculus around them to arrange the actual argue argumentative structures so these systems are helpful in lease what their energy was teaching me is how to best represent them in prologue how this process in prologue and then my system does is it actually arranges them and constructs them so using the event calculus kisses cannon fodder for me since I singer literally have to do sort of peed to persons not here okay price actually work together if you want to see if it''s worth looking same with something that was the third one I had was that since the food to since JPL seven spent to see this correspondence a prologue file sure does okay this is the English version English version of what that supposedly is is how a lot of the sizes we have a single token server prologue. Very few okay that''s is a or BA think this be easy test seem to be right so I was working on whether or not the single and rearrange the event The events in the event calculus includes all these files using common and reader''s files this work be was my objective here was test if this thing was right for so promises that this somehow ended up in front of this here I have it reread I have a swapping these closets out so inserting. It''s an optimal executing program in here is was tested to hear and be a different thing from Allison to sure how I like that so okay first floor to excess will be this medium to me whole he is going to hold onto P2 you know it''s in the same this yet? Also I''m a little slower by this fail on efficient this is that the arguments were swapping goals so without my goal swapping is pretty a great idea okay so I''m going to say right now part of the solutions that would impact to room three do is I''m going to make the sink for him and see if it still replay still plans proper repair so it''s going to be the and I''m going to deliver path to room one fax so we say it''s actually happens somewhere in there that gets done so it also yes okay so I said what happens as we delivered pack 1 Is Pl. retrieves the back and delivers it to room three as it was supposed to look at the previous test say doesn''t make the same here is making sure it actually did the work is to build a longer okay so if I five steps we have six steps okay so The event happening it just decided to reformulate a new plan okay so the event calculus planner is almost solid so now I need to make this event calculus planner deal with something more interesting like argumentation structure source of wood delivering packages to rooms is going to deliver arguments to people in order to deliver arguments from one part of its from one point of view to another point of view okay so representation for doing that is already downloading is all about this fine guys actually are experts in think about was their preferred representation should be the have examples there and tasks this is just checking the sick situation calculus prover this checks checker is the gap checker here the seven maker is kind of like here in line so didn''t didn''t discuss this case and he only has six different predicates my role may ascend to be contrary result in knowledgeable are also required for test the baby name is accessible remember, like a performance steer need some space of the speed to the this thing and allows agents argue what I''m be working on his ensuring that the agents inside the head the human head are arguing properly to hammer out what should be thought about this and this is the user''s suite of food figures I guess the format of my rule consider my role here that''s actually course close to how I have demos test tests milk''s in business income languages is quite want to be the same in so less tests that I serve working on some house this things herself on a cakes and needs to get down to having four cakes to us so we can take good to one of these I already did this okay K good session fail so goal is for initially cakes for this find it what initiates cakes under cakes for if we had five cakes this guy here found machines something cakes for chiffon this holds true something like this frontage is given the test here pass okay but that this is right and again start cakes trying out here you get what if we have T minus still work time point -1 still works okay that works for me to get a have to get some okay so this right you know I was I think I was automatically triggered manning the T value on before and now I''m not about developing here and not my reason same TV is broken over here under the cake was in this working well enough I''m serious thing I was talking about earlier about argumentation switch this recurring a planned creating an argumentation plan so these two axioms should proxy for any number but it introduces I just have to minus 2B is -1256 time -1 actually terminates this is it terminates the actual value this fixes it up by okay here''s where you can make that work switch around it shouldn''t work restart of this new plate preferred by these things stronger sense of peace per package easily $.50 microwave for a few seconds work for a few minutes and uniform is wonderful snack worm strawberries dislike it''s been out by her for like a dollar a day to these day. I made a lot of different things missing a half pound of turkey why was off-camera years thing Number cakes good you I probably have my expert area sign wrong check call home probably rearrange call to do this okay I get it I get screwed up there I need to I have hundred 98 cakes remaining ID one should have start your 99 cakes agreements think I get it now maybe maybe seasoning is a good testament to see if I have the actual information available thesis or information�� Anyway make sure that this rate here that should so this will pass this this is a disaster I filled the wrong thing to rightsizing to make the equation work initiates the escape so I can see the call acts in getting through demo warm strawberries sick mouth hold on the server is $.50''s so here''s one way to say zero and this is a small do you fix it precondition eating a cake should only be that we have single eat precondition is to have at least a number of cakes in terms I had not eat house to listen equal to cakes and you have start and that''s this prologue condition can be an event Saving throw call know fisherman but it will your second implement the interpreter to be a about a and resolve and resolve every sold reduction EL can feel like it''s missing the ability to access axial axioms business this year is missing notes sounds repair that there are some to do this after this is predicated this way� Calls this to work and to crash their problem to catch really what you do is re-stack if there is an error push it back one call I need to run a trace of artist''s never made their know why I was from being was I got a take these out still achieve this sort these are where I do more information and the more complex big got faster because in blocks for it back totally out in the should break should not should be much still happens at Sony one cake and the remaining takes left our four starts out with the soul for these so this program is now something true to me that true has to inject the event beating going to tell "take this sounds so� Yeah see how it is to first programs as well as to find something initiates having four cakes usually fails that''s the first actually refers is the real go abuses of the actual axioms actually have initially true''s holds instantly to see doing cakes somewhere in the cause lost for his copy all road searching with my eyeballs this year is the process to spend on to realizes also called spam goal here is: should start zero essentially should have certain real real real ready should be X he says holds a number five star sitting here. Parents there is the night to use the inducible all the I am getting here to this is Jesus still works well for make sure sourcing to test a test on mail picture this is the inducible in so I CAC reader there to do their is the one that Doug Fox bargain me to works breaks why that works now but it''s probably because I did wrong for so inducible in the old version of an this file go correct file was cisterns for every year that was actually why why what I''m actually confused why maybe that''s the whole problem actually would that would cause the same God fix think test take good you sure works this back right so got these problem team I know what I if this is store take this out to work still works in us because the bug was actually lack of the results you take sure break and check my email and things Okay so in order to create a I we have to have a few modules course to have some software So before I talk about how to create a I just will not go over a couple pieces of software with you this will help give the background when I''m talking about something little bit later show you what daydreamer is this is a program written by Erik Mueller in the 80s as part of this thesis project and it was to emulate the process of how humans might rehearse and use their thinking in a stream of consciousness. ======================= Loading DAYDREAMER 3.5, Common Lisp version of 2004-12-20... ======================= I want to be going out with someone. I feel really interested in going out with someone. I want to be entertained. I feel interested in being entertained. ================================================== ENTERTAINMENT-PLAN1 fired as plan ================================================== I have to go see a movie. ================================================== M-MOVIE-ALONE-PLAN fired as plan ================================================== I have to watch a movie. I go to the Nuart. Harrison Ford is at the Nuart. I feel really interested in going out with someone. Harrison Ford and I have to be acquainted. He has to want to be going out with me. He and I have to go out on a date. He and I have to agree to be going out with him. I have to have a conversation with him. I have to break the ice with him. I tell him I would like to know the time. He does not think much of me. I fail at him liking me. I feel really embarrassed. I introduce myself to him. He introduces himself to me. I succeed at him and me being acquainted. Maybe he thinks I am cute. I tell him I like his movies. I feel really poised. He likes me. I feel poised. He is interested in me. I want to be going out with someone. Maybe he is not going out with anyone. I succeed at him wanting to be going out with me. He wants to be going out with me. He and I have to agree to have dinner with him at a restaurant. He and I have to be able to contact each other. I tell him I would like to have dinner with him at a restaurant. He declines. I fail at him and me agreeing to have dinner with him at a restaurant. I fail at him and me going out on a date. I ask him out. I fail at him and me agreeing to be going out with him. I fail at going out with him. I feel really angry at him. ================================================== I succeed at the Nuart being at the Nuart. I watch a movie at the Nuart. I go home. I succeed at have gone to see a movie. I have gone to see a movie. I succeed at being entertained. I feel amused. ================================================== REVENGE-PLAN1 fired as plan ================================================== Harrison Ford asks me out. He and I agree to be going out with him. He has to believe I do not want to be going out with him. I tell him I would not like to be going out with him. I succeed at him believing I do not want to be going out with him. He fails at going out with me. I get even with him. ================================================== I feel pleased about getting even with him. DAYDREAMER terminates CL-USER>