end_of_file. % @TODO unbreak :- expects_dialect(lps). /* Example from Accord Project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UacA_r2KGcBA2D4voDgGE8jqid-Uh4Dt09AE-shBKR0/edit# https://www.accordproject.org/ * "Late Delivery and Penalty. In case of delayed delivery * [{" except for Force Majeure cases,":? forceMajeure}] * the Seller shall pay to the Buyer for every * [{penaltyDuration}] of delay penalty amounting to * [{penaltyPercentage}]% of the total value of the Equipment whose delivery has been delayed. * Any fractional part of a [{fractionalPart}] is to be considered a full [{fractionalPart}]. * The total amount of penalty shall not however, * exceed [{capPercentage}]% of the total value of the Equipment involved in late delivery. * If the delay is more than [{termination}], the Buyer is entitled to terminate this Contract." */ % System predicates defining simulation of real time: :- include(system('date_utils.pl')). simulatedRealTimeBeginning('2018-04-01'). simulatedRealTimePerCycle(21600). % Each cycle = 21600 seconds = 1/4th of a day. maxTime(32). % 32 cycles = 8 days. fluents day/1, penalty/2, delivered/1, force_majeure/1, terminated/1. events deliver/1. deliver(Order) initiates delivered(Order). % For simplicity, the penaltyDuration is assumed to be one day, % and fractionalPart is assumed to be a fractional part of one day. % initially penalty(mydelivery, 0.0). % Example late delivery. % seller(mydelivery, bob). buyer(mydelivery, alex). equipment(mydelivery,logicforproblemsolving). latest_delivery(mydelivery, 2018/4/1). total_value(mydelivery, 100). penalty_percentage(mydelivery, 0.20). percentage_cap(mydelivery, 0.50). observe deliver(mydelivery) at'2018-04-04T15:00'. % at 15:00. % you can change the date, and see what happens. end_of_day(Date2) updates Old to New in penalty(Order, Old) if latest_delivery(Order, Date1), not delivered(Order), real_date_add(Date1,Delay,Date2), not force_majeure(_), not terminated(Order), total_value(Order, Value), penalty_percentage(Order, PenaltyPercent), percentage_cap(Order, CapPercent), New is PenaltyPercent*Value*(Delay+1), Cap is CapPercent*Value, New =< Cap. % If the delay is more than 10 weeks then % the Buyer is entitled to terminate this Contract. % Additional rules/clauses are needed to terminate the order if the buyer is entitled to do so % and the buyer decides to exercise the option. % entitled(terminate(Person, Order)) at T if buyer(Order, Person), latest_delivery(Order, Date1), not(delivered(Order)) at T, Date1 @=< Date2. /** ?- go(Timeline). */