:- expects_dialect(lps). % Situacion de Venezuela Enero 2019 % Modelo A % maxTime(20). actions accion_de(Agente, Accion). if accion_de(maduro, insistir) to T then accion_de(trump, sancionar) from T. if accion_de(maduro, insistir) from T to T2, accion_de(guaido, insistir) from T2 to T3 then accion_de(trump, bombardear) from T3. if accion_de(guaido, insistir) from T to T2, accion_de(trump, bombardear) from T2 to T3, accion_de(maduro, insistir) from T2 to T3 then accion_de(trump, invadir) from T3. if accion_de(guaido, desistir) to T then accion_de(trump, desistir) from T. if accion_de(trump, desistir) to T then accion_de(guaido, desistir) from T. if accion_de(trump, invadir) from T to T1, accion_de(maduro, insistir) from T1 to T2 then accion_de(trump, desistir) from T2. if accion_de(trump, invadir) from T to T1, accion_de(duque, invadir) from T to T1, accion_de(bolsonaro, invadir) from T to T1 then accion_de(maduro, desistir) from T1. if accion_de(maduro, desistir) to T then accion_de(guaido, insistir) from T. % false accion_de(Ag, Act) to T, % accion_de(Ag, desistir) to T, Act\=desistir. false accion_de(Ag, insistir) to T, accion_de(Ag, desistir) to T. if accion_de(guaido, insistir) to T then accion_de(maduro, insistir) from T. if accion_de(maduro, insistir) to T then accion_de(guaido, insistir) from T. observe accion_de(maduro, insistir) from 1 to 2.