%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% parseDomain.pl %% Simple parser of PDDL domain file into prolog syntax. %% Author: Robert Sasak, Charles University in Prague %% %% Example: %% ?-parseDomain('blocks_world.pddl', O). %% O = domain(blocks, %% [strips, typing, 'action-costs'], %% [block], %% _G4108, %% [ on(block(?x), block(?y)), %% ontable(block(?x)), %% clear(block(?x)), %% handempty, %% holding(block(?x)) ], %% [number(f('total-cost', []))], %% _G4108, %% [ action('pick-up', [block(?x)], %parameters %% [clear(?x), ontable(?x), handempty], %preconditions %% [holding(?x)], %positiv effects %% [ontable(?x), clear(?x), handempty], %negativ effects %% [increase('total-cost', 2)]), %numeric effects %% ...], %% ...) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % parseDomain(+File, -Output). % Parse PDDL domain File and return it rewritten prolog syntax. parseDomain(F, O):- parseDomain(F, O, _). % parseDomain(+File, -Output, -RestOfFile) % The same as above and also return rest of file. Can be useful when domain and problem are in one file. parseDomain(File, Output, R) :- read_file(File, List), domainBNF(Output, List, R). % Support for reading file as a list. :-[readFile]. % Defining operator ?. It is a syntax sugar for marking variables: ?x :-op(300, fy, ?). % List of DCG rules describing structure of domain file in language PDDL. % BNF description was obtain from http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/dvm/papers/pddl-bnf.pdf % This parser do not fully NOT support PDDL 3.0 % However you will find comment out lines ready for futher development. domainBNF(domain(N, R, T, C, P, F, C, S, Slack)) --> ['(','define', '(','domain'], name(N), [')'], (require_def(R) ; []), (types_def(T) ; []), %:typing (constants_def(C) ; []), (predicates_def(P) ; []), (functions_def(F) ; []), %:fluents % (constraints(C) ; []), %:constraints zeroOrMore(structure_def, S), zeroOrMore(anythings, Slack), [')']. require_def(R) --> ['(',':','requirements'], oneOrMore(require_key, R), [')']. require_key(strips) --> [':strips']. require_key(typing) --> [':typing']. %require_key('negative-preconditions') --> [':negative-preconditions']. %require_key('disjunctive-preconditions') --> [':disjunctive-preconditions']. require_key(equality) --> [':equality']. require_key('existential-preconditions') --> [':existential-preconditions']. require_key('universal-preconditions') --> [':universal-preconditions']. require_key('quantified-preconditions') --> [':quantified-preconditions']. require_key('conditional-effects') --> [':conditional-effects']. require_key(fluents) --> [':fluents']. require_key(adl) --> [':adl']. require_key('durative-actions') --> [':durative-actions']. require_key('derived-predicates') --> [':derived-predicates']. require_key('timed-initial-literals') --> [':timed-initial-literals']. require_key(preferences) --> [':preferences']. require_key(constraints) --> [':constraints']. % Universal requirements require_key(R) --> [':', R]. require_key(A) --> [R],{atom_concat(':',A,R)}. require_key(_) --> [')'],!,{fail}. require_key(R) --> [R]. anythings(R) --> [R]. types_def(L) --> ['(',':',types], typed_list(name, L), [')']. constants_def(L) --> ['(',':',constants], typed_list(name, L), [')']. predicates_def(P) --> ['(',':',predicates], oneOrMore(atomic_formula_skeleton, P), [')']. atomic_formula_skeleton(F) --> ['('], predicate(P), typed_list(variable, L), [')'], {F =.. [P|L]}. predicate(P) --> name(P). variable(V) --> ['?'], name(N), {V =.. [?, N]}. atomic_function_skeleton(f(S, L)) --> ['('], function_symbol(S), typed_list(variable, L), [')']. function_symbol(S) --> name(S). functions_def(F) --> ['(',':',functions], function_typed_list(atomic_function_skeleton, F), [')']. %:fluents %constraints(C) --> ['(',':',constraints], con_GD(C), [')']. %:constraints structure_def(A) --> action_def(A). %structure_def(D) --> durative_action_def(D). %:durativeactions %structure_def(D) --> derived_def(D). %:derivedpredicates %typed_list(W, G) --> oneOrMore(W, N), ['-'], type(T), {G =.. [T, N]}. typed_list(W, [G|Ns]) --> oneOrMore(W, N), ['-'], type(T), !, typed_list(W, Ns), {G =.. [T|N]}. typed_list(W, N) --> zeroOrMore(W, N). primitive_type(N) --> name(N). type(either(PT)) --> ['(',either], !, oneOrMore(primitive_type, PT), [')']. type(PT) --> primitive_type(PT). function_typed_list(W, [F|Ls]) --> oneOrMore(W, L), ['-'], !, function_type(T), function_typed_list(W, Ls), {F =.. [T|L]}. %:typing function_typed_list(W, L) --> zeroOrMore(W, L). function_type(number) --> [number]. emptyOr(_) --> ['(',')']. emptyOr(W) --> W. % Actions definitons action_def(action(S, L, Precon, Pos, Neg, Assign)) --> ['(',':',action], action_symbol(S), [':',parameters,'('], typed_list(variable, L), [')'],{!}, (action_def_body(Precon, Pos, Neg, Assign)), [')']. action_symbol(N) --> name(N). %% 2 ?- phrase(emptyOr(pre_GD(P)),['(',accessible,?,x,')','(','no-inventory-object',?,x,')','(','has-location',?,x,?,y,')'],X). %% P = accessible(?x), %% X = ['(', 'no-inventory-object', ?, x, ')', '(', 'has-location', ?, x|...] . action_def_body(P, Pos, Neg, Assign) --> (([':',precondition], zeroOrMore(pre_GD,P)) /* ; []*/), (([':',effect], (emptyOr(effect(Pos, Neg, Assign)))) ; []). %% [1] 2 ?- pre_GD(X,['(',accessible,?,x,')'],[]). %% X = accessible(?x) . pre_GD(_) --> [:,effect],{!,fail}. pre_GD(P) --> pref_GD(P). pre_GD(P) --> ['(',and], pre_GD(P), [')']. pre_GD(forall(L, P)) --> ['(',forall,'('], typed_list(variable, L), [')'], pre_GD(P), [')']. %:universal-preconditions pref_GD(preference(N, P)) --> ['(',preference], (pref_name(N); []), gd(P), [')']. %:preferences pref_GD(P) --> gd(P). pref_name(N) --> name(N). gd(L) --> literal(term, L). %:negative-preconditions gd(F) --> atomic_formula(term, F). %: this option is covered by gd(L) gd(P) --> ['(',and], zeroOrMore(gd, P), [')']. %gd(or(P)) --> ['(',or], zeroOrMore(gd ,P), [')']. %:disjuctive-preconditions %gd(not(P)) --> ['(',not], gd(P), [')']. %:disjuctive-preconditions %gd(imply(P1, P2)) --> ['(',imply], gd(P1), gd(P2), [')']. %:disjuctive-preconditions %gd(exists(L, P)) --> ['(',exists,'('], typed_list(variable, L), [')'], gd(P), [')']. %:existential-preconditions %gd(forall(L, P)) --> ['(',forall,'('], typed_list(variable, L), [')'], gd(P), [')']. %:universal-preconditions gd(F) --> f_comp(F). %:fluents f_comp(compare(C, E1, E2)) --> ['('], binary_comp(C), f_exp(E1), f_exp(E2), [')']. literal(T, F) --> atomic_formula(T, F). literal(T, not(F)) --> ['(',not], atomic_formula(T, F), [')']. atomic_formula(_, F) --> ['('], predicate(P), zeroOrMore(term, T), [')'], {F =.. [P|T]}. % cheating, maybe wrong term(N) --> name(N). term(V) --> variable(V). f_exp(N) --> number(N). f_exp(op(O, E1, E2)) --> ['('],binary_op(O), f_exp(E1), f_exp(E2), [')']. f_exp('-'(E)) --> ['(','-'], f_exp(E), [')']. f_exp(H) --> f_head(H). f_head(F) --> ['('], function_symbol(S), zeroOrMore(term, T), [')'], { F =.. [S|T] }. f_head(S) --> function_symbol(S). binary_op(O) --> multi_op(O). binary_op('-') --> ['−']. binary_op('/') --> ['/']. multi_op('*') --> ['*']. multi_op('+') --> ['+']. binary_comp('>') --> ['>']. binary_comp('<') --> ['<']. binary_comp('=') --> ['=']. binary_comp('>=') --> ['>=']. binary_comp('<=') --> ['<=']. number(N) --> [N], {integer(N)}. number(N) --> [N], {float(N)}. effect(P, N, A) --> ['(',and], c_effect(P, N, A), [')']. effect(P, N, A) --> c_effect(P, N, A). %c_effect(forall(E)) --> ['(',forall,'('], typed-list(variable)∗) effect(E), ')'. %:conditional-effects %c_effect(when(P, E)) --> ['(',when], gd(P), cond_effect(E), [')']. %:conditional-effects c_effect(P, N, A) --> p_effect(P, N, A). p_effect([], [], []) --> []. p_effect(Ps, Ns, [F|As]) --> ['('], assign_op(O), f_head(H), f_exp(E), [')'], p_effect(Ps, Ns, As), {F =.. [O, H, E]}. p_effect(Ps, [F|Ns], As) --> ['(',not], atomic_formula(term,F), [')'], p_effect(Ps, Ns, As). p_effect([F|Ps], Ns, As) --> atomic_formula(term, F), p_effect(Ps, Ns, As). %p_effect(op(O, H, E)) --> ['('], assign_op(O), f_head(H), f_exp(E), [')']. %:fluents , What is difference between rule 3 lines above??? %cond_effect(E) --> ['(',and], zeroOrMore(p_effect, E), [')']. %:conditional-effects %cond_effect(E) --> p_effect(E). %:conditional-effects assign_op(assign) --> [assign]. assign_op(scale_up) --> [scale_up]. assign_op(scale_down) --> [scale_down]. assign_op(increase) --> [increase]. assign_op(decrease) --> [decrease]. % BNF description include operator + to mark zero or more replacements. % This DCG extension to overcome this. oneOrMore(W, [R|Rs], A, C) :- F =.. [W, R, A, B], F, ( oneOrMore(W, Rs, B, C) ; (Rs = [] , C = B) ). % BNF operator * zeroOrMore(W, R) --> oneOrMore(W, R). zeroOrMore(_, []) --> []. % Name is everything that is not number, bracket or question mark. % Those rules are not necessary, but rapidly speed up parsing process. name(N) --> [N], {integer(N), !, fail}. name(N) --> [N], {float(N), !, fail}. name(N) --> [N], {N=')', !, fail}. name(N) --> [N], {N='(', !, fail}. name(N) --> [N], {N='?', !, fail}. name(N) --> [N]. dcgMust(X)--> X. dcgMust(X)--> {trace}, X.