/************************************************************************* File: readLine.pl Copyright (C) 2004 Patrick Blackburn & Johan Bos This file is part of BB1, version 1.2 (August 2005). BB1 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BB1 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BB1; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *************************************************************************/ :- module(readLine,[readLine/1]). /*======================================================================== Output prompt, read from standard input and convert into list ========================================================================*/ readLine(WordList):- nl, write('> '), readWords(Words), checkWords(Words,WordList). /*======================================================================== Read in a sequence of characters, until a return is registered ========================================================================*/ readWords([Word|Rest]):- get0(Char), readWord(Char,Chars,State), name(Word,Chars), readRest(Rest,State). readRest([],ended). readRest(Rest,notended):- readWords(Rest). /*======================================================================== Read a word coded as Chars (a list of ascii values), starting with with ascii value Char, and determine the State of input (`ended' = end of line, `notended' = not end of line). Blanks and full stops split words, a return ends a line. ========================================================================*/ readWord(32,[],notended):-!. %%% blank readWord(46,[],notended):-!. %%% full stop readWord(10,[],ended):-!. %%% return readWord(Code,[Code|Rest],State):- get0(Char), readWord(Char,Rest,State). /*======================================================================== Check if all words are unquoted atoms, if not convert them into atoms. ========================================================================*/ checkWords([],[]):- !. checkWords([''|Rest1],Rest2):- checkWords(Rest1,Rest2). checkWords([Atom|Rest1],[Atom2|Rest2]):- name(Atom,Word1), convertWord(Word1,Word2), name(Atom2,Word2), checkWords(Rest1,Rest2). /*======================================================================== Convert upper into lower case characters, and eliminate non-alphabetic characters. ========================================================================*/ convertWord([],[]):- !. convertWord([Capital|Rest1],[Small|Rest2]):- Capital > 64, Capital < 91, !, Small is Capital + 32, convertWord(Rest1,Rest2). convertWord([Number|Rest1],[Number|Rest2]):- Number > 47, Number < 58, !, convertWord(Rest1,Rest2). convertWord([Weird|Rest1],Rest2):- (Weird < 97; Weird > 122), !, convertWord(Rest1,Rest2). convertWord([Char|Rest1],[Char|Rest2]):- convertWord(Rest1,Rest2).