:- module( domain_home, [ relevant_to_task/3, relevant_to_tasks/3, relevant_answer/2, all_answers/2, plan/2, reduce/3, revisable/1, sysaction/1, dominates/2, abstract/3, location/1, device_type/1, task/1 ] ). :- use_module( library(lists), [ member/2, select/3, append/3 ] ). :- use_module( library(telia_house) ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialogue plans plan( ?Name, ?Plan ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ default(dummy). plan( top, [ findout(T^(task(T))) ] ). plan( main_menu, [ findout(main_menu), if_then_else(main_menu, [ forget, change_domain(menu) ], [ forget(task(_)), forget(not main_menu), exec(vcr_top) ] ) ] ). plan( perform_specific_action, [ findout(A^action(A)), findout(L^location(L)), if_then((not device_type(_)), case([ ( action(dim_light), assume(device_type(dimmer)) ) %( action(switch_on), assume(device_type(lamp)) ), %( action(switch_off), assume(device_type(lamp)) ), [] ]) ), % if_then( location(L) and ( in( set([dimmer, lamp$devices/L/D = _ and not (D1\=D and $devices/L/D1 = _ ), % assume( device_type(D) ) ), if_then( not device_type(_), if_then_else( location( living_room ), assume( device_type(dimmer) ), assume( device_type(lamp) ) ) ), findout(T^device_type(T)), consultDB(D^device(D)), if_then_else(device(D), case([ ( device_type(lamp), case([ ( action(switch_on), exec(switch_on_lamp) ), ( action(switch_off), exec(switch_off_lamp) ), [ forget, inform(bad_action(lamp)) ] ]) ), ( device_type(dimmer), case([ ( action(dim_light), exec(dim_light) ), ( action(switch_on), exec(switch_on_dimmer) ), ( action(switch_off), exec(switch_off_dimmer) ), [ forget, inform(bad_action(dimmer)) ] ]) ), forget ]), [ if_then(action(A), forget(action(A))), consultDB(D^device(D)), if_then_else(device(D), inform(bad_action), case([ ( device_type(lamp), [ forget, inform(no_lamp_in(L)) ] ), ( device_type(dimmer), [ forget, inform(no_dimmer_in(L)) ] ), forget ])), exec(top) ]) ] ). plan( switch_on_lamp, [ if_then(device(D), if_then(location(L), [ dev_get(house/D,onoff), if_then_else(dev_val(house/D,onoff,on), [ forget, inform(device_already_switched_on(D,L)) ], [ dev_set(house/D,onoff,on), if_then(location(L), [ forget, inform(switched_on_lamp(L)) ]) ]), exec(top) ])) ] ). plan( switch_off_lamp, [ if_then(device(D), if_then(location(L), [ dev_get(house/D,onoff), if_then_else(dev_val(house/D,onoff,off), [ forget, inform(device_already_switched_off(D,L)) ], [ dev_set(house/D,onoff,off), if_then(location(L), [ forget, inform(switched_off_lamp(L)) ]) ]), exec(top) ])) ] ). plan( dim_light, [ if_then(device(D), if_then(location(L), [ dev_get(house/D,dimmer), if_then_else(dev_val(house/D,dimmer,0.5), [ forget, inform(light_already_dimmed(D,L)) ], [ dev_set(house/D,dimmer,0.5), forget, inform(dimmed_light(L)) ]), exec(top) ])) ] ). plan( switch_on_dimmer, [ if_then(device(D), if_then(location(L), [ dev_get(house/D,dimmer), if_then_else(dev_val(house/D,dimmer,1.0), [ forget, inform(device_already_switched_on(D,L)) ], [ dev_set(house/D,dimmer,1.0), forget, inform(switched_on_lamp(L)) ]), exec(top) ])) ] ). plan( switch_off_dimmer, [ if_then(device(D), if_then(location(L), [ dev_get(house/D,dimmer), if_then_else(dev_val(house/D,dimmer,0.0), [ forget, inform(device_already_switched_off(D,L)) ], [ dev_set(house/D,dimmer,0.0), forget, inform(switched_off_lamp(L)) ]), exec(top) ])) ] ). plan( wake_up, [ dev_get(house/kitchen/lamp,onoff), if_then(dev_val(house/kitchen/lamp,onoff,off), [ findout(light(kitchen)), if_then(light(kitchen),dev_set(house/kitchen/lamp,onoff,on)) ]), dev_set(house/tv_room/lamp,onoff,on), dev_set(house/study/lamp,onoff,on), dev_set(house/hall/lamp,onoff,on), dev_set(house/living_room/dimmer,dimmer,0.8), dev_get(house/kitchen/lamp,onoff), if_then_else(dev_val(house/kitchen/lamp,onoff,on), [ forget, inform(woken_up_lit_kitchen) ], [ forget, inform(woken_up_no_lit_kitchen) ]), exec(top) ] ). plan( leaving, [ findout(leave_on_light), %if_then(location(_), assume(leave_on_light)), if_then_else(leave_on_light, [ findout(X^(location(X))), consultDB(D^(device(D))), if_then_else(device(D), exec(close_down), if_then(location(L), [ forget, inform(no_lamp_in(L)), exec(top) ])) ], exec(close_down)) ] ). plan( close_down, [ if_then_else(location(kitchen), dev_set(house/kitchen/lamp,onoff,on), dev_set(house/kitchen/lamp,onoff,off)), if_then_else(location(tv_room), dev_set(house/tv_room/lamp,onoff,on), dev_set(house/tv_room/lamp,onoff,off)), if_then_else(location(study), dev_set(house/study/lamp,onoff,on), dev_set(house/study/lamp,onoff,off)), if_then_else(location(hall), dev_set(house/hall/lamp,onoff,on), dev_set(house/hall/lamp,onoff,off)), if_then_else(location(L), [ forget, inform(closed_down_except(L)) ], [ forget, inform(closed_down_all) ]), exec(top) ] ). plan( make_query, [ if_then(device_type(T), if_then(location(L), [ consultDB(D^device(D)), if_then_else(device(D), [], exec(no_device_found)) ])), findout(A^device_state(A)), findout(L^location(L)), case([ ( device_state(dimmed), assume(device_type(dimmer)) ), % ( device_state(switched_on), assume(device_type(lamp)) ), % ( device_state(switched_off), assume(device_type(lamp)) ), [] ]), if_then( not device_type(_), if_then_else( location( living_room ), assume( device_type(dimmer) ), assume( device_type(lamp) ) ) ), findout(T^device_type(T)), consultDB(D^device(D)), if_then_else(device(D), % Device found case([ ( device_type(lamp), exec(query_lamp) ), ( device_type(dimmer), exec(query_dimmer) ), forget ]), % Device not found exec(no_device_found)) ] ). plan( no_device_found, [ if_then(location(L), [ case([ ( device_type(lamp), [ forget, inform(no_lamp_in(L)) ] ), ( device_type(dimmer), [ forget, inform(no_dimmer_in(L)) ] ), forget ]), exec(top) ] ) ] ). plan( query_lamp, [ if_then(device(D), if_then(location(L), if_then(device_state(S), [ dev_get(house/D,onoff), case([ ( dev_val(house/D,onoff,on), [ forget, inform(is_switched_onoff(on,S,L)) ] ), ( dev_val(house/D,onoff,off), [ forget, inform(is_switched_onoff(off,S,L)) ] ), forget ]), exec(top) ] ))) ]). plan( query_dimmer, [ if_then(device(D), if_then(location(L), [ dev_get(house/D,dimmer), case([ ( dev_val(house/D,dimmer,0.5), [ forget, inform(is_dimmed(D,L)) ] ), % other dimming options? [ forget, inform(is_not_dimmed(D,L)) ] ]), exec(top) ] )) ]). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Conceptual knowledge ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ task( perform_specific_action ). task( perform_lamp_action ). task( switch_on_lamp ). task( switch_off_lamp ). task( dim_light ). task( switch_on_dimmer ). task( switch_off_dimmer ). task( make_query ). task( wake_up ). task( leaving ). task( main_menu ). action( switch_on ). action( switch_off ). action( dim_light ). device_type( lamp ). device_type( dimmer ). device_type( temp_sensor ). device_type( light_sensor ). device_state( switched_on ). device_state( switched_off ). device_state( dimmed ). location( L ) :- house( House ), member( L=_, House ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- relevant_answer( -Question, +Answer ) -- Returns (if it succeeds) a Question to which the Answer is relevant ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ relevant_answer( X^(task(X)), task(A)) :- task( A ). relevant_answer( X^(task(X)), A) :- task( A ). relevant_answer( X^(action(X)), action(A)) :- action( A ). relevant_answer( X^(action(X)), A) :- action( A ). relevant_answer( X^(device_type(X)), device_type(A) ) :- device_type( A ). relevant_answer( X^(device_type(X)), A ) :- device_type( A ). relevant_answer( X^(location(X)), location(A) ) :- location( A ). relevant_answer( X^(location(X)), A ) :- location( A ). relevant_answer( X^(device_state(X)), device_state(A) ) :- device_state( A ). relevant_answer( X^(device_state(X)), A ) :- device_state( A ). %relevant_answer( X^(device_type(X)), task(leaving) ). /***** GENERAL GODIS STUFF ******/ %%% Yes/no question P? % yes relevant_answer( Q, yes) :- ynq(Q). % no relevant_answer( Q, no) :- ynq(Q). % P relevant_answer( Q, P ) :- ynq(Q), P = Q. % P relevant_answer( Q, not(P) ) :- ynq(Q), P = Q. %%% Definition of yes/no questions ynq( YNQ ):- \+ YNQ = _^_, % whq \+ YNQ = [_|_]. % altq % Alt-questions, full answer relevant_answer( AltList, Alt ):- member( Alt, AltList ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- relevant_to_task( +Move, -Task, -Plan ) -- Returns (if it succeeds) a Plan to which Move is relevant ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ relevant_to_task( Move, Task, Plan ):- plan( Task, Plan ), Move = answer( A ), member( findout( Q ), Plan ), %member( findout( Qs ), Plan ), % Alex %implied_question( Qs, Q ), % Alex relevant_answer( Q, A ). % gives all elliptical answers all_answers( Q, As ):- setof( A, relevant_elliptical_answer( Q, A ), As ). relevant_elliptical_answer( Q, A ):- relevant_answer( Q, A ), atom( A ). implied_question( FindOuts, Question ) :- FindOuts = [ _ | _ ], member( F, FindOuts ), implied_question( F, Question ). implied_question( _^Q, Q ). implied_question( Q, Q ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- relevant_to_tasks( +Move, -Tasks ) -- Returns (if it succeeds) a list of tasks Tasks to which Move is relevant; all elements in Task have the form task(T) ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ relevant_to_task( Move, Task ):- plan( Task, Plan ), Move = answer( A ), member( findout( Q ), Plan ), relevant_answer( Q, A ). relevant_to_tasks( Move, Tasks ):- setof( task(Task), relevant_to_task( Move, Task ), Tasks ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- dominates( T1, T2 ) -- Task T1 dominates T2 in the menu hierarchy ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dominates0( T1, T2 ):- plan( T1, [ findout( Ts ) | _ ] ), member( task( T2 ), Ts ). dominates( T1, T2 ):- dominates0( T1, T2 ). dominates( T1, T3 ):- dominates0( T1, T2 ), dominates( T2, T3 ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- reduce( +Q, +A, -P ) -- reduces a quesition and an answer to a proposition ** this should perhaps be in the definition of the datatypes "question" and "answer", as an operation which takes a question and an answer and yields a question ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ** Y/N-questions */ reduce( Q, yes, P ):- ynq( Q ), P = Q. reduce( Q, no, P ):- ynq( Q ), P = not( Q ). reduce( Q, P, P ):- ynq( Q ), P = Q. reduce( Q, not(P), not(P) ):- ynq( Q ), P = Q. /* ** Alt-questions */ % findout([ A1, A2, ..., An ]) is answered by A1 or A2 or .... or An reduce(AltList, A, P):- member(A, AltList),!, P = A. % findout([Pred(_),...]) is answered by Pred(_) reduce(AltList, A, P):- AltList = [ A0 | _ ], A0 =.. [ Pred | _ ], A =.. [ Pred | _ ],!, P = A. /* ** WH-questions */ % X^Q is answered by an atom (ellipsis) reduce(X^P, X, P):- atom(X). % X^Q is answered by full proposition % question of form X^P(Y,X) reduce( X^Q, A, P ):- Q =.. [Y,_,X], A =.. [Y,_,X], P = Q, !. % question of form X^P(X) reduce( X^Q, A, P ):- Q =.. [Y,X], A =.. [Y,X], P = Q, !. % abstract(+A,+P,-Q) % % Q is a question s.t. reduce(Q,A,P) holds % abstract( A, P, _^P ). abstract( A, P, X^Q ):- A =.. [Y,_], P =.. [Y,_], Q =.. [Y,X], % P = Q, !. sysaction( dummy ).