/************************************************************************* name: update_rules.pl version: Apr 7 - Nov 29, 1999 description: The update rules author: Peter Bohlin, Staffan Larsson *************************************************************************/ :- module(update_rules, [rule/3, rule_class/2]). :- op(800, fx, ['!', not]). :- op(850, xfx, ['$=', '$==', and, or] ). rule_class( assumeSysMovesGrounded, grounding ). rule_class( assumeUsrMovesGrounded, grounding ). rule_class( integrate_instruct_check, integrate ). rule_class( integrate_instruct_exec, integrate ). rule_class( integrateSysAsk, integrate ). rule_class( integrateSysInform, integrate ). rule_class( integrateSysRepeat, integrate ). rule_class( integrateSysReqRep, integrate ). rule_class( integrateSysGreet, integrate ). % rule_class( integrateSysQuit, integrate ). rule_class( integrateUsrAnswer, integrate ). rule_class( integrateUsrConfirm, integrate ). rule_class( integrateUsrGreet, integrate ). rule_class( integrateUsrNoMove, integrate ). rule_class( integrateUsrReqRep, integrate ). rule_class( integrateUsrAskHow, integrate ). rule_class( accommodateQuestion, accommodate ). rule_class( findPlan, manage_plan ). rule_class( removeTask, manage_plan ). rule_class( parse_if_then, manage_plan ). % rule_class( parse_subaction, manage_plan ). rule_class( downdateAgenda(raise), refill ). rule_class( downdateAgenda(instruct_check), refill ). rule_class( downdateAgenda(instruct_exec), refill ). rule_class( downdateAgenda(inform), refill ). rule_class( refillAgendaFromPlan, refill ). rule_class(saveShared, store). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Grounding (cautious) ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ % optimism about user recognizing system contributions rule( assumeSysMovesGrounded, [ latest_speaker $== sys ], [ set#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys), clear#rec( shared^lu^moves ), forall( in( latest_moves, Move), add#rec( shared^lu^moves, Move, false) ) ] ). % optimism about system recognizing user contributions % (assume usr is optimistic about sys recognizing usr contrib.) rule( assumeUsrMovesGrounded, [ latest_speaker $== usr ], [ set#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), clear#rec( shared^lu^moves ), forall( in(latest_moves, Move ), add#rec( shared^lu^moves, Move, false) ) ] ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Integration of the system's moves ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rule( integrate_instruct_exec, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, instruct_exec(A), false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, instruct_exec(A) ) ], [ push#rec( shared^actions, A ), set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, instruct_exec(A), true) ] ). rule( integrate_instruct_check, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, instruct_check(P), false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, instruct_check(P) ) ], [ push#rec( shared^actions, check(P) ), set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, instruct_check(P), true) ] ). rule( integrateSysAsk, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, ask(Q), false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, raise(Q) ) ], [ push#rec( shared^qud, Q ), % optimism(acc) set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, ask(Q), true) ] ). rule( integrateSysInform, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, inform(P), false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, inform(P) ) ], [ add#rec( shared^com, P ), % optimism(acc) set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, inform(P), true) ] ). rule( integrateSysRepeat, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, repeat(M), false ) ], [ add#rec( shared^lu^moves, M, false ), set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, repeat(M), true ) ]). % to integrate repeat(M), add M to latest moves rule( integrateSysReqRep, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, reqRep(Type), false ) ], [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, reqRep(Type), true ) ] ). rule( integrateSysGreet, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, greet, false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, greet ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ), set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, greet, true ) ] ). rule( integrateSysQuit, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, sys ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, quit, false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, quit ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ), set( program_state, quit ), set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, quit, true ) ] ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Integration of the user's moves ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rule( integrateUsrAskHow, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, query_how, false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, instruct_exec( A ) ), fst#rec( shared^actions, A ), domain :: dplan( instruct_exec( A ), _, Plan ) ], [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, query_how, true ), pop#rec( private^agenda ), extend#rec( private^plan, Plan ) ] ). % answers to wh-questions rule( integrateUsrAnswer, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer( R ), false ), fst#rec( shared^qud, Q ), domain :: relevant_answer( Q, R ) ], [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer( R ), true ), pop#rec( shared^qud ), add#rec( shared^com, R ) ] ). % yes rule( integrateUsrAnswer, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer_y, false ), fst#rec( shared^qud, P ), not(P = _^_) ], % P is a yes/no question [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer_y, true ), pop#rec( shared^qud ), add#rec( shared^com, P ) ] ). % no rule( integrateUsrAnswer, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer_n, false ), fst#rec( shared^qud, P ), not(P = _^_) ], % P is a yes/no question [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer_n, true ), pop#rec( shared^qud ), add#rec( shared^com, not( P ) ) ] ). rule( integrateUsrConfirm, % there is an action; interpreted as confirming that action has been performed [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, confirm, false ), fst#rec( shared^actions, A ) ], [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, confirm, true ), pop#rec( shared^actions ), add#rec( shared^com, done(A) ) ] ). rule( integrateUsrConfirm, % no action; interpreted as confirming understanding [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, confirm, false ), empty#rec( shared^actions ) ], [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, confirm, true ) ] ). rule( integrateUsrReqRep, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, reqRep, false ), ! in#rec( private^tmp^lu^moves, LU) ], [ push#rec( private^agenda, repeat(LU) ), set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, reqRep, true ), copyRec( private^tmp, shared ) ] ). rule( integrateUsrGreet, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, greet, false ) ], [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, greet, true ) ] ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Accommodation ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ %%% accomodate the qud with a question in the plan rule( accommodateQuestion, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), in#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer(A) ), not ( lexicon :: yn_answer( A ) ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer(A), false ), in#rec( private^plan, raise(Q) ), domain :: relevant_answer( Q, A )], [ del#rec( private^plan, raise(Q) ), push#rec( shared^qud, Q ) ] ). %%% accomodate the qud with the topmost action on the agenda rule( accommodateQuestion, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), in#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer(A) ), not( lexicon :: yn_answer(A) ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, answer(A), false ), fst#rec( private^agenda, raise(Q) ), domain :: relevant_answer( Q, A ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ), push#rec( shared^qud, Q ) ] ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- parse the plan ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rule( removeTask, [ in#rec( shared^com, task(T) ), domain :: dplan( T, G, _ ), in#rec( shared^com, G ) ], [ del#rec( shared^com, task(T) ) ] ). rule( findPlan, [ empty#rec( private^plan ), in#rec( shared^com, task(E) ), ! ( domain :: dplan( E, _, Plan ) ) ], [ set#rec( private^plan, Plan )] ). rule( integrateUsrNoMove, [ val#rec( shared^lu^speaker, usr ), in#rec( shared^lu^moves, no_move ), assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, no_move, false )], [ set_assoc#rec( shared^lu^moves, no_move, true ) ] ). rule( parse_if_then, % P true [ fst#rec( private^plan, if_then( P, A ) ), in#rec( shared^com, P ) ], [ pop#rec( private^plan ), push#rec( private^plan, A ) ] ). rule( parse_if_then, % P false [ fst#rec( private^plan, if_then( P, A ) ), in#rec( shared^com, (not P) ) ], [ pop#rec( private^plan ) ] ). rule( parse_if_then, % (not P) true; horrible hack until we have some inference... [ fst#rec( private^plan, if_then( (not P), A ) ), in#rec( shared^com, P ) ], [ pop#rec( private^plan ) ] ). /* rule( parse_subaction, [ fst#rec( private^plan, A ), domain :: dplan( A, _, Plan ) ], [ pop#rec( private^plan ), extend#rec( private^plan, Plan ) ] ). */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Refill agenda ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ % it would be possible to have a general rule which checked the n-1th move and if it was the one on the agenda, took it off. however, this relies on knowing the n-1th move which depends on grounding strategy. % THIS DEFINES THE GOALS OF ACTIONS!!! shows that raise should be called "findout" or similar rule( downdateAgenda(raise), [ fst#rec( private^agenda, raise(P) ), ( in#rec( shared^com, P ) or in#rec( shared^com, (not P) ) ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ) ] ). %whq rule( downdateAgenda(raise), [ fst#rec( private^agenda, raise(X^P) ), in#rec( shared^com, P ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ) ] ). rule( downdateAgenda(instruct_check), [ fst#rec( private^agenda, instruct_check(A) ), in#rec( shared^com, done(check(A)) ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ) ] ). rule( downdateAgenda(instruct_exec), [ fst#rec( private^agenda, instruct_exec(A) ), in#rec( shared^com, done(A) ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ) ] ). /* % when is it ok to remove an instruction after "how"? rule( downdateAgenda(instruct_exec), [ fst#rec( private^agenda, instruct_exec(A) ), in#rec( shared^lu^moves, query_how ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ) ] ). */ /* rule( downdateActions, [ fst#rec( shared^actions, A ), in#rec( shared^bel, done(A) ) ], [ pop#rec( private^actions ) ] ). */ rule( downdateAgenda(inform), [ fst#rec( private^agenda, inform(P) ), in#rec( shared^com, P ) ], [ pop#rec( private^agenda ) ] ). rule( refillAgendaFromPlan, [ empty#rec( private^agenda ), fst#rec( private^plan, A ) ], [ pop#rec( private^plan ), push#rec( private^agenda, A ) ] ). /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rule( saveShared, [ latest_speaker $== sys ], [ copyRec( shared, private^tmp )] ).