/************************************************************************* name: godis-AOD version: description: GoDiS-AOD specification file author: Staffan Larsson *************************************************************************/ :- ensure_loaded( search_paths ). /*======================================================================== Select datatypes Speficies a list of datatypes to be loaded. Each item DataType in the list corresponds to a file DataType.pl in the search path. ========================================================================*/ selected_datatypes([string, move, atom, integer, real, bool, record, set, stack, stackset, queue, oqueue, pair, godis_datatypes]). /*======================================================================== Select modules Each module spec has the form Predicate:FileName, where Predicate is the unary predicate used to call the module, and FileName.pl is the a file in the search path containing the module specification ========================================================================*/ selected_modules([ input : input_simpletext, %input : input_nuance_score, interpret: interpret_simple, update : update, select : select, generate : generate_simple, %output : output_nuance_score output : output_simpletext ]). % dme_module/1 - spefifies which modules have unlimited access to TIS dme_modules([ update, select ]). /*======================================================================== Select resources Speficies a list of resources to be loaded. Each item ResourceFile in the list corresponds to a a file ResourceFile.pl in the search path. The file defines a resource object with the same name as the file. ========================================================================*/ selected_resources( [ % device_vcr, % lexicon_vcr_english, % lexicon_vcr_svenska, %% domain_vcr, % device_telephone, % lexicon_telephone_english, % domain_telephone device_legoturtle, domain_legoturtle, lexicon_legoturtle_svenska ] ). selected_macro_file( godis_macros ). batch_files(['~sl/GoDiS/Batch/testdialog1.txt','~sl/GoDiS/Batch/testdialog2.txt']). /*======================================================================== operations to execute on TIS reset ========================================================================*/ reset_operations( [ set( program_state, run), set( language, Lang ), set( lexicon, $$dash2underscore(lexicon-Domain-Lang) ), set( devices, record([ turtle = device_legoturtle]) ), % set( devices, record([telephone=device_telephone]) ), set( domain, $$dash2underscore(domain-Domain) ), push(/private/agenda,greet), score := 1.0, % push(/private/agenda,do(vcr_top)), % push( /shared/actions, vcr_top ) ]):- push(/private/agenda,do(top)), push( /shared/actions, top ) ]):- flag( language, Lang ), flag( domain, Domain ).