% Add all entries for verbs or adjectives from the general grammar into the specialised grammar, % if any entry for that word is present. /* include_lex(verb:[sem=[action, Value]], Tags) :- rule_exists(verb:[sem=[[action, Value]]], Tags). include_lex(verb:[sem=[event, Value]], Tags) :- rule_exists(verb:[sem=[[event, Value]]], Tags). include_lex(verb:[sem=[path_proc, Value]], Tags) :- rule_exists(verb:[sem=[[path_proc, Value]]], Tags). include_lex(verb:[sem=[state, Value]], Tags) :- rule_exists(verb:[sem=[[state, Value]]], Tags). include_lex(verb:[sem=[Type, Value]], Tags) :- rule_exists(verb:[sem=[[tense, Tense], [Type, Value]]], Tags). */ include_lex(verb:[], []). include_lex(adjp:[sem=[Type, Value]], Tags) :- rule_exists(adjp:[sem=[[Type, Value]]], Tags). %include_lex(adjp:[], []). % Include all adverbs and other subdomain-independent categories include_lex(adv:[], []). include_lex(pronoun:[], []). include_lex(reflexive_pronoun:[], []). include_lex(aux_verb:[], []). include_lex(spec:[], []). include_lex(number:[], []).