% Adapter file for Lean Prolog 4.5.7 and later versions
% Last updated on November 12, 2024
% This file is part of Logtalk
% SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998-2024 Paulo Moura
% SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
% You may obtain a copy of the License at
% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
% limitations under the License.
:- set_quickfail(0, _).
% ISO Prolog Standard predicates that we must define because they are
% not built-in
% add a clause for '$lgt_iso_predicate'/1 declaring each ISO predicate that
% we must define; there must be at least one clause for this predicate
% whose call should fail if we don't define any ISO predicates
% '$lgt_iso_predicate'(?callable).
% table of missing ISO predicates which are defined in this file
'$lgt_iso_predicate'(close(_, _)).
'$lgt_iso_predicate'(get_byte(_, _)).
'$lgt_iso_predicate'(put_byte(_, _)).
close(Stream, _) :-
catch(close(Stream), _, true).
get_byte(Stream, Byte) :-
get_code(Stream, Byte).
get_byte(Byte) :-
put_byte(Stream, Byte) :-
put_code(Stream, Byte).
put_byte(Byte) :-
% de facto standard Prolog predicates that might be missing
% between(+integer, +integer, ?integer) -- built-in
% findall(?term, +callable, ?list, +list) -- built-in
% forall(+callable, +callable) -- built-in
% format(+stream_or_alias, +character_code_list_or_atom, +list)
'$lgt_format'(Stream, Format, Arguments) :-
atom_chars(Format, Chars),
format_(Chars, Stream, Arguments).
format_([], _, []).
format_(['~', Spec| Chars], Stream, Arguments) :-
format_spec_(Spec, Stream, Arguments, RemainingArguments),
format_(Chars, Stream, RemainingArguments).
format_([Char| Chars], Stream, Arguments) :-
char_code(Char, Code),
put_code(Stream, Code),
format_(Chars, Stream, Arguments).
format_spec_('a', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
% atom(Argument),
write(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('c', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
put_code(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('s', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
atom_codes(Atom, Argument),
write(Stream, Atom).
format_spec_('w', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
write(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('q', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
writeq(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('k', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
write_canonical(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('d', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
write(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('D', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
write(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('f', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
write(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('g', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
write(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('G', Stream, [Argument| Arguments], Arguments) :-
write(Stream, Argument).
format_spec_('i', _, [_| Arguments], Arguments).
format_spec_('n', Stream, Arguments, Arguments) :-
format_spec_('~', Stream, Arguments, Arguments) :-
char_code('~', Code),
put_code(Stream, Code).
% format(+character_code_list_or_atom, +list)
'$lgt_format'(Format, Arguments) :-
'$lgt_format'(Stream, Format, Arguments).
% numbervars(?term, +integer, ?integer) -- built-in
% predicate properties
% this predicate must return at least static, dynamic, and built_in
% properties for an existing predicate (and ideally meta_predicate/1
% properties for built-in predicates and library predicates)
% '$lgt_predicate_property'(+callable, ?predicate_property)
'$lgt_predicate_property'(Pred, static) :-
predicate_property(Pred, compiled).
'$lgt_predicate_property'(Pred, ('dynamic')) :-
predicate_property(Pred, interpreted).
'$lgt_predicate_property'(Pred, Prop) :-
predicate_property(Pred, Prop).
% meta-predicates
% setup_call_cleanup(+callable, +callable, +callable) -- not supported
setup_call_cleanup(_, _, _) :-
% Prolog non-standard built-in meta-predicates and meta-directives
% '$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(@callable, ?callable, ?atom)
% table of meta-predicate patterns for proprietary built-in predicates;
% the third argument, which must be either "predicate" or "control_construct",
% is used to guide the compilation of these meta-predicates in debug mode
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'('?'(_), '?'(0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(':'(_, _), ':'(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'('@'(_, _), '@'(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(add_task(_), add_task(0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(add_task(_, _), add_task(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(add_task(_, _, _), add_task(*, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(all(_, _), all(0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(all(_, _, _, _), all(*, *,0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(alt_findall(_, _, _), alt_findall(*, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(ask_agent(_, _), ask_agent(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(ask_broker(_), ask_broker(0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(ask_engine(_, _, _), ask_engine(* ,0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(ask_interactor(_, _), ask_interactor(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(ask_linda(_, _,_), ask_linda(*, *, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(ask_peer(_, _, _, _, _), ask_peer(*, *, *, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(bg(_, _), bg(0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(bg_clone(_, _), bg_clone(0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(bg_with(_, _, _), bg_with(*, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(call_ifdef(_, _), call_ifdef(0, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(call_with_time_limit(_, _), call_with_time_limit(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(ccall(_, _, _, _, _), ccall(*, *, *, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(det_call(_), det_call(0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(drop_at_least(_, _), drop_at_least(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(find_at_most(_, _, _, _), find_at_most(*, *, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(find_while(_, _, _, _), find_while(*, *, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(findall(_, _, _, _), findall(*, 0, *, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(foreach(_, _), foreach(0, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(init_engine(_, _, _, _), init_engine(*, *, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(linda_client(_, _, _,_ , _), linda_client(*, *, *, *, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(mbg(_), mbg([0]), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(new_engine(_, _, _), new_engine(*, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(nth_answer(_, _), nth_answer(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(rli_call(_, _, _, _, _), rli_call(*, *, _, 0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(take_at_most(_, _), take_at_most(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(tell_agent_at(_, _), tell_agent_at(*, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(time(_), time(0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(time(_, _), time(0, *), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(to_engine(_, _, _), to_engine(*, *, 0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(topcall(_), topcall(0), predicate).
'$lgt_prolog_meta_predicate'(while(_, _), while(0, 0), predicate).
to_engine(Interactor, Pattern, Goal) :-
to_engine(Interactor, (Pattern:-Goal)).
% '$lgt_prolog_meta_directive'(@callable, -callable)
'$lgt_prolog_meta_directive'(_, _) :-
% '$lgt_prolog_to_logtalk_meta_argument_specifier_hook'(@nonvar, -atom)
'$lgt_prolog_to_logtalk_meta_argument_specifier_hook'(_, _) :-
% '$lgt_prolog_phrase_predicate'(@callable)
% table of predicates that call non-terminals
% (other than the de facto standard phrase/2-3 predicates)
'$lgt_prolog_phrase_predicate'(_) :-
% '$lgt_candidate_tautology_or_falsehood_goal_hook'(@callable)
% valid candidates are proprietary built-in predicates with no
% side-effects when called with ground arguments
'$lgt_candidate_tautology_or_falsehood_goal_hook'(name(_, _)).
% '$lgt_prolog_database_predicate'(@callable)
% table of non-standard database built-in predicates
% '$lgt_prolog_predicate_property'(?callable)
% table of proprietary predicate properties; used by the
% compiler when checking if a predicate property is valid
'$lgt_prolog_predicate_property'(_) :-
% '$lgt_prolog_deprecated_built_in_predicate_hook'(?callable, ?callable)
% table of proprietary deprecated built-in predicates
% when there's a Prolog system advised alternative
'$lgt_prolog_deprecated_built_in_predicate_hook'(_, _) :-
% '$lgt_prolog_deprecated_built_in_predicate_hook'(?callable)
% table of proprietary deprecated built-in predicates without
% a direct advised alternative
'$lgt_prolog_deprecated_built_in_predicate_hook'(_) :-
% file name extension predicates
% these extensions are used by Logtalk load/compile predicates
% you may want to change the extension for the intermediate files
% generated by the Logtalk compiler ("object" files) to match the
% extension expected by default by your Prolog compiler
% there should only a single extension defined for object files but
% but multiple extensions can be defined for Logtalk and Prolog source
% files and for backend specific temporary files
% '$lgt_file_extension'(?atom, ?atom)
'$lgt_file_extension'(logtalk, '.lgt').
'$lgt_file_extension'(logtalk, '.logtalk').
% there must be a single object file extension
'$lgt_file_extension'(object, '.pl').
'$lgt_file_extension'(prolog, '.pl').
'$lgt_file_extension'(prolog, '.prolog').
'$lgt_file_extension'(prolog, '.pro').
% backend Prolog compiler features
% '$lgt_prolog_feature'(?atom, ?atom)
% backend Prolog compiler supported features (that are compatible with Logtalk)
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(prolog_dialect, lean).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(prolog_version, v(Major, Minor, Patch)) :-
current_prolog_flag(version_data, lprolog(Major, Minor, Patch, _)).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(prolog_compatible_version, '@>='(v(4, 5, 7))).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(encoding_directive, source).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(tabling, unsupported).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(engines, unsupported).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(threads, unsupported).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(modules, unsupported).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(coinduction, unsupported).
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(unicode, bmp).
% default flag values
% if your Prolog compiler supports the ISO definition of the
% initialization/1 then change the default value below to true
% '$lgt_default_flag'(?atom, ?atom)
% default values for all flags
% startup flags:
'$lgt_default_flag'(settings_file, allow).
% lint compilation flags:
'$lgt_default_flag'(linter, default).
'$lgt_default_flag'(general, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(encodings, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(unknown_entities, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(unknown_predicates, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(undefined_predicates, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(singleton_variables, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(steadfastness, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(naming, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(duplicated_clauses, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(left_recursion, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(tail_recursive, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(disjunctions, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(conditionals, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(catchall_catch, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(portability, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(redefined_built_ins, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(redefined_operators, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(deprecated, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(missing_directives, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(duplicated_directives, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(trivial_goal_fails, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(always_true_or_false_goals, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(lambda_variables, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(grammar_rules, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(arithmetic_expressions, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(suspicious_calls, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(underscore_variables, singletons).
% optional features compilation flags:
'$lgt_default_flag'(complements, deny).
'$lgt_default_flag'(dynamic_declarations, deny).
'$lgt_default_flag'(events, deny).
'$lgt_default_flag'(context_switching_calls, allow).
% other compilation flags:
'$lgt_default_flag'(scratch_directory, ScratchDirectory) :-
( getenv('COMSPEC', _) ->
% Windows systems define this environment variable...
ScratchDirectory = './lgt_tmp/'
; % ... but not POSIX systems
ScratchDirectory = './.lgt_tmp/'
'$lgt_default_flag'(report, on).
'$lgt_default_flag'(clean, on).
'$lgt_default_flag'(code_prefix, '$').
'$lgt_default_flag'(optimize, off).
'$lgt_default_flag'(source_data, on).
'$lgt_default_flag'(reload, changed).
'$lgt_default_flag'(debug, off).
% Prolog compiler and loader flags:
'$lgt_default_flag'(prolog_compiler, []).
'$lgt_default_flag'(prolog_loader, []).
% operating-system access predicates
% '$lgt_prolog_os_file_name'(+atom, -atom)
% '$lgt_prolog_os_file_name'(-atom, +atom)
% converts between Prolog internal file paths and operating-system paths
'$lgt_prolog_os_file_name'(Path, Path).
% '$lgt_expand_path'(+atom, -atom)
% expands a file path to a full path
'$lgt_expand_path'(Path, ExpandedPath) :-
( \+ atom_concat('/', _, Path),
\+ atom_concat('$', _, Path),
working_directory(Current, Current),
atom_concat(Current, '/', ExpandedPath0),
atom_concat(ExpandedPath0, Path, ExpandedPath1),
absolute_file_name(ExpandedPath1, ExpandedPath)
; absolute_file_name(Path, ExpandedPath)
% '$lgt_file_exists'(+atom)
% checks if a file exists
'$lgt_file_exists'(File) :-
% '$lgt_delete_file'(+atom)
% deletes a file
'$lgt_delete_file'(File) :-
% '$lgt_directory_exists'(+atom)
% checks if a directory exists
'$lgt_directory_exists'(Directory) :-
% '$lgt_current_directory'(-atom)
% gets current working directory
'$lgt_current_directory'(Directory) :-
working_directory(Directory0, Directory0),
atom_concat(Directory0, '/', Directory).
% '$lgt_change_directory'(+atom)
% changes current working directory
'$lgt_change_directory'(Directory) :-
absolute_file_name(Directory, Path),
working_directory(_, Path).
% '$lgt_make_directory'(+atom)
% makes a new directory; succeeds if the directory already exists
'$lgt_make_directory'(Directory) :-
( exists_dir(Directory) ->
; make_directory(Directory)
% '$lgt_directory_hashes'(+atom, -atom, -atom)
% returns the directory hash and dialect as an atom with the format _hash_dialect
% plus the the directory hash and PID as an atom with the format _hash_pid
'$lgt_directory_hashes'(_, HashDialect, HashPid) :-
'$lgt_prolog_feature'(prolog_dialect, Dialect),
atom_concat('_', Dialect, HashDialect).
HashPid = '_'.
% '$lgt_compile_prolog_code'(+atom, +atom, +list)
% compile to disk a Prolog file, resulting from a
% Logtalk source file, given a list of flags
'$lgt_compile_prolog_code'(File, _, Options) :-
( '$lgt_member'(wam, Options) ->
'$lgt_file_extension'(object, Extension),
atom_concat(Source, Extension, File),
atomic_list_concat(['fcompile(\'', Source, '\')'], Arg),
atom_concat(Source, '.wam', WamFile),
bg(system([lprolog, Arg, halt], _)),
; true
% '$lgt_load_prolog_code'(+atom, +atom, +list)
% compile and load a Prolog file, resulting from a
% Logtalk source file, given a list of flags
'$lgt_load_prolog_code'(File, _, _) :-
% '$lgt_load_prolog_file'(+atom)
% compile and (re)load a Prolog file (used in standards compliance tests)
'$lgt_load_prolog_file'(File) :-
% '$lgt_file_modification_time'(+atom, -nonvar)
% gets a file modification time, assumed to be an opaque term but comparable
'$lgt_file_modification_time'(File, Time) :-
new_java_object('java.io.File'(File), Object),
invoke_java_method(Object, lastModified, Time).
% '$lgt_environment_variable'(?atom, ?atom)
% access to operating-system environment variables
'$lgt_environment_variable'(Variable, Value) :-
getenv(Variable, Value).
% '$lgt_decompose_file_name'(+atom, ?atom, ?atom, ?atom)
% decomposes a file path in its components; the directory must always end
% with a slash; the extension must start with a "." when defined and must
% be the empty atom when it does not exist
'$lgt_decompose_file_name'(File, Directory, Name, Extension) :-
abs2path_file(File, Directory0, Basename),
( Directory0 = '' ->
Directory = './'
; sub_atom(Directory0, _, _, 0, '/') ->
Directory = Directory0
; atom_concat(Directory0, '/', Directory)
( sub_atom(Basename, Before, _, After, '.') ->
sub_atom(Basename, 0, Before, _, Name),
sub_atom(Basename, _, After, 0, Extension0),
atom_concat('.', Extension0, Extension)
; Name = Basename,
Extension = ''
% '$lgt_directory_files'(+atom, -list(atom))
% returns a list of files in the given directory
'$lgt_directory_files'(Directory, Files) :-
% getting stream current line number
% (needed for improved compiler error messages)
% '$lgt_stream_current_line_number'(@stream, -integer)
'$lgt_stream_current_line_number'(_, -1).
% abstraction of the standard open/4 and close/1 predicates for dealing
% with required proprietary actions when opening and closing streams
% '$lgt_open'(+atom, +atom, -stream, @list)
'$lgt_open'(File, Mode, Stream, Options) :-
open(File, Mode, Stream, Options).
% '$lgt_close'(@stream)
'$lgt_close'(Stream) :-
% customized version of the read_term/3 predicate for returning the term
% position (start and end lines; needed for improved error messages) due
% to the lack of a standard option for this purpose
% '$lgt_read_term'(@stream, -term, +list, -pair(integer,integer))
'$lgt_read_term'(Stream, Term, Options, LineBegin-LineEnd) :-
read_term(Stream, yes, Term, Variables0, LineBegin0, LineEnd),
LineBegin is LineBegin0 + 1,
'$lgt_lean_fix_variables_list'(Variables0, Variables).
% hack for the only two cases of list of options used by the compiler
'$lgt_lean_fix_variables_list'([], []).
'$lgt_lean_fix_variables_list'([Name-Variable| Variables0], [Name=Variable| Variables]) :-
'$lgt_lean_fix_variables_list'(Variables0, Variables).
% Prolog dialect specific term and goal expansion
% '$lgt_prolog_term_expansion'(@callable, -callable)
'$lgt_prolog_term_expansion'((:- index(Head)), {:- index(THead)}) :-
logtalk_load_context(entity_type, _),
'$lgt_compile_predicate_heads'(Head, _, THead, 0).
% '$lgt_prolog_goal_expansion'(@callable, -callable)
'$lgt_prolog_goal_expansion'(_, _) :-
% multi-threading predicates (dummy definitions to avoid startup warnings)
thread_property(_, _) :-
thread_self(_) :-
thread_create(_, _, _) :-
thread_join(_, _) :-
thread_detach(_) :-
thread_exit(_) :-
thread_send_message(_, _) :-
thread_peek_message(_, _) :-
thread_get_message(_, _) :-
thread_get_message(_) :-
thread_sleep(_) :-
mutex_create(_, _) :-
with_mutex(_, _) :-
mutex_lock(_) :-
mutex_unlock(_) :-
mutex_property(_, _) :-
message_queue_create(_) :-
message_queue_destroy(_) :-
% converts between Prolog stream encoding names and XML encoding names
% '$lgt_logtalk_prolog_encoding'(?atom, ?atom, +stream)
'$lgt_logtalk_prolog_encoding'('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', _).
'$lgt_logtalk_prolog_encoding'('US-ASCII', 'US-ASCII', _).
% lambda expressions support predicates
% '$lgt_copy_term_without_constraints'(@term, ?term)
'$lgt_copy_term_without_constraints'(Term, Copy) :-
copy_term(Term, Copy).
% hooks predicates for writing and asserting compiled entity terms
% '$lgt_write_compiled_term'(@stream, @callable, +atom, +atom, +integer)
% the third argument is the term type: runtime (internal runtime clause),
% user (compiled user-defined term), or aux (auxiliary clause resulting
% e.g. from term-expansion)
'$lgt_write_compiled_term'(Stream, Term, _Kind, _Path, _Line) :-
write_canonical(Stream, Term),
write(Stream, '.'), nl(Stream).
% '$lgt_assertz_entity_clause'(@clause, +atom)
'$lgt_assertz_entity_clause'(Clause, _Kind) :-
% dummy definitions just to avoid warnings at startup when using qcompile/1
abort :- throw(abort).
break :- fail.
current_module(_) :- fail.
ensure_loaded(_) :- fail.
use_module(_) :- fail.
use_module(_, _) :- fail.
asserta(_, _) :- fail.
assertz(_, _) :- fail.
clause(_, _, _) :- fail.
% index/1 directives that really don't belong on this file but we want to
% keep the Logtalk main compiler/runtime file portable
:- index('$lgt_current_protocol_'(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_current_category_'(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_current_object_'(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_entity_property_'(1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_predicate_property_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_implements_protocol_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_imports_category_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_specializes_class_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_extends_category_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_extends_object_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_extends_protocol_'(1, 1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_complemented_object_'(1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_current_flag_'(1, 0)).
:- index('$lgt_loaded_file_'(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).
% error term normalization (when exception terms don't follow the ISO
% Prolog standard)
% '$lgt_normalize_error_term'(@callable, -callable)
% message token printing
:- multifile('$logtalk#0.print_message_token#4'/5).
:- dynamic('$logtalk#0.print_message_token#4'/5).
% nasty workaround for the lack of support for stream aliases in Lean Prolog
'$logtalk#0.print_message_token#4'(user_output, Prefix, Token, Tokens, _) :-
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(Token, Tokens, Prefix, Stream).
'$logtalk#0.print_message_token#4'(user_error, Prefix, Token, Tokens, _) :-
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(Token, Tokens, Prefix, Stream).
'$logtalk#0.print_message_token#4'(Alias, Prefix, Token, Tokens, _) :-
get_alias(Stream, Alias),
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(Token, Tokens, Prefix, Stream).
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'((-), _, _, _).
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(at_same_line, _, _, _).
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(nl, Tokens, Prefix, Stream) :-
( Tokens == [] ->
; Tokens = [end(_)] ->
; nl(Stream),
write(Stream, Prefix)
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(flush, _, _, Stream) :-
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(Format-Arguments, _, _, Stream) :-
'$lgt_format'(Stream, Format, Arguments).
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(ansi(_, Format, Arguments), _, _, Stream) :-
'$lgt_format'(Stream, Format, Arguments).
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(begin(_, _), _, _, _).
'$lgt_lean_print_message_token'(end(_), _, _, _).
% term hashing (not currently used in the compiler/runtime)
% term_hash(@callable, +integer, +integer, -integer)
term_hash(_, _, _, _) :-
% atomics concat (not currently used in the compiler/runtime)
% atomic_concat(+atomic, +atomic, ?atom)
atomic_concat(Atomic1, Atomic2, Atom) :-
( var(Atomic1) ->
throw(error(instantiation_error, atomic_concat/3))
; var(Atomic2) ->
throw(error(instantiation_error, atomic_concat/3))
; \+ atomic(Atomic1) ->
throw(error(type_error(atomic, Atomic1), atomic_concat/3))
; \+ atomic(Atomic2) ->
throw(error(type_error(atomic, Atomic2), atomic_concat/3))
; '$lgt_lean_atomic_atom'(Atomic1, Atom1),
'$lgt_lean_atomic_atom'(Atomic2, Atom2),
atom_concat(Atom1, Atom2, Atom)
'$lgt_lean_atomic_atom'(Atomic, Atom) :-
( atom(Atomic) ->
Atom = Atomic
; number_chars(Atomic, Chars),
atom_chars(Atom, Chars)
% atomic_list_concat(@list(atomic), ?atom)
atomic_list_concat([Atomic| Atomics], Atom) :-
( var(Atomic) ->
throw(error(instantiation_error, atomic_list_concat/2))
; \+ atomic(Atomic) ->
throw(error(type_error(atomic, Atomic), atomic_list_concat/2))
; '$lgt_lean_atomic_atom'(Atomic, Atom0),
'$lgt_lean_atomic_list_concat'(Atomics, Atom0, Atom)
atomic_list_concat([], '').
'$lgt_lean_atomic_list_concat'([Next| Atomics], Atom0, Atom) :-
atomic_list_concat([Next| Atomics], Atom1),
atom_concat(Atom0, Atom1, Atom).
'$lgt_lean_atomic_list_concat'([], Atom, Atom).
% atomic_list_concat(@list(atomic), +atom, ?atom)
atomic_list_concat([Atomic| Atomics], Separator, Atom) :-
( var(Atomic) ->
throw(error(instantiation_error, atomic_list_concat/3))
; var(Separator) ->
throw(error(instantiation_error, atomic_list_concat/3))
; \+ atomic(Atomic) ->
throw(error(type_error(atomic, Atomic), atomic_list_concat/3))
; \+ atomic(Separator) ->
throw(error(type_error(atomic, Separator), atomic_list_concat/3))
; '$lgt_lean_atomic_atom'(Atomic, Atom0),
'$lgt_lean_atomic_atom'(Separator, SeparatorAtom),
'$lgt_lean_atomic_list_concat'(Atomics, Atom0, SeparatorAtom, Atom)
atomic_list_concat([], _, '').
'$lgt_lean_atomic_list_concat'([Next| Atomics], Atom0, SeparatorAtom, Atom) :-
atomic_list_concat([Next| Atomics], SeparatorAtom, Atom2),
atom_concat(SeparatorAtom, Atom2, Atom1),
atom_concat(Atom0, Atom1, Atom).
'$lgt_lean_atomic_list_concat'([], Atom, _, Atom).
% string built-in type
% define these predicates to trivially fail if no string type is available
% '$lgt_string'(@term)
'$lgt_string'(_) :-
% '$lgt_string_codes'(+string, -list(codes))
% '$lgt_string_codes'(-string, +list(codes))
'$lgt_string_codes'(_, _) :-
% module qualification to be used when calling Prolog meta-predicates
% with meta-arguments that are calls to object or category predicates
% '$lgt_user_module_qualification'(@callable, -callable)
'$lgt_user_module_qualification'(Goal, Goal).
% auxiliary predicates for compiling modules as objects
% '$lgt_find_module_predicate'(+atom, -atom, @callable)
% succeeds when Module:Predicate is visible in module Current
'$lgt_find_visible_module_predicate'(_Current, _Module, _Predicate) :-
% '$lgt_current_module_predicate'(+atom, +predicate_indicator)
% succeeds when Module defines Predicate
'$lgt_current_module_predicate'(_Module, _Predicate) :-
% shortcuts to the Logtalk built-in predicates logtalk_load/1 and
% logtalk_make/1
% defined in the adapter files to make it easier to comment them out in case
% of conflict with some Prolog native feature; they require conformance with
% the ISO Prolog standard regarding the definition of the {}/1 syntax
{X} :-
throw(error(instantiation_error, logtalk({X}, _))).
{*} :-
{!} :-
{(?)} :-
{@} :-
{'#'} :-
{+d} :-
{+n} :-
{+o} :-
{$} :-
{Files} :-
'$lgt_conjunction_to_list'(Files, List),
% end!