/** mtx_columns_collapse( +MtxIn, +Cids, +Cnm, +RowGoal, +Pos, -Mtx ). Collapse a number of columns into a single column.
MtxIn is the input matrix, Cids are the column identifiers for the columns to be collapsed,
Cnm is the column name of the new, collapsed column, Pos is the position of the new column
and Mtx is the new matrix. == ?- assert( ( or_gate(List,And) :- sum_list(List,Sum), ( Sum > 0 -> And is 1; And is 0)) ). ?- Mtx = [r(a,b1,b2,c),r(0,1,0,1),r(0,0,1,0),r(1,0,0,1),r(1,1,1,0)], mtx_columns_collapse( Mtx, [b1,b2], b, or_gate, 2, OutMtx ). Mtx = ... OutMtx = [r(a, b, c), r(0, 0, 1), r(0, 0, 0), r(1, 0, 1), r(1, 1, 0)]. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2018/04/27 */ mtx_columns_collapse( MtxIn, Cids, Cid, RowGoal, Pos, Mtx ) :- mtx_header_body( MtxIn, Hdr, Rows ), maplist( mtx_header_column_name_pos(Hdr), Cids, _Nms, Cpss ), % maplist( mtx_header_column_pos_nest(Hdr), Cids, _Cnms, Cpss ), mtx_columns_collapse_rows( Rows, Cpss, RowGoal, Vals, RedRows ), arg( Cpss, Hdr, _, RedHdr ), mtx_column_add( [RedHdr|RedRows], Pos, [Cid|Vals], Mtx ). mtx_columns_collapse_rows( [], _Poss, _Goal, [], [] ). mtx_columns_collapse_rows( [R|Rs], Poss, Goal, [Val|Vals], [RedR|RedRs] ) :- arg( Poss, R, RowSelVals, RedR ), call( Goal, RowSelVals, Val ), mtx_columns_collapse_rows( Rs, Poss, Goal, Vals, RedRs ).