%%% NLP in NAL example, Step 2 %%% :- ['nal.pl']. % Derived sentence 4 represent([rpb(Cs), 'eat', 'fish'], inheritance(product([Cs, fish]), food), [1, 0.45]). % Derived sentence 5 represent(['cat', 'eat', rpb(Co)], inheritance(product([cat, Co]), food), [1, 0.45]). % Derived sentence 6 represent([rpb(Cs), 'eat', rpb(Co)], inheritance(product([Cs, Co]), food), [1, 0.29]). % Given sentence 7 represent(['dog'], dog, [1, 0.9]). % Given sentence 8 represent(['meat'], meat, [1, 0.9]). % Supplementary deduction rules represent([Ws, Wr, Wo], inheritance(product([Cs, Co]), Cr), V) :- represent([Ws], Cs, V1), represent([rpb(X), Wr, Wo], inheritance(product([X, Co]), Cr), V2), f_ded(V1, V2, V). represent([Ws, Wr, Wo], inheritance(product([Cs, Co]), Cr), V) :- represent([Wo], Co, V1), represent([Ws, Wr, rpb(X)], inheritance(product([Cs, X]), Cr), V2), f_ded(V1, V2, V). % To show the results, type "represent(['dog', 'eat', X], Y, V)."