:- use_module(library(openapi)). :- openapi_client('petstore.yaml', []). %! listPets(-Response, +Options) is det. % % List all pets % % @arg Response Pets % An paged array of pets % @arg Options % - limit(+int32) % How many items to return at one time (max 100) %! createPets(+RequestBody, -Response) is det. % % Create a pet % % @arg RequestBody Pets % Pet to add to the store % @arg Response - % Null response %! showPetById(+PetId, -Response) is det. % % Info for a specific pet % % @arg PetId string % The id of the pet to retrieve % @arg Response Pets % Expected response to a valid request fill_db :- read_file_to_terms('pets.db', Terms, []), foldl(add_pet, Terms, 1, _). add_pet(pet(Name, _Sort, _Gender), N, N2) :- N2 is N + 1, createPets([_{id:N, name:Name}], _). fill(N) :- forall(between(1, N, Id), ( atom_concat('Bello_', Id, Name), createPets([_{id:Id, name:Name}], _) )).