1:- module(naot, [prop_to_naot/2, prop_to_naot/3,
2 subst_aot/4,
3 eval_ground_aot/2]). 4
5 :- op(1060, xfy, ~). 6 :- op(1060, xfy, <->). 7 :- op(1060, xfy, <=> ). 8 :- op(1040, xfy, \/). 9 :- op(1030, xfy, /\). 10 :- op(1020, fy, \). 11
12 15
23 27zip([], [], []).
28zip([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [X-Y|Zs]):-zip(Xs, Ys, Zs).
31meet([X|R], S):- (memberchk(X, S)->true
32 ; meet(R, S)
33 ).
35negation(true, false).
36negation(false, true).
38complement_literal(not(I), I).
39complement_literal(I, not(I)).
41no_complement(X):- \+ has_complement(X).
43has_complement([X|R]):- complement_literal(X, X0),
44 memberchk(X0, R), !.
45has_complement([_|R]):- has_complement(R).
50literal(not(X)):- must_be(integer, X).
51literal(X):- integer(X).
55 sort(A1,B1),sort(A2,B2),sort(A3,B3).
57 sort(A1,B1),sort(A2,B2),sort(A3,B3).
60make_aot(X, Y):- once(make_aot(X, Y, root)).
62make_aot(and(X,Y), Z, _):-
63 once(make_aot(X, X0, and)),
64 once(make_aot(Y, Y0, and)),
65 once(make_and_node(X0, Y0, Z)).
66make_aot(or(X,Y), Z, _):-
67 once(make_aot(X, X0, or)),
68 once(make_aot(Y, Y0, or)),
69 once(make_or_node(X0, Y0, Z)).
70make_aot(not(X), Y, SW):-
71 ( SW = and -> Y= c([],[X],[])
72 ; SW = or -> Y= d([],[X],[])
73 ; Y = not(X)
74 ).
75make_aot(X, Y, SW):- integer(X), !,
76 ( SW = and -> Y= c([X],[],[])
77 ; SW = or -> Y= d([X],[],[])
78 ; Y = X
79 ).
80make_aot(X, X, _).
83make_and_node(true, X, X).
84make_and_node(false, _, false).
85make_and_node(X, true, X).
86make_and_node(_, false, false).
87make_and_node(c(A1,A2,A3), c(B1, B2, B3), c(C1,C2,C3)):-
88 union(A1,B1,C1),
89 union(A2,B2,C2),
90 union(A3,B3,C3).
91make_and_node(c(A1,A2,A3), D, c(A1, A2, [D|A3])):-
92 D=d(_,_,_).
93make_and_node(D, c(A1,A2,A3), c(A1, A2, [D|A3])):-
94 D=d(_,_,_).
95make_and_node(X, Y, c([], [], [X, Y])):-
96 X=d(_,_,_), Y=d(_,_,_).
99make_or_node(true, _, true).
100make_or_node(false, X, X).
101make_or_node(_, true, true).
102make_or_node(X, false, X).
103make_or_node(d(A1,A2,A3), d(B1, B2, B3), d(C1,C2,C3)):-
104 union(A1,B1,C1),
105 union(A2,B2,C2),
106 union(A3,B3,C3).
107make_or_node(d(A1,A2,A3), C, d(A1,A2,[C|A3])):-
108 C=c(_,_,_).
109make_or_node(C, d(A1,A2,A3), d(A1,A2,[C|A3])):-
110 C=c(_,_,_).
111make_or_node(A, B, d([], [],[A, B])):-
112 A=c(_,_,_), B=c(_,_,_).
143prop_to_naot(X, Y):- once(prop_to_aot(X, Z, _Zip)),
144 once(reduce_aot(Z, Y, a([],[]))).
146prop_to_naot(X, Y, Zip):- once(prop_to_aot(X, Z, Zip)),
147 once(reduce_aot(Z, Y, a([],[]))).
150reduce_literal(true, true, _).
151reduce_literal(false, false, _).
152reduce_literal(not(X), Y, Anc):- !, Anc=a(P, N),
153 ( memberchk(X, P)-> Y = false
154 ; memberchk(X, N)-> Y = true
155 ; Y = c([],[X],[])
156 ).
157reduce_literal(X, Y, Anc):- Anc=a(P, N),
158 ( memberchk(X, P)-> Y = true
159 ; memberchk(X, N)-> Y = false
160 ; Y = c([X],[],[])
161 ).
164reduce_aot(X, Y, Anc):- literal(X), !, reduce_literal(X, Y, Anc).
165reduce_aot(c(A1,A2,_), false, _):- meet(A1, A2), !.
166reduce_aot(c(A1,A2,_), false, a(P,N)):- (meet(A1, N); meet(A2, P)), !.
167reduce_aot(d(A1,A2,_), true, _):- meet(A1, A2), !.
168reduce_aot(d(A1,A2,_), true, a(P,N)):- (meet(A1, P); meet(A2, N)), !.
169reduce_aot(c(A1,A2,A3), B, a(P,N)):- subtract(A1, P, B1),
170 subtract(A2, N, B2),
171 union(B1, P, P0),
172 union(B2, N, N0),
173 sort(A3, B3),
174 reduce_aot_conj(B3, c(B1, B2,[]), B0, a(P0,N0)),
175 reduce_singleton(B0, B).
177reduce_aot(d(A1,A2,A3), B, a(P,N)):- subtract(A1, N, B1),
178 subtract(A2, P, B2),
179 sort(A3, B3),
180 reduce_aot_disj(B3, d(B1, B2,[]), B0, a(P, N)),
181 reduce_singleton(B0, B).
183reduce_singleton(d([], [], []), false).
184reduce_singleton(d([], [], [X]), Y):- reduce_singleton(X, Y).
185reduce_singleton(c([], [], []), true).
186reduce_singleton(c([], [], [X]), Y):- reduce_singleton(X, Y).
187reduce_singleton(d(A1,A2,_), true):- meet(A1, A2), !.
188reduce_singleton(d(A1,A2,A3), R):- select(d(B1,B2,B3), A3, A4), !,
189 union(A1, B1, C1),
190 union(A2, B2, C2),
191 union(B3, A4, A5),
192 reduce_singleton(d(C1, C2, A5), R).
193reduce_singleton(c(A1,A2,_), false):- meet(A1, A2), !.
194reduce_singleton(c(A1,A2,A3), R):- select(c(B1,B2,B3), A3, A4), !,
195 union(A1, B1, C1),
196 union(A2, B2, C2),
197 union(B3, A4, A5),
198 reduce_singleton(c(C1, C2, A5), R).
199reduce_singleton(c(A1,A2,[d([X],[],[])]),c([X|A1], A2, [])).
200reduce_singleton(c(A1,A2,[d([],[X],[])]),c(A1, [X|A2], [])).
201reduce_singleton(c(A1,A2,[d([],[],[X])]),R):- !,
202 reduce_singleton(c(A1, A2, [X]), R).
203reduce_singleton(d(A1,A2,[c([X],[],[])]),d([X|A1], A2, [])).
204reduce_singleton(d(A1,A2,[c([],[X],[])]),d(A1, [X|A2], [])).
205reduce_singleton(d(A1,A2,[c([],[],[X])]),R):- !,
206 reduce_singleton(d(A1, A2, [X]), R).
207reduce_singleton(X, X).
210push_aot_disj(d(A1,A2,A3), d(B1,B2,B3), d(C1,C2,C3)):-
211 union(A1,B1,C1),
212 union(A2,B2,C2),
213 union(A3,B3,C3).
214push_aot_disj(A, d(B1,B2,B3), d(B1,B2,[A|B3])).
216reduce_aot_disj([], X, Y, _):-sort_aot(X, Y).
217reduce_aot_disj([A|As], X, Y, Anc):- reduce_aot(A, A0, Anc),
218 ( A0=false -> reduce_aot_disj(As, X, Y, Anc)
219 ; A0=true -> Y=true
220 ; push_aot_disj(A0, X, X0),
221 reduce_aot_disj(As, X0, Y, Anc)
222 ).
224push_aot_conj(c(A1,A2,A3), c(B1,B2,B3), c(C1,C2,C3)):-
225 union(A1,B1,C1),
226 union(A2,B2,C2),
227 union(A3,B3,C3).
228push_aot_conj(A, c(B1,B2,B3), c(B1,B2,[A|B3])).
231reduce_aot_conj([], X, Y, _):- sort_aot(X, Y).
232reduce_aot_conj([A|As], X, Y, Anc):- reduce_aot(A, A0, Anc),
233 ( A0=true -> reduce_aot_conj(As, X, Y, Anc)
234 ; A0=false -> Y=false
235 ; push_aot_conj(A0, X, X0),
236 reduce_aot_conj(As, X0, Y, Anc)
237 ).
253subst_aot(true, true, _, _).
254subst_aot(false, false, _,_).
255subst_aot(c(X, Y, Z), U, I, V):-
256 subst_aot_c_p(X, X0, I, V),
257 ( X0 = false -> U=false
258 ; subst_aot_c_n(Y, Y0, I, V),
259 ( Y0 =false -> U=false
260 ; subst_aot_list_c(Z, Z0, I, V),
261 ( Z0=false -> U = false
262 ; X0=[], Y0=[], Z0=[] -> U = true
263 ; U=c(X0,Y0,Z0)
264 )
265 )
266 ).
267subst_aot(d(X,Y,Z), U, I, V):-
268 subst_aot_d_p(X, X0, I, V),
269 ( X0= true -> U=true
270 ; subst_aot_d_n(Y, Y0, I, V),
271 ( Y0=true -> U=true
272 ; subst_aot_list_d(Z, Z0, I, V),
273 ( Z0=true -> U = true
274 ; X0=[], Y0=[], Z0=[] -> U = false
275 ; U=d(X0,Y0,Z0)
276 )
277 )
278 ).
281subst_aot_c_p(Xs, Ys, X, V):- select(X, Xs, Zs), !,
282 ( V = false -> Ys =false
283 ; Ys = Zs
284 ).
285subst_aot_c_p(Xs, Xs, _, _).
287subst_aot_c_n(Xs, Ys, X, V):- select(X, Xs, Zs), !,
288 ( V = true -> Ys =false
289 ; Ys = Zs
290 ).
291subst_aot_c_n(Xs, Xs, _, _).
293subst_aot_d_p(Xs, Ys, X, V):- select(X, Xs, Zs), !,
294 ( V = true -> Ys =true
295 ; Ys = Zs
296 ).
297subst_aot_d_p(Xs, Xs, _, _).
299subst_aot_d_n(Xs, Ys, X, V):- select(X, Xs, Zs), !,
300 ( V = false -> Ys =true
301 ; Ys = Zs
302 ).
303subst_aot_d_n(Xs, Xs, _, _).
305subst_aot_list_c(Ms, R, X, V):- subst_aot_list_c(Ms, Ns, Ball, X, V),
306 ( var(Ball) -> R=Ns
307 ; R=Ball
308 ).
310subst_aot_list_c([], [], _, _, _).
311subst_aot_list_c([M|Ms], Ps, Ball, X, V):- subst_aot(M, N, X, V),
312 ( N = true -> subst_aot_list_c(Ms, Ps, Ball, X, V)
313 ; N = false -> Ball = false
314 ; Ps=[N|Ns],
315 subst_aot_list_c(Ms, Ns, Ball, X, V)
316 ).
318subst_aot_list_d(Ms, R, X, V):- subst_aot_list_d(Ms, Ns, Ball, X, V),
319 ( var(Ball) -> R=Ns
320 ; R=Ball
321 ).
323subst_aot_list_d([], [], _, _, _).
324subst_aot_list_d([M|Ms], Ps, Ball, X, V):- subst_aot(M, N, X, V),
325 ( N = false -> subst_aot_list_d(Ms, Ps, Ball, X, V)
326 ; N = true -> Ball = true
327 ; Ps = [N|Ns],
328 subst_aot_list_d(Ms, Ns, Ball, X, V)
329 ).
331prop_to_aot(X,Y):- prop_to_aot(X,Y,_).
334prop_to_aot(X, Y, Zip):- var_to_int(X, IX, Zip),
335 once(expand_macro(IX, X0)),
336 once(demorgan(X0, X1)),
337 once(make_aot(X1, Y)).
340var_to_int(X, Y, Zip):- term_variables(X, Vs),
341 copy_term((Vs,X), (Us,Y)),
342 numlist(1, Us),
343 zip(Us, Vs, Zip).
345numlist(_, []).
346numlist(N, [N|R]):- succ(N, N0), numlist(N0, R).
349eval_ground_aot(true, true).
350eval_ground_aot(false, false).
351eval_ground_aot(c(P,N,L), R):-
352 ( ( memberchk(false, P)
353 ; memberchk(false, N)
354 ; member(M, L),
355 eval_ground_aot(M, R0),
356 R0 = false
357 ) -> R = false
358 ; R = true
359 ).
360eval_ground_aot(d(P,N,L), R):-
361 ( ( memberchk(true, P)
362 ; memberchk(true, N)
363 ; member(M, L),
364 eval_ground_aot(M, R0),
365 R0 = true
366 ) -> R = true
367 ; R = false
368 ).
377macro(\+(X), not(X)).
378macro(\(X), not(X)).
379macro(X\=Y, not(X=Y)).
380macro((X,Y), and(X,Y)).
381macro(/\(X, Y), and(X,Y)).
382macro(X*Y, and(X,Y)).
383macro((X;Y), or(X,Y)).
384macro(\/(X,Y), or(X,Y)).
385macro(X+Y, or(X,Y)).
386macro(X->Y, or(not(X), and(X,Y))).
387macro(X=Y, and(X->Y, Y->X)).
388macro(X<->Y, X=Y).
389macro(X<=>Y, X=Y).
390macro(X~Y, X=Y).
391macro(++(X,Y), not(X=Y)).
392macro(exor(X, Y), not(X=Y)).
393macro(nand(X, Y), not(and(X,Y))).
396expand_macro(X, X):- integer(X), !.
397expand_macro(X, Y):- macro(X, X0), !,
398 expand_macro(X0, Y).
399expand_macro(A, B):- A=..[F|As],
400 maplist(expand_macro, As, Bs),
401 B=..[F|Bs].
404demorgan(and(X, Y), and(X0, Y0)):- demorgan(X, X0),
405 demorgan(Y, Y0).
406demorgan(or(X, Y), or(X0, Y0)):- demorgan(X, X0),
407 demorgan(Y, Y0).
409demorgan(not(not(X)), Y):- demorgan(X, Y).
410demorgan(not(and(X, Y)), or(X0, Y0)):- demorgan(not(X), X0),
411 demorgan(not(Y), Y0).
412demorgan(not(or(X,Y)), and(X0, Y0)):- demorgan(not(X), X0),
413 demorgan(not(Y), Y0).
414demorgan(not(true), false).
415demorgan(not(false), true).
416demorgan(X, X).
419 425
426matrix(N, M):- length(M, N), maplist(col(N), M).
428col(N, L):- length(L, N).
430problem(N, P):- matrix(N, M), constraint(M, P).
432inner_product([X], [Y], X*Y).
433inner_product([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], X*Y + Z):- inner_product(Xs, Ys, Z).
436constraint([V], E=true):- inner_product(V, V, E).
437constraint([V|Vs], (E=true)*C*D):- inner_product(V, V, E),
438 constraint(Vs, D),
439 inner_constraint_one(V, Vs, C).
441inner_constraint_one(V, [U], C=false):- inner_product(V, U, C).
442inner_constraint_one(V, [U|Us], (C=false)*D):-
443 inner_product(V, U, C),
444 inner_constraint_one(V, Us, D)