1:- module(ejockey, []). 2 3:- use_module(pac(basic)). 4:- use_module(pac(reduce)). 5:- use_module(pac(meta)). 6:- use_module(pac('pac-listing')). 7:- use_module(util(misc)). 8:- use_module(util('work-command')). 9:- use_module(util(snippets)). 10:- use_module(util('term-string')). 11:- use_module(util(file)). 12:- use_module(util('prolog-elisp')). 13:- use_module(util('emacs-handler')). 14:- use_module(util('swap-args')). 15:- use_module(util(tex)). 16:- use_module(util(obj)). 17:- use_module(pac(op)). 18:- use_module(zdd('zdd-array')). 19 20:- op(1200, xfx, -->>). 21 22jisui_archives("/Users/cantor/Dropbox/jisui_archives"). 23 24:- discontiguous handle/3. % [2016/01/28] 25 26term_expansion --> pac:expand_pac.
33% ?- nb_setval(paragraph_width, 3). 34 35% for exampe, the region of this content 36% a 37% b c 38% d e t 39 40% ==> is filled as this: 41% a b 42% c d 43% e t 44 45handle([fill, paragraph]) --> region, 46 current(X), 47 { words(Words, [], X, []), 48 maplist(string_codes, SWords, Words), 49 ( nb_current(paragraph_width, Width)->true 50 ; Width = 10 51 ), 52 fill_paragraph(Width, P, [], SWords) 53 }, 54 peek(P), 55 maplist(insert(" ")), 56 insert("\n"), 57 overwrite. 58 59% ?- fill_string_paragraph(5, "a b c d", P). 60%@ P = [["a", "b", "c"], ["d"]]. 61% ?- fill_string_paragraph(5, "a\t\t\r\n b\n c\n d\n", P). 62%@ P = [["a", "b", "c"], ["d"]]. 63 64fill_string_paragraph(K, X, P):- string_codes(X, Y), 65 words(Words_in_codes, [], Y, []), 66 maplist(string_codes, Words_in_string, Words_in_codes), 67 fill_paragraph(K, P, [], Words_in_string). 68 69% ?-words(X, [], `abc`, []), maplist(flip(string_codes), X, R). 70% ?-words(X, [], `\t\t`,[]), maplist(flip(string_codes), X, R). 71% ?-words(X, [], ` ab c\td \n`,[]), maplist(flip(string_codes), X, R). 72 73words([X|Y], Z) --> wl("[^\s\t\n\r]+", X, []), !, words(Y, Z). 74words(X, Y) --> wl("[\s\t\n\r]+"), !, words(X, Y). 75words(X, X) --> []. 76 77% ?- fill_paragraph(3, P, [], [a,a,a,a,a,a,a]). 78 79fill_paragraph(_, P, P, []):-!. 80fill_paragraph(W, P, Q, R):- 81 fill_line(W, W, P, U, R, U), 82 fill_paragraph(W, U, Q, U). 83 84% ?- fill_line(5, 5, X, [], [a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a], R). 85% ?- fill_line(5, 5, X, [], [a, a, a, a, a, a], R). 86% ?- fill_line(1, 1, X, [], [a, a, a], R). 87% ?- fill_line(10, 10, X, [], [ab, cd, e, f, ghi, a, a, a, a], R). 88% ?- fill_line(10, 10, X, [], [ab], R). 89 90fill_line(W, W, X, X, [], []):-!. 91fill_line(_, _, [[]|X], X, [], []):-!. 92fill_line(Width, K, X, Y, [Word|U], V):- 93 insert_word_at_end(Width, K, K0, X, Z, Word), 94 fill_line(Width, K0, Z, Y, U, V). 95 96% 97insert_word_at_end(Width, K, K0, X, Y, Word):-!, 98 string_length(Word, A), 99 compare(C, A, K), 100 ( C = (=) -> 101 X = [[Word]|Y], 102 K0 = Width 103 ; C = (<) -> 104 X = [[Word|P]|X0], 105 Y = [P|X0], 106 K0 is K-(A + 1) 107 ; Width =< A -> 108 X = [[]|[[Word]|Y]], 109 K0 is Width 110 ; X = [[],[Word|P] | Q], 111 Y = [P|Q], 112 K0 is Width -(A + 1) 113 ).
codes_to_strings("\n", `ab\ncd\nef`, X)
?- codes_to_strings("\n", `ab\ncd\n\nef`, X)
?- A = `ab\ncd\n\nef`, codes_to_strings("\n", A, X)
insert("\n", X, Y)
, smash_string(Y, Z)
, string_codes(Z, Z0)
, Z0=A.
123codes_to_strings(Delim, X, Y):-
124 string_codes(X0, X),
125 atomics_to_string(Y, Delim, X0).
f(k, ...)
" if
f is in As and X = "f(...)
" where k is the current
value of global variable f, which is bumbed.
Otherwise Y = X.
133numbering(As, X, Y):-
134 maplist(pred([A, A-A0]:-string_concat(A, "(", A0)), As, Bs),
135 ( member(A-A0, Bs),
136 string_concat(A0, Z, X) ->
137 nb_getval(A, C),
138 C0 is C+1,
139 nb_setval(A, C0),
140 atomics_to_string([A0, C0, " ,", Z], Y)
141 ; Y = X
142 ).
" if
f is in As and X = "f(_, ...)
" where k is the current
value of global variable f, which is bumbed.
Otherwise Y = X.151% ?- nb_setval(abc, 0), 152% renumbering([abc], "", Y), 153% renumbering([abc], "uvw(x)", Z), 154% renumbering([abc], "abc(2, U)", U). 155%@ Y = "", 156%@ Z = "uvw(x)", 157%@ U = ["abc(1,U)", "."]. 158 159renumbering(As, X, Y) :- 160 ( member(A, As), 161 string_concat(A, R, X), 162 string_concat("(", _, R) -> 163 nb_getval(A, C), 164 C0 is C + 1, 165 nb_setval(A, C0), 166 term_string(Z, X, 167 [ module(fol_prover), 168 variable_names(E)]), 169 Z =.. [_, _|U], 170 Y0 =..[A, C0|U], 171 maplist(call, E), 172 term_string(Y0, Y1, 173 [ module(fol_prover), 174 quoted(false)]), 175 Y = [Y1,"."] 176 ; Y = X 177 ). 178 179/* consider C-<return> as setup for (re)numbering terms. 180?- nb_setval(fs, [valid_formula, invalid_formula, unsatisfiable_formula]). 181?- nb_getval(fs, X). 182*/ 183 184% ?- append([a,b],[c,d], []). 185% ?- X=1, 186% Y=2, 187% Z = 3.
193handle([numbering, terms])--> region,
194 { nb_getval(fs, Fs),
195 forall(member(F, Fs), nb_setval(F, 0)) },
196 codes_to_strings("\n"),
197 maplist(numbering(Fs)),
198 insert("\n"),
199 overwrite.
205handle([renumbering, terms])--> region, 206 { nb_getval(fs, Fs), 207 forall(member(F, Fs), nb_setval(F, 0)) }, 208 codes_to_strings("\n"), 209 maplist(renumbering(Fs)), 210 insert("\n"), 211 overwrite. 212 213handle([renumbering, terms, buffer])--> mark_whole_buffer, 214 handle([renumbering, terms]). 215 216 217 /*********************** 218 * Emacs Handler * 219 ***********************/ 220% 221handle([halt]) --> {halt}. 222% 223handle([count, paragraph]) -->region, 224 paragraph, 225 remove([]), 226 length, 227 fsnumber_codes. 228 229 /************************* 230 * sed-like usage. * 231 *************************/ 232 233% Example. 234% wl("(..)") >> ["hello"] 235% abcd 236 237% Example. 238% (w(".*", A), wl("b+")) >> pred(A, [A]) 239% aaabbcccbdddbeee 240 241handle([sed|Optional]) --> region, 242 phrase((wl("[^\n]*", SedCommandText), wl("\n+"))), 243 { herbrand(_, SedCommandText, SedPhrase), 244 let_sed(Sed, SedPhrase) 245 }, 246 call(Sed), 247 optional_overwrite(Optional).
nb_setval(sed, S)
, where S is the sed phrase,
which is converted from the region.
252handle([let, sed, Global]) --> region, current(Region),
253 { herbrand(_, Region, SedPhrase),
254 let_sed(Sed, SedPhrase),
255 nb_setval(Global, Sed)
256 },
257 clear.
264handle([apply, sed, S|Optional]) --> region, 265 { nb_getval(S, Sed) }, 266 call(Sed), 267 optional_overwrite(Optional). 268% 269handle([one, line]) --> region, 270 sed(wl("[\n\s\t]+") >> "\s"). 271% 272handle([pldoc, action]) --> 273 region, 274 split, 275 maplist(insert_plus_action), 276 insert("\n"), 277 overwrite. 278 279 280handle([prove])--> region, 281 split, 282 remove([]), 283 maplist(pred(([X, Y-S]:- string_codes(S, X), 284 term_string(Z, S, [module(fol_prover)]), 285 arg(1, Z, Y) 286 ))), 287 maplist(pred([F-S, [S, Out, "\n"]]:- fol_prover:prove(F, Out))). 288 289 290handle([free, variant])--> region, % get region in codes. 291 split, % split by `\n` 292 remove([]), % remove empty lines. 293 maplist(pred(([X, Y-S]:- string_codes(S, X), % parse each line as a term. 294 term_string(Y, S, [module(fol_prover)])))), 295 peek(Terms, []), % get current contents, and put [] as a inital value. 296 add_non_variant(Terms), % remove terms so that no variant pairs there. 297 maplist(pred([_-S, [S,"\n"]])), % put orginal terms with new line code at end. 298 reverse, 299 overwrite. % replace the input region with the slimmed result. 300 301% ?- add_non_variant([A-1, B-2, A-1], [], R). % note that A is a variant of B. 302% ?- add_non_variant([f(A)-1, g(B)-2, f(A)-2], [], R). 303 304add_non_variant([], X, X). 305add_non_variant([P|U], X, Y):- add_non_variant_one(P, X, Z), 306 add_non_variant(U, Z, Y). 307% 308add_non_variant_one(A-B, X, Y):- 309 ( member(C-_, X), variant(A, C) -> Y = X 310 ; Y = [A-B|X] 311 ). 312% 313insert_plus_action --> "%c", w("[\s\t]*"), 314 "handle(", 315 peek(X, ["%%\thandle(+Action:", X]). 316insert_plus_action --> [].
323handle([meta, handle]) --> region,
324 handle_parse_eval(_, _),
325 peek(R, ["===>\n", R]).
handle([meta, handle])
.330handle([meta, handle, overwrite]) --> region, 331 handle_parse_eval(Tag_codes, _), 332 peek(R, [Tag_codes,".\n", R]), 333 overwrite. 334 335handle_parse_eval(Tag, Rest, X, Y) :- 336 append(Tag, [0'., 0'\n | Rest], X), !, 337 string_codes(S, Tag), 338 term_string(H, S), 339 expand_arg(H, [], H0, Aux, []), 340 maplist(assert, Aux), 341 meta_handle(H0, ejockey, modify_handle, [Rest, Y]). 342% 343modify_handle(overwrite(X, X), _, [], true). 344modify_handle(overwrite, _, [X, X], true). 345modify_handle(handle(U), M, [X, Y], BodyH):- 346 clause(M:handle(U, X, Y), BodyH), 347 !. 348modify_handle(handle(U, X, Y), M, [], BodyH):- 349 clause(M:handle(U, X, Y), BodyH), 350 !. 351 352% handle([remove, double, slash, entry]) is det. 353% remove all lines which has a gingle "//" at end. 354handle([remove, double, slash, lines])--> region, 355 split, 356 remove_double_slash_lines, 357 insert("\n"), 358 overwrite. 359 360% ?- double_slash_line(`abc // `, []). 361% ?- double_slash_line(`abc /// `, []). 362check_double_slash--> wl("[^/]*//"), wl("[\t\n\s]*"). 363% 364remove_double_slash_lines([], []). 365remove_double_slash_lines([X|Xs], Ys):- 366 check_double_slash(X,[]), 367 !, 368 remove_double_slash_lines(Xs, Ys). 369remove_double_slash_lines([X|Xs], [X|Ys]):- 370 remove_double_slash_lines(Xs, Ys).
375handle([load, buffer]) --> 376 { load_buffer(Name), 377 message([Name, " reconsulted."])}. 378 379load_buffer(Y) :- 380 lisp(list('default-directory', 'buffer-name'()), [X, Y]), 381 atomics_to_string([X, /, Y], Z), 382 ( exists_file(Z) -> Z0 = Z 383 ; sub_string(Z, _, _, 1, ">"), 384 sub_string(Z, J, 1, _, "<"), 385 sub_string(Z, 0, J, _, Z0) 386 ), 387 load_files([Z0]). 388 389handle([wrap])-->region, 390 split, 391 remove([]), 392 flip(cons(PredName)), 393 maplist(pred(PredName, [A, [PredName, "(", A, ")."]])), 394 insert("\n"), 395 overwrite. 396% 397handle([collect, functors]) --> region, 398 swap_args:elem_list(X, []), 399 { swap_args:collect_functors(X, Y, []), 400 sort(Y, Y0), 401 insert(",\n", Y0, Y1) 402 }, 403 peek(["[", Y1, "]"]). 404% 405handle([set, functors, list]) --> region, 406 herbrand, 407 current(Sgn_list), 408 { nb_setval(functors_list, Sgn_list) }, 409 peek("*functors_list set*\n"). 410 411% 412handle([insert, last, arg]) --> region, 413 { nb_getval(functors_list, Sgn), 414 ( nb_current(arg_name, Arg), Arg \== [] -> true 415 ; Arg = "State" 416 ), 417 string_concat(" ", Arg, Arg0) 418 }, 419 swap_args:elem_list(X, []), 420 peek(X), 421 swap_args:edit_elem_list(swap_args:insert_last_arg, Sgn, Arg0), 422 overwrite. 423% 424handle([set, string, V]) --> line, 425 flip(string_codes), 426 current(String), 427 { call_lisp(setq(V, String), noreply)}, 428 clear. 429 430% 431handle([get, string, X]) --> 432 { call_lisp(X, string(Y)) }, % string(t) => ".." 433 peek(Y). 434 435% ?- trim_line_string(` ab c \n `, X). 436expand_tilda(X, Y):- expand_file_name(X, [Y|_]).
441handle([remove, comment]) --> region, 442 remove_comment, 443 overwrite. 444 445handle([luatex])--> region, 446 current(R), 447 peek([]), 448 { 449 expand_tilda("~/tmp/deldel.tex", TeXFile), 450 expand_tilda("~/tmp/preamble.tex", Preamble), 451 Fs= [text("\\RequirePackage{luatex85}\n"), 452 text("\\documentclass{ltjsarticle}\n"), 453 text("\\usepackage[hiragino-pron,jis2004]{luatexja-preset}\n"), 454 file(Preamble), 455 text("\\begin{document}\n"), 456 codes(R), 457 text("\\end{document}\n") ], 458 assemble(Fs, TeXFile) 459 }, 460 { expand_tilda("~/tmp", TMP), 461 qshell( cd(TMP) ; 462 lualatex("deldel") ; 463 open(-a("Preview"), "deldel.pdf") 464 ) 465 }.
?- ejockey:handle([compile, pac, region], `a.\na.\n`, R).
?- ejockey:handle([compile,pac,region, dbg], `:-betrs(a).\n:-etrs.\n`, R)
?- ejockey:handle([compile,pac,region, dbg],
`f:= [g/0-h].\n`, R)
?- ejockey:handle([cpr], `a:-b.\n`, R)
, smash(,R).
?- ejockey:handle([cpr], `a:-b(pred([x])).\n`, R)
, smash(R)
?- ejockey:handle([cpr], `:-bekind(f, []).\n:-ekind.\n`, R)
, smash(R)
?- ejockey:handle([cpr], `:-bekind(f, []).\na=b.\n:-ekind.\n`, R)
?- ejockey:handle([cpr], `:-bekind(f, []).\na=b.\n:-ekind.\n`, R)
484% for short. 485handle([cpr|Optional])-->handle([compile,pac,region|Optional]). 486 487handle([compile, pac, region|Optional]) --> region, 488 flip(string_codes), 489 string_to_terms, 490 compile_terms_to_qstring, 491 optional_overwrite(Optional). 492 493handle([terms|Optional]) --> region, 494 flip(string_codes), 495 string_to_terms, 496 optional_overwrite(Optional). 497 498% 499optional_overwrite(Optional) --> 500 { partial_match(Optional, overwrite) }, !, 501 overwrite. 502optional_overwrite(_) --> []. 503 504% 505handle([region, string]) --> region, escape_codes_for_string. 506% 507escape_codes_for_string(X, [0'"|Y]):- %' 508 escape_codes_for_string_(X, Y). 509% 510escape_codes_for_string_([], [0'"]):-!. %' 511escape_codes_for_string_([X|P], Q):- 512 ( X = 0'\n -> Q = [0'\\, 0'n|Q0] %' 513 ; X = 0'\t -> Q = [0'\\, 0't|Q0] %' 514 ; X = 0'" -> Q = [0'", 0'"|Q0] %" 515 ; X = 0'\\ -> Q = [0'\\, 0'\\|Q0] %' 516 ; Q = [X|Q0] 517 ), 518 escape_codes_for_string_(P, Q0). 519% 520handle([region, atom]) --> region, escape_codes_for_atom. 521 522escape_codes_for_atom(X, [0'\'|Y]):- %' 523 escape_codes_for_atom_(X, Y). 524% 525escape_codes_for_atom_([], [0'\']):-!. %' 526escape_codes_for_atom_([X|P], Q):- 527 ( X = 0'\n -> Q = [0'\\, 0'n|Q0] %' 528 ; X = 0'\t -> Q = [0'\\, 0't|Q0] %' 529 ; X = 0'\' -> Q = [0'\', 0'\'|Q0] %' 530 ; X = 0'\\ -> Q = [0'\\, 0'\\|Q0] %' 531 ; Q = [X|Q0] 532 ), 533 escape_codes_for_atom_(P, Q0). 534 535handle([region, bq]) --> region, escape_codes_for_BQ. 536 537escape_codes_for_BQ(X, [0'\`|Y]):- %' 538 escape_codes_for_BQ_(X, Y). 539% 540escape_codes_for_BQ_([], [0'\`]):-!. %' 541escape_codes_for_BQ_([X|P], Q):- 542 ( X = 0'\n -> Q = [0'\\, 0'n|Q0] %' 543 ; X = 0'\t -> Q = [0'\\, 0't|Q0] %' 544 ; X = 0'\` -> Q = [0'\`, 0'\`|Q0] %' 545 ; X = 0'\\ -> Q = [0'\\, 0'\\|Q0] %' 546 ; Q = [X|Q0] 547 ), 548 escape_codes_for_BQ_(P, Q0).
554% ?- ejockey:handle([compile, pac, generic], `~/local/lib/pacpl7/a.pl`, R). 555handle([compile, pac, generic]) --> 556 region, 557 split, 558 maplist(trim_white), 559 remove([]), 560 maplist(pred([X, F]:- string_codes(F, X))), 561 ( maplist(compile_pac_generic), 562 peek([]), 563 {message("done")}, 564 ! 565 ; peek([]), 566 {message("Error ! file not exists ?")} 567 ). 568 569% ?- ejockey:compile_pac_generic("~/local/lib/pacpl7/a.pl", X). 570% ?- ejockey:compile_pac_generic("~/local/lib/pacpl7/a.pac", X). 571% ?- ejockey:compile_pac_generic("~/local/lib/pacpl7/a", X). 572compile_pac_generic(In, Files):- 573 expand_file_name(In, Files), 574 maplist(compile_pac_generic, Files). 575% 576compile_pac_generic(Src):- 577 once(determine_source(Src, Src0)), 578 setup_call_cleanup(open(Src0, read, SX, [encoding(utf8)]), 579 stream_parse_pac_terms(SX, Xs, []), 580 close(SX)), 581 compile_terms_to_qstring(Xs, QuasiText), 582 determine_target(Src0, Target), 583 setup_call_cleanup(open(Target, write, SY, [encoding(utf8)]), 584 write_qstring(QuasiText, SY), 585 close(SY)). 586% 587determine_source(X, X):- string_drop_suffix(X, ".pl", X0), !, 588 string_concat(X0, ".pac", X1), 589 \+exists_file(X1). 590determine_source(X, X):- string_end_with(X, ".pac"), !, 591 exists_file(X). 592determine_source(X, Y):- member(M, [".pac", ".pl"]), 593 string_concat(X, M, Y), 594 exists_file(Y), 595 !. 596% 597determine_target(X, Y):- string_drop_suffix(X, ".pac", Z), !, 598 string_concat(Z, ".pl", Y). 599determine_target(X, X):- string_drop_suffix(X, ".pl", Y), 600 modify_file_name(Y, 0, '.pac', Keep), 601 rename_file(X, Keep). 602 603% ?- ejockey:string_drop_suffix("abcd", "cd", Y). 604string_end_with(X, S):- sub_string(X, _, _, 0, S). 605 606% ?- ejockey:string_drop_suffix("abcd", "cd", Y). 607string_drop_suffix(X, S, Y):- sub_string(X, J, L, 0, S), 608 sub_string(X, 0, J, L, Y). 609% 610ignore_pac_term(term_expansion-->expand_pac). 611 612% 613stream_parse_pac_terms(Stream, U, Q) :- 614 stream_term_string(Eqs, X, Stream), 615 ( at_end_of_stream(Stream) -> U = Q 616 ; ignore_pac_term(X) -> stream_parse_pac_terms(Stream, U, Q) 617 ; ( is_backquote_begin(X, X0), 618 set_prolog_flag(back_quotes, symbol_char) 619 ; is_backquote_end(X, X0), 620 set_prolog_flag(back_quotes, codes) 621 ; X0 = X 622 ), 623 !, 624 U = [X0-Eqs|P], 625 stream_parse_pac_terms(Stream, P, Q) 626 ). 627% 628compile_terms_to_qstring(Xs, QuasiText):- 629 compile_pac(Xs, P, []), 630 pred_grouping(P, Blocks), 631 maplist(maplist(pred([P, pair(X0, H0)]:- 632 clause_to_string(P, X0, H0))), 633 Blocks, ExpandedBlocks), 634 maplist(pred(([Block, [Cs,"\n", Hs]]:- 635 maplist(pred([pair(U,V), U, V]), Block, Cs, Hs))), 636 ExpandedBlocks, QuasiText). 637 638% 639write_qstring([A|B], S):- write_qstring(A, S), 640 write_qstring(B, S). 641write_qstring([], _). 642write_qstring(A, S):- write(S, A).
647handle([compile, predicate|Flag]) --> region, 648 herbrand(web, Eqs), 649 current(X), 650 { pac_listing:compile_pred_word(X, Eqs, H0, R0) }, 651 peek([R0, "\n", H0, ".\n"]), 652 overwrite(Flag). 653 654% select_phrase(partial_match(Flag, overwrite), overwrite, =).
659handle([expand, pac]) --> region, 660 pred([X, Y]:- string_codes(Y, X)), 661 parse_pac_terms, 662 pred([Xs, P]:- compile_pac(Xs, P, [])), 663 pred_grouping, 664 maplist(maplist(pred([P, pair(X0, H0)]:- 665 pac_listing:clause_to_string(P, X0, H0)))), 666 maplist(pred(([Block, [Cs,"\n", Hs]]:- 667 maplist(pred([pair(U,V), U, V]), Block, Cs, Hs)))). 668 669 670 671% 672parse_pac_terms(X, Pacs):- 673 setup_call_cleanup( 674 open_string(X, Stream), 675 stream_parse_pac_terms(Stream, Pacs, []), 676 close(Stream)).
681handle([expand, pac, overwrite]) -->
682 handle([expand,pac]),
683 overwrite.
688handle([neighbor, string]) --> {neighbor_string("[","]", X)},
689 peek(X).
694handle([collect, identifiers]) --> region,
695 collect_tokens(prolog_indentifier),
696 maplist(herbrand),
697 sort,
698 insert("\n").
703handle([collect, keywords]) --> region,
704 collect_tokens(keyword),
705 maplist(herbrand),
706 sort,
707 insert("\n").
713handle([copy, head])-->
714 { line_get(Obj),
715 obj_get([line(Line)], Obj),
716 string_codes(Line, Codes),
717 phrase(( wl("[\s\t]*"),
718 w(".*", Head),
719 w("[\s\t]*((-->)|(:-))")),
720 Codes, _)
721 },
722 peek(["%%\t", Head, " is det.\n%\n%\n", Line]),
723 overwrite.
729handle([swap, args, N, I, J]) -->
730 { atom_number(I, I0),
731 atom_number(J, J0) },
732 region,
733 pred([N, I0, J0],
734 ([X, Y]:-
735 swap_args:swap_args_of(N, I0, J0, X, Y))),
736 overwrite.
741handle([handle, kbd]) --> region,
742 pred(([S, []] :- term_codes(E, S),
743 arg(1, E, K),
744 arg(2, E, P),
745 global_set_kbd(K, P))).
750handle([dired]) --> dired.
755handle([dired, mark, swipl]) --> {dired_mark_swipl}.
759handle([swap, args, X]) --> region,
760 swap_args_of(X, 1, 2),
761 overwrite.
765handle([numbering, paragraphs]) --> region,
766 paragraph,
767 remove([]),
768 pred(([X, Y]:- length(X, N),
769 numlist(1, N, Ns),
770 maplist(pred([I, P,[I0, ". ", P]]:-
771 number_string(I, I0)),
772 Ns, X, Y))),
773 insert("\n"),
774 overwrite.
--> {setof(H, P^Q^R^clause(handle(H,P,Q), R), S)
sort(S, S1)
maplist(pred(([X, Y]:-
write_to_chars(X, Z, []),
string_codes(Z, Y))),
S1, S2)
insert_tab_nl(4, 4, S2, R)
792handle([handle, list]) --> region,
793 {findall(H, clause(handle(H,_,_), _), S),
794 sort(S, S1),
795 maplist(pred(([H, H0] :-
796 foldl(pred([H, H0],
797 ( [X, ['VAR'|L], L]:- var(X) )
798 & [X, [X|L], L]
799 ),
800 H, H0, []))),
801 S1, S2),
802 remove([], S2, S3),
803 maplist(pred(([X, Y]:- atomics_to_string(X, " ", Y0),
804 atomics_to_string(["[", Y0, "] "], Y))),
805 S3, Commands)
806% , List =..[list|Commands]
807% , elisp:lisp(setq('handle-list', List))
808% , elisp:lisp(message("variable 'handle-list' has been set."))
809 },
810 peek(Commands),
811 overwrite.
815handle([reload, buffer, file]) -->
816 { call_lisp('buffer-file-name'(), term(File)),
817 string_codes(S, File),
818 unload_file(S),
819 load_files(S, [silent(true)]) }.
from the symbol at the current point.
823handle([edit])--> { prolog_symbol_at_point(X) },
824 peek(["\n\n% ?- edit(", X, ").\n"]).
829handle([take, memo]) --> region,
830 { lisp('time-stamp', Dir),
831 getinfo_string("date +%Y-%m-%d", Today),
832 atomics_to_string([Dir, Today], File0),
833 expand_file_name(File0, [File|_]), % File is of type atom.
834 pshell(touch(File))
835 },
836 pred([Today, File],
837 ( [ Note, []]
838 :- file:push_to_file(
839 basic:smash(["[", Today, "]\n",
840 Note,
841 "\n"]),
842 File))),
843 { atom_string(File, File0),
844 lisp('find-file'(File0))
845 }.
{getinfo_codes("pbpaste", D)
! handle([snippet])
857handle([choose, working, directory]) -->
858 { choose_folder(X),
859 set_string(working_directory, X)
860 },
861 peek(X).
865handle([choose, folder]) --> {choose_folder(X)}, peek(X).
870handle([choose, files]) -->
871 { choose_folder(X),
872 X = [D],
873 directory_files(D, Files)
874 },
875 peek(Files),
876 insert("\n").
880handle([directory, files]) --> 881 { choose_folder(X), 882 X = [ D ], 883 directory_files(D, Files) 884 }, 885 peek(Files), 886 insert("\n"). 887% 888handle([rename, files]) --> region, 889 split, 890 remove([]), 891 maplist(flip(string_codes)), 892 rename_files_base, 893 overwrite. 894% 895handle([display, renamed]) --> region, 896 split, 897 remove([]), 898 maplist(flip(string_codes)), 899 rename_files_base_display, 900 overwrite. 901 902 903% short for handle([open, pdf]). 904handle([o]) --> handle([open, pdf]). 905handle([m]) --> handle([jisui, archives]). 906% 907handle([jisui, archives])--> trim_line_string, 908 current(A), 909 { jisui_archives(B), 910 expand_file_name(B, [B0|_]), 911 run_shell(mkdir, ['-p', B0]), 912% pshell(mv(A, B0)) 913% process_create(path(mv), [A, B0], []) 914 run_shell(mv, [A, B0]) 915 }, 916 clear, 917 overwrite. 918 919% 920rename_files_base([], []). 921rename_files_base([X,Y|Z], [U, "\n"|V]):- 922 subst_file_base(X, Y, U), 923 rename_file(X, U), 924 rename_files_base(Z, V). 925 926% ?- subst_file_base("/a/ b/b", c, Z). 927subst_file_base(X, Y, Z):- 928 atomic_list_concat(X0, /, X), 929 append(U, [_], X0), 930 append(U, [Y], V), 931 atomic_list_concat(V, /, Z).
935handle([choose, files]) -->
936 { choose_files(X)
937 },
938 peek(X),
939 insert("\n").
944handle([choose, folder, open]) --> 945 { choose_folder(X), 946 term_string(X, Y), 947 pshell(open(Y)) 948 }, 949 peek(X). 950 951 952 /******************** 953 * sort lines * 954 ********************/
958handle([sort, lines]) --> region,
959 split,
960 sort,
961 insert("\n"),
962 overwrite.
967handle([trim, sort, lines]) --> region, 968 split, 969 remove([]), 970 maplist(phrase(wl("[\s\t]*"))), 971 sort, 972 maplist(pred([L, [L,"\n"]])), 973 overwrite. 974end_of_codes([], []). 975% 976trim_line --> line, phrase(wl("[\s\t]*")). 977% 978trim_line_string --> line, trim_line, flip(string_codes).
982handle([open, pdf]) --> trim_line, 983 current(X), 984 { string_codes(Y, X), 985 run_shell(open, ['-a', "Preview", Y]) 986 }, 987 clear. 988 989 990 /************************ 991 * shell in buffer * 992 ************************/
997handle([shell]) --> set_mark_region,
998 region,
999 split,
1000 remove([]),
1001 insert(" ; "),
1002 {
1003 tmp_file_stream(utf8, File, Stream),
1004 close(Stream)
1005 },
1006 peek(X, ["( ", X, " ) > ", File]),
1007 smash,
1008 pred(File, ([Shell_in_string, Codes]:-
1009 shell(Shell_in_string),
1010 read_file_to_codes(File, Codes, [tail([]), encoding(utf8)])
1011 )
1012 ),
1013 {
1014 delete_file(File)
1015 }.
1020handle([shell, dakuten]) --> handle([shell]), dakuten_convert.
1025handle([message]) --> region, pred([M, []]:- message(M)). 1026 1027 /********************* 1028 * prolog/lisp * 1029 *********************/ 1030 1031solve_once --> 1032 remove_leading_comment_chars, 1033 current(X), 1034 { string_codes(Str, X), 1035 term_string(G, Str, [variable_names(Es)]), 1036 ( once(G) -> 1037 numbervars(Es), 1038 maplist(pred([Eq, Sol]:- term_string(Eq, Sol, 1039 [ numbervars(true), 1040 quoted(false)])), 1041 Es, Sols0), 1042 ( Sols0 = [] -> R = "\n%@ true.\n" 1043 ; insert(",\n%@ ", Sols0, Sols), 1044 R = ["\n%@ ", Sols, "\n%@ true."] 1045 ) 1046 ; R = "\n%@ false.\n" 1047 )}, 1048 peek(R).
1054%@ ?- append([a,c],[c,d], []). 1055%@ false. 1056 1057 1058%@ ?- append([a,b],[c,d], [a,b,c,d]). 1059%@ ?- append([a,c],[c,d], X), append(X, X, Z), 1060%@ append(Z, Z, U). 1061 1062handle([once])--> region, solve_once.
1068% ?- 1 = 1, 1069% 2 = 2, 1070% 3 = 3. 1071 1072% ?- X = 1, 1073% Y = 2, 1074% Z = 3. 1075 1076handle([prolog, paragraph]) --> set_mark_region, region, solve_once.
1082% ?- X = 1. 1083handle([prolog, line]) --> line, solve_once. 1084 1085 1086 1087% Put the comment symbol to each line of the region. 1088handle([comment, region]) --> region, 1089 split, 1090 maplist(comment), 1091 insert("\n"), 1092 overwrite.
1096handle([uncomment, region]) --> region,
1097 split,
1098 maplist(uncomment),
1099 insert("\n"),
1100 overwrite.
! handle([lisp | Keys])
( { apropos_chk(Keys, paragraph)
-> set_mark_region
; []
{ handle_lisp(X, Keys, Out)
1119handle([enum]) --> region, snippets:environment(enumerate), overwrite.
1124handle([eit]) --> region, snippets:environment(itemize), overwrite.
1128handle([html,tag,code]) --> region,
1129 peek(X, ["<code> ", X, " </code>"]),
1130 overwrite.
1134handle([ignore, goal|R]) --> region_or_line(R),
1135 herbrand(_),
1136 pred([X, []]:- ignore(X)).
1140handle([solve, goal|R]) --> region_or_line(R),
1141 herbrand(_),
1142 pred(B, [X, ["\n", R, "\n"]]:- catch_once(X, B, R)).
1147handle([shift, region]) --> region,
1148 split,
1149 maplist(pred([X, ['\t'|X]])),
1150 insert('\n'),
1151 overwrite.
1155handle([insert, before, A]) --> region, 1156 split, 1157 maplist(pred(A, [X, [A|X]])), 1158 insert('\n'), 1159 overwrite. 1160 1161 /**************** 1162 * indent * 1163 ****************/
handle([indent, region])
is det.
! handle([indent, region, N])
is det.
Indent the region.1171handle([tab, region]) --> indent_region(0'\t, 1). %' 1172handle([tab, region, N])--> { atom_number(N, N0) }, 1173 indent_region(0'\t, N0). %' 1174handle([indent, region])--> indent_region(0'\s, 4). %' 1175handle([indent, region, N]) --> { atom_number(N, N0) }, 1176 indent_region(0'\s, N0). %'
1181handle([header]) --> region, 1182 split, 1183 maplist(remove_trailing_white), 1184 maplist(detab), 1185 remove_enveloping_nulls, 1186 pred(Max, ([X, X]:- maplist(length,X, L), poly:list_max(L, Max))), 1187 { Width is Max + 7, 1188 length(Hr, Width), 1189 maplist(=("*"), Hr) 1190 }, 1191 maplist(fill_trailing_spaces(Width)), 1192 maplist(pred([X, ["\t*", X, "*\n"]])), 1193 peek(Body, ["\t/", Hr, "*\n", 1194 Body, 1195 "\t*", Hr, "/\n"]), 1196 overwrite. 1197 1198% 1199fill_trailing_spaces(Width, X, [X, Y]):- 1200 length(X, L), 1201 J is Width - L, 1202 length(Y, J), 1203 maplist(=("\s"), Y). 1204 1205% ?- ejockey:remove_enveloping_nulls([[], a, [], b,[]], R). 1206%@ R = [a, [], b] . 1207remove_enveloping_nulls -->[[]], remove_enveloping_nulls. 1208remove_enveloping_nulls -->[], remove_trailing_nulls. 1209% 1210remove_trailing_nulls(X, []):- nulls(X), !. 1211remove_trailing_nulls([X|R], [X|S]):- 1212 remove_trailing_nulls(R, S). 1213 1214% 1215nulls([[]|R]):- nulls(R). 1216nulls([]). 1217 1218% ?- ejockey:remove_trailing_white(X, `abc `, Y). 1219% ?- trace, ejockey:remove_trailing_white(`abc `, Y). 1220% ?- trace, ejockey:remove_trailing_white(`a`, Y). 1221 1222handle([trim, trailing, white]) --> region, remove_trailing_white(X), peek(X). 1223 1224remove_trailing_white(X) --> w(".*", X), wl("[\s\t]*$"). 1225 1226remove_trailing_white --> w(".*", X), wl("[\s\t]*$"), peek(X).
1231handle([detab]) --> region, detab, overwrite. 1232% 1233detab_spaces(`\s\s\s\s`). 1234% 1235detab(X, Y):- detab(X, Y, []). 1236 1237% ?- ejockey:detab(`\ta\t\b`, X, []). 1238detab([0'\t|R], X, Y):- !, detab_spaces(S), %' 1239 append(S, X0, X), 1240 detab(R, X0, Y). 1241detab([A|R], [A|X], Y):-detab(R, X, Y). 1242detab([], X, X).
1247handle([shift, frame|Optional]) --> region_or_line(Optional), 1248 split, 1249 maplist(trim_white), 1250 remove_enveloping_nulls, 1251 pred(Max, ([X, X]:- maplist(length,X, L), poly:list_max(L, Max))), 1252 { Width is Max + 11 }, 1253 maplist(pred([Width, Max], ( [A, B]:- 1254 length(B, Width), 1255 N is (Width - Max) div 2, 1256 length(L, N), 1257 append([ ['*'], L, A, R, ['*']], B), 1258 maplist(=('\s'), L), 1259 maplist(=('\s'), R)))), 1260 { length(Top, Width), 1261 length(Bottom, Width) , 1262 Top = ['/'|L0], 1263 append(L1, ['/'], Bottom), 1264 maplist(=('*'), L0), 1265 maplist(=('*'), L1) 1266 }, 1267 maplist(pred([X, ['\t\t', X, '\n']])), 1268 peek(Body, ['\t\t', Top, '\n', 1269 Body, 1270 '\t\t', Bottom, '\n']), 1271 overwrite. 1272 1273/*-------------------------------------------- 1274 long comment /* ... */ 1275--------------------------------------------*/ 1276 1277handle([long, comment]) --> region, 1278 peek(Block, [ 1279 "/*--------------------------------------------\n", 1280 Block, 1281 "--------------------------------------------*/\n" 1282 ]), 1283 overwrite.
1290handle([single, quote]) --> region,
1291 split,
1292 remove([]),
1293 maplist(html:single_quote),
1294 insert(',\n'),
1295 overwrite.
1300handle([double, quote]) --> region,
1301 split,
1302 remove([]),
1303 maplist(html:double_quote),
1304 insert(',\n'),
1305 overwrite.
1309handle([region, standalone]) -->
1310 { call_lisp(pbcopy()),
1311 shell(standalone, 0)
1312 }.
1316handle([pasteboard, standalone]) --> { shell(standalone, 0)}.
1322handle([description]) --> peek([
1323 "\\begin{description}[style=multiline, labelwidth=1.5cm]",
1324 "\\item[\\namedlabel{itm:rule1}{Rule 1}] Everything is easy with \\LaTeX",
1325 "\\item[\\namedlabel{itm:rule2}{Rule 2}] Sometimes it is not that easy\\\\",
1326 "$\\to$ \\ref{itm:rule1} applies",
1327 "\\end{description}\n" ]),
1328 insert("\n"),
1329 overwrite.
1334handle([list, listing]) --> region,
1335 pred([ X, [ "\\begin{lstlisting}[caption={},label=src:]\n",
1336 X,
1337 "\\end{lstlisting}\n" ]]),
1338 overwrite.
1341handle([begin, align]) --> region,
1342 pred([ X, [ "\\begin{align*}\n",
1343 X,
1344 "\\end{align*}\n" ]]),
1345 overwrite.
1348handle([vbox]) --> peek([
1349 "$$\\vbox{\\offinterlineskip",
1350 "\\halign{\\strut",
1351 "\\vrule\\vrule\\quad\\textbf{#}\\hfill\\quad & \\vrule\\quad\\hfill #cm \\quad ",
1352 "& \\vrule\\quad\\hfill #kg \\quad\\vrule\\vrule\\cr",
1353 "\\noalign{\\hrule\\hrule}",
1354 "é´æ¨ ä¸å¤ªé & 168 & 74 \\cr",
1355 "\\noalign{\\hrule} ",
1356 "å±±ç° å¤ªé & 170 & 72 \\cr",
1357 "\\noalign{\\hrule} ",
1358 "渡辺 次é & 192 & 103 \\cr",
1359 "\\noalign{\\hrule\\hrule} ",
1360 "}}$$" ]),
1361 insert("\n").
1365handle([halign]) --> peek([
1366 "\\halign{",
1367% "\\hfill$#$\\hfill\\qquad&\\hfill$#$\\hfill&\\quad\\text{#}\\cr\n",
1368 "\\hfill$#=\\>$ & $#$ \\hfill & \\qquad \\mbox{#} \\cr\n",
1369 " & & \\cr\n",
1370 " & & \\cr\n",
1371 " & & \\cr\n",
1372 "}" ]).
1376handle([case, equation]) --> region,
1377 pred([ Left, [ "$", Left, "= \n",
1378 "\\begin{cases}\n",
1379 " & \\mbox{} \\\\\n",
1380 " & \\mbox{} \\\\\n",
1381 " & \\mbox{} \n",
1382 "\\end{cases}$\n" ]]),
1383 overwrite.
1388handle([eqn, array]) --> region,
1389 pred([ _, [ "\\begin{eqnarray*}\n",
1390 " &=& \\\\\n",
1391 " &=& \\\\\n",
1392 " &=& \\\\\n",
1393 "\\end{eqnarray*}\n" ]]),
1394 overwrite.
1399handle([parse, eqn, array]) --> region, split, remove([]),
1400 maplist(split(`=`)),
1401 maplist(pred([[X|Y], [X, " &=& ", Y]])),
1402 insert("\\\\\n"),
1403 pred([Body, [ "\\begin{eqnarray*}\n",
1404 Body,
1405 "\n\\end{eqnarray*}\n" ]]),
1406 overwrite.
handle([q, F,X, N])
is det.
1414handle([q, F,X, N]) -->
1415 peek([F, "(", X, "_1, ", X, "_2, ", "\\ldots ,", X, "_", N, ")"]).
1419handle([q, F, X, N0, N]) -->
1420 peek([F, "(", X, "_", N0, ", ", X, "_1, ", "\\ldots ,", X, "_", N, ")"]).
1424handle([q]) --> region, split(` `), remove([]),
1425 pred( ([[F, X, N], E]:- handle([q, F, X, N], _, E))
1426 &
1427 ([[F, X, N0|N], E]:- handle([q, F, X, N0, N], _, E))),
1428 overwrite.
1432handle([ref]) --> region, pred([X, ["\\ref{", X, "}"]]), overwrite.
1436handle([cite]) --> region, pred([X, ["\\cite{", X, "}"]]), overwrite.
1440handle([cs, N]) --> region, 1441 pred([N],[X, ["\\", N, "{", X, "}"]]), 1442 overwrite. 1443% 1444%! handle([parse, bind, context]) is det. 1445% 1446% 1447handle([parse, bind, context]) --> region, parse_bind_context, overwrite.
1451handle([parse, bind, context, append]) --> region, parse_bind_context.
1455handle([eval, markup, text]) --> region, eval_markup_text, overwrite.
1459handle([eval, markup, text, append]) --> region, eval_markup_text. 1460% 1461%! handle([tag, l]) is det. 1462% 1463% 1464handle([tag, l]) --> {nb_getval(phrase_tag, G), herbrand_opp(G, G0)}, % to list the saved tag 1465 peek(G0).
1469handle([tag, s|P]) --> region_or_line(P), % to save the tag
1470 peek(Q),
1471 {parse_phrase_save(Q)},
1472 peek("\n the tag saved.\n").
1476handle([tag, a]) --> region,
1477 { nb_getval(phrase_tag, G) },
1478 act(G),
1479 overwrite.
1484region_debug(X, Y):- var(X), !, region(X, Y). 1485region_debug(X, X). 1486 1487 1488handle([t, a]) --> handle([tag,a]).
1491handle([bib]) --> peek(["\\bibliographystyle{plain}\n", 1492 "\\bibliography{jmukai,mukai}\n"]). 1493 1494% Convert delicious 3 data in book/1 to bibtex form. 1495handle([book, bibtex]) --> region, 1496 paragraph, 1497 remove([]), 1498 maplist(herbrand), 1499 maplist(book_bibitem), 1500 insert("\n"), 1501 overwrite. 1502 1503% Convert csv data to a dict with keywords. 1504handle([csv, bibtex]) --> region, 1505 csv_to_dict, 1506 peek(key_dict(_, L), L), 1507 maplist(dict_bibtex). 1508 1509% Convert csv data to a dict with keywords. 1510% ?- ejockey:csv_to_dict(`a\tb\tc\n1\t2\t3\n4\t5\t6`, R). 1511%@ R = key_dict([a, b, c], [[a="1", b="2", c="3"], [a="4", b="5", c="6"]]) . 1512 1513csv_to_dict --> split, 1514 remove([]), 1515 maplist(split("\t")), 1516 peek([H|R], R), 1517 { maplist(atom_codes, Keys0, H), 1518 map_key_tbl(M), 1519 map_key(Keys0, M, Keys) 1520 }, 1521 maplist(pred(Keys, 1522 ([A, B]:- 1523 maplist(pred([K, A0, K=A1]:- 1524 string_codes(A1, A0)), 1525 Keys, A, B)))), 1526 peek(D, key_dict(Keys, D)). 1527 1528% 1529dict_bibtex(L, BB):- 1530 maplist(pred([K=V, [K, " = ", "{", V, "}"]]), L, Items), 1531 insert(",\n", Items, Items0), 1532 smash(["@book{", "to be filled", ",\n", Items0, "\n}\n"], BB). 1533% 1534map_key_tbl([creator-author, 'ISBN'-isbn]). 1535 1536% 1537map_key([],_,[]). 1538map_key([K|R],M,[K0|R0]):- memberchk(K-K0, M), !, 1539 map_key(R, M, R0). 1540map_key([K|R],M,[K|R0]):- map_key(R, M, R0).
1545handle([thm|X])--> region_or_line(X),
1546 peek(Y, ["\\begin{thm}\\label{thm:}\n", Y, "\\end{thm}\n"]),
1547 overwrite.
1553handle([prop|X])--> region_or_line(X),
1554 peek(Y, ["\\begin{prop}\\label{prop:}\n", Y, "\\end{prop}\n"]),
1555 overwrite.
1560handle([lem|X])--> !, region_or_line(X),
1561 peek(Y, ["\\begin{lemma}\\label{lem:}\n", Y, "\\end{lemma}\n"]),
1562 overwrite.
1567 peek(Y, ["\\begin{cor}\\label{cor:}\n", Y,"\\end{cor}\n"]),
1568 overwrite.
1572handle([ex|X])--> region_or_line(X),
1573 peek(Y, ["\\begin{ex}\n", Y, "\\end{ex}\n"]),
1574 overwrite.
1578handle([df|X])--> region_or_line(X),
1579 peek(Y, ["\\begin{df}\\label{df:}\n", Y, "\\end{df}\n"]),
1580 overwrite.
1585handle([cases|X])--> region_or_line(X), 1586 peek(Y, ["\\[", Y, " =\n", 1587 "\t\\begin{cases}\n", 1588 "\t\t & (\t\t\t ) \\\\\n", 1589 "\t\t & (\t\t\t ) \\\\\n", 1590 "\t\t & (\t\t\t ) \n", 1591 "\t\\end{cases}\n", 1592 "\\]\n" 1593 ]), 1594 overwrite. 1595% 1596handle([emph|X])--> region_or_line(X), 1597 peek(Y, ["\\emph{", Y, "}"]), 1598 overwrite. 1599 1600handle([mbox|X])--> region_or_line(X), 1601 peek(Y, ["\\mbox{", Y, "}"]), 1602 overwrite.
1606handle([rem|X])--> region_or_line(X),
1607 peek(Y, ["\\begin{remark}\\label{rem:}\n",Y,"\\end{remark}\n"]),
1608 overwrite.
1613 peek(Y, ["\\begin{Proof}\n",Y,"\\end{Proof}\n"]),
1614 overwrite.
1618handle([red|X]) --> region_or_line(X),
1619 peek(Y, ["\\Red{", Y, "}"]), overwrite.
1622handle([blue|X]) --> region_or_line(X),
1623 peek(Y, ["\\Blue{", Y, "}"]), overwrite.
1627handle([green|X]) --> region_or_line(X), 1628 peek(Y, ["\\Green{", Y, "}"]), 1629 overwrite. 1630 1631% I don't remember what is the purpose of the following handle. 1632%! handle([mkh]) --> region, 1633% split, 1634% maplist(pred( ( [X, Y]:- 1635% html:single_quote(X, X0), 1636% atom_codes(Y, X0)))), 1637% pred([L, ( handle([names] 1638% ) --> peek(L), insert_nl, ".")]).
1642handle([ms|X]) --> region_or_line(X),
1643 peek(Y, ["\\mathscr{", Y, "}"]), overwrite.
1647handle([eq|X]) --> region_or_line(X),
1648 peek(Y, ["\\begin{equation}\\label{eq:}\n",
1649 Y, "\n",
1650 "\\end{equation}\n"]),
1651 overwrite.
1656handle([get, module, name]) -->
1657 {
1658 wait(progn(
1659 setq(point_saved, point()),
1660 'goto-char'('point-min'()))),
1661 line_get(Obj),
1662 obj_get([line(Line)], Obj),
1663 string_codes(Line, Codes),
1664 module_name(Codes, Name),
1665 wait('goto-char'(point_saved))
1666 },
1667 peek(Name).
1670handle([sqc]) --> handle([set, query, context]). % for short
1677handle([set, query, context]) --> 1678 handle([get, module, name]), 1679 peek(C, ["% ?- module(", C, ")."]), 1680 current(X), 1681 { smash(X) }, 1682 peek([]), 1683 { wait('keyboard-quit'()) }. 1684 1685 /******************* 1686 * directory * 1687 *******************/
1691handle([pwd]) -->
1692 {
1693 get_string(working_directory, Path)
1694 },
1695 peek(Path).
1699handle([set, target, directory]) -->
1700 { line_get(Obj),
1701 obj_get([line(Line)], Obj),
1702 trim_white(Line, DirPath),
1703 string_codes(S, DirPath),
1704 expand_file_name(S, [S0|_]),
1705 set_string(target_directory, S0)
1706 }.
1712handle([cwd]) -->
1713 { choose_folder(X),
1714 set_string(working_directory, X),
1715 working_directory(_, X)
1716 },
1717 peek(X).
1722handle([cd]) -->
1723 { expand_file_name("~/", [D]),
1724 set_string(working_directory, D),
1725 working_directory(_, D)
1726 },
1727 peek(D).
1732handle([cd, up]) -->
1733 {
1734 get_string(working_directory, Path),
1735 change_unix_path(up, Path, New_Path),
1736 set_string(working_directory, New_Path),
1737 working_directory(_, New_Path)
1738 },
1739 peek(New_Path).
1746handle([open]) --> 1747 { 1748 line_get(Obj), 1749 obj_get([line(Line)], Obj), 1750 trim_white(Line, Line0), 1751 double_quote(Line0, X), 1752 ( Line0 = [0'/|_] % ' 1753 -> pshell(open(X)) 1754 ; string_codes(XStr, X), 1755 handle_open_relative(XStr) 1756 ) 1757 }. 1758 1759 1760 1761%! handle([open, *]) is det. 1762% Call Finder open all files in the region. 1763handle([open, *]) --> 1764 { get_string(working_directory, S), 1765 S\== "" 1766 }, 1767 region, 1768 split, 1769 remove([]), 1770 reverse, 1771 current(L), 1772 { 1773 maplist(pred(S, ([X] :- 1774 double_quote([S, X], SX), 1775 pshell(open(SX)))), 1776 L) 1777 }, 1778 clear 1779 ; 1780 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n"). 1781 1782 /***************************** 1783 * Accessing Directory * 1784 *****************************/
1787handle([finder, open, directory]) --> 1788 { 1789 line_get(Obj), 1790 obj_get([line(Line)], Obj), 1791 first_token_codes(Line, Directory), 1792 sh(open(-a('Finder'), Directory)) 1793 }. 1794 1795append_slash_code([], [0'/]):-!. %' 1796append_slash_code(Line, Line0):- last(Line, C), 1797 ( C == 0'/ -> Line0 = Line %' 1798 ; append(Line, [0'/], Line0) %' 1799 ).
1802handle([swd]) -->
1803 { line_get(Obj),
1804 obj_get([line(Line)], Obj),
1805 trim_white(Line, Line0),
1806 append_slash_code(Line0, Line1),
1807 first_token_codes(Line1, Directory),
1808 string_codes(Dir_string, Directory),
1809 expand_file_name(Dir_string, [Full_path|_]),
1810 nb_setval(working_directory, Full_path),
1811 atom_string(Full_path, S),
1812 set_string(working_directory, S)
1813 },
1814 peek(Full_path).
1820handle([swd, (.)])-->
1821 { call_lisp_value('default-directory', D),
1822 string_codes(X, D),
1823 expand_file_name(X, [Full_path|_]),
1824 nb_setval(working_directory, Full_path),
1825 atom_string(Full_path, S),
1826 set_string(working_directory, S)
1827 },
1828 peek([]).
1833handle([finder, default, directory]) --> 1834 { call_lisp_value('default-directory', D), 1835 string_codes(X, D), 1836 sh(open(X)) 1837 }. 1838 1839% 1840handle([directory, path]) --> 1841 { call_lisp_value('default-directory', D) 1842 }, 1843 peek(D). 1844% 1845handle([file, path]) --> 1846 { lisp(list('default-directory', 'buffer-name'()), List) 1847 }, 1848 peek(List).
1853handle([list, files]) --> % ls
1854 { get_string(working_directory, S),
1855 S \== "",
1856 directory_files(S, Files)
1857 },
1858 peek(Files),
1859 insert("\n")
1860 ;
1861 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n").
1867handle([dakuten])--> region,
1868 flip(string_codes),
1869 dakuten_convert,
1870 overwrite.
1874handle([dakuten, flip]) --> region,
1875 flip(string_codes),
1876 flip(dakuten_convert),
1877 overwrite.
1881handle([list, files, dakuten]) --> % ls
1882 { get_string(working_directory, S),
1883 S \== "",
1884 directory_files(S, Files)
1885 },
1886 peek(Files),
1887 maplist(string_codes),
1888 maplist(dakuten_convert),
1889 insert("\n")
1890 ;
1891 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n").
1896handle([list, regex]) --> region_term,
1897 current(Regex),
1898 { let(Parser, pred(Regex, [X]:- phrase(w(Regex), X, []))),
1899 get_string(working_directory, S),
1900 S \== "",
1901 directory_files(S, Files)
1902 },
1903 peek(Files),
1904 maplist(dakuten_convert),
1905 maplist(string_codes),
1906 collect(Parser),
1907 insert("\n")
1908 ;
1909 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n").
1914handle([list, timed, pdf]) --> % ls 1915 { get_string(working_directory, S), 1916 S \== "", 1917 directory_files(S, Files), 1918 maplist(atom_codes, Files, Codes_list), 1919 collect(time_stamped_pdf, Codes_list, Pdf_files) 1920 }, 1921 peek(Pdf_files), 1922 insert("\n") 1923 ; 1924 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n"). 1925% 1926time_stamped_pdf(Codes):- phrase(w("[0-9]+\\.pdf"), Codes, []).
1931handle([mv]) --> % move a file over directories
1932 { get_string(working_directory, S),
1933 S\== "" ,
1934 get_string(target_directory, T),
1935 T\== ""
1936 },
1937 rename(S, T)
1938 ;
1939 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n").
1943handle([mv, (.)]) --> % rename a file at a directory
1944 { get_string(working_directory, S),
1945 S \== ""
1946 },
1947 rename(S, S)
1948 ;
1949 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n").
1955handle([mv, *]) --> 1956 { get_string(working_directory, S), 1957 S\== "", 1958 get_string(target_directory, T), 1959 T\== "" 1960 }, 1961 region, 1962 paragraph, 1963 remove([]), 1964 maplist(trim_nl_mv(S,T)), 1965 insert("\n"), 1966 overwrite 1967 ; 1968 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n"). 1969 1970% c handle([rename]) is det. 1971% Rename a file. 1972 1973handle([rename]) --> handle([mv, (.)]).
1977handle([rename, *]) -->
1978 { get_string(working_directory, S),
1979 S\==""
1980 },
1981 region,
1982 paragraph,
1983 remove([]),
1984 maplist(trim_nl_mv(S,S)),
1985 insert("\n"),
1986 overwrite
1987 ;
1988 peek("**** directory not found. ****\n").
1993handle([wd]) --> {working_directory(X, X)}, peek(X).
1997handle([wd, change]) --> { line_get(Obj), 1998 obj_get([line(D0)], Obj), 1999 atom_codes(D, D0), 2000 working_directory(_, D) 2001 }. 2002 2003% !! Experimental !! 2004% handle([doc, latex]) is det. 2005% under debugging. 2006% 2007%! handle([doc, latex]) --> region, % @see => C-c-ee 2008% paragraph, 2009% remove([]), 2010% maplist(split), 2011% maplist(remove([])), 2012% pred(([[X, [Y|_]],[X0, Y0]]:- 2013% maplist(flip(atom_codes), X, X1), 2014% maplist(expand_file_name, X1, X2), 2015% append(X2, X0), 2016% atom_codes(Y1, Y), 2017% expand_file_name(Y1, [Y0|_]))), 2018% pred(([[X, Y], Y]:- 2019% doc_latex(X, Y, [public_only(false)]))). 2020 2021% % handle([global,set,key]) is det. 2022% % Run global-set-key lisp command. 2023%! handle([global,set,key]) --> region, paragraph, maplist(split), 2024% maplist(remove_comment_line), 2025% remove([]), 2026% maplist([[X,Y], done] 2027% :- (herbrand(Y, H), 2028% elisp:global_set_key(X, H)) 2029% ), 2030% herbrand_opp.
2034handle([global, unset, key]) -->
2035 region_or_line(K),
2036 {global_unset_key(K)},
2037 peek(`unset.`).
2043handle([pldoc]) --> 2044 { Doc_html = 'TMPPLDOC.html', 2045 atomics_to_string(['~/public_html/', Doc_html], Local_html), 2046 expand_file_name(Local_html,[HTML|_]), 2047 lisp(list('default-directory', 'buffer-name'()), List), 2048 atomics_to_string(List, File_source_name), 2049 open(HTML, write, Out_stream), 2050 set_output(Out_stream), 2051 pldoc_html:doc_for_file(File_source_name, 2052 [edit(false), 2053 public_only(false)]), 2054 close(Out_stream), 2055 getenv(user, User_name), 2056 sh(open(-a('Safari'), 2057 "http://localhost/" 2058 + "~" 2059 + User_name 2060 + "/" 2061 + Doc_html)) 2062 }. 2063 2064 /*************************** 2065 * make-reftex-label * 2066 ***************************/ 2067 2068tex_command(Comm, Arg)--> w(".*\\"), 2069 w(".*", Comm0), 2070 "{", 2071 w(".*", Arg0), 2072 "}", 2073 { string_codes(Comm, Comm0), 2074 string_codes(Arg, Arg0) 2075 }. 2076% 2077reftex_label_prefix("subsection", "sec"). 2078reftex_label_prefix(S, Pref):- string_length(S, L), 2079 ( L =< 3 2080 -> Pref = S 2081 ; sub_string(S, 0, 3, _, Pref) 2082 ). 2083 2084% 2085make_reftex_label("begin", Beg, Rem, 2086 ["\n\\label{", Pref, ":", Rem0, "}"]):- !, 2087 reftex_label_prefix(Beg, Pref), 2088 trim_white(Rem0, Rem, []). 2089make_reftex_label(Comm, Arg, _, 2090 ["\n\\label{", Pref, ":", Arg, "}"]):- 2091 reftex_label_prefix(Comm, Pref). 2092 2093% 2094handle([reftex, label])--> line, 2095 tex_command(Comm, Arg), 2096 make_reftex_label(Comm, Arg). 2097 2098 /***************************************** 2099 * helper predicates for handle/4. * 2100 *****************************************/ 2101 2102% \C-l help (for help) 2103 2104% trim_white(+X:codes, -Y:codes) is det. 2105% Trim white codes from both ends of X as long as possible, 2106% and unify Y with the remainder of X. 2107% ?- ejockey:trim_white(` \t/a\tb c/ \t`, P), 2108% ?- ejockey:trim_white(` \t/a\tb c/ \t`, P), basic:smash(P). 2109% ?- ejockey:trim_white(`\n \t/a\tb c/ \t`, P), basic:smash(P). 2110% ?- ejockey:trim_white(`\n \t/a\tb c/ \t\n\n`, P), basic:smash(P). 2111% ?- ejockey:trim_white(`\n ab\n cd \nef \n\n\n`, P), basic:smash(P). 2112trim_white --> wl("[\s\t\n]*"), 2113 w(".*", A), 2114 wl("[\s\t\n]*"), 2115 end_of_codes, 2116 peek(A). 2117 2118% Qcompile: /Users/cantor/devel/zdd/prolog/util/emacs-jockey.pl 2119% trim_white_prefix(+X:codes, -Y:codes) is det. 2120% Trim white codes of the prefix of X, 2121% and unify Y with the remainder of X. 2122trim_white_prefix --> wl("[\s\t]*"). 2123 2124% catch_once(+G:goal, +A:term, -R:term) is det. 2125% Unify R with A if G is true, with E if exception E is thrown 2126% from a child process of G, and fail if G fails. 2127 2128catch_once(X, A, R):- catch((once(X), R=A), E, (R = E)), !. 2129catch_once(_, _, fail). 2130 2131% line(_, -L:codes) is det. 2132% Get the codes of the current line with the cursor on. 2133line(_, Line) :- line_get(I), obj_get([line(Line)], I, _). 2134 2135% partial_match(As:list, B:atom) is det. 2136% True if some atom in As is a prefix atom of B. 2137 2138% ?- ejockey:partial_match([reg, a], region). 2139partial_match(Atoms, Fullname):- 2140 once(( 2141 member(Shortname, Atoms), 2142 atom(Shortname), 2143 sub_atom(Fullname, 0, N, _, Shortname), 2144 N>0)). 2145 2146% %c select_phrase(+C:cond, +P:phrase, +Q:phrase) is det. 2147% % Conditional phrase depending on arguments abbreviation; 2148% % Use default unless otherwise being specified. 2149% select_phrase(Cond, P, _) --> {call(Cond)}, !, phrase(P). 2150% select_phrase( _, _, Q) --> phrase(Q). 2151 2152% region_or_line(As:list, ?X, ?Y) is det. 2153% Apply region/2 or line/2 to X, Y depending on X. 2154 2155region_or_line([]) --> !, region. % region is default. 2156region_or_line([X|_]) --> {partial_match([X], line)}, !, line. 2157region_or_line([X|_]) --> {partial_match([X], region)}, region. 2158 2159% trim_nl_mv(+S, +T, +X, -Y) is det. 2160% Move a file over directories. 2161trim_nl_mv(S, T) --> trim_nl(L, R), 2162 handle_mv(S, T), 2163 peek(X, [L, X, R]). 2164 2165% rename(S:directory, T:directory, +X:codes, -Y:codes) is det. 2166% Move a file over directories with specified new name. 2167rename(S, T)--> set_mark_region, 2168 region, 2169 trim_nl_mv(S, T), 2170 overwrite. 2171 2172% indent_region(+C:code, +N:int, +X, -Y) is det. 2173% Indent the region by padding the code C N times. 2174 2175indent_region(CharCode, N) --> region, 2176 split, 2177 { length(Indent, N), 2178 maplist(=(CharCode), Indent) 2179 }, 2180 maplist(pred(Indent, 2181 [[], []] 2182 & 2183 [X, [Indent|X]])), 2184 insert('\n'), 2185 overwrite.
2191handle_open_relative(Line) :- 2192 get_string(working_directory, Path), 2193 ( Path \== "" 2194 -> PathStr = Path 2195 ; PathStr = "" 2196 ), 2197 atomics_to_string([PathStr, /, Line], X), 2198 pshell(open(X)). 2199 2200% remove_comment_line(X:codes, Y:codes) is det. 2201% Remove the comment lines from X, and Unify Y with the 2202% remaining. 2203 2204% ?- ejockey:remove_comment_line([`%abc`, `%xyz`, `%hello`], R). 2205remove_comment_line([],[]). 2206remove_comment_line([[0'%|_]|R], R0):- !, remove_comment_line(R, R0). %' 2207remove_comment_line([X|R], [X|R0]):- remove_comment_line(R, R0).
2213handle_mv(S_dir, T_dir) --> 2214 trim_nl(Left, Right), 2215 pred([X, Y]:- foldr( % : ===> @ 2216 pred( [0':, U, [0'@ | U]] 2217 & 2218 [0'/, U, [0'- | U]] 2219 & 2220 [A, U, [A|U]] ) , 2221 X, [], Y)), 2222 mv_over_directory(S_dir, T_dir), 2223 peek(A, [Left, A, Right]). 2224 2225 2226% A -->> B is a genral form of rules, tentatively called a `DCGX' (DCG extended) rule. 2227% Syntactically, A and B must be prolog terms such that A --> B forms a DCG rule. 2228% This rule is translated like a DCG rule, but into a predicate H that acts on contextual 2229% object of the form (X, E), which is called here a `state'. 2230% Procedually, H acts on states as a state transition action, so that we write 2231% 2232% H 2233% (X, E) ~~> (X', E') 2234% 2235% for H((X, E), (X', E')). 2236% 2237% Let H1, ..., Hn be actions for instances of the lefthand side of rules defined 2238% by '-->>' rules and (X0, E0) given an initial contextual objects. Then, a sequence (H1,...,Hn) 2239% acts on a state (X0, E0) as an intial state, and then produce a next state (X1, E1), 2240% and does successively so on like this with a final state (Xn, En). 2241% 2242% H1 H2 Hn 2243% (X0, E0) ~~> (X1, E1) ~~> ... ~~> (Xn, En). 2244% 2245 2246% mv_at_directory(+L:directory, +S:state, -S0:state) is det. 2247% Rename a file under L, whose source and target names are 2248% coded in the state S. 2249 2250mv_at_directory(L) -->> dcl([dir(L)]), 2251 paragraph, 2252 remove([]), 2253 maplist(split), 2254 maplist(remove([])), 2255 remove([]), 2256 obj(obj_get([dir(F)])), 2257 maplist(pred(F, ([[X|Y], "renamed."]:- 2258 maplist(split(` `), Y, Y0), 2259 maplist(remove([]), Y0, Y1), 2260 maplist(insert("\\ "), Y1, Y2), 2261 insert("@", Y2, Y3), 2262 file_extension(Ext, X, _), 2263 sh(mv(-i, F + X, F + Y3 + Ext))) 2264 & 2265 ([P,Q]:- insert("\n", P, Q)))), 2266 insert("\n"). 2267 2268% mv_over_directory(+L:directory, +M:directory, +S:state, -S0:state) is det. 2269% Move files over from L to M. The source and target name of a file 2270% are in the given state S. 2271 2272mv_over_directory(L, M) -->> dcl([dir(L), dir_target(M)]), 2273 paragraph, 2274 maplist(split), 2275 maplist(remove([])), 2276 remove([]), 2277 obj(obj_get([dir(F), dir_target(G)])), 2278 maplist(pred([F,G], 2279 ([[X|Y], "Renamed and moved."]:- 2280 file_name(Y, Y0), 2281 atomics_to_string([G,/, Y0], Y1), 2282 file_extension(Ext, X, _), 2283 modify_file_name(Y1, 0, Ext, Y2), 2284 atom_codes(X0, X), 2285 atomics_to_string([F,/, X0], X1), 2286 rename_file(X1, Y2)) 2287 & 2288 ([P,Q]:- insert("\n", P, Q)) 2289 ) 2290 ), 2291 insert("\n"). 2292 2293% file_name(+X:text, -Y:atom) is det. 2294% Concatenate a list X of blocks of codes into an atom Y 2295% with '@' as a block separator character. 2296 2297file_name --> insert(`@`), flatten, flip(string_codes). 2298 2299% modify_file_name(+F:file_name, +I:integer, +E:extension, -G:File_name) is det. 2300% Modify the file name F to G by adding a minimum integer suffix J >= I 2301% to F when F conflicts with an existing one so that G does not so, otherwise, 2302% unify G with F. 2303 2304% ?- ejockey:modify_file_name('emacs-jockey', 0, '.pl', G). 2305% ?- ejockey:modify_file_name('~/Desktop/test', 0, '.bib', G). 2306% ?- ejockey:modify_file_name('~/Desktop/test', 1, '.bib', G). 2307 2308modify_file_name(F, 0, Ext, G):- !, 2309 atomic_list_concat([F, Ext], F0), 2310 ( exists_file(F0) 2311 -> modify_file_name(F, 1, Ext, G) 2312 ; G = F0 2313 ). 2314modify_file_name(F, I, Ext, G):- atom_number(A, I), 2315 atomic_list_concat([F, @, A, Ext], F0), 2316 ( exists_file(F0) 2317 -> J is I+1, 2318 modify_file_name(F, J, Ext, G) 2319 ; G = F0 2320 ). 2321 2322% file_extension(-Ext:atom, +P:codes, -Q:codes) is det. 2323% Unify Ext with a file extension codes (including the '.' character) of 2324% P, and Q with the remainder prefix of P. If no extension of P is found, 2325% unify Ext and Q with the empty atom '' and P, respective. 2326 2327% ?- ejockey:file_extension(X, `abc/.efg/a.b.c`, R). 2328% ?- ejockey:file_extension(X, `abc/.efg/a.b.c/x`, R). 2329 2330file_extension(Ext) --> w(*(.)), ".", wl("[^\\./]*", X), end_of_list, !, 2331 { atom_codes(Ext, [0'. | X]) }. %' 2332file_extension('') --> []. 2333 2334% insert_tab_nl(+N:int, +I:int, +T:list, -T0:list) is det. 2335% Insert tab codes or newline codes between each successive elements 2336% of T, and unify T0 with it, so that writing all elements of the list T0 2337% in order shows up an array of raws of N-elements, provided that I = N. 2338 2339% ?- ejockey:insert_tab_nl(3, 3, [a,b,c,d,e], R). 2340insert_tab_nl(_, _, [], []). 2341insert_tab_nl(N, 0, [X|Y], [[X,'\n']|Y0]):- !, insert_tab_nl(N, N, Y, Y0). 2342insert_tab_nl(N, J, [X|Y], [[X,'\t']|Y0]):- J0 is J-1, insert_tab_nl(N, J0, Y, Y0). 2343 2344% insert_nl(+X:list, -Y:list) is det. 2345% Shorthand for insert(`\n`, X, Y). 2346 2347insert_nl --> insert(`\n`). 2348 2349 /**************************************** 2350 * listing tex command sequences. * 2351 ****************************************/ 2352 2353% handle([list, tex, cs]) is det. 2354% Listing tex command sequeces. 2355% 2356handle([list, tex, cs]) --> region, 2357 texparse, 2358 list_texcs, 2359 sort, 2360 insert("\n"). 2361 2362% 2363list_texcs_file(File, R):- read_file_to_codes(File, R0, []), 2364 texparse(R0, R1), 2365 list_texcs(R2, [], R1, []), 2366 sort(R2, R). 2367% 2368list_texcs(X, Y):- list_texcs(Y, [], X, []). 2369 2370% 2371list_texcs([A|X], Y) --> [cs(A)], !, list_texcs(X, Y). 2372list_texcs([F|X], Y) --> [env(F, B)], !, 2373 { list_texcs(X, X0, B, []) }, 2374 list_texcs(X0, Y). 2375list_texcs(X, Y) --> [L], { listp(L) } , !, 2376 { list_texcs(X, X0, L, []) }, 2377 list_texcs(X0, Y). 2378list_texcs(X, Y) --> [_], !, list_texcs(X, Y). 2379list_texcs(X, X) --> []. 2380 2381 2382 /************************************************ 2383 * bi-directional converter for file name * 2384 % with dakuten characters * 2385 ************************************************/ 2386 2387% dakuten_convert(?X:text, ?Y:text) is det and bi-directional. 2388% Replace each 'dakuten' and 'semi-dakuten' (voiced sound mark) ligature with 2389% the one character in utf8 encoding, and unify Y with the result so that Y is from 2390% from such ligatures; and vice versa. Note that copy-paste of Japanese file names 2391% of ligature free in Finder may yield codes that has (semi-)dakuten ligatures, 2392% which may cause troubles. 2393 2394% [2013/09, 2014/12] 2395% ex. "ã¯ã" <==> "ã°â (bi-directional) 2396 2397% ?- ejockey:dakuten_convert("ãããã·ãã§ã¯ã", Y), ejockey:dakuten_convert(X, Y). 2398% ?- ejockey:dakuten_convert(`ãããã·ãã§ã¯ã`, Y), ejockey:dakuten_convert(X, Y). 2399% ?- ejockey:dakuten_convert('ãããã·ãã§ã¯ã', Y), ejockey:dakuten_convert(X, Y). 2400% ?- ejockey:dakuten_convert("ããã¸ã§ã¯ããããã·ãã§ã¯ã", Y), ejockey:dakuten_convert(X, Y). 2401% æ¿ç¹ 'ã' åæ¿ç¹ 'ã' 2402 2403dakuten_convert(X, Y):- var(Y), !, 2404 string_chars(X, U), 2405 once(convert_chars(U, V)), 2406 string_chars(Y, V). 2407dakuten_convert(X, Y):- 2408 string_chars(Y, V), 2409 once(convert_chars(U, V)), 2410 string_chars(X, U). 2411 2412convert_chars([], []). 2413convert_chars([X, Y|R], [Z|S]):- conversion_table(Y, D, E), 2414 chars_table_check(X, D, E, Z), 2415 convert_chars(R, S). 2416convert_chars([X|R], [X|S]):- convert_chars(R, S). 2417 2418% 2419chars_table_check(X, [X|_], [Z|_], Z). 2420chars_table_check(X, [_|U], [_|V], Z):- chars_table_check(X, U, V, Z). 2421 2422% conversion_table(a, X, Y) means that ba <==> c for each b in X and c in Y. 2423conversion_table('ã', 2424 ['ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 2425 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 2426 'ã', 'ã¡', 'ã¤', 'ã¦', 'ã¨', 2427 'ã¯', 'ã²', 'ãµ', 'ã¸', 'ã»'], 2428 ['ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 2429 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 2430 'ã ', 'ã¢', 'ã¥', 'ã§', 'ã©', 2431 'ã°', 'ã³', 'ã¶', 'ã¹', 'ã¼']). 2432conversion_table('ã', 2433 ['ã¦', 2434 'ã«', 'ã', 'ã¯', 'ã±', 'ã³', 2435 'ãµ', 'ã·', 'ã¹', 'ã»', 'ã½', 2436 'ã¿', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 2437 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã'], 2438 ['ã´', 2439 'ã¬', 'ã®', 'ã°', 'ã²', 'ã´', 2440 'ã¶', 'ã¸', 'ãº', 'ã¼', 'ã¾', 2441 'ã', 'ã', 'ã ', 'ã', 'ã', 2442 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã']). 2443conversion_table('ã', 2444 ['ã¯', 'ã²', 'ãµ', 'ã¸', 'ã»'], 2445 ['ã±', 'ã´', 'ã·', 'ãº', 'ã½`']). 2446conversion_table('ã', 2447 ['ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã'], 2448 ['ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã', 'ã'] 2449 ). 2450 2451 2452 2453% trim_nl(-L:codes, -R:codes, +X:codes, -Y:codes) is det. 2454% Trim successive new line codes from both ends of X as long as possible, 2455% and unify Y with the remainder of X. 2456 2457% ?-ejockey:trim_nl(L, R, `abc`, Y). 2458% ?-ejockey:trim_nl(L, R, `\n\n\n`, Y). 2459% ?-ejockey:trim_nl(L, R, `\nabc\n`, Y). 2460% ?-ejockey:trim_nl(L, R, `\n\nabc\n\n`, Y). 2461% ?-ejockey:trim_nl(L, R, `\n\nåäº\nå½æ\nabc\n\n`, Y). 2462 2463% 2464trim_nl(L, R) --> wl(*("\n"), L), 2465 w(*(.), Y), 2466 wl(*("\n"), R), 2467 end_of_list, 2468 peek(Y). 2469 2470% 2471end_of_list([], []). 2472 2473% meta_handle(?X, -Y) is det. 2474% Parse the first line of the region for a handle command, 2475% and apply the command to the rest of the region. 2476 2477meta_handle --> region, 2478 w("[^\n]*$", L), 2479 { parse_line(X, L, []), 2480 maplist(atom_codes, A, X) 2481 }, 2482 pred([A, L], [U, V]:- 2483 once(find_handle_call(A, L, U, V))). 2484 2485% parse_line(+X:list, +Y:codes, -Z:codes) is det. 2486% Unify X with a list of (S-expression) tokens that 2487% appears in the deference between Y and Z. 2488 2489% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `a b c`, []). 2490% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `a "b c""d e"`, []). 2491% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `a "b c"'d \\"e'`, []). 2492% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `'d\\e'`, []). 2493% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `'d\e'`, []). 2494% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `'d\\\\e'`, []). 2495% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `"d\\\\\e"`, []). 2496% ?- ejockey:parse_line(X, `"a"`, []). 2497 2498parse_line(X) --> wl("[\s\t]*"), parse_line0(X). 2499 2500parse_line0([A|X]) --> token(A), !, parse_line(X). 2501parse_line0([]) --> []. 2502 2503 2504% ?-coalgebra:show_am("\"([^\"\\\\]|(\\\\.))*\"" | "'([^'\\\\]|(\\\\.))*'" | "[^ \t\"']+"). 2505 2506 2507% token(-X:token, +Y:codes, -Z:codes) is det. 2508% Unify X with a token in S-expression for the difference betwee Y and Z. 2509 2510% ?- ejockey:token(X, `abcd `, Y). 2511% ?- ejockey:token(X, `"ab\\\"d"`, Y), smash(X). 2512%@ "ab\"d" 2513% ?- ejockey:token(X, `"ab\\\"c\\\"d"`, Y), smash(X). 2514%@ "ab\"c\"d" 2515 2516token(X) --> wl( "\"([^\"\\\\]|(\\\\.))*\"" 2517 | "'([^'\\\\]|(\\\\.))*'" 2518 | "[^\s\t\"']+", 2519 X). 2520 2521% prolog_identifier(N:, X:codes, Y:codes) is det. 2522% Unify N with a list of codes 2523% such that N is the longest prolog_identifier prefix of X, 2524% and Y with the remaining suffix of X. 2525% 2526 2527prolog_identifier(N) --> wl("[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", N, []). 2528 2529% keyword(N:, X:codes, Y:codes) is det. 2530% Unify N with a list of codes 2531% such that N is the longest keyword prefix of X, 2532% and Y with the remaining suffix of X. 2533% 2534 2535keyword(N) --> wl("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", N, []). 2536 2537% collect_tokens(+W:type, +X:codes, -Y:tokens) is det. 2538% Collect tokens in X that satisfies W, and 2539% unify Y with it. 2540 2541collect_tokens(W, X, Y):- collect_tokens(W, Y, [], X, []). 2542 2543% 2544collect_tokens(W, X, Y) --> [_], collect_tokens(W, X, Y). 2545collect_tokens(_, X, X)-->[]. 2546 2547% % [2013/10/07] To escape special characters of the file name 2548% % in order to pass it to sh/1. 2549% % ?- ejockey:escape_shell_char(`a : (b)`, R), atom_codes(A, R). 2550% %@ A = 'a \\@ \\(b\\)' . 2551 2552escape_shell_char(X, Y):- 2553 foldr(pred( [0'(, U, [0'\\, 0'( | U] ] & %' 2554 [0'), U, [0'\\, 0') | U] ] & 2555 [0'\', U, [0'\\, 0'\' | U] ] & 2556 [0':, U, [0'\\, 0'@ | U] ] & 2557 [0'/, U, [0'\\, 0'@ | U] ] & 2558 [A, U, [A|U] ] 2559 ), 2560 X, [], Y). 2561 2562% ?- ejockey:remove_leading_comment_chars(`% %@ ?- a, \n % b.\n`, X). 2563 2564% ?- ejockey:remove_leading_comment_chars(`% %@ ?- a, \n % b.\n`, X), 2565% basic:smash(X). 2566 2567remove_leading_comment_chars(X, Y) :- 2568 remove_leading_comment_chars(Y, [], X, []). 2569% 2570remove_leading_comment_chars(X, Y) --> 2571 wl("([% \t]|(%@*)|(\\?-))*"), 2572 wl("[^\n]*", X, X0), 2573 remove_leading_comment_chars_continue(X0, Y). 2574% 2575remove_leading_comment_chars_continue([0'\n|X], Y) --> "\n", %' % 2576 remove_leading_comment_chars(X, Y). 2577remove_leading_comment_chars_continue(X, X) --> []. 2578 2579% ?- comment(X, [], `/* abc \ndef */xyz`, R), smash(X), nl, smash(R). 2580%@ /* abc def */ 2581%@ xyz 2582 2583comment --> w(@comment). 2584% 2585comment(X, Y)-->w(@comment, X, Y). 2586% 2587uncomment --> wl("%+ ?"|[]). 2588 2589module_name(Codes, Name):- once(module_name(Name, Codes, _)). 2590% 2591module_name(Name) --> wl("[\s\t]*:-[\s\t]*"), 2592 "module(", 2593 wl("[^,\s\t]+", Name). 2594module_name(????) --> []. 2595 2596% 2597white_filler --> wl("[\s\t\n]*"). 2598% 2599non_white_line(X):- \+ white_filler(X, []). 2600 2601% ?- C = `abãcd`, ejockey:to_ascii_space(`abãcd`, R). 2602%@ C = [97, 98, 12288, 99, 100], 2603%@ R = [97, 98, 32, 99, 100]. 2604 2605to_ascii_space(X, Y) :- once(to_ascii_space(Y, [], X, [])). 2606 2607to_ascii_space([0'\s|X], Y) --> "ã", to_ascii_space(X, Y). % ' 2608to_ascii_space([C|X], Y)--> [C], to_ascii_space(X, Y). 2609to_ascii_space(X, X)--> []