1:- module(int_part, []).    2
    3:- use_module(library(clpfd)).    4:- use_module(util(misc)).    5:- use_module(pac(basic)).    6% :- expects_dialect(pac).
    7term_expansion --> pac:expand_pac.
    8:- use_module(pac(op)).    9
   12% ?- prolog_stack_property(X, Y).
   13% ?- set_prolog_stack(global, limit(2*10**9)).
   15% ?- fold_poly_zip_bounded([], [], 1, [], X).
   16% ?- fold_poly_zip_bounded([poly(1,[1,1])], [poly(1,[1,1])], 3, [], X).
   17% ?- fold_poly_zip_bounded([poly(1,[1,1])], [poly(1,[1,1])], 5, [], X).
   18% ?- fold_poly_zip_bounded([poly(1,[1,1])], [poly(1,[1,1])], 6, [], X).
   20fold_poly_zip_bounded(Ps, Qs, N, X, Y):-
   21	fold_poly_zip(pred(N, ([K, K, P, Q, R]
   22							:- math:poly_mul_bd_poly(P, Q, N, R))),
   23				  Ps, Qs, 0, X, Y).
   25% ?- scm(int_part).
   26partition_number(N, P, Opt):-
   27	(	memberchk(formula, Opt) -> partition_number(N, P)
   28	;	memberchk(rec,  Opt)	-> integer_partition(N, Ps),
   29					length(Ps, P)
   30	;  	memberchk(history, Opt) -> course_of_partition(N, [A|_]),
   31					length(A, P)
   32  	;  	memberchk(history2, Opt) -> partition_history_tr(N, [A|_]),
   33					length(A, P)
   34	;	memberchk(clpfd, Opt)	-> setof(Vs, partition_clpfd(N, Vs), All),
   35					length(All, P)
   36	;	partition_number(N, P)
   37	).
   39% ?- between(1, 52, N), partition_number(N, X, [history]), writeln(#('Y'(N)) = X), fail; true.
   41% ?- partition_number(500, P, [formula]).
   42% ?- partition_number(500, P, []).
   43% ?- partition_number(40, P, []).
   44% ?- partition_number(40, P, [formula]).
   45% ?- partition_number(40, P, [rec]).
   46% ?- partition_number(40, P, [history]).
   47% ?- partition_number(40, P, [history2]).
   48% ?- partition_number(20, P, [history]).
   49% ?- partition_number(20, P, [clpfd]).
   50% ?- time(partition_number(52, X, [formula])).
   51% ?- time(partition_number(52, X, [history])).
   52%@ % 47,461,267 inferences, 5.356 CPU in 5.489 seconds (98% CPU, 8861529 Lips)
   53%@ X = 281589 .
   54% ?- time(partition_number(52, X, [history2])).
   55%@ % 47,461,222 inferences, 5.722 CPU in 5.833 seconds (98% CPU, 8295086 Lips)
   56%@ X = 281589 .
   57% ?- time(partition_number(53, X, [history])).
   58%@ % 56,645,575 inferences, 6.636 CPU in 6.749 seconds (98% CPU, 8536582 Lips)
   59%@ X = 329931 .
   60% ?- time(partition_number(53, X, [history2])).
   61%@ % 56,645,538 inferences, 6.478 CPU in 6.598 seconds (98% CPU, 8743664 Lips)
   62% ?- time(partition_number(54, X, [history2])).
   63%@ % 67,495,266 inferences, 7.389 CPU in 7.528 seconds (98% CPU, 9135086 Lips)
   64%@ X = 386155 .
   65% ?- time(partition_number(55, X, [history2])).
   66%@ % 80,293,565 inferences, 9.192 CPU in 9.345 seconds (98% CPU, 8734916 Lips)
   67%@ X = 451276 .
   68% ?- time(partition_number(60, X, [history2])).
   69%@ % 187,006,232 inferences, 20.617 CPU in 20.900 seconds (99% CPU, 9070386 Lips)
   70%@ X = 966467 .
   73% ?- time(partition_number(52, X, [rec])). % Out of global stack
   74% ?- time(partition_number(53, X, [])).
   75% ?- time(partition_number(53, X, [history])).  % max
   76% ?- time(partition_number(53, X, [history2])).  % Out of Global Stack
   78% Conclusion: induction with `history' is a little bit
   79% better than the simple recursion on the integer.
   81% ?- time(partition_number(53, X, [rec])).		% out of stack.
   82% ?- time(partition_number(54, X, [history])).	% out of stack.
   85		/******************************************************
   86		*     ?- set_prolog_stack(global, limit(2*10**9)).    *
   87		******************************************************/
   89% ?- time(partition_number(65, X, [history])).
   90%@ X = 2012558 .
   91% ?- time(partition_number(65, X, [history2])).
   92%@ X = 2012558 .
   94	/********************************************************************
   95	*    (F) Fast partion number based on the regression formula:       *
   96	*                                                                   *
   97	*     $\sum_{j\geq0} p(n-\frac{j(3j\pm 1)}2)(-1)^j = 0$             *
   98	********************************************************************/
  100% ?- partition_number(1, X, [formula]).
  101% ?- partition_number(2, X, [formula]).
  102% ?- partition_number(3, X, [formula]).
  103% ?- partition_number(4, X, [formula]).
  104% ?- partition_number(6, X, [formula]).
  105% ?- partition_number(7, X, [formula]).
  106% ?- partition_number(20, X, [formula]).
  107% ?- time(partition_number(10000, X, [formula])).
  108%@ % 9,075,313 inferences, 1.560 CPU in 1.578 seconds (99% CPU, 5816379 Lips)
  109%@ X = 36167251325636293988820471890953695495016030339315650422081868605887952568754066420592310556052906916435144.
  112partition_number(N, P):- succ(N, N1),
  113		  fast_partition(N1, V),
  114		  arg(N1, V, P).
  116% ?- fast_partition(1, X).
  117% ?- fast_partition(2, X).
  118% ?- fast_partition(3, X).
  119% ?- fast_partition(4, X).
  120% ?- fast_partition(5, X).
  121% ?- fast_partition(6, X).
  122% ?- fast_partition(7, X).
  123% ?- fast_partition(8, X).
  124% ?- fast_partition(9, X).
  125% ?- fast_partition(10, X).
  126% ?- fast_partition(11, X).
  127% ?- fast_partition(21, X).
  130fast_partition(N,  Vector):- functor(Vector, p, N),
  131	arg(1, Vector, 1),
  132	fast_partition(2, N, Vector).
  135fast_partition(K, N, _):- K> N, !.
  136fast_partition(K, N, V):- fast_partition(1, K, V, 0, S),
  137	arg(K, V, S),
  138	succ(K, K1),
  139	fast_partition(K1, N, V).
  141fast_partition(J, K, V, S, S0):-
  142	sign_index(J, Sign, X, Y),
  143	K1 is K-X,
  144	K2 is K-Y,
  145	( K1=<0, K2=<0 	->	S0 = S
  146	; 	( K1 > 0 -> arg(K1, V, A1); A1 = 0 ),
  147		( K2 > 0 -> arg(K2, V, A2); A2 = 0 ),
  148		S1 is S + Sign * (A1 + A2),
  149		succ(J, J1),
  150		fast_partition(J1, K, V, S1, S0)
  151	).
  154sign_index(J, Sign,  X, Y):-
  155	( J mod 2 =:= 0 ->  Sign = -1; Sign = 1 ),
  156    A is 3 * J * J,
  157	X is (A - J) // 2,
  158	Y is (A + J) // 2.
  160% ?- time(partition_number_list(10000, X)).
  161%@ % 1,462,095,308 inferences, 96.689 CPU in 96.820 seconds (100% CPU, 15121631 Lips)
  162%@ X = 36167251325636293988820471890953695495016030339315650422081868605887952568754066420592310556052906916435144.
  164partition_number_list(N, P):- succ(N, N1),
  165		  fast_partition_list(N1, V),
  166		  nth1(N1, V, P).
  168% ?- fast_partition_list(10, X).
  169fast_partition_list(N,  Vector):- length(Vector, N),
  170	nth1(1, Vector, 1),
  171	fast_partition_list(2, N, Vector).
  174fast_partition_list(K, N, _):- K> N, !.
  175fast_partition_list(K, N, V):- fast_partition_list(1, K, V, 0, S),
  176	nth1(K, V, S),
  177	succ(K, K1),
  178	fast_partition_list(K1, N, V).
  180fast_partition_list(J, K, V, S, S0):-
  181	sign_index(J, Sign, X, Y),
  182	K1 is K-X,
  183	K2 is K-Y,
  184	( K1=<0, K2=<0 	->	S0 = S
  185	; 	( K1 > 0 -> nth1(K1, V, A1); A1 = 0 ),
  186		( K2 > 0 -> nth1(K2, V, A2); A2 = 0 ),
  187		S1 is S + Sign * (A1 + A2),
  188		succ(J, J1),
  189		fast_partition_list(J1, K, V, S1, S0)
  190	).
  192		/****************************************
  193		*     integer partition by recursion    *
  194		****************************************/
  196% ?- scm(int_part).
  197% ?- partition_number(1, X, [rec]).
  198% ?- partition_number(2, X, [rec]).
  199% ?- partition_number(3, X, [rec]).
  200% ?- partition_number(10, X, [rec]).
  202integer_partition(1, [[1-1]]).
  203integer_partition(N, Ps):- N>1,
  204	succ(N0, N),
  205	integer_partition(N0, Qs),
  206	bump_shift_list(Qs, P0s, []),
  207	sort(P0s, Ps).
  210reverse([], X, X).
  211reverse([A|R], X, Y):- reverse(R, [A|X], Y).
  214bump_shift_list([], X, X).
  215bump_shift_list([A|B], X, Y):-
  216	bump_shift(A, X, X0),
  217	bump_shift_list(B, X0, Y).
  219% ?- bump_shift([1-2], X, Y).
  220% ?- bump_shift([2-1, 3-1], X, Y).
  221bump_shift([], X, X).
  222bump_shift([1-K|U], [[1-K0|U]|X], Y):- !, succ(K, K0),
  223    bump_shift([], [1-K|U], X, Y).
  224bump_shift(U, [[1-1|U]|X], Y):-  bump_shift([], U, X, Y).
  226% ?- bump_shift([],[1-2], X, Y).
  227%@ X = [[1-1, 2-1]|Y] .
  228bump_shift(_Rev, [],  X, X).
  229bump_shift(Rev, [I-J|V], X, Y):- succ(I, I0),
  230	succ(J0, J),
  231	bump_shift(Rev, I, J0, I0, V, X, X0),
  232	bump_shift([I-J|Rev], V, X0, Y).
  234bump_shift(Rev, _I, 0, I0, V, [U|X], X):- !, bump_shift_(I0, V, U0),
  235	reverse(Rev, U0, U).
  236bump_shift(Rev, I, J, I0, V, [U|X], X):- bump_shift_(I0, V, U0),
  237	reverse(Rev, [I-J|U0], U).
  239bump_shift_(I, [I-K|V], [I-K0|V]):- !, succ(K, K0).
  240bump_shift_(I, V, [I-1|V]).
  242		/**************************************
  243		*		Inversion of Polynomials.     *
  244		**************************************/
  246% For a given  polynimial p(x) = ax + ... (a is non zero rational),
  247% there is a unique polynomial q(x) of a specified degree
  248% such that  p(q(x) + r(x))  = x   as a formal power series
  249% for some power series r(x) whose lowest degree is
  250% larger than the degree of p(x). q(x) is considered
  251% as a polynomial approximation to the inverse of
  252% of the  polynomial function p(x) around zero.
  254% This program is written as an application of the integer partition
  255% just for fun.
  257%  A list [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], for example,  means
  258%  a polynimial x + x^3.
  260% ?- scm(int_part).
  261% ?- inverse_poly([3, 1], R, [verify]).
  262% ?- inverse_poly([2, 1], R, [verify]).
  263% ?- inverse_poly([1, 0, 0], R, [verify]).
  264% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], R,[verify]).
  265%@ [1,0,0,0,0,0,-132,165,-308,616,-1176,1764,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
  266%@ R = [1, -1, 2, -5, 14, -42] .
  267% ?- inverse_poly([1, 0, 1], R,[verify]).
  268% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], R,[verify]).
  269% ?- inverse_poly([3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], R,[verify]).
  270% ?- inverse_poly([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], R,[verify]).
  271% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], R,[verify]).
  272% ?- inverse_poly([1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], R,[verify]).
  273% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(20), verify]).
  274% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(30), verify]).
  275% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(35), verify]).
  276% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(35), verify]).
  277% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(36), verify]).
  278% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(37), history, verify]).
  279% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(37), rec, verify]).
  280%@ ERROR: Out of local stack
  281%@ ERROR: Out of local stack
  283% ?- inverse_poly([1,1], R, [degree(37), power_table, verify]).
  284% ?- scm(int_part).
  285% ?- inverse_poly([-2], R, []).
  286% ?- inverse_poly([-2], R, []).
  287% ?- inverse_poly([-2], R).
  288% ?- inverse_poly([1, 0], R).
  289% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, []).
  290% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1, 0], R, [verify]).
  291% ?- inverse_poly_by_power_increment(120, [1, 1], R).
  292% ?- inverse_poly_by_power_increment(121, [1, 1], R).
  293% ?- inverse_poly_by_power_increment(120, [1, 1], R).
  294% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(50), power_table]).
  295% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(50), rec]).
  296% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(50)]).
  297% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(120), power_table]).
  298%@ R = [1, -1, 2, -5, 14, -42, 132, -429, 1430|...] .
  300% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(121), power_table]).
  301% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(122), power_table]).
  302%@ R = [1, -1, 2, -5, 14, -42, 132, -429, 1430|...] .
  304% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(123), power_table]).
  305%@ ERROR: Out of local stack
  306% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(122), power_table, verify]).
  308% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(11), rec]).
  309%@ R = [1, -1, 2, -5, 14, -42, 132, -429, 1430|...] .
  311inverse_poly(Poly, R, Opt0):-
  312	(	memberchk(degree(Deg), Opt0)
  313	->	Opt = Opt0
  314	;	length(Poly, Deg),
  315		Opt = [degree(Deg)|Opt0]
  316	),
  317	length(Poly, Lp),
  318	N is max(Deg, Lp),
  319	length(Poly0, N),
  320	append(Poly, Q, Poly0),
  321	maplist(=(0), Q),
  322	Vec=..[u|Poly0],
  323	length(R, N),
  324	IVec=..[v|R],
  325	Poly=[C1|_],
  326	D1 is rdiv(1, C1),
  327	R = [D1|_],
  328	(	memberchk(rec, Opt)
  329	->		integer_partition(2, Ps),
  330			inverse_poly(2, N, Vec, IVec, Ps)
  331	;		course_of_partition(2, Hs),
  332 			inverse_poly_history(2, N, Vec, IVec, Hs)
  333	),
  334	(	memberchk(verify, Opt0)
  335	-> 	math:poly(##([0|Poly], [0|R]), [_|U]),
  336		% polynimial composition.
  337		writeln(U)
  338	;	true
  339	).
  341% ?- poly_to_list(poly(3, [1]), R).
  342%@ R = [0, 0, 0, 1].
  343% ?- poly_to_list(poly(3, [0]), R).
  344poly_to_list(poly(0, L), L):-!.
  345poly_to_list(poly(E, L), M):- !, succ(E0, E),
  346	poly_to_list(poly(E0, [0|L]), M).
  347poly_to_list(L, L).
  350inverse_poly(I, N, _,  _, _):- I > N, !.
  351inverse_poly(I, N, Vec, IVec, Ps):-
  352	nth_coefficient(I, Vec, IVec, C, Ps),
  353	arg(I, IVec, B),
  354	arg(1, Vec, A1),
  355	B is  - (C rdiv A1),
  356	succ(I, I0),
  357	bump_shift_list(Ps, Q0s, []),
  358	sort(Q0s, Qs),
  359	inverse_poly(I0, N, Vec, IVec, Qs).
  362inverse_poly_history(I, N, _,  _, _):- I > N, !.
  363inverse_poly_history(I, N, Vec, IVec, Hs):-
  364	Hs=[Ps|_],
  365	nth_coefficient(I, Vec, IVec, C, Ps),
  366	arg(I, IVec, B),
  367	arg(1, Vec, A1),
  368	B is  - (C rdiv A1),
  369	succ(I, I0),
  370	extend_partition_list(Hs, I0, Qs, []),
  371	sort(Qs, Q0s),
  372	inverse_poly_history(I0, N, Vec, IVec, [Q0s|Hs]).
  374% ?- fold_partition([1-1, 2-2], 6, v(5, 6, 1), V).
  375%@ V = 540
  376% ?- fold_partition([3-1, 2-2], 120,  v(5, 6, 1), V).
  377%@ V = 2160 .
  378% ?- X is (120*(5**3)*(6**2)) // (6*2).
  379%@ X = 45000.
  381fold_partition(P, Jfac, Cs, D):-
  382	foldl(pred(Cs, ([N-K, U, V]
  383				   :- arg(N, Cs, B),
  384					  math:scalar_exp(B, K, P0),
  385					  V is P0 * U)),
  386		  P, 1, D0),
  387	foldl(pred(([_-K, U, V]
  388			   :- factorial(K, Fk),
  389				  V is Fk*U)),
  390		  P, 1, F),
  391	D is (Jfac rdiv F)*D0.
  393% ?- fold_partition_list([[1-1, 2-2],[1-1, 2-2]], 3, v(5, 6), V).
  394%@ V = 1080 .
  396fold_partition_list(Ps, J, Cs, E):-
  397	factorial(J, Jfac),
  398	foldl(pred([Cs, Jfac], ( [P, U, V]
  399					 :- fold_partition(P, Jfac, Cs, A),
  400						V is A+U)),
  401		  Ps, 0, E).
  404nth_coefficient(I, U, V, C, Ps):-
  405	nth_coefficient(I, 2, Ps, U, V, 0, C).
  407nth_coefficient(I, J, _, _, _, C, C):- J > I, !.
  408nth_coefficient(I, J, Ps, U, V, C, C0):-
  409	collect_by_partition_size(Ps, J, Qs),
  410	fold_partition_list(Qs, J, V, A),
  411	arg(J, U, M),
  412	C1 is C + M*A,
  413	succ(J, J0),
  414	nth_coefficient(I, J0, Ps, U, V, C1, C0).
  417collect_by_partition_size([A|R], K, [A0|R0]):-
  418	( A = p(_, A0);  A =A0 ),
  419	partition_size(A0, K),
  420	!,
  421	collect_by_partition_size(R, K, R0).
  422collect_by_partition_size([_|R], K, R0):- !,
  423	collect_by_partition_size(R, K, R0).
  424collect_by_partition_size([], _, []).
  427partition_size([], 0).
  428partition_size([_-I|R], K):- K >= 0, K0 is K -I,
  429	partition_size(R, K0).
  432factorial(N, F):- factorial(N, 1, F).
  434factorial(1, N, N).
  435factorial(K, N, N0):- N1 is K*N, succ(K0, K),
  436					  factorial(K0, N1, N0).
  438mul_list(L, M):- foldl(pred([X,Y,Z]:-  Z is X*Y), L, 1, M).
  440% ?- num_of_bags(4, [1,2,3], V).
  442num_of_bags(N, L, V):- factorial(N, F),
  443					mul_list(L, M),
  444					V is F//M.
  447		/********************************************************
  448		*     inverse a polynomial by incrementing exponents    *
  449		********************************************************/
  451% [2016/04/20] Drastic improvent without integer partitions !!
  452% A drastic improvent for inversing polynomials
  453% by decreasing multiplications on polynomials.
  454% It is based on a familiar and well-known binomial formula:
  456%	 (a + b)^n = Sum of nCr a^(n-r)b^r
  458% with i running from 0 to n.
  460% For examples:
  461%		(a + b)^2 = a^2 +2ab + b^2
  462%		(a + b)^3 = a^3 +3a^2b + 3ab^2 + b^3
  464% combinations
  465% ?- combination(4, 0, X).
  466% ?- combination(4, 1, X).
  467% ?- combination(4, 2, X).
  468% ?- combination(4, 3, X).
  469% ?- combination(4, 4, X).
  471% ?- scm(int_part).
  472% ?- poly_coeff(1, poly(1, [2]), V).
  473%@ V = 2.
  474% ?- poly_coeff(1, poly(1, []), V).
  475%@ V = 0.
  476% ?- poly_coeff(1, [], V).
  477%@ V = 0.
  478% ?- poly_coeff(1, [1,2], V).
  479%@ V = 2.
  481poly_coeff(I, poly(J, L), V):- !,
  482	plus(K, J, I),
  483	(	nth0(K, L, V)
  484			-> true
  485			; V=0
  486	).
  487poly_coeff(I, L, V):-
  488	(	nth0(I, L, V)
  489			-> true
  490			; V=0
  491	).
  493% ?- scm(int_part).
  494% ?- fold_poly_coeff(1,[3,5], [poly(1, [1]), poly(1, [2])], X).
  495%@ X = 13 .
  496% ?- fold_poly_coeff(1,[3], [poly(1, [1]), poly(1, [2])], X).
  497%@ X = 3 .
  498% ?- fold_poly_coeff(1,[3,5], [poly(1, [1])], X).
  499%@ X = 3.
  501fold_poly_coeff(I, Ws, Ps, X):- fold_poly_coeff(I, Ws, Ps, 0, X).
  503fold_poly_coeff(I, [W|Ws], [P|Ps], X, Y):-!,
  504	poly_coeff(I, P, C),
  505	X0 is W*C+X,
  506	fold_poly_coeff(I, Ws, Ps, X0, Y).
  507fold_poly_coeff(_, [], _, X, X).
  508fold_poly_coeff(_, _, [], X, X).
  510% ?- scm(int_part).
  511% ?- inverse_poly_by_power_increment(3, [1], R).
  512% ?- inverse_poly([1], R, [degree(3), power_table]).
  513% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(10), power_table]).
  514% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(20), power_table]).
  515% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(100), power_table]).
  516% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(120), power_table]).
  517% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(10), power_table,verify]).
  518% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(20), power_table]).
  519% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(100), power_table]).
  520% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(120), power_table]).
  521% ?- inverse_poly([1, 1], R, [degree(121), power_table]).
  522%@ R = [1, -1, 2, -5, 14, -42, 132, -429, 1430|...] .
  524% ?- set_prolog_stack(global, limit(2*10**9)).
  525%@ true.
  527inverse_poly_by_power_increment(N, [A1|As], R):-
  528	B1 is 1 rdiv A1,
  529	update_power(1, poly(1, [B1]), [[]], N, Ps),
  530	repeat_update_power(2, N,  A1, As, Ps, Qs),
  531	last(Qs, R0),
  532	once(trim_constant_term(R0, R)).
  534% For compatibility with other methods
  535trim_constant_term(poly(0, [_|R]), R).
  536trim_constant_term(poly(1, R), R).
  537trim_constant_term(poly(J, R), S):- succ(J0, J),
  538	trim_constant_term(poly(J0, [0|R]), S).
  539trim_constant_term([_|R], R).
  542repeat_update_power(I, N, _, _, Ps, Ps):- I > N, !.
  543repeat_update_power(I, N, A, Ws, Ps, Qs):-
  544	reverse(Ps, [_|Us]),
  545 	fold_poly_coeff(I, Ws, Us, B),
  546	C is - (B rdiv A),
  547	succ(I, I0),
  548	update_power(I, poly(I, [C]), Ps, N, Rs),
  549	repeat_update_power(I0, N, A, Ws, Rs, Qs).
  551% ?- update_power(1, poly(1,[1]), [[]], 3, X).
  552%@ X = [poly(0, [0, 0, 1]), poly(0, [0, 1])] .
  553% ?-  update_power(2, poly(3,[1]), [poly(2,[1]), poly(1,[1])], 10, P).
  554%@ P = [poly(0, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 1]), poly(0, [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1]), poly(0, [0, 1, 0, 1])] .
  556update_power(N, A, Ps, Max, [QH|Qs]):-
  557	update_power(N, A, Ps, Max, Qs, []),
  558	last(Qs, Q),
  559	Qs = [H|_],
  560	math:poly_mul_bd_poly(Q, H, Max, QH).
  562update_power(0, _, _, _, X, X):-!.
  563update_power(I, A, Ps, Max, [P0|X], Y):-
  564	fold_poly_power_combi(I, A, Ps, Max, P0),
  565	succ(I0, I),
  566	Ps=[_|Qs],
  567	update_power(I0, A, Qs, Max, X, Y).
  569% ?-  fold_poly_power_combi(2, poly(3,[1]), [poly(2,[1]), poly(1,[1])], 10, P).
  570fold_poly_power_combi(N, A, Ps, Max, P):-
  571	fold_poly_power_combi(Ps, 0, N, A, poly(0,[1]), Max, [], P).
  574fold_poly_power_combi([], _, _, _, V, _, P, Q):- !,
  575	math:poly_add(V, P, Q).
  576fold_poly_power_combi([U|Us], I, N, A, V, Max, P, Q):-
  577	combination(N, I, C),
  578	math:poly_mul_bd_poly(V, U, Max, VU),
  579	math:poly_scalar(C, VU, CVU),
  580	math:poly_add(CVU, P, P0),
  581	succ(I, I0),
  582	math:poly_mul_bd_poly(A, V, Max, AV),
  583	fold_poly_power_combi(Us, I0, N, A, AV, Max, P0, Q).
  585% combi(N, R, C) <=>
  586% Let X, R be a set  s.t. |X| = N, a number R, respectively,
  587% then C =  |{Y in powerset(X) | |Y| = R}|
  589combination(_, 0, 1):- !.
  590combination(N, N, 1):- !.
  591combination(N, R, C):- N >= R,
  592	NR is N - R,
  593	(  R < NR
  594		-> combination(N, R, NR, C)
  595		;  combination(N, NR, R,C)
  596	).
  599combination(N, R, S, C):- succ(S, S1),
  600	nat_prod(S1, N, 1, M),
  601	factorial(R, FR),
  602	C is M rdiv FR.
  605nat_prod(K, N, X, X):-  K>N, !.
  606nat_prod(K, N, X, Y):-  X0 is K*X,
  607	succ(K, K1),
  608	nat_prod(K1, N, X0, Y).
  610% A bench mark of two methods (A) and  (B) on integer partitions.
  612		/************************************************************
  613		*     (A) integer partition by course-of-value induction    *
  614		************************************************************/
  616% ?- partition_number(40, X, [history]).
  617%@ X = 37338 .
  618% ?- partition(10, X), maplist(writeln, X).
  620partition(N, Ps):- course_of_partition(N, [Ps|_]).
  622% ?- course_of_partition(4, X).
  624incremental_partition(Ps, N, [Qs|Ps]):-
  625		extend_partition_list(Ps, N, Q0s, []),
  626		sort(Q0s, Qs).
  628% ?- scm(int_part).
  629% ?- course_of_partition(2, X).
  630% ?- course_of_partition(3, X).
  631% ?- course_of_partition(4, X).
  632% ?- course_of_partition(1,X), incremental_partition(X,2,Y).
  633% ?- course_of_partition(1,X), incremental_partition(X,2,Y), incremental_partition(Y,3,Z).
  635course_of_partition(0,[[p(0, [])]]).
  636course_of_partition(N, Ps) :- N > 0,
  637	succ(N1, N),
  638	course_of_partition(N1, Qs),
  639	incremental_partition(Qs, N, Ps).
  641% ?- scm(int_part).
  642extend_partition_list([], _, P, P).
  643extend_partition_list([A|R], N, P, Q):-
  644	extend_partition_level(A, N, P, P0),
  645	extend_partition_list(R, N, P0, Q).
  648extend_partition_level([], _, P, P).
  649extend_partition_level([X|R], N, P, Q):-
  650	extend_canonical(X, N, P, P0),
  651	!,
  652	extend_partition_level(R, N, P0, Q).
  654% Increasing order on block size
  655% (decreasing order on block size does not work.
  656extend_canonical(p(_, []), N, [p(N, [N-1])|D], D).
  657extend_canonical(p(I, [Block_length-K|R]), N, [P|D], D):-
  658	N1 is N-I,
  659	(	N1 >  Block_length
  660	->  P = p(N, [N1-1, Block_length-K|R])
  661	;   N1 == Block_length
  662	->  succ(K, K1),
  663		P = p(N, [Block_length-K1|R])
  664	).
  665extend_canonical(_, _, D, D).
  668		/******************************
  669		*     partition_history_tr    *
  670		******************************/
  671% Tail recursion version.
  672% Despite of tail-recursion, it shows weaker performance ! Why ?
  674% ?- scm(int_part).
  675%@ true.
  676% ?- partition_history_tr(0, X).
  677% ?- partition_history_tr(1, X).
  678% ?- partition_history_tr(2, X).
  679% ?- partition_history_tr(3, X).
  680% ?- partition_history_tr(4, X).
  681% ?- partition_history_tr(40, X).
  682% ?- partition_history_tr(50, X).
  683% ?- partition_history_tr(52, X).	% stack overflow
  684% ?- partition_history_tr(53, X).	% stack overflow
  685% ?- partition_history_tr(52, X), flatten(X, Y), length(Y, L).
  686% ?- partition_history_tr(40, X), flatten(X, Y), length(Y, L).
  687% ?- partition_number(40, N, [formula]).
  688%@ N = 37338.
  690partition_history_tr(0, [[p(0, [])]]).
  691partition_history_tr(N, Ps) :- N > 0,
  692		partition_history_tr(0, P0s),
  693		partition_history_tr(1, N, P0s, Ps).
  696partition_history_tr(I, N, Ps, Ps):- I > N, !.
  697partition_history_tr(I, N, Ps, Qs):-
  698 	extend_partition_list(Ps, I, A, []),
  699 	sort(A, B),
  700 	succ(I, J),
  701 	partition_history_tr(J, N, [B|Ps], Qs).
  703		/*************************************************
  704		*     (B)  integer partition in Finite Domain    *
  705		*************************************************/
  707% ?- time(partition_clpfd_count(20, X)).
  708% ?- time(partition_clpfd_count(30, X)).
  709% ?- time(partition_clpfd_count(40, X)).
  710% ?- time(partition_clpfd_count(45, X)).
  711% ?- time(partition_clpfd_count(50, X)).
  712%@ % 2,800,717,455 inferences, 222.620 CPU in 223.016 seconds (100% CPU, 12580703 Lips)
  713%@ X = 204226.
  714% ?- partition_clpfd_count(51, X).
  715%@ ERROR: Out of global stack
  717% ?- partition_clpfd(10, X).
  718partition_clpfd_count(N, N0):- setof(Vs, partition_clpfd(N, Vs), All),
  719					  length(All, N0).
  722partition_clpfd(N, Vs):-
  723	length(Vs, N),
  724	ins(Vs, ..(0, N)),
  725	numlist(1, N, Ns),
  726	inner_product(Vs, Ns, 0, N),
  727	label(Vs).
  729inner_product([], [], A, A).
  730inner_product([X|R], [I|S], A, B):-
  731	#=(I*X + A, A0),
  732	inner_product(R, S, A0, B).
  734		/***************************************
  735		* (C) naive, but inefficient version   *
  736		***************************************/
  738% ?- naive_young(2, Ps).
  739% ?- naive_young(3, Ps).
  740% ?- naive_young(4, Ps).
  741% ?- naive_young(5, Ps).
  742% ?- time(naive_young(6, Ps)).
  743%@ % 3,098,266 inferences, 0.328 CPU in 0.367 seconds (89% CPU, 9441874 Lips)
  744%@ Ps = [ ... ].
  746% ?- time(naive_young(7, Ps)).
  747%@ % 42,369,834 inferences, 3.568 CPU in 3.833 seconds (93% CPU, 11874930 Lips)
  748%@ ERROR: Out of local stack
  750naive_young(N, Ps):- n_powered_n(N, Series),
  751	collect(pred(N, [V] :-
  752					 fold_vector(V, N)),
  753			Series, Ps).
  755% ?- n_powered_n(8, P).
  756% ?- n_powered_n(2, P).
  757% ?- n_powered_n(4, P).
  759% ?- util:choices([[1,2],[1,2]], R).
  760n_powered_n(N, P):- numlist(0, N, L),
  761				  length(Q, N),
  762				  maplist(=(L), Q),
  763				  choices(Q, P).
  765% ?- fold_vector([1,2,3], S).
  766%@ S = 14.
  767fold_vector(R, S):- fold_vector(R, 1, 0, S).
  770fold_vector([], _,  A, A).
  771fold_vector([X|R], J, A, B):-
  772	C is J*X + A,
  773	succ(J, J0),
  774	fold_vector(R, J0, C, B)