1:- module(webcla, []).
5:- use_module(pac('expand-pac')). 6:- use_pac(web). 8term_expansion --> pac:expand_pac.
9:- use_module(pac(op)). 10
11:- set_prolog_flag(unknown, fail). 13
14dir_path(deldel). 15
16file_name(cla). 17
23theory_to_cla_html(X,T,URL):- dir_path(D), 24 file_name(F),
25 phrase((eh:counter(check), eh:counter(update), obj_get([count(C)])),
26 [directory(D), counter_name(atm_cur_id)], _),
27 format(codes(OutHtml), "~w/~w~w.html", [D, F, C]),
28 snap(c),
29 tyeory_to_cla_html(F, D, C, X, T, Body),
30 snap(d),
31 flatten(["<html><body>\n", Body, "</body></html>"], H1),
32 atom_codes(OutNameAtom, OutHtml),
33 create_file(OutNameAtom, H1),
34 eh:expand_cgi_path(OutHtml, URL).
38theory_to_cla_html(F,D,C,R,T,H) :-
39 regex_am(R, coa(A, Ini)),
40 am_finals(coa(A, _), Fin),
41 length(A, Num),
42 coalgebra_triples(A, M),
43 automaton_quasi_string(am(M, Ini, Fin), Quasi_String),
44 maplist(pred([U-_, U]), A, S),
45 H1 = (format_codes(`<p>Regular expression = ~w</p>`,[R]) &
46 format_codes(`<p> The number of states = ~d</p>`,[Num]) &
47 format_codes(`<p> Initial state = ~w</p>`,[Ini]) &
48 format_codes(`<p> Final states = ~w</p>`,[Fin]) &
49 format_codes(`<p> All states = ~w</p>`,[S]) &
50 format_codes(`<p> State Transitions:</p>~n`,[])),
51 atomic_list_concat([D, '/', F, C, '.dot'], DotName),
52 file(DotName, write, smash(Quasi_String)),
53 formatForHtml(F,D,C,T,Format,Args), 54 hybrid_print_moves(M, M1),
55 format_codes_list(H1 & format_codes(Format,Args) & M1, L, []),
56 !,
57 append(L, H).
59formatForHtml(F,D,C,X,Format,[F,C,X]) :-
60 img_frame(Format),
61 atomic_list_concat([D, (/), F, C], Base),
62 once(option_table(X, Opt, Ext0, Ext1)),
63 ( X == pdf
64 -> Com = ps2pdf(`-sOutputFile=`+ Base+ `.`+ Ext1,
65 Base+ `.`+ Ext0)
66 ; Com = 'DUMMY=1'
67 ),
68 once(eh:sh(dot(-'T'(Opt), Base+ `.` + dot,
69 -o(Base + `.` + Ext0)); Com)).
71img_frame(X) :- flatten([ `<p><div `,
72 `id='diagram' `,
73 `style='border : solid 2px #ff0000; `,
74 `width : 1600px; `, 75 `height : 500px; `, 76 `overflow : auto; '><br/>`,
77 `<img src="~w~w.~w"/>`,
78 `</div></p>~n`
79 ], X).
83hybrid_print_moves(M, H):-
84 maplist(pred([(X, A, Y), (X, B, Y)]:-
85 maplist(interval_code_char, A, B)),
86 M, M0),
87 print_moves(M0, H).
90print_moves(M, H):-
91 maplist(print_moves_x, M, T),
92 flatten(T, T1),
93 flatten(["<pre>\n", T1, "</pre>\n"], H).
95print_moves_x((X,A,Y), H):-
96 format_codes(` ~w----~w--->~w~n` , [X,A,Y], H)